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Test Results

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Pass mark is 75%

Test Summary
Type: Sequential

Module: 04 (Electronic Fundamentals)

Sub-sections: 3b,

1. To convert a differential synchro from subtraction to addition you would

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: change over two rotor and two stator connections

This question has been asked 4798 times with a success rate of 70 percent.

To convert a differential synchro from subtrac

addition you must swap two of the rotor lead
Comment/Reference: two of the stator leads.

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2. Torque synchro receiver bearing friction will cause

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: misalignment

This question has been asked 4689 times with a success rate of 68 percent.

Comment/Reference: Bearing friction will cause the delicate rotor to

the desired position

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3. In a synchro system, if two stator lines are crossed the receiver will

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: reverse direction

This question has been asked 5104 times with a success rate of 62 percent.

If two stator lines are crossed the receiver wi


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4. If the rotor of a control synchro sticks

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: high current will flow

This question has been asked 5249 times with a success rate of 72 percent.

High current flows in the stators whenever th

not in correspondence.

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5. The cogging effect in synchros is rectified by

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: skewing the rotor

This question has been asked 4833 times with a success rate of 75 percent.

The cogging effect in a synchro is prevented b

(or twisting) the rotor.

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In an E and I signal generator at datum, the voltage on the secondary


Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: are equal and opposite

This question has been asked 4824 times with a success rate of 80 percent.

Since an EandI bar transformer secondary wi

wound in series opposition, at datum the volt
Comment/Reference: secondary windings will be equal and opposit

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7. What type of feedback does an LVDT provide?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: Positional

This question has been asked 3823 times with a success rate of 77 percent.
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The control windings of a two phase servomotor is supplied with AC

voltage of

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: variable amplitude, variable phase

This question has been asked 5199 times with a success rate of 72 percent.

The control windings are fed with variable am

but the amplitude can be positive (in phase)
Comment/Reference: (anti-phase).

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9. With a constant input to a speed control servo, the servo motor

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: moves at a constant speed

This question has been asked 4868 times with a success rate of 84 percent.

Comment/Reference: A speed control servo moves the load (e.g. a

at constant speed.
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In a velocity feedback damping system the net input to the amplifier is
the voltage proportional to

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

the error signal minus the voltage proportional to speed of

Correct Answer:
the output shaft.

This question has been asked 5562 times with a success rate of 54 percent.

Automatic Flight Control, 4th Edition, Pallett a

pg 84

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11. Which of the following would help in removing the dead band?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: Increasing the gain of the error amplifier

This question has been asked 5361 times with a success rate of 70 percent.

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The direction of the induced (secondary) magnetic field in a synchro

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: is in the opposite direction to the primary field

This question has been asked 4849 times with a success rate of 65 percent.

The rotor of a synchro transmitter induces a c

the stator coils. The stator coils produce a ma
which opposes the field in the rotor which cre
Comment/Reference: (Similar to the secondary field of a transform

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13. A resolver has

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: 2 coils on the rotor and 2 coils on the stator

This question has been asked 4092 times with a success rate of 75 percent.

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14. A command synchroscope indicates whether

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the slave engine is too fast or too slow

This question has been asked 6051 times with a success rate of 63 percent.
Aircraft Instruments, Principles and Applicatio
Pallett, Page 225

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15. Differential synchros have

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: a transmitter and a receiver

This question has been asked 3837 times with a success rate of 89 percent.

See Pallett Aircraft Instruments and Integrate

pg 135.

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16. In a Desynn circuit, what is the output?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: DC - low torque

This question has been asked 808 times with a success rate of 76 percent.

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17. Reversal of the complete power to a torque synchro system will

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: have no effect

This question has been asked 3857 times with a success rate of 58 percent.

Since both rotors are supplied with the same

reversing the connections to both will have no

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18. The output of a tachogenerator should be

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: sinusoidal

This question has been asked 5032 times with a success rate of 74 percent.

The output should be the same waveform as

i.e. sinusoidal.

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19. A differential synchro

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: can be used as either a transmitter or a receiver

This question has been asked 4209 times with a success rate of 86 percent.

