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1. Cranial nerves (most imp: VII, II, IX, X, XI) & Clinical
2. Cranial cavity & foramen (most imp: foramen ovale, spinosum, jugular
foramen, internal acoustic meatus, SOF)
3. Cranial bleeding (EDH/SDH/SAH/ICH)
4. Spinal cord, Tracts & clinical
5. Lumbar puncture (Integrated to Spinal & epidural anesthesia )
6. Blood supply of brain / Circle of Willis (with integration to Stroke/ TIA)
7. Brodmann areas & lesion
8. Brainstem syndromes (most imp: lateral medullary syndrome)
9. Brain section & Integration to CT/ MRI of Brain
10. Fornix & Papez circuit
11. White mater of brain (Corpus callosum & Tracts)
12. Basal nuclei & clinical
13. Dermatome with clinical

Head & Neck

1. Cadaveric image of Head & neck with clinical integration

2. Larynx, Pharynx, Palate, Nose, Tonsil, Ear (Integration with ENT)
3. 4 T : Thyroid / Tongue / Tonsil / TMJ with muscles of mastication
4. Glands (Integration with Surgery, Medicine & ENT ) :
I. Adrenal gland (with histology)
II. Parotid gland (Frey’s syndrome/ Greater auricular nerve & ATN)
III. Submandibular gland
IV. Thyroid gland
5. Scalp with clinical (Dangerous area of scalp & face)
6. Face (most imp sensory & motor nerves of face i. e. V & VII Cranial
7. Vertebral levels

Upper limb

1. Nerves of upper limb & Injury (Ortho & Medicine Integration)

i. Brachial plexus
ii. Radial nerve
iii. Median nerve
iv. Ulnar nerve
v. Axillary nerve
vi. Musculocutaneous nerve
2. Arteries of Upper limb & Clinical
i. Subclavian artery & branches
ii. Axillary artery & branches
iii. Palmer arches & Allen & reverse Allen test
3. Short intrinsic muscles of hand (Lumbricals, Palmer & Dorsal interossei)
4. Fracture of Clavicle, Humerus, Radius, Femur & Neck of fibula (Ortho
5. Upper limb Muscles (cadaveric images), nerve supply & action (most imp:
pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, deltoid, serratus anterior, biceps,
6. Breast (Integrated to Surgery, Patho & OBG)

Lower limb

1. Arteries of Lower limb & arterial diseases (TAO & PVD)

2. Venous drainage of lower limb , Varicose vein & DVT
3. Nerves of lower limb & clinical
i. Superior & Inferior gluteal nerves
ii. Sciatic nerve
iii. Common peroneal nerve
iv. Superficial & deep peroneal nerve
v. Saphenous nerve & dermatome of foot
4. Invertor & evertor of foot
5. Lower limb Muscles(cadaveric images), nerve supply & action (most imp:
sartorius, quadriceps femoris, gluteus muscles, popliteus, tibialis anterior &
posterior, peroneus muscles)
6. Femoral triangle & Femoral hernia
7. Gluteal region & Trendelenburg sign
8. Foot bones & arches of foot (Integrated with Ortho & Radio)
9. Ligaments of foot (Most imp- deltoid & spring ligaments)


1. Coronary circulation (Integrated to Angina & MI)

2. Transverse section of thorax (Integrated to Radiology)
3. Tracheal tree, Lung & its relations (Integrated to Patho, Surgery &
4. Diaphragm with openings & Diaphragmatic hernia
5. Oesophagus & its constriction (Integrated with Surgery, Medicine & Radio)
6. Vertebral levels

Abdomen & Pelvis

1. Anterior abdominal wall & Peritoneal Ligaments
2. Inguinal canal & Inguinal Hernia
3. Foramen of Winslow & its clinical
4. Liver, pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, Kidney (Integrated to surgery)
5. Prostate (Integrated with BPH & Prostate carcinoma)
6. Urethral rupture (Integrated to Surgery & Radio)
7. Pelvic diaphragm & Urogenital diaphragm
8. Vertebral levels


1. Pharyngeal apparatus & clinical

2. Pharyngeal arch arteries
3. Neural crest cell derivatives
4. CNS Development & Clinical
5. Development of heart with congenital deformities
6. Embryological structures & their derivatives


1. Epithelium
2. Collagen, Cartilage & its diseases
3. Lymphoid organs
4. Tongue
5. Pancreas
6. Kidney

All the best & Blessings

Dr. Shrikant Verma

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