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End-of-year test answers

The tests and answers have been written by the authors. These may not fully reflect the
approach of Cambridge Assessment International Education.

Part 1: Non-fiction
1 a Text type is a non-fiction information text about the history of film.
Features include facts, sections with headings, bullets and information
organised chronologically. [1]
b Text type is a non-fiction film review. Features include facts and personal
opinions to persuade the reader, paragraphs with introduction and
conclusion, and use of strong adjectives and verbs. [1]
2 France, Lyons, 1894 [2]
3 Voyage to the Moon was the first. It was a fiction film because space travel
was not a reality then. [3]
4 J. Stuart Blackton invented animated cartoons; making pictures move. [2]
5 Accept any reasonable steps based on the information: Someone
has an idea. – A scriptwriter writes a script. – An artist creates a storyboard. [3]
6 Text 2. It is a film review. It uses the facts to form an opinion and
persuade others. [1]
7 The genre is an animated dinosaur comedy. [1]
8 bright, brighter, brightest
colourful, more colourful, most colourful
fussy, fussier, fussiest [3]
9 Learners’ own answers should include any of the following;
Text 1: To inform readers about the history of filmmaking;
Formal language and layout in sections with headings and bullets.
Text 2: To inform and persuade viewers about a film;
More informal language in paragraphs with an introduction and conclusion [2]

Cambridge Primary English Stage 5 – Burt & Ridgard © Cambridge University Press 2021 1

10 a will
b out loud / a lot / a little / to the music
c this is a great family movie
d is [4]
11 disappointed [1]
12 Learners’ own answers, but they should provide a reason based on the text. [1]

Learners write a film review based on a film poster.
Content: purpose and audience [7]
Spelling [3]
Vocabulary and language [7]
Punctuation and grammar [3]
Sentence and paragraph structure [5]

Part 2: Fiction
1 a Mystery, curiosity, suspense or similar [1]
b Short sentences/paragraphs, questions and repetition in second paragraph [2]
2 Four: Taller than a house, the Iron Man stood at the top of the cliff, on
the very brink, in the darkness. [1]
3 shaped like a dustbin; as big as a bedroom; like headlamps [3]
4 To create a vivid mind picture of the Iron Man or similar [1]
5 The effect of falling loudly and unevenly, and bumping down the cliff [1]
6 Some of the following: short one-word or one-sentence paragraphs;
exclamation marks; capital letters; dragged-out word CRRRAAAASSSSSSH!;
repetition; listing of verbs. [2]
7 A change in character, setting, event, time or dialogue [3]
8 To create an effect – the effect of falling and breaking [1]
9 Only the sound of the sea, chewing away at the edge of the rocky beach. [1]
10 Learners’ own answers [1]

Cambridge Primary English Stage 5 – Burt & Ridgard © Cambridge University Press 2021 2

11 Should tick sad, mysterious, lonely and scary – two out of four is enough
for half a mark. [1]
12 Learners’ own answers [2]
13 Because the hand moving its fingers would look like a crab waving its legs
in the air [1]
14 Learners’ own answers [1]
15 Repetition of format of sentence parts/listing; alliteration – can
accept personification [2]
16 Nobody knew I had fallen. [1]

Learners continue the story of The Iron Man.
Content: purpose and audience [7]
Spelling [3]
Vocabulary and language [7]
Punctuation and grammar [3]
Sentence and paragraph structure [5]

Cambridge Primary English Stage 5 – Burt & Ridgard © Cambridge University Press 2021 3

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