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Chapter 26

Pes Cavus
Fabian G. Krause, Gregory P. Guyton

CHAPTER CONTENTS overly simplistic. Bentzon2 and Hallgrimsson16 in 1939

proposed that extrinsic muscle imbalance underlay all
ETIOLOGY 1361 deformities. In 1959, Duchenne9 subsequently proposed
CHARCOT-MARIE-TOOTH DISEASE 1361 that the deformity results from an imbalance between the
POLIOMYELITIS 1363 extrinsics and the intrinsics. Neither approach is fully
Patterns of Foot Deformity in Polio 1363 satisfactory; a cavus foot is best thought of as an end result
Hindfoot Cavus 1363 that a variety of subtle neurologic lesions can produce.
Forefoot Cavus 1364 Brewerton et al5 specifically looked at the cause of pes
Other Deformities 1364 cavus in a series of 77 patients and found subtle neuro-
OTHER NEUROLOGIC LESIONS 1364 logic defects in 66% of them, leaving a large group of
POSTTRAUMATIC CAVOVARUS FOOT “idiopathic” cases. Of these, 11 of the 26 patients had a
DEFORMITIES 1364 family history of pes cavus, and 7 of the 26 had nonspe-
CONGENITAL PES CAVUS 1365 cific abnormalities upon electromyographic and nerve
Clubfoot Residuals 1365 conduction velocity examination. Most cases of idio-
The Idiopathic Cavus Foot 1365 pathic pes cavus likely represent a very subtle neurologic
EVOLUTION OF DEFORMITY 1365 lesion that is below clinical detection. Roughly half of the
BIOMECHANICAL CONSEQUENCES OF PES CAVUS 1366 detectable lesions are variants of Charcot-Marie-Tooth
Physical Examination 1368 disease, but a host of other less common conditions can
INVESTIGATIONS 1369 also be discovered (Table 26-1).19
Conservative Treatment 1370 Neurologic referral is mandatory in situations that
Surgical Treatment 1370 might point toward a correctable lesion of the spinal cord,
Decision Making 1370 such as a syrinx or spinal cord tumor. These include rapid
Soft Tissue Procedures (Video Clips 47, 49, and 51) 1370 progression, hyperreflexia, clonus, or significant asymme-
Bony Procedures (Video Clips 48, 50, 75, and 118) 1374 try between sides in motor pattern or deformity. A new
Outcome 1380 diagnosis of central neurologic disease is not uncommon
in foot and ankle practice.

Pes cavus describes a foot with a high arch that maintains

its shape and fails to flatten out with weight bearing. By
majority, the components of pes cavus are an increased Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) should at least be
calcaneal pitch and varus of the hindfoot, plantar flexion considered in every patient who presents with pes cavus.
of the medial forefoot, and adduction of the entire fore- CMT is not, in fact, a single disease but rather a hetero-
foot. The predominant deformity in pes cavus may be in geneous group of disorders caused by inheritable defects
the hindfoot, the forefoot, or a combination of both. A in any of several constituent proteins of the myelin sheath
precise radiographic definition of pes cavus is difficult of peripheral nerve. The disorder was described in general
because the deformity is made up of various components terms by the great French neurologist Jean Martin Charcot
in the forefoot and hindfoot. and his pupil Marie in 1886 and independently by Tooth
in England later that year.6,44 Originally, Charcot attrib-
uted the disorder to a spinal defect, and it was Tooth’s
subsequent work that correctly classified it as a peripheral
Although the specific etiology of any cavus foot varies nerve disorder. The disease is the most common inherit-
with the disease process, all forms result from muscle able defect of peripheral nerves, but approximately half
imbalance. Historical attempts to attribute all forms of of the time it represents a new sporadic chromosomal
cavus foot to a single neurologic lesion have proven recombination error.

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders

Table 26-1 Etiology of Pes Cavus aberration is inheritable in an autosomal dominant

fashion, but many cases seem to represent sporadic chro-
Classification Specific Etiology
mosomal recombination events.
I. Neuromuscular CMT-1B accounts for 5% to 10% of CMT-1 patients
A. Muscle disease Muscular dystrophy and is associated with a point mutation in the myelin P0
B. Afflictions of Charcot-Marie-Tooth
gene. The phenotype is associated with a particularly
peripheral nerves and disease
lumbosacral spinal Spinal dysraphism
aggressive form of the disease.
nerve roots Polyneuritis CMT-1C represents the small remainder of CMT-1
Intraspinal tumor patients in whom the genetic defect is still unknown.
C. Anterior horn cell Poliomyelitis CMT-2 is the second most common general form of
disease of spinal cord Spinal dysraphism the disease and represents 20% of patients. It is autoso-
Diastematomyelia mal dominant like CMT-1 but has dramatically different
electrical findings: NCVs are near normal, and there is no
Spinal cord tumors
Spinal musculature atrophy evidence of demyelination. Four separate chromosomal
D. Long-tract and central Friedreich ataxia loci have been identified, but the product proteins
disease Roussy–Lévy syndrome involved remain unknown. In general, the course of
Primary cerebellar disease CMT-2 is more indolent than that of CMT-1.
Cerebral palsy CMT-X shows an X-linked inheritance pattern; male
II. Congenital Idiopathic cavus foot patients are affected and female patients are either unaf-
Residual of clubfoot
fected or mildly affected carriers. It is found in 10% to
III. Traumatic Residuals of 20% of all CMT cases and is associated with defects in yet
compartment syndrome another myelin constituent protein, connexin 32.
Crush injury to lower CMT-4 is an autosomal recessive form of the disease
extremity and is quite rare. It in fact encompasses a large number
Severe burn of described genetic defects on different chromosomal
Malunion of fractured foot
loci; no product proteins have yet been described.
Modified from Ibrahim K: Pes cavus. In Evarts CM, editor: Surgery of The foot deformities in CMT do not result from abso-
the musculoskeletal system, New York, 1990, Churchill Livingstone, lute weakness of the motor units powering the foot but
pp 4015–4034.
of their relative imbalance. Initiation of the deformity
likely results from an imbalance of the failing foot intrin-
sics and the preserved extrinsics.3 Subsequently, a specific
The nomenclature associated with CMT is confusing pattern of extrinsic motor weakness is common in CMT
because of the historical lack of understanding of its in which the anterior and lateral compartment muscu-
cause. The archaic term peroneal muscular atrophy (PMA) lature is selectively affected, with certain curious excep-
was supplanted by Dyck and Lambert, who developed tions. The disease almost always affects the peroneus
an extensive classification of inheritable motor neuropa- brevis but spares the peroneus longus. This was first
thies based upon their electrodiagnostic patterns in the observed clinically by Mann and Hsu33 and subsequently
1960s and 1970s.12 Their scheme refers to a series of seven confirmed by Tynan et al,45 who demonstrated that the
hereditary motor sensory neuropathies (HMSN-I through cross-sectional area of the peroneus longus was preserved
HMSN-VII). on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of patients with
Since 1990 there has been an explosion of understand- the disease. An additional oddity can be observed in the
ing of the specific genetic defects underlying the CMT anterior compartment musculature; the extensor hallucis
disorders,4 leading to a new and still evolving reclassifica- muscle can be spared while the anterior tibialis is
tion of the disease. affected. This occurs despite the more distal location of
CMT-1 is the most common form and accounts for the extensor hallucis longus (EHL) and their shared pero-
more than 50% of all cases. It is autosomal dominant and neal innervation.
demonstrates slow nerve conduction velocities (NCVs) in The reasons for the unusual patterns of motor weak-
the range of 10 to 30 m/sec as a result of demyelination. ness in CMT remain poorly understood. The selective
CMT-1 can be further subdivided. denervation affects certain muscles in the anterior and
CMT-1A accounts for 80% of CMT-1 cases and is the lateral compartments, and only very late posterior com-
single most common form of the disease in general. Curi- partment involvement is seen. Denervation in CMT
ously, it is usually caused by a segmental trisomy along progresses very differently from a classic symmetric
chromosome 17. The area contains the gene for periph- polyneuropathy, such as that encountered in diabetes. At
eral myelin protein-22 (PMP-22), whose function remains least some speculation has been centered upon the
unknown. Although some cases have been linked to alter- possibility that some element of nerve compression can
native point mutations in PMP-22, the segmental trisomy play a role.14
responsible for most cases indicates CMT can be pro- Regardless of the cause of the patterns of weakness,
duced from a gene dosage effect. This chromosomal each of the deformities of the disease can be explained in

Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

Table 26-2 Foot Deformities in Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

Deformity Weak Agonist Muscle(s) Intact Antagonist Muscle(s) Action
Equinus Tibialis anterior Gastrocnemius–soleus Plantar flexion
complex (triceps-surae)
Adduction and Peroneus brevis Tibialis posterior Adducts the foot, inverts the subtalar joint
hindfoot varus
Plantar flexion of Tibialis anterior Peroneus longus Plantar flexes the first ray, creates a secondary
the first ray forefoot cavus
Toe deformities Foot intrinsics Long toe flexors Clawing occurs as the extrinsic forces are
unmodified by the intrinsics; also depresses
the metatarsal heads and accentuates cavus
Hallux claw toe Foot intrinsics EHL and FHL Severe hallucal clawing occurs when a spared
EHL is used to assist a weak tibialis anterior
dorsiflex the foot
From Guyton GP, Mann RA: The pathogenesis and surgical management of foot deformity in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Foot Ankle Clin
5:317–326, 2000.
EHL, extensor hallucis longus; FHL, flexor hallucis longus.

