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Math in English Brain Teasers level 2 #13

puzzle 1
Which option completes this pattern ?

3 6 9 4 A 18

8 12 5 10 B 16

15 6 12 ? C 18

puzzle 2 puzzle 3
What is the missing number in Which number is needed
the following pattern ? to complete the puzzle ?

1 ? 1 5 4 2 3

1 7 1 9 2 3 6

2 1 2 3 ? 5 9

puzzle 4
Which 2-digit number replaces the question mark ?

48 25 24
56 24 30 15 ? 16
32 40 20 10 8 20
16 35 12

Math in English Brain Teasers level 2 #13

Answer to brain teasers

puzzle 1 : C
Shape pattern with hexagon, diamond and pentagon.
Pentagons follow a 9, 12. 15 and 18 pattern.

puzzle 2 : 3
13,15,17,19,21,23 sequence.

puzzle 3 : 6
423 + 236 equals 659.

puzzle 4 : 28
Each hexagon contains the 2nd to the 7th multiple of respectively
6, 5 and 4.


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