Comment/Reference: The TDX is a transmitter, the TDR is a receive

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20. A two phase induction motor used in a servomechanism

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: is self starting under light loads

This question has been asked 5293 times with a success rate of 75 percent.

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21. Velocity feedback

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: opposes the demand input

This question has been asked 3557 times with a success rate of 72 percent.

Velocity feedback is anti-phase to the deman

opposes it.

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A linear variable differential transformer is used to measure position

feedback where
Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

an output whose phase is related to direction of movement

Correct Answer:
and amplitude linear over a wide range

This question has been asked 5227 times with a success rate of 79 percent.

An LVDT measures position and provides a di

phase according to the direction of movemen

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23. An increase in amplitude of a rate feedback signal will cause

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: reduced hunting

This question has been asked 3933 times with a success rate of 56 percent.

Rate feedback is to reduce overshoot and osc

(hunting), therefore, increasing the amplitude
Comment/Reference: the rate feedback will decrease tendency to h

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24. Torque synchro systems are normally used when the

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: mechanical load is low

This question has been asked 3507 times with a success rate of 69 percent.

Comment/Reference: Torque synchros are used for indication only,

the load is low.
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25. The stator output voltages from a synchro resolver are

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: AC single phase

This question has been asked 3526 times with a success rate of 69 percent.

AC single phase from each winding


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26. The output from a control transformer is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: AC voltage

This question has been asked 3537 times with a success rate of 76 percent.

The control transformer provides AC voltage i

to the error signal

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27. Optimum damping of a servo is defined as

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: achieving the position with one overshoot

This question has been asked 990 times with a success rate of 61 percent.

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28. If the feedback is ideally damped, the signal will

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: overshoots once and return back

This question has been asked 3748 times with a success rate of 62 percent.

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29. In a tachogenerator the output voltage is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: directly proportional to the speed

This question has been asked 3607 times with a success rate of 84 percent.

Comment/Reference: (No Comment/Reference Available)

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30. In a synchrotel, the

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: rotor coil and stator coil is fixed

This question has been asked 4879 times with a success rate of 67 percent.

Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems


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31. The rotor of an AC rate feedback generator

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: is a copper or aluminium cylinder

This question has been asked 5290 times with a success rate of 72 percent.

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32. An aircraft control servo system has 'follow-up'. This means that it is
Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: closed loop

This question has been asked 2023 times with a success rate of 87 percent.

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33. A control synchro is used

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: to produce demand signals for servo systems

This question has been asked 4602 times with a success rate of 70 percent.

Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Systems.

Page 136

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34. If a servo amplifier is suffering from drift

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

the load would move to a new position, proportional to the

Correct Answer:
drift and stay there

This question has been asked 5096 times with a success rate of 74 percent.

Comment/Reference: If a servo amplifier suffers from drift (e.g. du

temperature), the load will move to a new po
Report problem stop when the position feedback cancels out t
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If velocity feedback in a servo system is above optimum, this will

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: sluggish operation

This question has been asked 3780 times with a success rate of 67 percent.

Velocity feedback slows down the operation o


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An AC servo demand can be converted to drive a DC motor by the

introduction of a

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: demodulator

This question has been asked 5207 times with a success rate of 65 percent.

Comment/Reference: A demodulator differs from a rectifier in that

the phase of the AC input, and give an outpu
Report problem positive DC or negative DC accordingly. This
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the DC motor in the correct direction.
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37. A closed loop servomechanism

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: can have either position or velocity feedback

This question has been asked 4392 times with a success rate of 77 percent.

A closed loop servomechanism can have eithe

feedback or velocity feedback or both.

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38. A servomechanism must have

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: either position or speed control

This question has been asked 1991 times with a success rate of 83 percent.

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In a speed control servo system (rate control), the purpose of the

tachogenerator is
Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: to make it run at constant speed

This question has been asked 3814 times with a success rate of 64 percent.

The tachogenerator is to make the load run a


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40. Damping in a servomechanism is easier to apply if

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the mechanism is light and has low inertia

This question has been asked 5051 times with a success rate of 78 percent.