the form of a weak agonist muscle and a more normally effects of the disease are now encountered with increasing
functioning antagonist (Table 26-2). There is no evidence rarity, it still serves as a useful model of a process that can
of spasticity in the motor units that remain innervated. produce either a forefoot cavus or a hindfoot cavus.8
The functional peroneus longus serves to plantar flex Paralytic polio is the result of a ribonucleic acid (RNA)
the first ray while the denervated anterior tibialis fails virus that primarily affects the thalamus, hypothalamus,
to provide any counterbalancing dorsiflexion. The first motor centers of the brain stem and cerebellum, and the
metatarsal head is depressed and a forefoot cavus results. anterior tracts of the spinal cord. There is a wide variety
Next to a relative talus dorsiflexion, an equinus contrac- of clinical presentations depending upon what portions
ture develops as the Achilles tendon (triceps surae) is of the central nervous system (CNS) are affected, but as
unopposed by the anterior tibialis. In addition, the toe a practical matter the lower extremity weakness patterns
extrinsics force the toes into a clawed position that is not of polio come from a strikingly selective destruction of
counterbalanced by the denervated foot intrinsics. This the anterior motor neurons in the spinal cord itself, pre-
also serves secondarily to depress the metatarsal heads serving function both proximal and distal to the lesion.
and raise the arch. The supination and adduction of the After an initial incubation period of 6 to 20 days, the
foot is worsened because the posterior tibialis is unop- acute phase of the disease is associated with the most
posed by the weakened peroneus brevis. In cases with dramatic paralysis and lasts approximately 7 to 10 days.
sparing of the EHL, the claw toe deformity of the hallux Clinically detectable weakness usually occurs when more
is worsened even more dramatically because the patient than 60% of the motor neurons to a muscle group are
uses the EHL to dorsiflex the foot and compensate for the affected. Muscle function can recover gradually thereafter;
weak anterior tibialis. the most substantial gains occur in the first 4 months, and
It is rare in clinical practice to encounter a patient at some return of function is usually seen up to 2 years after
such an early stage of disease that the foot is entirely the illness.
supple with no hindfoot or forefoot contractures.
However, rebalancing the foot through tendon transfers
Patterns of Foot Deformity in Polio
can help prevent the development of further deformity if
it is done early enough.38 For instance, the overpull of the Hindfoot Cavus
peroneus longus that forces the forefoot into cavus can The gastrocnemius–soleus complex is the critical variable
be eliminated by transferring the tendon to the peroneus in determining what variety of foot deformity will
brevis. This also serves to help oppose the tibialis poste- develop. The classic cavus foot deformity resulting from
rior and prevent adduction. The emphasis in early-stage polio is that of a hindfoot cavus associated with a dra-
surgery on CMT should be on tendon transfers rather matically high calcaneal pitch angle. This is the result of
than lengthening motor units. Because the long-term the paralysis of the gastrocnemius–soleus complex with
outcome of CMT is one of progressive, inexorable weak- preservation of the remainder of the posterior compart-
ness, strength should be preserved whenever possible. ment, the intrinsic foot musculature, and the anterior
tibialis. When appropriate tension is missing from the
Achilles tendon, the long toe flexors still function to
depress the metatarsal heads, raising the arch. The intrin-
The last great epidemic of polio in the United States sics foreshorten the distance between the metatarsals and
occurred in New England in 1955. Although the residual the calcaneus, functioning much like a bowstring to raise

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders

the calcaneal pitch. The result is a vertical posture of the Spinal muscular atrophy is a heterogeneous group of
calcaneus. disorders that are usually present from birth but have
some late-onset forms.41 They are characterized by an
Forefoot Cavus inexorably progressive loss of anterior motor neuron
A lesion slightly higher in the spinal cord can spare the cells. The disorders are characterized by hypotonia and
gastrocnemius–soleus complex but affect the tibialis ante- can be associated with the cavus foot deformity, although
rior selectively. This situation results in two particular it is rarely the presenting feature.
imbalances that drive depression of the first ray and a Structural spinal cord disease often manifests with
forefoot cavus. First, just as in CMT, the peroneus longus cavus foot deformity and requires a high degree of suspi-
is unopposed and directly plantar flexes the first ray. cion to detect. In particular, the unexplained onset of a
Second, the extensor hallucis longus is still functional and progressive bilateral cavus deformity, or essentially any
serves as an accessory dorsiflexor of the foot. This creates unilateral deformity, should warrant an imaging workup.
a claw toe as the foot is pulled up through the toe rather Spinal cord tumors are notorious for their early absence of
than the usual midfoot insertion of the tibialis anterior. symptoms, and foot deformity might be the initial com-
The claw toe deformity itself also serves to depress the plaint. Syringomyelia is a cavitation in the center of the
metatarsal head. spinal cord that usually occurs in the cervical cord but can
also interrupt the neural pathways to the lower extremi-
Other Deformities ties and result in spasticity or deformity. Diastematomyelia
Because the motor neuron destruction in poliomyelitis is is a rare disorder in which a spicule of bone or fibrous
often patchy and recovery is sometimes incomplete, the band sagittally divides the spinal canal in the thoracic or
patterns of motor weakness cannot always be so neatly high lumbar regions and separates the spinal cord into
categorized. When the tibialis posterior is affected, either two pieces, each surrounded by dura. Because the cord
alone or in combination with the tibialis anterior, the and axial skeleton grow at different rates, a traction
result is a progressive planovalgus foot rather than a cavus myelopathy very slowly develops as the child matures.
foot. Rarer still is isolated involvement of the peroneals, The findings can be subtle, but making the diagnosis is
which usually results in a very mild cavus foot dominated critical.
more by varus of the hindfoot with attendant instability Spinal dysraphism in all its forms (spina bifida, myelo-
of the ankle. The critical lesson is that, like all peripheral cele, myelomeningocele) is certainly more common and
neural lesions, the motor weakness patterns in polio all can manifest with a variety of postural foot disorders
must be evaluated and treated individually. depending upon the particular patterns of involvement.
Fortunately, the diagnosis is almost always well estab-
lished early in life.
Cerebral palsy is, by definition, a static encephalopathy
and can result in a variety of foot deformities, including
Although CMT and polio represent the most historically pes cavus. Although the neurologic lesion is not progres-
prominent etiologies of the cavus foot, a wide variety of sive, the flexibility of the postural disorders deteriorates
other lesions can lead to the deformity. with time.
Friedreich ataxia is a familial progressive ataxia in
which posterior column function is steadily lost.36 It
occurs in an autosomal recessive form with an earlier age
of onset (11.75 years) and in a dominant form with a later
age of onset (20.4 years). No cases of onset after the age Any traumatic condition that leads to an imbalance of the
of 25 have been reported. The disease is usually associated intrinsic and extrinsic foot musculature can lead to a
with pronounced and progressive symmetric cavus foot cavus deformity. The deep posterior compartment of the
deformities with severe claw toe formation. In numerous leg is most commonly involved in traumatic compart-
instances, the foot deformities have been the presenting ment syndromes, and a Volkmann contracture in that
complaint. location will lead to a cavus foot with a prominent claw
A heterogeneous group of hereditary cerebellar ataxias toe component. Crush injuries of the leg and severe burns
are also associated with cavus foot, but they are less easy or soft tissue loss can also have the same result, both from
to categorize than Friedreich ataxia, which primarily direct injuries to the musculature and indirectly through
shows spinal cord involvement. tibial nerve injury. Compartment syndromes confined to
Roussy-Lévy syndrome is a rare syndrome of cavus foot, the foot most commonly occur with calcaneus fractures
sensory ataxia without obvious long-tract signs, periph- or with crush injuries to the forefoot; they have been
eral motor atrophy, and kyphoscoliosis. Because it shares associated with the late development of claw toes but not
characteristics of both diseases, it was poorly differenti- with cavus deformity.
ated from Friedreich ataxia and CMT for many years.37 Several forms of fracture malunion can also result in a
The onset occurs very early in childhood and runs a rela- fixed cavovarus deformity. Most commonly, a talar neck
tively benign course. fracture with substantial medial comminution can fall

Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

into a varus malunion. This substantially limits subtalar

joint eversion and leads secondarily to the calcaneus
assuming a varus malalignment. Alternatively, a varus
hindfoot can result from residual deformity from an
intraarticular calcaneus fracture or even medial impaction
of the tibial plafond.


