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● It is a factual and detailed description of a person, place, thing and

● It involves optimum use of all senses and close observation to
capture the details and engage attention.
● The detailing has to be precise with use of rich vocabulary, specific
terms and right adjectives.
● It must invoke five senses while reading or listening to the
The purpose of description is to describe a thing, person, place or event
so vividly that a picture is formed in the listener’s / reader’s mind.
Another purpose may be to find a thief or criminal, lost person or thing.

Title (in the centre and underlined)
Content (1-2 paragraphs)
Types : Description of –
1. Person
2. Place
3. Event

1. Person
Body structure - Tall, short, medium height, weight, well-built body,
robust, stout, thin, fat, stocky, plump, lanky, reedy, stooping, drooping
Face – round, oval, square face, smiling, clean shaved, bearded, moustache
Complexion – dark, fair, brown, wheatish
Hair – curly, straight, long, short, black, brown, golden hair
Eyes – brown, blue, black, twinkling, dull, one eyed, squint
Teeth – pearly white, close set, gapped teeth, yellow, broken
Special mark – cut on eyebrow, mole, wound, identifiable mark,
clothes, jewellery
Mannerisms – deep, heavy voice, way of talking / walking, limping,
talkative, quiet
Personality – hobbies, interests, habits, qualities, profession, style,
class, honest, optimistic, playful, helpful, active, confident, selfish

2. Place
Condition of place – Busy, crowded, noisy, quiet, clean or dirty
Condition of roads – heavy traffic, lined with trees / hawkers, parked
vehicles, well lit, potholes
Mention of things / beings – people, vehicles, shops, buildings,
streets, roads
Area / surroundings – tidy, stingy, dumped garbage, street lights,
posters, stray animals

3. Event
Mention of time, date, place
Narration of happenings in sequence, programme, awards
Involvement of people, chief guest, participants, guests, media,
Highlights – Theme, learning, experience, emotions
Conclusion – personal opinion

Sample of Descriptive Writing

Q1. It being your first day at school, you noticed everything minutely.
Describe your class teacher who took the very first class on the first day.
Describe in 100-120 words.
It being my first day at St. Francis School, Nagpur, I walked very quietly
to my class room as I knew nobody there. On entering the classroom, I
read the name on the door ‘Ms. Shobha Tandan’. The room was echoing
with shouts of children. I was only waiting for my class teacher as I sat
quietly at my desk.
After a while, I got a glimpse of a lovely face and the class was silent at
the moment. She introduced herself as our Class Teacher and uttered her
name that I knew already. She was tall and beautiful with a fair
complexion. Her strong voice engaged everyone’s attention. Draped in a
blue saree she was walking between the rows in a graceful manner. She
was holding a diary and Cambridge dictionary in her hand while she
talked. Her smiling face made a lasting impression on all of us and the school
was no more new to me.

Q2. You recently visited the city of Jaipur, famous for its Hawa Mahal,
the palace and forts. Shopping in Jaipur is also exciting as there are
many things to buy. Write a description of the place in 100-150 words.
Jaipur, is also referred to as the Pink City. The Hawa Mahal here is made
of Pink stone. It is the capital of Rajasthan. It is a colourful city with
monuments, good food and lots of shopping. By road from Delhi, it is
about a 4 hour drive. By air, just about 45 minutes from Delhi. It is a hot
months it will be hot. The palaces constructed by erstwhile kings are
marvels of architecture. If one has to see all the monuments it will take
no less than 3 days.
Apart from forts, shopping in Jaipur is exciting. Things are reasonably
priced, marble carvings and objects made out of stone are famous in
Jaipur. The typical Rajasthani cuisine is elaborate and is served with a
lot of butter and ghee. Some of the dishes are dal, bhatti churma,
kachori, etc. The art of tie and dye is very famous in Rajasthan. Fabric,
dress material and sarees on which this technique is used are liked by
Q3. You recently witnessed the World Cup India-South Africa Cricket
match that was played in the city of Nagpur. Start to finish it was a
nail-biting match. Describe it in 100-150 words.
World Cup matches make the Indian public euphoric. Witnessing a
match offers a two-fold advantage. One is witnessing the match and the
other is seeing the public go mad. I got an opportunity to see the
India-South Africa match that was played at Nagpur. I had flown
specially from Mumbai to see the match. The stadium was packed to
capacity; there was not an inch of space. Each ball bowled by the Indian
bowlers and each run scored by the Indians made people hoot, shout,
clap and wave the Indian flag.Master blaster Sachin Tendulkar scored 111 runs. It
was an electrifying performance. Watching it was sheer fun. Bowling of Zaheer
Khan was also good.