Overshoot and oscillation is greatest when th

is heavy and has a high inertia.

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41. Proportional, integral and derivative are all

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: methods of feedback control in servomechanisms

This question has been asked 2982 times with a success rate of 69 percent.

Comment/Reference: (No Comment/Reference Available)

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42. Position feedback is used to

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

ensure control surface moves to the demanded position by

Correct Answer:
the controls

This question has been asked 3488 times with a success rate of 79 percent.

Position feedback is to ensure control surface

(and stops at) the demanded position by the

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43. What does a resolver do?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: Resolves a position into sine and cosine components

This question has been asked 3482 times with a success rate of 70 percent.

A resolver converts a position from polar coor

cartesian coordinates, and/or vice versa

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44. A Desynn indicating system may be operated using

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: DC power only

This question has been asked 4286 times with a success rate of 79 percent.

Aircraft Instruments, Principles and Applicatio

Pallett, Page 225-226

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45. The amount of rate feedback from a tachogenerator is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: proportional to speed

This question has been asked 3608 times with a success rate of 82 percent.

A tachogenerator provides feedback proportio

rate (speed)

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46. An open loop servo

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: has no feedback

This question has been asked 5595 times with a success rate of 88 percent.

Comment/Reference: (No Comment/Reference Available)

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47. Synchro capacitors are fitted

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: to improve sensitivity and accuracy

This question has been asked 4644 times with a success rate of 80 percent.

Synchro capacitors reduce stator current and

synchro system more accurate

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48. An inertia mass is held between springs. This is measuring

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: acceleration

This question has been asked 5420 times with a success rate of 90 percent.

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49. The null position of a torque synchro system is when

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the TX and TR rotors are parallel to each other

This question has been asked 3681 times with a success rate of 75 percent.

TX and TR rotors must be parallel to be at the


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The letter 'B' following the identification code on the case of a synchro

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the modification status

This question has been asked 4801 times with a success rate of 71 percent.
Comment/Reference: Chapter1.pdf

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51. Differential transmitters are used to

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

add or subtract a mechanical signal to an electrical synchro

Correct Answer:

This question has been asked 3755 times with a success rate of 72 percent.

Comment/Reference: A differential synchro is used to add or subtra

mechanical signal from an electrical signal de
the synchro transmitter.

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52. A tacho-generator provides

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: velocity feedback

This question has been asked 5584 times with a success rate of 78 percent.

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53. A tachogenerator output is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: variable voltage, constant frequency

This question has been asked 5373 times with a success rate of 58 percent.

A tachogenerator output is the same frequenc

input (i.e. constant) but the voltage varies.

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54. In practice, servo systems are designed to be

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: slightly underdamped

This question has been asked 4971 times with a success rate of 64 percent.

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55. In a torque synchro system, the power supply is connected to

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the rotor windings of both the transmitter and receiver

This question has been asked 3785 times with a success rate of 81 percent.

Pallett Aircraft Instruments and Integrated Sy

135. Aircraft Electricity and Electronics 5th Ed
Comment/Reference: Page 185/6

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56. What power is required for a desynn indicator system?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: DC

This question has been asked 3823 times with a success rate of 78 percent.

Comment/Reference: (No Comment/Reference Available)

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57. In a stabilised Control Synchro system

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the CT rotor leads the CX rotor by 90 degrees

This question has been asked 1030 times with a success rate of 59 percent.

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58. The purpose of a flywheel in a synchro receiver indicator is to

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: prevent spinning or oscillation

This question has been asked 4713 times with a success rate of 81 percent.

The flywheel is coupled to some form of brak

magnetic) to reduce oscillations.

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59. The purpose of a flywheel incorporated in a synchro is to

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: prevent oscillations

This question has been asked 4706 times with a success rate of 81 percent.

The purpose of a flywheel on a synchro is as

eddy current (coulomb friction) damping mec

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60. What power is used to run a desynn torque motor?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: 24 - 28 V DC

This question has been asked 3670 times with a success rate of 82 percent.