Clubfoot Residuals
The cavus foot deformity is one of four components of
the congenital clubfoot, easily remembered by the mne-
monic CAVE (cavus, adductus, varus, equinus). Adult
clubfoot residuals encountered after childhood casting
Figure 26-1 Pes cavus with a predominant hindfoot
usually result from a failure of early casting to adequately deformity. Note the dramatically high pitch angle of the
elevate the first ray before abducting the foot about the calcaneus.
fulcrum of the talar head as described by Morcuende
et al.35 The most severe deformities that result from
improper casting technique are usually not those of resid- with altered weight bearing, callosities, lateral ankle laxity,
ual cavus but of a rocker-bottom foot that results when stress reactions, and pain. The shape of the foot varies
the equinus is inappropriately corrected while the calca- with the cause and duration of the motor imbalance that
neus remains locked under the talus; the foot then dorsi- created the deformity. When muscular imbalance in pes
flexes through the midfoot rather than through the ankle. cavus begins before maturation of the skeleton, there can
A wave of enthusiasm for surgical clubfoot correction be substantial change of healthy osseous morphology.
in the 1970s and 1980s is also now yielding residual After skeletal maturity, there is usually little or no change
effects in the adult foot and ankle population. The results in the morphology.1 The cavus foot is best understood by
of clubfoot correction surgery have proved to be substan- systematically analyzing the bone deformities, the soft
tially less reliable than once thought.30,42 A patient pre- tissue deformities, and the specific muscle functions that
senting with problems with a postsurgical clubfoot is just are imbalanced.
as likely to have overcorrection into planovalgus as resid- The bony deformity may be predominantly in the
ual undercorrection in cavovarus. The one constant in the hindfoot, the forefoot, or a combination of both. A hind-
surgically corrected clubfoot is a remarkable amount of foot cavus describes an elevated pitch of the long axis of
stiffness in adults. In a dynamic gait analysis study, Huber the calcaneus, which is usually greater than 30 degrees in
and Dutoit18 specifically identified late subtalar stiffness a cavus foot (Fig. 26-1). Hindfoot cavus was a very
as the primary feature associated with a poor result after common deformity in the era of widespread poliomyeli-
childhood clubfoot surgery. It is rare that anything short tis; the focal nature of the disease in the anterior horn
of triple arthrodesis can be entertained to address the cells of the spinal cord often led to gastrocnemius weak-
residual complaints. ness but sparing of the tibialis anterior and often the foot
intrinsics. The resultant imbalance of forces then often
led to dramatic calcaneal pitch angles and subsequent
The Idiopathic Cavus Foot
soft tissue contractures. Pure hindfoot cavus is now less
Despite the litany of potential known causes of the cavus common, while hindfoot varus is a predominant finding
deformity, the largest single group of cases encountered in pes cavus with underlying neurologic disease. Elevated
is symmetric and has no known cause. They can manifest calcaneal pitch is still encountered as a component of a
because of stiffness in the hindfoot, stress fractures along combined deformity in the idiopathic cavus foot with no
the lateral column, recurrent ankle instability, or, com- clear neurologic cause.
monly, for symptoms totally unrelated to the conforma- Most neurologic cavus deformities are thought to
tion of the arch. occur from a forefoot-driven hindfoot varus resulting
from a muscle imbalance as in CMT. The peroneus longus
tendon is a direct antagonist to the tibialis anterior
tendon. Often spared by the neuropathy, the strong pero-
Pes cavus must be viewed as a spectrum of deformities in neus longus muscle overpowers the affected tibialis ante-
which the underlying abnormality is that of an elevated rior and initializes the deformity by plantar flexion of the
longitudinal arch, but after that a variety of bony and soft medial forefoot (Fig. 26-2). The tibialis posterior muscle
tissue deformities can be present. The spectrum can range induces the hindfoot varus, and the Achilles tendon
from a mild cavus foot, with flexible claw toes as the only further enhances the varus stress secondary to the plantar-
significant clinical problem, to a severe fixed deformity, flexed first ray and varus heel alignment, which alters the

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders

A1 A2

Figure 26-2 Left pes cavus of Charcot-Marie-Tooth patient with a predominant forefoot deformity. A, The driving force is the
plantar-flexed and adducted forefoot, clinically seen as depression of the first metatarsal head. The radiograph demonstrates
plantar flexion and adduction of the first metatarsal relative to the axis of the talus (talo–first metatarsal angle). B, Bilateral
plantar flexion of the first metatarsal accompanied by a varus heel deformity. C, Some cases demonstrate a more generalized
forefoot deformity with generalized forefoot equinus.

transmission of axial forces through the ankle joint. With The plantar fascia commonly develops a contracture
inversion of the hindfoot, the lateral foot supinates and with time in all forms of cavus foot. It is anatomically
the peroneus longus muscle further plantar flexes the first much thicker on the medial aspect of the foot, and as the
ray to restore the tripod position and a plantigrade foot.1 contracture develops, it not only holds the longitudinal
Soft tissue contracture converts a flexible to a fixed cavus arch in an elevated position but also holds the forefoot
deformity over time. adducted and keeps the calcaneus inverted (Fig. 26-4).
Toe deformities are thought to occur from early degen- Although some bony procedures can secondarily relax the
eration of the intrinsic muscles of the foot. Because the plantar fascia by altering the shape of the arch, they are
lumbricals are not acting to stabilize the metatarsalpha- not always adequate by themselves.
langeal (MTP) joint (intrinsics effect: MTP flexion, proxi- Early in the development of many cases of forefoot
mal interphalangeal [PIP] and distal interphalangeal cavus the deformities remain relatively flexible. The arch
[DIP] extension), the unopposed extensor digitorum might not flatten while standing, but muscle forces are
longus hyperextends the unstable lesser toes at the MTP holding it in position rather than bone and joint contrac-
level while the flexor digitorum longus and brevis flex the tures. This is typical, for instance, of a very young patient
phalanges.1 The plantar-flexed metatarsal heads and with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. The subtalar joint
plantar fascia shortening amplify forefoot plantar flexion. compensates for the forefoot deformity by falling into a
The deformities might be as mild as flexible clawing of varus alignment (Fig. 26-5). As the disease progresses, the
the MTP joints in association with mild flexion of the capsule and interosseous ligament of the subtalar joint
interphalangeal joints, or they can manifest as fixed claw become contracted, and the once-flexible hindfoot defor-
toe deformities. Once severe fixed claw toe deformities are mity becomes fixed.
present, the forces from the extrinsic toe extensors serve
to hold the metatarsal heads in a plantar-flexed position
(Fig. 26-3). Of importance, the plantar fat pad is dis-
placed distally in severe cases as the toes pull up into
extension. Not only are the metatarsal heads driven plan- The mechanics of all variants of the foot are similar. The
tarward by the deformity, but they are also deprived of axes of the talus and the calcaneus are more collinear.
their normal cushioning layer of fat. The talar head remains over the anterior process of the

Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

A B1

B2 B3
Figure 26-3 Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint deformities. A, Mild claw toes of the right foot with a near-normal left foot.
B, Examples of severe clawing of the MTP joints, including clawing of the hallux from the use of the extensor hallucis longus as
an accessory dorsiflexor.

Figure 26-4 Contracture of the plantar fascia contributes to and fixes the deformity. The tight medial band of the plantar
fascia holds the forefoot in adduction and the hindfoot in varus. A, Cavus foot demonstrates adduction of the forefoot, an
elevated longitudinal arch, and varus of the calcaneus. B, Radiograph demonstrating severe adduction of the forefoot.

calcaneus, and the navicular moves to a superior instead early part of stance phase is diminished, and the first
of a medial position to the cuboid; the subtalar joint axis metatarsal head and the lateral border of the foot are
is more vertical; and the Chopart joint function is overloaded.1 A cavus foot is always stiffer than one of
impaired.1 When the hindfoot is locked in inversion, normal conformation.
there is less subtalar and transversal tarsal motion during The relative dorsiflexion of the talus within the ankle
gait than in the normal foot. The ability of the foot to mortise is caused by plantar flexion of the medial fore-
absorb the impact of walking by pronation during the foot, limits ankle dorsiflexion, and is accompanied by

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders


C1 C2
Figure 26-5 Varus heel deformity. A, In cases of forefoot-driven cavus, the varus heel is initially present as the natural
standing posture of the heel when the first ray is plantar flexed and adducted. With time, the hindfoot deformity can become
fixed. The presence of the deformity can be best assessed from behind. B, An axial view of the calcaneus demonstrates marked
varus deformity. C, The Coleman block test can be used to demonstrate persistent flexibility of the hindfoot. If the heel can be
forced into valgus by weight bearing on a block supporting only the lateral column of the foot, the subtalar joint remains
flexible. In this case, the cavus can be corrected by addressing the forefoot deformity alone.

anterior ankle impingement. Together with the hindfoot the metatarsals, and invert the calcaneus. In the cavus
varus position, relative talus dorsiflexion is thought to foot, all three of these conditions are present perma-
contribute to an increased anteromedial contact stress in nently, and the plantar fascia becomes contracted.
the ankle joint. The association between lateral ankle The muscle weakness patterns seen around the foot
instability, cavovarus deformity, and ankle arthritis has vary with the cause of the condition, but adduction of the
been discussed in the literature.13,46 A significant pressure forefoot is commonly seen when the posterior tibialis is
increase and reduction of the area loaded in the ankle active in the presence of a weak peroneus brevis. Metatar-
joint was also demonstrated in simulated pes cavus and sus adductus exacerbates the already considerable ten-
is considered to lead to ankle arthritis in long-standing dency for excessive pressure in the lateral column of the
deformities with, but also without, lateral ligament foot, and stress reactions of the fifth metatarsal can result.
In the forefoot, the weight-bearing area beneath the
Physical Examination
metatarsal heads and heel pad is decreased, leading to
substantially higher plantar pressures in both locations. The patient encounter begins with a careful history of the
In addition, because of the clawing and hyperextension condition and a detailed family history. Generalized
of the MTP joints, the toes do not participate in weight lateral column pain seems to be the most common pre-
bearing during toe-off, and power is diminished. The senting symptom associated with the cavus foot. Fre-
plantar fascia normally functions as a passive windlass quently, patients report ongoing lateral hindfoot
mechanism to elevate the longitudinal arch, plantar flex instability despite one or more previous lateral hindfoot

Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

ligament repairs or reconstructions that failed later neurologic diagnosis should also undergo a neurologic
because the predisposing hindfoot statics were not screening, including testing for long-tract signs, reflexes,
corrected. hamstring tightness, and any asymmetry. Intrinsic wasting
The patient’s gait is carefully observed for the nature is usually easier to pick up in the upper extremity, and in
of ground contact, the position of the heel, and the posi- suspected cases of CMT or other systemic peripheral neu-
tion of the toes during stance. Any fall of the heel toward ropathies, an examination of the intrinsic musculature of
further varus as weight transfers onto the limb should be the hands is in order. Subtle disease can usually be dis-
noted by observing the patient walk from behind. During cerned in the loss of muscle mass and strength of the first
swing phase, the examiner should check for the possibil- dorsal interosseous along the radial border of the second
ity of a footdrop and the use of the extensor hallucis metacarpal. The patient exhibits weakness in abducting
longus as an accessory dorsiflexor, leading to a cock-up the index digit away from the midline with the rest of the
deformity of the first MTP joint. hand held in a neutral position to isolate the intrinsics.
The heel pad could be seen easily from the front (“peek Because of the very subtle findings associated with
a boo”) with the patient standing and feet aligned straight structural disease of the spinal cord, substantial unex-
ahead. In a normal foot, the heel pad is not visible on the plained asymmetry or rapid progression of the deformity
medial side of the foot when viewed from the front warrants a neurologic referral and corresponding imaging.
because of the slight amount of valgus positioning of the
average heel, which places the heel pad behind the normal
The relative position of the hindfoot to the forefoot Standing anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiographs of
must be noted along with the rigidity of that relationship. the foot and ankle are essential. A line drawn down the
The normal hindfoot will be positioned in slight valgus axis of the talus should pass through the axis of the first
when standing flat and deviate into varus when rising metatarsal on both AP and lateral weight-bearing images
onto the toes. The patient is asked if he or she experiences of the foot in the normal situation. The axes should ordi-
a subjective instability in the tiptoe position. narily be collinear, 0 degrees ± 5. The lateral talo–first
The Coleman block test can be used to determine the metatarsal angle (the Meary angle) can be used to assess
ability of the hindfoot to fall back into an appropriate the severity of a forefoot plantar flexion, whereas, as
valgus posture. The heel alone or heel and lateral column opposed to other measured angles, the extent appears to
of the foot are supported on a small flat wooden block correlate with the development of anteromedial ankle
while the forefoot or the medial column, respectively, arthritis.24 The AP talo–first metatarsal angle defines the
remain unsupported. If the hindfoot is not fixed and the amount of forefoot adductus. The calcaneal pitch angle is
deformity is being driven by a first ray fixed in plantar elevated in cases of hindfoot cavus.
flexion, the calcaneus will noticeably tilt into valgus when Further findings on the lateral radiographs are an
viewed from behind. In theory, a foot that exhibits flexi- increased navicular height, an increased Hibbs angle
bility on the Coleman block test can be corrected by (measured by a line through the axis of the calcaneus and
working on the forefoot deformity alone. the first metatarsal—in normal feet the angle is 45 degrees,
With the patient seated, the examiner observes active and in cavus feet, it is near 90 degrees), and a posterior
and passive range of motion of the ankle, subtalar, trans- fibula with a “flat-topped” talus. The latter appearance is
verse tarsal, and MTP joints. The forefoot should also be an artifact because in pes cavus a standard lateral view is
examined after manual correction of the hindfoot varus in fact an oblique view.
deformity to assess the amount of fixed forefoot prona- On the AP radiograph of the foot, the talocalcaneal
tion and to determine the need for medial metatarsals angle is almost parallel in moderate and severe hindfoot
dorsiflexion osteotomies. Limited and painful ankle dor- varus. The presence of any associated metatarsus adductus
siflexion may demonstrate anterior or anteromedial ankle should be noted by drawing of the AP talo–first metatar-
impingement because of the relative talar dorsiflexion sal angle because this can require some degree of addi-
within the ankle mortise. The hindfoot is assessed for any tional surgical attention or limit the degree of correction
chronic ligamentous incompetence. Clinical signs of the that can be achieved.
lateral border overload range from calluses to proximal The extent and progression of any ankle arthritis and
diaphyseal or metaphyseal fractures of the lateral meta- talar tilt is recorded on extra AP and lateral standing ankle
tarsals. Peroneal tendon pathology, including tears and radiographs. The Saltzman view can be added to assess
subluxation, are commonly present, as is tightness of the the angles of the tibiotalar and the subtalar joint.
gastrocnemius–soleus complex. Computed tomography (CT) examination with the
Muscle function is very carefully assessed and docu- foot supported in the typical 90-degree position, with
mented for evaluation disease progression. Special atten- sagittal and coronal reformats, and three-dimensional
tion should be paid to the ability of the peroneus longus modeling rules out occult degenerative joint disease and
to selectively plantar flex the first ray because this can tarsal coalitions. MRI or ultrasound can occasionally be
point to the potential for a tendon transfer to effectively helpful to reveal any inflammation, splitting, or tears
assist in treatment. A patient who does not carry a known of the tendons. MRI can also detect early cartilage

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders

degeneration and osteochondral lesions when arthritis is

Surgical Treatment
not yet visible on plain radiographs or CT.
A digital dynamic pedobarography can be helpful to Decision Making
determine a pathologic plantar pressure distribution. The goal of surgical management is to produce a planti-
Associated changes are the lateralization of the line of grade, stable foot, to alleviate discomfort, and to improve
center of pressure and increased zone of pressure under function. Surgical realignment should be recommended
the first metatarsophalangeal joint in case of a plantar- when signs of tendon or hindfoot joint degeneration
flexed first metatarsal. arise, resulting from recurrent hindfoot instability or ele-
vated hindfoot joint contact stresses by varus alignment.
Earlier surgery may be appropriate due to lateral column
Conservative Treatment
pain or progressive deformity.
Many cases of cavus deformity represent stable or slowly Basics of dynamic and static realignment are that
progressive deformities that are appropriately managed, tendons contributing to the deformity should be trans-
at least initially, by nonoperative means. In the case of an ferred to a more functional location (i.e., peroneus longus
adolescent with progressive deformity and a still-supple to brevis), contracted structures should be released to
foot, however, there may be much to be lost by delay. Soft allow restoration of normal foot shape (i.e., plantar
tissue surgery alone might manage the deformity early in fascia), and osteotomies are preferred over arthrodesis of
the course of the disease, avoid ankle arthritis, and prevent nonarthritic joints to help realign the foot to a more
the necessity of osteotomies or fusions. functional position (calcaneal osteotomy instead of cor-
A stretching program to maintain motion is an impor- rective subtalar fusion). If the deformity is fixed, however,
tant component of conservative management, particu- an arthrodesis might be necessary to produce a planti-
larly in cases of neurologic origin. Eversion and grade foot.
dorsiflexion should be emphasized. Metatarsalgia might There is no simple boilerplate approach applicable to
be an early presenting complaint from uncovering of the all cavus feet. A suggested algorithm is provided in Figure
metatarsal heads as claw toes develop. Accommodative 26-6. The key to surgical decision making is to adopt
manufactured shoes with extra-depth toe boxes can be of procedures that are necessary to match each specific
substantial benefit. deformity. It is not uncommon to have a foot with a
Orthoses are a valuable adjunct to the conservative combination of fixed and supple deformities; a particular
treatment of cavus feet. The reduced weight-bearing area case might require a combination of bone and soft tissue
in cavovarus feet is enlarged with orthotic devices. Typical procedures.
custom foot orthotics for cavus may include an elevated
heel to accommodate a tight gastrocnemius muscle and
a recess under the first metatarsal head to accommodate Soft Tissue Procedures
the plantar-flexed first ray and allow some degree of hind- PLANTAR FASCIA RELEASE (STEINDLER STRIPPING)
foot eversion.34 A forefoot wedge, beginning just lateral The contracted plantar fascia plays a major role in main-
to the first metatarsal recess, extends to the lateral border taining height of the longitudinal arch and varus posi-
of the device to mirror the forefoot pronation. tioning of the calcaneus in the patient with pes cavus.
Basically, the more fixed the cavus deformity is, the less Release and stripping of the plantar fascia often help to
likely is much benefit from orthoses, and discomfort and reduce the height of the longitudinal arch in patients who
calluses may develop in supported areas. Once the defor- retain some degree of flexibility (Video Clip 47).43 At
mity becomes fixed, patients tolerate corrective orthoses times, the procedure may be carried out in conjunction
poorly. For lateral ankle instability, a high-top boot or an with a lateralizing calcaneal osteotomy, a triple arthrod-
off-the-shelf ankle brace offer hindfoot stabilization. esis, or a first metatarsal osteotomy.
Lace-up braces are easier to fit inside a shoe or boot and
stabilize the ankle comparably to plastic upright braces. Surgical Technique
Preexisting ankle instability usually worsens by high- 1. The patient is placed in a supine position. The normal
arched orthoses amplifying hindfoot varus. external rotation of the lower extremity provides ade-
Severe muscle weakness is usually treated with full- quate visualization of the foot. A tourniquet is used
length custom ankle–foot orthoses (AFOs) to prevent around the thigh.
foot drop. The integration of orthotic modifications into 2. An oblique skin incision is made, starting distal to the
the AFO improves proprioception and ankle stability weight-bearing area of the calcaneal fat pad and
more than the brace alone. Many patients can be managed passing over the contracted plantar fascia. This incision
by hinged AFOs with dorsiflexion assistance to allow a does not put the medial calcaneal branches to the heel
much more normal gait pattern. In some cases of equinus pad at risk of being cut.
deformity, full clamshell braces or casts are needed 3. The incision is deepened through the fat, exposing the
because the strong or unopposed plantar flexors will over- plantar fascia on the plantar aspect of the foot as well
come the correction obtained with a posterior brace or as medially over the fascia of the abductor hallucis
anterior strap. muscle.

Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

Pes cavovarus


Yes No
(Coleman block positive) (Coleman block negative)

Plantar flexed medial forefoot? Standard OR-steps Advanced or severe hindfoot arthritis?
=> Step 1: MT I (II, III) dorsiflexion => Lateralizing calcaneal- => Instead of or in addition to
osteotomy osteotomy lateralizing calcaneal-
=> Step 2: PL to PB transfer => PL to PB transfer osteotomy:
=> Step 3 (rarely): release of planter => MT I (II, III) dorsiflexion realigning subtalar, double, or
fascia osteotomy triple arthrodesis

Persistent hindfoot varus? Ankle arthritis?

