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a. How was long-distance communication undertaken by the American Indians?

Technically American Indians do have access to our modern technologies like the internet, videos,
multimedia, and television. These technologies allow Natives to document their history and are the reason
for many online sources about Native American culture (Adcock, T. 2014). However if we are talking
about early natives they may use smoke signals to communicate. Although it reaches far, this
communication is limited. Most of the time there is no standardized code for what the puffs mean due to
enemies being able to see this smoke too so it has to be agreed prior with the communicator and receiver.
(“Communication in Native North America |,” n.d.). American Indians are a large
group of people so what one group does, does not mean it is done by all groups. The Haundaneaseans for
example had long sticks called snow snakes that were used to send messages from winter camp to winter
camp. They communicate with each other by throwing these on lakes and rivers. (HAUDENOSAUNEE

Adcock, T. (2014). Technology Integration in American Indian Education: An Overview. Journal of

American Indian Education, 53(2), 104–121.

Communication in Native North America | (n.d.). Retrieved from
HAUDENOSAUNEE GUIDE FOR EDUCATORS. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2024, from
b. What primitive communication tool is still used by the Vatican to announce the election of a new pope?

There are many steps in the process of electing the pope, with many factors and many people involved.
The process we use to show to everyone if we have a new pope elected is through smoke. Depending on
the color of this smoke it will tell us the results, if it were to be black it means it was inconclusive, if it
were to be white it means there is a new pope elected. (Selecting a Pope. n.d.) At times it was said that
there may be cases where it is hard to tell whether or not the smoke was black or white due to weather
conditions (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d.). This is very similar to the form of
communication that early native Americans used as they both are heavily dependent on fire and smoke.

Selecting a Pope. (n.d.). Retrieved February 1, 2024, from
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (n.d.). Papal Conclave Procedure| Definition, Roman
Catholicism, Roman Curia, & Facts. Retrieved from
c. How did ancient China warn its soldiers of an impending enemy attack?
Smoke signals are commonly used to show signs of dangers. China was no different as China is claimed
to be one of the earliest usage of smoke signals documented. Its first documented usage was a king
abusing it to try and entertain his concubine. Warlords showed up expecting an attack and the king
laughed at them. The king was later overthrown (Bobertz N. , 2022). According to LibGuides when there
are large attacks incoming they would use more smoke signals to identify that there are more attackers
incoming. (“LibGuides: HIS 7 - Ancient China: Great Wall of China,” 2020)

LibGuides: HIS 7 - Ancient China: Great Wall of China. (2020, October 27). Retrieved February 2, 2024,

Bobertz. N (2022, November 18). The Smoke Signal: Who invented it and its use today. Retrieved from
d.1. Car racing?
There are many types of car racing and different rules and symbols used for each one. We’ll give
examples from formula one as it is one of the more popular car races. According to the official Formula1
website green flags are used to inform riders that the track is clear, black flag for disqualified and black
flag and orange dot to inform the driver that the car has a problem. There are many other flags with
different ways of waving them but these are examples of usage of it. (Seymour, 2023)

Seymour, M. (2023, April 12). The beginner’s guide to. . . Formula 1 flags | Formula 1®. Formula1.
d.2. surrender in times of war?
Waving a white flag is to indicate that you are surrendering and requesting a ceasefire. (Buchan, 2018)

Buchan, R. (2018). The rule of surrender in international humanitarian law. Israel Law Review, 51(1),

d.3. air and sea navigation?

They use signal flags and specific directions to form words and inform drivers of planes and boats or
other flag bearers on what they can or can not do. (Future Seaferer, 2017c)
Future Seaferer. (2017, September 15). FLAG SEMAPHORE.

d.4. long distance communication among tribal people in Africa?

Assuming that we are talking about early Africa they used drums to communicate with each other over
very long distances. Their messages and information go to a speed of 100mph due to them using drums.
(McIntosh, 2020)

McIntosh, M. (2020, May 4). Long-Distance communication in Early Africa. Retrieved February 3, 2024,

d.5. assembly of people for worship (Catholic church)?

Bells are rung to signal to everyone that they should be going to church. Smaller bells are also used for
the start and end of some worship. (The United Methodist Church, 2009)

The United Methodist Church. (2019, August 16). What is the significance of bell ringing in the church?
Retrieved from
e. Who invented the movable wooden printing press? movable metal printing press? How did they impact
literacy (education) and religion?
Technically Bi Sheng experimented with the wooden printing press in the 11th century. However the
credit goes to Wang Zhao who improved upon the wooden printing press (Jeremy Norman’s History of
Information, n.d.). The printing press Bi Sheng used was with clay but was very fragile unlike Wang
Zhao’s. It allowed books to be made much cheaper and helped make people more literate in China (Asia
for Educators, Columbia University, n.d.). The metal printing press was made by Jonnan Gutenberg. One
of the first things he printed is a bible which helped inspire a religious revolution. Printing made the
process much easier and helped in science and the general education of people (Special Collections &
Archives Research Center, n.d.) (“Johann Gutenberg | Lemelson MIT,” n.d.).