Questions for practice:

1. Write a descriptive paragraph about one of your family members. (150-200
2. Describe a festival that you recently celebrated in a paragraph not exceeding
200 words.
3. Write a paragraph describing your school library which is been recently
renovated. (150-200 words)
4. You have been served with the following notes on ‘Kashmir’. Develop a
paragraph on “Kashmir : The Paradise of India” using all these notes.
❖ Surrounded by mountains, snow covered peaks, beautiful lakes and
❖ Kesar (saffron) grown on hilly terrain.
❖ Visited by tourists throughout the year.
❖ Kashmiri people keep Kangri to warm themselves.
❖ Wicker work, Kashmiri embroidery, walnut work – the chief handicrafts of
Kashmiri people.
❖ Dal Lake – the famous one – House boats.
❖ Kashmir – heaven on earth created by God.
❖ People – helpful – enjoy delicious food.

5. Write a descriptive paragraph on ‘A Scene at the Polling Booth’ in about 100-

150 words based on the following cues :
Your Locality:
Inputs :
polling booth in school/community hall – tents of various political parties
outside booth – banners displayed – workers guiding voters – giving slips of
voter numbers – rush outside – law and order kept – policemen deputed –
patrolling inside booth – long queues – no canvassing allowed – one party
worker of candidate allowed to sit in – supervises – no cheating – ballot paper
given – ink-mark put – secret voting by turns.
6. Watch the picture given below carefully and minutely. Write a short
description of the festival shown in the picture on the basis of your
understanding. Also, cover the details of the picture. The description should be
of about 100-150 words.
Hints : Dussehra Festival – effigies of Kumbhkarna, Ravana, Meghnath – Rama
(with bow and arrow) Lakshmana (with bow and arrow) Spectators
Q7. Write a descriptive paragraph, in about 100-150 words, on ‘Inspiring
Teacher’ . Take the information given below in the input.

lecturer in Sanskrit literature — third person who has the highest knowledge of
Sanskrit linguistic — specialty in calligraphy and philosophy — he was a truck
driver in Tamil Nadu — appointed to be a guest lecturer in university of Delhi —
he was carrying a plastic bag wore a simple, outfit — didn’t have many rules in his
class — he let us feel and try the words—humble heart and persistence — always
tried our best in the class –admired by his attitude towards his students


The five key elements (or stages) of Story Writing are as follows-
1. Character

2. Setting

3. Plot

4. Conflict

5. Theme

Marking Scheme for Story writing- (5 MARKS)

Title & Moral – 1 Mark
Content – 2 Marks
Expression – 2 Marks (Coherence, relevance of ideas) (1 mark) (Accuracy,
appropriate words and correct spellings) (1 mark)