=> Lateralizing calcaneal osteotomy => Anterior ankle arthrotomy,

Equinus deformity? Persistent plantar flexion

=> Achilles-lengthening or of medial forefoot?
gastrocnemius recession => Plantar fascia release

Further options: Persistent forefoot

=> Repair/reconstruction of lateral hindfoot deformity?
ligaments => Forefoot reconstruction
=> PL to PB transfer, TA-lateralization or TP 1st toe clawing?
to PB transfer with neurologic etiology => Jones procedure

Equinus deformity?
=> Achilles-lengthening or
gastrocnemius recession

Further options:
=> Repair/reconstruction of lateral hindfoot
=> TA-lateralization or TP to PB transfer
with neurologic etiology

Figure 26-6 Pes cavovarus treatment algorithm. PB, Peroneus brevis tendon; PL, peroneus longus tendon; TA, tibialis anterior
tendon; TP, tibialis posterior tendon.

4. The origin of the plantar fascia is transected while in cases involving significant adduction of the
tension is being applied to it by dorsiflexing the MTP forefoot.
joints. In this way, the plantar fascia will separate as it 6. Once the cuts have been made by blunt dissection and
is cut. Often, some deeper septa must be carefully stretching the fascia, the wound is carefully inspected
transected. The lateral plantar nerve passes just distal to ensure that no tight bands of fascia remain, either
to the cut, so the surgeon must be cautious when tran- on the plantar aspect of the foot or along the abductor
secting the septa. muscle.
5. After releasing the plantar fascia, the surgeon palpates
along the medial aspect of the foot, particularly in a Postoperative Care
severely deformed case, to release the superficial and The patient is placed into a short-leg compression dress-
deep fascia surrounding the abductor hallucis muscle. ing incorporating plaster splints. The sutures are removed
This is a very important part of the release, particularly in 12 to 14 days, after which the patient is placed in a

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders

Figure 26-7 Cock-up deformity of the first metatarsophalangeal joint from the use of the extensor hallucis longus as an
accessory dorsiflexor with a weak anterior tibialis. A, Resting. B, With active attempted dorsiflexion of the ankle.

short-leg cast. Weight bearing is begun as tolerated,

whereas 4 weeks of immobilization is usually adequate if Skin Screw
plantar fascia release is carried out as an isolated


The procedure is used to correct a hyperextension defor-
mity of the first MTP joint caused by weakness of the tibi-
alis anterior. Although the EHL is also located in the
anterior compartment and is innervated more distally
than the tibialis anterior, its function can be spared in a
surprising number of conditions. In modern practice, this
is usually seen in CMT or variants of cerebral palsy, but
it was historically common in polio.22 In these cases, the
EHL is functioning as an accessory dorsiflexor of the ankle Figure 26-8 The first-toe Jones procedure moves the pull of
joint, which results in hyperextension of the MTP joint the extensor hallucis longus (EHL) tendon from the great toe
to the neck of the first metatarsal. Interphalangeal joint
and secondary flexion of the interphalangeal joint (Fig. arthrodesis of the hallux is then performed to prevent a
26-7). Moving the insertion of the EHL tendon into the floppy toe. The procedure aids the ability of the EHL to serve
base of the first metatarsal facilitates dorsiflexion of the as an accessory dorsiflexor and helps eliminate depression of
ankle and also relieves the cock-up deformity of the MTP. the first metatarsal head. (From Mann RA, Coughlin MJ: The
To prevent a floppy first toe, a fusion of the interphalan- video textbook of foot and ankle surgery, St Louis, 1991,
geal joint is usually performed. Medical Video Productions.)

Surgical Technique distal phalanx. Where the drill bit begins to pressure
1. The procedure is carried out with the patient supine. the skin on the tip of the toe, a generous transverse
A tourniquet is used around the thigh (Fig. 26-8 and incision is made to prevent maceration of the tissue.
Video Clip 51). 6. The drill bit is removed and brought back through the
hole from distal to proximal. Holding the interpha-
Interphalangeal Joint Arthrodesis langeal joint in a reduced position, the surgeon
2. An elliptic skin incision is centered over the dorsal extends the drill hole into the proximal phalanx.
aspect of the interphalangeal joint of the hallux. The 7. The hole is measured. A 4.0-mm solid-shaft cancel-
collateral ligaments are cut to expose the articular lous lag screw or headless screw is inserted, providing
surfaces. compression to the arthrodesis site.
3. The extensor hallucis longus tendon is freed from its 8. A Kirschner wire (K-wire) may be placed obliquely
retinacular attachments along its mediolateral aspect. across the interphalangeal joint to control any rota-
4. The surfaces of the interphalangeal joint are removed tional forces. This is removed after approximately
with a power saw to create two flat surfaces. The inter- 4 weeks.
phalangeal joint is placed in a few degrees of plantar
flexion and neutral varus/valgus alignment. Extensor Hallucis Longus Tendon Transfer
5. A 2.5-mm hole is drilled in an antegrade manner from 9. A longitudinal incision is made over the dorsal aspect
proximal to distal through the midportion of the of the first metatarsal.

Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

10. The extensor tendon, which was previously freed dis- brevis. A 2-0 coated polyester suture (Ethibond;
tally, is now freed proximally and delivered into the Ethicon360, Menlo Park, Calif.) is used to join the
wound. tendons. If other procedures are to be carried out on
11. A transverse drill hole is made and cleaned in the the foot, the final tensioning and suture of the tendon
distal portion of the first metatarsal. The size is is saved until the end of the case.
selected to snugly fit the tendon.
12. The extensor hallucis longus tendon is passed through Postoperative Care
the drill hole and sutured onto itself, holding the The foot is placed in a short-leg compression dressing
ankle in 10 degrees of dorsiflexion and placing a mod- reinforced with plaster splints. After 10 to 12 days, the
erate amount of tension on the tendon transfer. sutures are removed and a short-leg weight-bearing cast
is applied. If no other procedures are being performed, a
Postoperative Care transition to regular footwear is usually made after a total
The patient is placed into a short-leg compression dress- of 4 to 6 weeks of immobilization.
ing incorporating plaster splints. A popliteal block can be
useful to control postoperative pain. The sutures are TIBIALIS ANTERIOR LATERALIZATION
removed at 10 to 12 days, and the patient is placed in a The transfer of the insertion of the anterior tibial tendon
short-leg walking cast for 4 weeks. At 6 weeks postopera- to the lateral cuneiform is a very powerful step of the
tively, ambulation as tolerated is allowed. If the interpha- dynamic realignment when sufficient strength remains in
langeal joint fusion is not complete at that time, an the tendon. It provides both hindfoot stability and lateral
additional period of ambulation in a postoperative shoe shift of the ankle center of force by changing the strong
may be necessary. inversion moment into a light eversion moment while
still maintaining dorsiflexion power. Minimal risk of
PERONEUS LONGUS TO BREVIS TRANSFER overcorrection is present with transfer of the tendon to
Many cases of cavus foot, particularly in CMT, are associ- the lateral cuneiform, and the procedure is technically
ated with preserved function of the peroneus longus simpler than the split anterior tibialis transfer previously
muscle in the presence of a failing tibialis anterior.15 This advocated.17 A long history of the procedure exists in the
pulls the first ray plantarward and leads to a forefoot treatment of mild clubfoot residuals after cast correction
cavus deformity as well as a secondary hindfoot varus. A by the Ponseti method.35 However, because transferred
transfer of the peroneus longus to the peroneus brevis can muscles generally lose one fifth of their strength, tibialis
dramatically improve the situation by both weakening anterior muscle strength of at least 4 of 5 preoperatively
the plantar pull on the first metatarsal and augmenting is required for a reasonable effect, and the procedure may
the function of the usually failing peroneus brevis. not be appropriate in cases of CMT.47

Surgical Technique Surgical Technique

1. The surgery is carried out with the patient supine. A 1. The procedure is carried out with the patient supine.
small bump under the ipsilateral hip can facilitate A tourniquet is used around the thigh.
access to the lateral aspect of the foot. A thigh tourni- 2. A medial longitudinal 3- to 4-cm incision is made
quet is used (Video Clip 49). from the tuberosity of the navicular to the base of the
2. A 4-cm incision is made over the anterior margin of first metatarsal, and the tendon is released at its inser-
the peroneus longus on the lateral aspect of the foot tion to bone.
as it courses toward the cuboid to turn underneath the 3. A second 3- to 4-cm longitudinal anterior incision is
foot. This incision is then deepened through the sub- made slightly above the superior extensor retinaculum.
cutaneous fat to access the peroneus brevis. Care The retinaculum is incised as needed to pull out the
should be taken to avoid injury to the sural nerve, tendon.
which usually passes through the proximal aspect of 4. The tendon end is grasped with a thick nonabsorbable
the incision. suture. It is then rerouted subcutaneously to the level
3. The peroneus longus and peroneus brevis each lie in of the lateral cuneiform and pulled out through a third
separate sheaths in this area, and they must be released 3-cm longitudinal incision centered over the lateral
to access the tendons. The peroneus longus crosses cuneiform.
underneath the brevis and is not always easy to find. 5. There the fibers of the extensor digitorum brevis
4. The peroneus longus is then cut as far distally as pos- muscle are bluntly separated, and the correct entry
sible as it makes the turn around the cuboid to pass point of the bone tunnel (dorsolateral edge of the
underneath the midfoot. If an os peroneum is present center of the lateral cuneiform) is verified
in the tendon, it is excised and the cut is made through fluoroscopically.
this area. 6. A 6-mm hole is drilled from there through all the
5. The foot is held in maximum eversion, and the pero- cuneiforms to the medial cuneiform, and the tendon
neus longus is woven two or three times in Pulvertaft is drawn into this tunnel until appropriate tension is
fashion through the distal aspect of the peroneus obtained. It is fixed by transosseous suture at the