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61. Increasing velocity feedback from optimum will give

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: sluggish performance

This question has been asked 3565 times with a success rate of 75 percent.

Comment/Reference: Velocity feedback is subtracted from the erro

reduce the rate of the output.
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62. The power supply to a torque synchro system is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: AC

This question has been asked 3811 times with a success rate of 66 percent.

See Pallett Aircraft Instruments and Integrate

pg 135.

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63. A two phase motor will stop when

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the control phase is zero

This question has been asked 5123 times with a success rate of 83 percent.

A two phase motor will stop when the control

zero (i.e. no output).

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64. An increase in negative feedback

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: decreases system sensitivity

This question has been asked 3965 times with a success rate of 57 percent.

Negative feedback (position and/or rate) incr

stability but makes the servo unresponsive to
Comment/Reference: changes.

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65. A control synchro system pointer is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: motor driven

This question has been asked 5398 times with a success rate of 67 percent.

The receiver of a control synchro is effectively

speed synchronous motor

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66. A typical use for resolver synchros is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: in compass comparator units

This question has been asked 3799 times with a success rate of 75 percent.

Comment/Reference: Automatic Flight Control, Pallett and Coyle, Pa

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67. To increase the output of a servo amplifier, it is necessary to

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: reduce the tacho feedback

This question has been asked 3765 times with a success rate of 61 percent.

Tachogenerator feedback opposes the error s

thus reduces amplifier output.

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68. On a torque synchro

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the transmitter and the receiver both need AC supply

This question has been asked 3785 times with a success rate of 84 percent.

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69. A tachogenerator is usually used for

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: rate feedback

This question has been asked 3987 times with a success rate of 79 percent.

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70. How does a Desynn pointer return to zero when power is removed?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: By hairspring

This question has been asked 1087 times with a success rate of 75 percent.

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Which of the following methods of damping has a fast damp response

and large velocity lag?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: Velocity feedback damping

This question has been asked 5227 times with a success rate of 63 percent.

Comment/Reference: Automatic Flight Control, 4th Edition, Pallett a

page 88
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72. A differential synchro motor consists of

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: 3 windings at 120 degrees

This question has been asked 4279 times with a success rate of 87 percent.

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73. An open loop system is one which has

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: no direct feedback loop

This question has been asked 3933 times with a success rate of 87 percent.

Open loop has no feedback.


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74. In a control surface position indicating system the feedback signal is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: proportional to the control surface position

This question has been asked 3663 times with a success rate of 80 percent.

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75. A synchro transformer is used to

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

derive an error voltage from a synchro transmitter signal

Correct Answer:
and a shaft position

This question has been asked 4052 times with a success rate of 74 percent.

Pallett Automatic Flight Control pg 135.


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On a servo system using a control synchro, if the feedback became

disconnected the output would

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: run to a limit and then stop

This question has been asked 3851 times with a success rate of 65 percent.

Comment/Reference: (No Comment/Reference Available)

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77. Synchro systems depend on the principles of

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: mutual Inductance

This question has been asked 3509 times with a success rate of 66 percent.

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78. The position feedback from a potentiometer is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: anti-phase

This question has been asked 3844 times with a success rate of 59 percent.

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When a servomotor has stopped, the rate feedback from a

tachogenerator is
Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: zero

This question has been asked 3568 times with a success rate of 85 percent.

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80. The rotor of a torque synchro indicator is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: supplied with an excitation voltage

This question has been asked 3579 times with a success rate of 72 percent.

The excitation voltage is that necessary to ma


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If two of the stator leads are cross connected in a control synchro

81. system, a 25° clockwise rotation of the input rotor would result in the
output rotor

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: moving 25° anticlockwise

This question has been asked 5081 times with a success rate of 84 percent.

Comment/Reference: Cross connecting two stator leads of a contro

make the magnetic field in the receiver rotate
Report problem opposite direction as the transmitter.
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82. A resolver synchro output is obtained from a rotor with

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: two coils at 90° to each other

This question has been asked 3905 times with a success rate of 78 percent.