Asia for Educators, Columbia University. (n.d.). The Song Dynasty in China | Asia for Educators.
Retrieved from
Jeremy Norman’s History of Information. (n.d.). Invention of wooden movable type in China : History of
information. Retrieved from

Special Collections & Archives Research Center. (n.d.). Treasures of the McDonald Collection - Special
Collections & Archives Research Center. Retrieved from
Johann Gutenberg | Lemelson MIT. (n.d.). Retrieved from

f. Which country gave us the paper? How did it reach the modern world?
There is no direct source that says we got paper from them 100% however we most likely were able to get
paper from China. The earliest documented trace of paper is from China in 200 BCE (“Filipino History —
Purdue Filipino Association,” n.d.). Before the Spanish colonized us, in the 10th to 16th century Chinese
traders sailed to us and we were able to have trade relations with them. The source mentioned that we got
porcelain and silk from China (“Filipino History — Purdue Filipino Association,” n.d.). Although this
suggestion of trade relations could include introduction of forms of paper in the Philippines.

Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Filipino History — Purdue Filipino Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from,contributio

g. What was the earliest form of postal service?

In the Archaemenid empire, they had postal systems delivered by couriers in high speeds to transport very
important diplomatic information. This is one of the oldest postal services recorded. (“Long-distance
Trade and Economy Before and During the Age of Empires,” 2018)
Altaweel, M., & Squitieri, A. (2018). Long-distance trade and economy before and during the age of
empires. In Revolutionizing a World: From Small States to Universalism in the Pre-Islamic Near East (pp.
160–178). UCL Press.

h. How does the modern postal system differ from the earliest system?
This is a comparison of a society of the past to the society of today. They used horses (“Long-distance
Trade and Economy Before and During the Age of Empires,” 2018) while we used automobiles (Brix
2024) . Their postal systems are only accessible by those who are important while today it can be
accessed and be used by anyone (Brix 2024) . Since our modern systems are more publicly accessible and
commercialized it has more rules and red tape to follow compared to earlier systems. (Brix 2024)

Altaweel, M., & Squitieri, A. (2018). Long-distance trade and economy before and during the age of
empires. In Revolutionizing a World: From Small States to Universalism in the Pre-Islamic Near East (pp.
160–178). UCL Press.
Brix, A. C. (2024, January 25). Postal system | Definition, History, Operation, Importance, & Facts.
Retrieved from

Altaweel, M., & Squitieri, A. (2018). Long-distance trade and economy before and during the age of
empires. In Revolutionizing a World: From Small States to Universalism in the Pre-Islamic Near East (pp.
160–178). UCL Press.
i. What is the term used for cave or rock carvings, especially prehistoric ones?
Petroglyphs is the term to describe the carvings of the surface of caves. (U.S. National Park Service, n.d.)

U.S. National Park Service. (n.d.). What are Petroglyphs and who made them? - Petroglyph National
Monument (U.S. National Park Service). Retrieved from

j. What do you call the pictorial symbol for a word or phrase? This is an early form of writing that
used a picture of an object?
According to the Oxford Dictionary a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase is a Pictograph (Oxford
English Dictionary, 2023). Some languages use Pictograph to show ideas and objects like the Chinese,
Sumerians, Egyptians, or Mesoamerican Indians.

Oxford English Dictionary. (2023, July). pictograph | Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved February 3,
2024, from

Simon Fraser University. (2005, September 25). Pictographs versus letters. Retrieved from
k. In ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics, what is the symbol for the letter L? Draw it.
(Drawn In paper) taken at page 61 from Wallis Budge (1920)

Wallis Budge, E. A. (1920). An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary. Budge, E. A. Wallis (Vol. 1). London,
Southeastern England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Harrison and Sons.
Retrieved from
l. Write your name using ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

E (N/A)

Wallis Budge, E. A. (1920). An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary. Budge, E. A. Wallis (Vol. 1). London,
Southeastern England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Harrison and Sons.
Retrieved from

l. Who is the father of Wireless Telegraphy?

The father of Wireless Telegraphy is Guglielmo Marconi. He discovered and produced radio waves in
1888. He is the pioneer of Radio. He patented the first wireless telegraphy system in 1896.(Guglielmo
Marconi | Lemelson, n.d.)
Guglielmo Marconi | Lemelson (n.d.). Retrieved from

m. What does ENIAC stand for?

ENIAC is an Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. It was programmed to calculate weapons of
war. It was finished after the war so it was instead used to help do calculations for the hydrogen bomb
(“Computer History: All About the ENIAC - HP Store Canada,” n.d.).

Computer History: All about the ENIAC - HP Store Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved from
n. Which company gave us the first cellular phone?
The first company to introduce the cellular phone was Motorola creating DynaTac in 1984. It lasted for 30
minutes, was very big, and cost 4000 USD.

Dynatac Cellular Telephone | National Museum of American History. (n.d.). National Museum of
American History. Retrieved February 1, 2024, from

o. What is the forerunner of the (modern) Internet?

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was the forerunner of the internet. It was
used to allow computers to “talk” to each other. It was made in preparation of a nuclear attack so they
may communicate without any central command points. This later became what we have today as the
internet (A Brief History of the Internet. n.d.).

A Brief History of the Internet. (n.d.). Retrieved February 2, 2024, from

A short history of the internet | National Science and Media Museum. (2020, December 3).
Retrieved from
p. Before your parents/grandparents were exposed to Facebook, what earlier social media platforms did
they use? (2 points)
My father used:
My space
Added friends and communicated with people in these apps.

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