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders

medial cuneiform and into the surrounding soft tissues The surgical techniques for lateral hindfoot ligament
at the lateral entry. Alternatively, a dorsal to plantar repair and reconstruction are described in Chapter 30.
tunnel can be created through the lateral cuneiform
and fixation achieved with an interference screw.
Bony Procedures
Postoperative Care OSTEOTOMIES
A short-leg compression dressing reinforced with plaster At times, a specific bony deformity is present in pes cavus
splints is applied. The sutures are removed after 12 to 14 that significantly impairs the patient’s ability to maintain
days, and a short-leg weight-bearing cast is applied. If a plantigrade foot, but the remainder of the foot remains
this is the only procedure, a transition to regular footwear relatively supple. This usually takes the form of a fixed
is usually made after a total of 4 to 6 weeks of varus deformity of the hindfoot or a fixed plantar flexion
immobilization. of the first ray. If the fixed deformity can be corrected, a
plantigrade foot can be achieved without an arthrodesis.
Results and Complications In general, an osteotomy that includes the first metatarsal
Patients who undergo tibialis anterior transfer were seen or calcaneus or both is carried out in conjunction with a
to have a lower mean talo–first metatarsal angle than plantar fascia release and peroneus longus to brevis
those who had not, suggesting that, in its native position, tendon transfer.
the tibialis anterior may contribute to cavus.47 In general,
tendon tranfers result in a decrease in their overall DORSIFLEXION OSTEOTOMY OF THE FIRST RAY
strength. The tibialis anterior also typically loses strength Particularly in cases of CMT, plantar flexion of the first
with progression of the Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, and metatarsal can become fixed, with a resultant fixed fore-
over time, the transfer may become less effective. foot valgus deformity. This forefoot equinus deformity
can also involve the second and, rarely, the third metatar-
CLAW TOE CORRECTIONS sal. As a result of this deformity, as the head of the first
Associated claw toe deformities are common in pes metatarsal contacts the ground, the forefoot is twisted
cavus. Often, dynamic claw toes resolve with realignment into an inverted position. If this is associated with a varus
of the hindfoot and midfoot deformity. Treatment of deformity of the calcaneus, a weak peroneus brevis
the claw toe deformity depends upon whether a fixed or muscle, or a contracted plantar fascia, dramatic increases
flexible deformity is present. With fixed deformity at the in stress on the lateral ankle ligaments can result. This
MTP joints, release of the extensor tendons and joint stress can lead to chronic lateral ankle ligament instability
capsules is required. To hold the toes in the neutral posi- over time.
tion, usually a flexor tendon transfer needs to be done. Dorsiflexion of the first ray is achieved either by a
With fixed deformity of the proximal interphalangeal dorsally closing osteotomy of the medial cuneiform
joint (hammer toe), a proximal interphalangeal joint (reversed Cotton osteotomy), by a corrective first meta-
arthrodesis or a DuVries phalangeal arthroplasty with tarsocuneiform arthrodesis when the joint is arthritic, or
removal of the distal portion of the proximal phalanx is by a dorsally closing osteotomy of the first metatarsal.
indicated. Some authors prefer one of the latter two pro-
cedures as the standard procedure because they have a DORSIFLEXION OSTEOTOMY OF
similar effect on the long flexor tendons, require less THE FIRST METATARSAL
dissection, and are more reliable, particularly in neuro- In general, a first metatarsal osteotomy is carried out not
logic diseases.29 However, if the claw toe deformity is as an isolated procedure but as part of a more compre-
passively correctible, a flexor tendon transfer alone usually hensive cavus foot correction. In the patient with mild
suffices. and flexible deformity, sometimes only a plantar fascia
The surgical techniques for flexor tendon transfer (Girdle- release and a dorsiflexion osteotomy of the first metatar-
stone procedure), DuVries phalangeal arthroplasty to correct sal are required. More often, however, a calcaneal oste-
a hammer toe, and release of the MTP joints in a fixed con- otomy, plantar fascia release, and first metatarsal
tracture are described in Chapter 7 (Video Clip 75). osteotomy are done together. The first-toe Jones proce-
dure can also be added without complication. In a similar
LATERAL LIGAMENT REPAIR/RECONSTRUCTION but more powerful technique, a dorsiflexion of the first
Regardless of the repair or reconstruction technique to ray can also be achieved by removal of a dorsally based
restore lateral hindfoot stability, the operation will likely wedge of the medial cuneiform (reversed Cotton osteot-
fail when hindfoot varus static is not realigned at the omy), whereas the osteotomy is sometimes difficult to
same time. The association of lateral ligamentous hind- close because of the Lisfranc ligament.
foot instability, cavus deformity and ankle arthritis has
been made by various authors who all advise not only Surgical Technique
correction of the deformity with osteotomies and tendon 1. The patient is placed in a supine position. If this is an
transfers but also lateral hindfoot ligament reconstruction isolated procedure, the first metatarsal osteotomy can
to prevent recurrence.13,40,46 be carried out under an ankle block only. If it is part

Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

of a more comprehensive cavus foot correction, 6. A 0.062-inch K-wire is used to make a transverse drill
general anesthesia is used (Video Clip 50). hole in the dorsal part of the metatarsal 1 cm distal
2. An incision is made over the dorsal aspect of the first to the osteotomy.
metatarsal, starting over the medial cuneiform and 7. The osteotomy is a dorsal closing wedge that usually
ending over the distal third of the metatarsal. removes 4 to 6 mm of bone, depending upon the
3. The incision is deepened to the extensor tendon, degree of plantar flexion of the first metatarsal that
which is immobilized and retracted medially or must be corrected.
laterally. 8. The first cut is made parallel to the MTC joint. A
4. The metatarsocuneiform (MTC) joint is identified, convergent cut is then made distally, aiming for
and the proposed osteotomy site is marked on the the plantar cortex. Care is taken to leave the plantar
bone starting about 1.5 cm distal to the joint (Fig. cortex intact. A greenstick fracture is made as the oste-
26-9A and B). otomy is closed, resulting in a more stable construct
5. A 2.7-mm or 3.5-mm screw is centered in the proxi- than if the cuts were fully completed. It is better to
mal portion of the metatarsal above the proposed undercut the osteotomy than to remove too large a
osteotomy. segment.


A Axis of first metatarsal


Figure 26-9 Technique of the dorsiflexion osteotomy of the first metatarsal. A, A dorsally based wedge of bone is removed
approximately 1 cm distal to the first metatarsocuneiform joint. The plantar fascia is often released when carrying out this
procedure for a cavus foot. B, A 3.5-mm screw is placed in the proximal fragment to serve as a post. C, The osteotomy site is
closed down, and the plantar aspect of the foot carefully palpated. If the first metatarsal is still too plantar flexed, a larger
wedge is removed. D, The osteotomy site is fixed by placing a length of 22-gauge wire through a transverse drill hole in the
distal fragment and then fixing it to the screw. E and F, Preoperative and postoperative radiographs demonstrate dorsiflexion of
the first metatarsal after proximal osteotomy. (From Mann RA, Coughlin MJ: The video textbook of foot and ankle surgery,
St Louis, 1991, Medical Video Productions.)

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders

9. After the osteotomy has been created, the plantar In the presence of a horizontal ankle joint line and a
cortex is loosened by rocking the bone back and forth cavus foot, it appears more reasonable to redistribute the
until the dorsal gap can be closed (Fig. 26-9C). ankle joint contact forces by realigning the foot deformity
10. To determine whether enough bone has been removed, rather than by creating a new deformity, that is, with a
the ankle is brought up into dorsiflexion and the supramalleolar osteotomy. Furthermore, this would create
forefoot is carefully evaluated, comparing the level of additional problems in the forefoot by accentuating the
the first and fifth metatarsals in relation to the long plantar flexion of the first ray.
axis of the leg. The surgeon must imagine that the foot Calcaneal osteotomies act by shifting the ground
is in a plantigrade position and that the first and fifth contact point and, consequently, the weight-bearing axis
metatarsals are on the same plane. through the ankle joint. They are particularly useful in
11. If the size of the osteotomy cut is correct, internal fixa- patients with recurrent hindfoot sprains as a result of heel
tion is inserted. varus and can be used with either a supple or a stiff sub-
12. A piece of 22-gauge wire is passed through the trans- talar joint.34 The lateralizing calcaneal osteotomies also
verse drill hole that was made distal to the osteotomy lateralize the lever arm of the Achilles tendon during toe-
site in step 6. The wire is then brought up around the off. The contribution of the Achilles tendon toward the
screw head in the proximal portion of the metatarsal tibialis posterior is thus reduced in favor of the peroneus
and tightened with a wire twister while the osteotomy brevis. From recent static biomechanical studies, there is
is held closed (Fig. 26-9D). evidence that in simulated pes cavus common lateralizing
13. Once the osteotomy site has been completely closed, calcaneal osteotomies substantially contribute to normal-
the bottom of the forefoot is again carefully exam- ize the elevated contact stress in the anteromedial ankle
ined. If the degree of dorsiflexion is adequate, the joint, which is thought to cause ankle arthritis in long-
surgeon may proceed with closure of the wound. If it standing pes cavus.24 Osteotomies that include lateraliza-
is not adequate, the wire is removed and more bone tion of the tuberosity, including a simple slide and the
is removed from the osteotomy site (Fig. 26-9E). Z-osteotomy with additional lateralization of the tuberos-
Alternatively, a 3-hole 2.0 DCP is used to compress ity,23 reduced contact stresses more effectively than, for
the osteotomy site by eccentric drilling. instance, the Z-osteotomy without additional lateraliza-
14. Occasionally, the second metatarsal needs to be dor- tion of the tuberosity32 and are therefore recommended
siflexed, which is done using the same procedure. for moderate-to-severe hindfoot varus realignment.
15. The foot is placed in a compression dressing. If this is Both the Dwyer osteotomy and its modifications with
the only procedure being carried out, splints are not translation, as well as the Z-osteotomy, can accomplish
required. correction of hindfoot varus and are described below.