Write a short story in 100 – 150 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a
suitable title to the story.
Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry
voices in the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what
had happened … … …
The Last Day
Satish was standing on the balcony watching the last rays of the Sun. Loud and angry
voices in the street below distracted his attention. He ran down the stairs to see what
had happened. His neighbours were again fighting over some parking issues. It was a
common scene among the residents of that area. No sooner did he reach there when
suddenly the land between the neighbours’ buildings started tearing apart. Everyone
got frightened. Satish ran back to his house to find his daughter and wife. They were
both ready with their emergency baggage. The family got out of the house and started
running as fast as they could, passing the falling trees and buildings. Water was
penetrating out of the departing land and everyone was panicking and running in any
direction to save their lives when suddenly, Satish’s daughter fell down. A tree fell over
her feet. Satish was trying to help his crying daughter when they both saw a building
falling over them. Satish hugged his daughter and shouted at the peak of his voice which
finally woke him up. With sighs of heavy breathing and excessive sweating, Satish went
to his daughter’s room only to find that everything was fine. He kissed her forehead,
went back to his room and wondered; “Phew! This one really took the life out of me”.

1. Write a short story based on the given outline or cue/s in about 100-150 words.
It was 11 p.m. Seema was about to shut the door and retire for the day when she saw
Bono, her pet dog, in the garden. When she went out to bring Bono inside, she saw Bono
frantically digging. Seema screamed when she saw………….

2. My grandmother had organised the girls and women of her village into a self-help
group to live a life of self-dependence and dignity. You think her story is a tale of vision,
mission and success. Share her story in 100-150 words and give a suitable title and
moral to it.
Hints : My grandmother moved by the misery of village women and girls - vision of self
dependence - formed self help group - produced candle etc - a story of smile on every

3. Saurabh and you make great friends. But misunderstanding pushed your friendship
on the verge of breaking. You want to share your story with others. Complete the story
and supply a suitable title and moral to it.
Diary Entry Format :

Day and Date

Salutation – ‘Dear Diary’
Contents of the diary entry

Marking Scheme - (5 Marks)

Day and Date — ½ mark
Time — ½ mark
Salutation — ½ mark
Content — 3 marks
Signature — ½ mark

Imagine you are the grandfather who owns a private zoo in the chapter “Adventures
of Toto”. Write a diary entry in 100-120 words expressing your feelings on selling

January 10th 2023, Tuesday

9 PM

Dear Diary,
Toto was returned to the tonga driver from whom I purchased it today. I have
conflicting emotions about it and am unsure of whether I should be happy to let it go or
be sorry to miss it. This is because Toto was causing more trouble in the house than any
of us could handle. I found it difficult to complete any work since I had to constantly
watch the mischievous monkey. Since I frequently regretted purchasing it, I suppose I
am genuinely glad that it is no longer in my possession. As a result of not having to
worry about what may happen next, I also feel fairly peaceful.
I hope Toto is happy with his old owner. Toto may not be here with me but I’m sure my
whole family will laugh thinking about his naughty deeds in future.
Good Night!
1. You spent a week at an old age home a few days back. Make a diary entry of 100-120
words on your feelings and experience of spending time with the ‘grandparents’. You
are Parth/Parul.
Hints : school asked to choose a place to spend a week - chose old age home - I
convinced the manager to allow me - a bond started growing after the first two days -
talked, played, fought, cooked, sang, danced, solved problems and many more with
them - a tearful goodbye with a promise to go back again.

2. You recently met your idol you admire the most and you are feeling on top of the
world. Write a diary entry about it.

3. You are Arun/Aruna of Kabir Public School, Bhopal. You and your family had to face a
lot of pleasant and not so pleasant experiences when an uninvited guest overstayed
with you recently. Taking help from the information given below, make a diary entry
describing your experiences.
• Guests are welcome • but only for a short period • uninvited guests create problems
and inconveniences • Ram Lai, a distant relative of my mother • stormed into the house
uninvited • no news • created a lot of inconvenience • accommodated in a separate
room • sets of new clothes • towels • cosmetics • strictly vegetarian • didn’t allow meat
and fish in the kitchen • witty and humorous • sang folk songs • but ultimately a
nuisance • didn’t think of leaving • fortunately his son came to take him • we were
relieved of an unwanted burden.

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