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Terminal Test- March 2024

Name of subject-in-charge (s): Dr. Shipra Singh

Paper (subject name): Business Communication

Paper Code: BBA 110

Signature(s) of Subject-in-charge (s):

1 b) 2 b) 3 d) 4 d) 5 d) 6 d) 7 d) 8 b) 9 b) 10 a)
11 d) 12 c) 13 a) 14 a) 15 b) 16 b) 17 d) 18 b) 19 d) 20 d)
21 d) 22 b) 23 a) 24 d) 25 a) 26 c) 27 a) 28 d) 29 a) 30 b)

BBA Semester 2
Paper Code: BBA 110 Time: ½ Hours
Paper Title: Business Communication Max. Marks: 25
(NOTE: Influencing evaluator by giving names, symbols etc in Answer Books would be treated as

(parts x weight-age per part)

Q1) Select the most appropriate answer:

1. Communication starts with:

a) Message b) Sender
c) Channel d) Feedback

2. Reading refers to which element of the communication process?

a) Encoding b) Decoding
c) Message d) Channel

3. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the elements of

communication in the communication process?
a) Sender, Receiver, Channel, b) Receiver, Feedback, Sender.
Message, Feedback Message, Channel
c) Sender, Channel, Message, d) Sender, Message, Channel,
feedback, Receiver Receiver, Feedback

4. The informal network that is known as the "grapevine"

a) is used by savvy managers to b) rarely contains accurate
spread and receive informal information.
c) deals exclusively with personal d) carries information along the
Terminal Test- March 2024

matters. organization's formal chain of

chain of command.

5. What step in the communication process allows you to evaluate your message’s
a) Selection of the communication b) Decoding of the message by the
medium. receiver.
c) Encoding of the message by the d) Feedback sent by the receiver to
sender. the sender.

6. Where can we apply seven C’s?

a) To Non verbal communication b) To Oral communication
c) To Written communication d) To written and oral

7. ____ is not one of the 7 C’s of communication:

a) conciseness b) correctness
c) clarity d) character

8. In the formal network of an organization, the flow of information can be

a) Upward or downward b) Upward, downward, or lateral
c) Downward only d) Upward only

9. Superiors channeling information to subordinates is an example of ________.

a) upward communication b) downward communication
c) diagonal communication d) horizontal communication

10. Flow of information, requests, reports, proposals, feedback, suggestion box, exit
interviews, grievance committees relate to
a) upward communication b) downward communication
c) diagonal communication d) horizontal communication

11. Communication between two or more persons who are subordinates working under
the same person or on the same level
a) upward communication b) downward communication
c) diagonal communication d) horizontal communication

12. Communication flowing between people belonging to different levels of hierarchy

and having no direct reporting relationship
a) upward communication b) downward communication
c) diagonal communication d) horizontal communication

13. Shared expectations of behavior that are considered to be culturally and socially
desirable and appropriate.
a) norms b) values
c) customs d) beliefs
Terminal Test- March 2024

14. Deeply held ideas and beliefs that guide our thinking, language and behavior.
a) values b) norms
c) customs d) traditions

15. Use of specific words so that the message does not sound vague or abstract is
a) Conciseness b) Concreteness
c) Clarity d) None of these

16. The medium through which the message is passed from the sender to the received is
known as____________
a. Decoding b. Channel
c. Encoding d. Feedback

17. People in high-context cultures make business decisions on the basis of:
a) competition b) individual needs
c) reason d) interpersonal relations

18. A(n) _____________ is a problem, situation, or opportunity requiring an individual,

group, or organization to choose among several actions that must be evaluated as right
or wrong:
a) crisis b) ethical issue
c) indictment d) fraud

19. Communication is ……….

a) Continuous b) Complicated
c) Contextual d) All of the above

20. Communication is affected by ……….. context.

a) Psychological b) Environmental
c) Cultural d) All of the above

21. The first and most important reason for communicating is …….
a) To build relationship with other b) To deliver a message
c) To understand the opponent ideas d) To create shared understanding

22. Effective communication is that in which

a) Sender sends a complete message b) Receiver understands the message
of sender
c) Communication is order d) Communication is writing

23. ……… is an active process; whereas ………… is a passive process

a) Listening; hearing b) Hearing; listening
c) Reading; writing d) Writing; reading

24. Gathering the facts without trying to understand the content, while listening is
a) Strategy of effective oral b) Barrier to effective oral
Terminal Test- March 2024

communication communication
c) Strategy of effective listening d) Barrier to effective listening skills

25. Many conversations fail because one or both of us ignore ……

a) Context b) Relationship
c) Structure d) Behavior

26. Which of the following is NOT an external business written communication?

a) Complaint letter b) Curriculum Vitae
c) Memo d) Enquiries letter

27. The exclusive centre of interest in low-context communication is:

a) information b) context
c) individual perceptions d) emotional factors

28. Listening and hearing refer to:

a) different things b) a specific act versus a general act
c) the same thing d) mental and physical acts,
29. While communicating, when you are aware not only of the perspective of others but
also their feelings, you are applying which principle of communication:
a) Courtesy b) Concreteness
c) Completeness d) Conciseness

30. _____________ are those individuals who raise ethical concerns or issues to others
inside or outside the organization:
a) Entrepreneur b) Whistle blowers
c) Social Entrepreneur d) Social Impact Management

Q 2) Write short notes on any TWO of the following:

1. Define Communication. Explain its nature and importance.
2. ‘Actions speak louder than words’. Explain with respect to medium of
3. Process of communication
4. Explain the art of effective listening
5. Differentiate between Verbal and non-verbal communication
6. Etic and Emic approaches to culture

Q 3) Answer any FOUR out of the following questions:

1. Why is it important to understand communication in day to day business operations?
Explain 7 C's of communication.
2. What do you mean by communication barriers? Discuss in detail the barriers to
effective communication?
3. What is non-verbal communication? Explain in detail the different forms of non-
verbal communication.
Terminal Test- March 2024

4. Imagine you can write well in English but cannot communicate well. What are the
various strategies you will adopt to improve your command over spoken English?
5. Discuss the cross-cultural dimensions of business communication.
6. Explain the ethical and legal issues in business communication.
7. Communication in an organization is multi-directional. Discuss the statement by
explaining briefly channels of communication based on directions of communication.

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