A popliteal block can be useful to control postoperative WITH OPTIONAL LATERAL AND/OR
pain. If this is the only procedure being carried out, the DORSAL TRANSLATION
patient is permitted to ambulate as tolerated in a postop- Surgical Technique
erative shoe. If it is done in conjunction with other 1. The patient is placed in a lateral or in a supine position
procedures, the patient is placed in a short-leg non– with a bolster beneath the ipsilateral hip for adequate
weight-bearing cast. In general, the osteotomy heals in exposure of the lateral aspect of the calcaneus. A tour-
approximately 6 weeks, after which ambulation is permit- niquet is used on the thigh.
ted as tolerated. 2. The skin incision is perpendicular to the axis of the
calcaneus, begins about 2 cm posterior to the tip of the
CALCANEAL OSTEOTOMIES fibula, and is carried obliquely past the tip of the fibula
Patients with a moderate-to-severe cavus deformity toward the plantar aspect of the calcaneocuboid joint
usually have a varus deformity of the hindfoot. A fixed (Fig. 26-10A and Video Clip 48).
varus deformity is treated with the lateralizing calcaneal 3. The deep incision is carried just below the peroneal
osteotomy, that is, as described by Dwyer,10,11 Malerba tendon sheath, and the calcaneus is exposed as
and De Marchi,32 or Knupp.10,11,23,32 Whenever possible, required. Care is taken not to injure the sural nerve.
realigning osteotomies are preferred over arthrodesis. If Dorsally and plantarly, the soft tissues are stripped off
the patient lacks adequate dorsiflexion and has a high to place Hohman retractors.
calcaneal pitch angle (a hindfoot cavus), a Samilson39 4. A transverse osteotomy is made in the calcaneus that
osteotomy is carried out to allow the calcaneal tuberosity starts about 2 cm posterior to the posterior facet of the
and the attached Achilles tendon to slide vertically, subtalar joint and runs in line with the skin incision,
thereby effectively lengthening the gastrocnemius–soleus perpendicular to the calcaneus axis. If possible, the
complex and correcting the effective pitch angle of medial cortex of the calcaneus is left intact.
the calcaneus. These procedures are usually carried out 5. A second cut is now created, removing a pie-shaped
with a plantar fascia release and a first metatarsal wedge of bone from the lateral aspect of the calcaneus.
osteotomy. The size of the wedge depends upon the severity of the

Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

varus deformity. Usually, 5 to 7 mm of calcaneus is position of the bone is carefully evaluated. If an inad-
removed with the second cut (Fig. 26-10B). equate degree of correction has been obtained, more
6. Once the second cut is completed, a greenstick fracture bone needs to be removed. This may result in substan-
is made on the medial side of the calcaneus by manip- tial hindfoot shortening.
ulating the fragments back and forth. The osteotomy Alternatively, the tuberosity is fully osteotomized.
is then closed. Sometimes, temporary insertion of a This allows further correction in two planes, including
stout pin into the posterior tuberosity can serve as further lateralization of up to 7 mm for more severe
a joystick to facilitate closing the osteotomy. The deformities and vertical translation to reduce the cal-
caneal pitch. Vertical translation accomplishes the
goals of the “Samilson” osteotomy, an operation
designed purely to address the excessive calcaneal
pitch in poliomyelitis.22
7. The osteotomy site is fixed with single or multiple
5.0- to 7.3-mm screws placed down the long axis of
the calcaneus through a separate stab incision (Fig.
26-10C). If a screw is used, it should be placed lateral
Line of to the midline, and the patient should be warned that
osteotomy it may require later removal if it irritates the back of
the foot against the heel counter of a shoe.

Postoperative Care
A Skin incision The patient is placed into a short-leg compression dress-
ing incorporating plaster splints. A popliteal block can be
useful in controlling postoperative pain. The sutures are
removed 10 to 12 days after the procedure, and a short-leg
non–weight-bearing cast is applied. Ambulation is per-
mitted in the cast 4 weeks after the procedure, and casting
is discontinued 8 weeks postoperatively if radiographs
demonstrate union.

Results and Complications

The postoperative results after a Dwyer calcaneal osteot-
omy are usually most satisfactory in mild-to-moderate
hindfoot varus (Fig. 26-11). Occasionally, the sural nerve
B C Pin fixation becomes entrapped in scar tissue or disrupted, which can
Figure 26-10 The Dwyer calcaneal osteotomy. A, Skin create a problem for the patient.
incision is made along the inferior margin of the peroneal Sometimes it is difficult to judge whether adequate
tendons, with caution taken to avoid injury to the sural bone has been removed. The surgeon must attempt to
nerve. B, A lateral closing wedge of bone is taken of
line up the calcaneus with the long axis of the leg when
sufficient size to correct the deformity. C, Fixation is achieved
with a longitudinal pin, a longitudinal screw, or a lateral
trying to decide if a sufficient degree of correction has
staple. (From Mann RA, Coughlin MJ: The video textbook of been achieved.
foot and ankle surgery, St Louis, 1991, Medical Video The only significant error that can be made when per-
Productions.) forming this procedure is to fail to remove sufficient

Figure 26-11 Preoperative (A) and postoperative (B) radiographs demonstrate the results of the Dwyer calcaneal osteotomy.
The tarsal canal is visible on end preoperatively, indicating a varus deformity of the heel, whereas the position of the subtalar
joint changes once the heel is brought into valgus.

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders

bone, leaving the hindfoot in varus. In cases that require Dorsally and plantarly, the soft tissues are stripped off
much correction, removal of large wedges may result in to place Hohman retractors. The exposure of the cal-
substantial hindfoot shortening, whereas the moment caneus should extend from its dorsal aspect behind the
arm of the Achilles tendon is decreased, weakening toe- fibula to just proximal to the calcaneocuboid joint.
off. Alternatively, the tuberosity may be fully osteoto- 4. Hohman retractors are used to protect the soft tissues.
mized and lateralized 6 to 8 mm. K-wires should be inserted and checked under fluoros-
Because translation of the calcaneal ground contact copy to ensure that the osteotomy is appropriately
point by lateral sliding is more effective than rotation by positioned and perpendicular to the calcaneal axis.
lateral closing wedges, translating or combined translating- The horizontal part of the osteotomy is about 2 cm
rotating osteotomies are usually preferable for the realign- long and parallel to the plantar fascia. The anterior
ment of more severe hindfoot varus.28 vertical cut is made 1 to 2 cm posterior and parallel to
the calcaneocuboid joint, and the posterior vertical cut
Z-OSTEOTOMY23,32 is placed in the posterior half of the cavity of the tuber-
Surgical Technique osity. Sparing the Achilles insertion is important.
1. The patient is placed in a supine position with a bolster 5. Four K-wires are then used to define the corners of the
beneath the ipsilateral hip or in the lateral position for wedge to be removed. The base of the wedge is 8 to
adequate exposure of the lateral aspect of the calca- 10 mm in width, depending on the desired amount of
neus. A tourniquet is used on the thigh. correction. The wedge is mobilized with the oscillating
2. The skin incision is perpendicular to the axis of the saw and osteotomes without harming the soft tissues.
calcaneus, begins about 3 cm posterior to the tip of the A laminar spreader is used to mobilize the osteotomy.
fibula, and is carried obliquely past the tip of the fibula The lateral gap is then carefully closed as described by
toward the plantar aspect of the calcaneocuboid joint Malerba and De Marchi.32 An additional lateral dis-
(Figs. 26-12 to 26-14 and Video Clip 118). placement of the tuberosity fragment (6-10 mm) is
3. The deep incision is carried just below the peroneal done as described by Knupp et al.23 An option is that
tendon sheath, and the calcaneus is exposed as the calcaneus can also be lengthened by displacing the
required. Care is taken not to injure the sural nerve. tuberosity posteriorly.


Rotation Rotation

Figure 26-12 The Z-osteotomy with removal of a laterally based wedge of 8 to 10 mm (A), according to Malerba (rotation of
the ground point). A more powerful correction is achieved with additional lateralization of the tuberosity (B) according to
Knupp and Hintermann (rotation and translation of the ground point). (Modified from Krause FG, Sutter D, Waehnert D, et al:
Ankle joint pressure changes in a pes cavovarus model after lateralizing calcaneal osteotomies. Foot Ankle Int 31:741-746, 2010.
Used with permission.)

Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

nerves themselves do not appear noticeably enlarged by

the eye, CMT nerves may be slightly thicker and more sen-
sitive to compression compared with normal nerves.14 A
routine release of the nerve’s compartment (inferior flexor
retinaculum) when performing a lateralizing calcaneal
osteotomy for hindfoot varus in patients with Charcot-
Marie-Tooth disease is therefore recommended.27
Consolidation of the osteotomy is reported to be fast
and reliable, and most patients show consolidation on
the radiographs 6 weeks postoperatively.

