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Statement of the Problem

The main objective of our study is to determine the effect of prolonged exposure to the
computer screen on the eyes of Grade 11 Computer Servicing System students.
Specifically, it will also answer the following questions:
1. How can the demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of:
1.1. Age
1.2. Gender
2. How can computer usage be characterized in terms of:
2.1. Frequency of breaks
2.2. Duration of usage on the computer
2.3. Frequency of usage on the computer
2.4. Screen brightness
2.5. Viewing distance
3. How can computer usage affect the eye and be characterized in terms of:
3.1. Physical health effect; Eyesight
3.2. Mental and Psychological Effects
4. How do screen brightness variations affect eye fatigue and discomfort among these students?
5. How does the duration of computer screen exposure impact the visual health of grade 11
Computer System Servicing students?
6. What are the correlations between the frequency and duration of breaks during computer use and
the students’ visual health?

Definition of Terms

Computer - an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary from, according data, typically in
binary form, according to instructions giver to it in a variable program.

Dry eyes - When your eyes don’t make enough tears to stay wet, or when your tears don’t work correctly.

Eye irritation – sensations that bother the eyes, like dryness, itchiness, burning and grittiness

Screen brightness - the perceived intensity of light coming from a screen, such as a computer monitor, smartphone or

Viewing distance - The distance between an observer and the object being viewed. With unaided eyes, it
varies from infinity to the closest viewing distance, usually at least 250mm

Prolonged - refers to something that lasts for an extended period, continuing for a longer duration than usual or
expected. It indicates the persistence or continuation of an action, state, or condition.
Eyesight - refers to the ability of the eyes to see and perceive visual information. It involves the complex process of
light entering the eye.

Eye fatigue - This is a condition characterized by discomfort or irritation in the eyes due to prolonged use or intense
focus, especially when using digital screens for extended periods.

Blue light exposure - refers to the presence of high-energy such as smartphones, computers, tablets, and LED screens


1. How old are you? _____

2. What is your Sex? ______ (Male or Female)
3. How often do you use computer?
□Monthly or longer
4. What screen brightness level do you usually use?
5. How far do you have between your eyes and monitor?
□25cm (1/4 of arm)
□33cm (1/3 of arm
□52cm (1/2 of arm)
□100cm (1 arm)
6. How long do you spend using the computer daily?
□7hours or longer
7. Do you felt some eye complication after using computer for too long? (Eye irritation (Dry eyes, itchy eyes,
red eyes) Blurred vision. Headaches.)
8. If yes, how long do your session get until you get Eye irritation (Dry eyes, itchy eyes, red eyes) Blurred
vision. Headaches?
□1 hour
□5 hours
□7 hours
□10 hours or longer
9. How often do you take breaks when using computer?
□Once or Twice per session
□Thrice per session
□5 times per session
□8 times or more per session
10. Does prolonged usage of Computer affect your sleep?
11. If yes, how long is your sleep?
□2-3 hours
□4-5 hours
□6 hours
□7 hours or longer
Validation tool

Please refer to the following criteria and rating scale provided below. Indicate the degree of validity for each criterion
based on the attached questionnaires.

Rating Scale:
5 = very much valid
4 = very valid
3 = moderately valid
2 = not so valid
1 = not valid

5 4 3 2 1
INDICATOR very much very valid moderately not so valid not valid
valid valid
1. The instruction of the questionnaire is
easy to understand by the respondent
2. The questionnaire is easy to administer
3. The questionnaire has reasonable length
for the respondents to answer.
4. The questionnaire’s item are appropriate
for the level of understanding of the
5. The contents are relevant to the study
6. The questionnaire’s item are clearly
7. The questionnaire’s item are focused on
what they intend to measure
8. The instrument is not offensive to the
intended respondents and/or any
member of the community.
9. The questionnaire can be used for program
evaluation purposes.


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