A resolver synchro has two coils at 90 degree


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In a synchro resolver, the stator coils are at what angle in relation to

one another?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: 90 degrees

This question has been asked 3565 times with a success rate of 89 percent.

In a synchro resolver the stator coils are 90 d

each other.";

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84. When resolving a Cartesian input to a Polar output

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the inputs are two voltages

This question has been asked 3570 times with a success rate of 57 percent.

Cartesian inputs are the X and Y coordinates

represented by two voltages. The outputs are
Comment/Reference: by a voltage and an angular position.

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A mass of high inertia restrained by strong springs is what type of


Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: An acceleration sensor

This question has been asked 5725 times with a success rate of 86 percent.

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86. An increase in velocity feedback will

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: decrease the speed the load moves

This question has been asked 3968 times with a success rate of 66 percent.

Comment/Reference: Velocity feedback opposes demand input ther

reduces thew speed the load moves.

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87. What device transfers one energy type to another?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: Transducer

This question has been asked 3402 times with a success rate of 84 percent.

The device that transfers one energy type to

called a transducer. Aircraft Electricity and Ele
Comment/Reference: Edition Eismin Page 171

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88. A sin/cos synchro has its stator windings set apart

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: 90 degrees

This question has been asked 4012 times with a success rate of 83 percent.

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The application of a 'stick-off' voltage to a control synchro servo
system is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: to prevent alignment to a false null

This question has been asked 5159 times with a success rate of 66 percent.

Stick-off voltage is to prevent alignment to a

(i.e. 180 degrees out) when system is switch

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90. In a slab desynn transmitter the

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: pick-offs rotate on the slab resistor

This question has been asked 4841 times with a success rate of 73 percent.

The pick-offs rotate on the slab resistor. Aircr

Electricity and Electronics 5th Edition Eismin P

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91. The power supply to a torque synchro system is connected to

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the transmitter and receiver rotors

This question has been asked 3694 times with a success rate of 84 percent.

Comment/Reference: See Pallett Aircraft |Instruments and Integrat

pg 135.

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In a transient velocity feedback circuit, the tachogenerator output is

summated with the demand voltage

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: only when the load is speeding up or slowing down

This question has been asked 5076 times with a success rate of 63 percent.

Automatic Flight Control EHJ Pallett Page 91.


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93. A differential synchro has

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: 3 phase stator, 3 phase rotor

This question has been asked 4277 times with a success rate of 75 percent.

Aircraft instruments and Integrated Systems,

Page 142

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94. Velocity lag can be decreased by

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: decreasing the coulomb friction in the system

This question has been asked 4970 times with a success rate of 67 percent.

Automatic Flight Control, 4th Edition, Pallett a

pg 87

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Describe how the windings are connected when using a resolver

synchro to convert from Cartesian to polar co-ordinates.

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The inputs are connected to the S1/S2 and S3/S4. R1/R2

Correct Answer: are connected to the discriminator and servomotor. R3/R4
provides an output voltage

This question has been asked 4011 times with a success rate of 68 percent.

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With power is removed what is used to return the indicator needle in a

Desynn back to zero?

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: A pull-off magnet

This question has been asked 1810 times with a success rate of 72 percent.
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Reversal of two of the stator connections on a torque synchro receiver

would cause

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the output to move the reverse direction to the input

This question has been asked 5047 times with a success rate of 82 percent.

(No Comment/Reference Available)


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98. The direction of rotation of a control synchro transmitter determines

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: the phase of the output voltage

This question has been asked 3923 times with a success rate of 65 percent.

Automatic Flight Control, 4th Edition, Pallett a


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99. Mechanical friction in a servo results in

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: increased damping

This question has been asked 3763 times with a success rate of 77 percent.

Friction devices are sometimes used to increa

and thus decrease oscillations.

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100. In a synchrotel the rotating winding is

Your Answer: (No Answer Given) INCORRECT

Correct Answer: neither

This question has been asked 4872 times with a success rate of 71 percent.

This is a trick question, because a synchrotel

rotating winding. Aircraft Instruments and Int
Comment/Reference: Systems Pallett Page 149/150

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