Various types of midfoot osteotomies have been pro-
posed for the patient with a forefoot equinus or anterior
cavus deformity with the apex located at the Chopart and
midtarsal joints. These include the Cole osteotomy, which
consists of removing a dorsal wedge of bone from the
navicular, cuneiforms, and cuboid.7 A similar, more distal
osteotomy has been proposed by Japas, in which a
V-shaped osteotomy is made within the tarsal bones.21
The distal portion is then depressed to allow the forefoot
to be brought out of its equinus position.
Although, in theory, midfoot osteotomies are preferred
because they correct a typical deformity closer to its apex
than a basilar osteotomy of the first metatarsal, in prac-
tice, this is not the case. Inevitably, all variations of the
Figure 26-13 Preoperative Saltzman hindfoot view of a
hindfoot varus. Intraoperative lateral and axial fluoroscopy,
midfoot osteotomies result in multiple intraarticular cuts
and postoperative Saltzman hindfoot view after a that can lead to early arthritis. The residual deformity
Z-osteotomy of the calcaneus with lateralization of the from the much safer extraarticular osteotomy through the
tuberosity, according to Knupp and Hintermann. A peroneus first metatarsal is well tolerated, and this approach should
longus to brevis tendon transfer and a dorsiflexion osteotomy be universally preferred. Midfoot procedures should be
of the first metatarsal were added. (Courtesy M. Knupp, MD, reserved for patients who already have arthritis, and the
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kantosspital Liesthal,
joints should then be arthrodesed in conjunction with the
Switzerland. Used with permission.)
cavus correction.

6. The osteotomy is secured with one or two K-wires. The The triple arthrodesis is the requisite operation for more
desired correction is carefully evaluated clinically and severe, fixed postural deformities of the hindfoot of any
under fluoroscopy. The osteotomy site is fixed by one kind. In the cavus foot, it is important to remember that
or two 3.5-mm or larger screws placed down the other procedures, such as a first metatarsal osteotomy or
long axis of the calcaneus through a separate stab Jones procedure, can be carried out in addition to a triple
incision. arthrodesis if the conditions warrant. Routine joint prepa-
ration and cartilage removal often prove adequate for
Postoperative Care milder degrees of deformity. Because the posterior facet
The patient is placed into a short-leg compression dress- of the subtalar joint is approached from the lateral side,
ing incorporating plaster splints. A popliteal block can be there is a natural tendency to remove more bone laterally
useful in controlling postoperative pain. The sutures are and position the calcaneus toward valgus using standard
removed 10 to 12 days after the procedure, and a short-leg techniques, just as one would perform a triple arthrodesis
non–weight-bearing cast is applied. Partial weight bearing for hindfoot arthritis.
is permitted in the cast 3 to 4 weeks after the procedure, Long-term follow-up studies of standard triple arthrod-
and casting is discontinued 6 to 8 weeks postoperatively esis for patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and
if radiographs demonstrate union. cavus deformity have shown a high incidence of osteoar-
thritis of the remaining foot joints after this procedure.
Results and Complications One study reported degenerative changes of the ankle and
Transient and irreversible tibial nerve palsy after lat- midfoot in 77% and the need for subsequent ankle
eralizing calcaneal osteotomies has been described.27 arthrodesis for the treatment of degenerative joint disease
Particularly after large corrections in CMT cases and in 20% after an average follow-up of 20 years.48 Also, a
posttraumatic cases, the rate is substantial. Although the literature review reveals poor results in as many as 47%

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders


157.9° (22.1°)

82.6° (97.4°) 171.9° (8.1°)

75.0° (105.0°)

25.0° (155.0°) 24.1° (155.9°)

Figure 26-14 Preoperative anterior (A), oblique (B), and posterior (C) photographs and postoperative anteroposterior (D) and
lateral (E) weight-bearing radiographs of a 56-year-old male patient with idiopathic pes cavus and grade III anteromedial ankle
arthritis. Operative deformity correction included a lateralizing sliding osteotomy of the calcaneal tuberosity, dorsiflexion
osteotomy of the first metatarsal, peroneus longus to brevis transfer, and lateral malleolus shortening osteotomy to reduce
the varus tilt of the talus. No progression of the ankle arthritis was seen at latest follow-up 4 years postoperatively.

of patients, recurrence rates of 9% to 20%, nonunion in after cavus realignment is reported when advanced ankle
6% to 33% of patients, and incomplete correction of the arthritis stage II and above is present preoperatively, indi-
deformity in as many as 70% of patients. cating the importance of detecting ankle arthritis early
Because hindfoot joints usually are already stiff in and preventing its progression.20,26 Another study revealed
severe cavus deformities, there is little, if any, motion loss an association of radiographic evidence of ankle arthritis
after a triple arthrodesis.34 Therefore reducing the foot with a higher Foot Function Index (FFI) pain subscore,
into normal heel valgus with a triple arthrodesis may which suggests that arthritis prevention may have a greater
result in further plantar flexing an already plantar-flexed impact on patient outcome than achievement of radio-
first ray in long-standing deformities. The ankle will tip graphic alignment.47 The unfavorable combination of
into varus postoperatively if this is not corrected with a recurrent lateral ankle sprains or chronic instability and
dorsiflexion osteotomy. A satisfactory plantigrade posi- hindfoot varus as commonly seen in pes cavus likely
tion is essential for good results.34 increases the risk for accelerated ankle arthritis, but it is
also common in patients without instability because of
Outcome elevated anteromedial ankle contact stresses in pes
Few level III and IV studies have been published that cavus.24,46 To prevent arthritis progression, a more aggres-
assess the outcome of operative treatment of mainly fixed sive dynamic and static realignment with slight overcor-
neurologic and idiopathic cavus deformities. Because of rection is recommended.
various etiologies and the limited number of patients Worse outcomes after surgery have also been reported
treated, the reader is unable to draw definite conclusions. for patients with neurologic as opposed to idiopathic pes
Nevertheless, each study offers some information about cavus. Despite appropriate pes cavus realignment, neuro-
successful operative treatment and the pitfalls of certain logic patients appear to suffer more from pain and activity
treatment choices. The natural course of the disease impairments.31
without operative treatment has not yet been described. After joint-preserving realignment surgery, cavus
The surgeon must therefore thoughtfully apply the lessons patients were seen to have a slower gait velocity and lower
learned from the available literature. cadence, but the proportion of time spent in stance and
An overview is given in Table 26-3. The outcome of swing phase was near that of normal individuals.47
various procedures reveals significant improvements of Although patients may have some deformity recurrence
function and relief of pain and about two thirds good and postoperatively, most are able to wear normal shoes and
excellent results, even in the long term. Worse outcome do not need orthoses.47

Table 26-3 Pes Cavus Outcome Studies of the Last Decade
Ankle Mean
Mean Age Arthritis at Follow-up Radiographic Findings
Author Number at Surgery Etiology Flexibility Surgery Procedure (months) Outcome (Mean) at Follow-up Evidence
Sammarco 21 ft 33 All neurologic Flexible None A, B, H 71 AOFAS: from 46 to 89 Lateral talo–MT I III
et al, 2001 15 pts Maryland Foot Score: angle decreased 6.5
from 72 to 90 degrees
Arch height decreased
6.8 mm
Fortin et al, 13 ft 51 All idiopathic Flexible and Stage 1-3 A, B, D, F 33 Karlsson score: from Not reported III
2002 10 pts rigid 33 to 82
Vienne et al, 9 ft 25 Idiopathic and Flexible Stage 0-2 A, C, D 37 AOFAS: from 57 to 87 Not reported III
2007 8 pts residual
Ward et al, 41 ft 16 All neurologic Flexible None B, C, G, H, 312 SF36 mental: 50 OA most often in TMT IV
2008 25 pts K (26 years) SF36 physical: 38 1 joints
FFI pain: 35
FFI disability: 41
FFI activity limit: 22
Kroon et al, 19 ft 40 Idiopathic 11 Flexible and None 2xA, B, C, 50 AOFAS: 83 Talo–first metatarsal IV
2009 15 pts Neurologic 4 rigid E, F, G, I FFI pain: 13 angle from 22 to 17
FFI activity limit: 13 degrees
Irwin et al, 22 ft 48 All idiopathic Rigid Group 1 A, B, C, D, 60 AOFAS group 1: 86, Arthritis progression IV
2010 22 pts stage 0-1 G, H group 2: 59 mainly in group 2
Group 2 VAS: 21 and 40 resp.
stage 2-3
Maskell et al, 29 ft 43 All idiopathic Rigid None A, B, C, D, 51 AOFAS: from 45 to 90 Talo–first metatarsal III
2010 23 pts E, J angle from 9.9 to
2.4 degrees
Krause et al, 13 ft 47 Idiopathic 7 Rigid Stage 1-3 84 AOFAS: from 45 to 71 III
2013 13 pts Neuropathic 6

AOFAS, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society; EHL, extensor hallucis longus; FFI, Foot Function Index; IP, interphalangeal; OA, osteoarthritis; pts, patients; SF36, 36-item short Form Health
Survey; TMT, tarsometatarsal; VAS, visual analog scale.
Operative procedures: A, lateralizing calcaneal osteotomy, B, first metatarsal dorsiflexion osteotomy; C, peroneus longus to brevis transfer; D, lateral ligament reconstruction; E, Achilles lengthening
tenotomy; F, anterior ankle debridement (cheilectomy) for osteotphytes; G, EHL transfer (Jones procedure) and IP fusion; H, plantar fascia release; I, tibialis posterior transfer to lateral cuneiform;
J, gastrocnemius recession; K, tibialis anterior transfer to lateral cuneiform; L, deltoid ligament release; M, fibula osteotomy.
Pes Cavus ■ Chapter 26

Part VI ■ Arthritis, Postural Disorders, and Tendon Disorders

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