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Lesson : Grammar
Class : 3 E F G H
PERIOD 2024-2025




Halaman ini berisi administrasi persiapan mengajar – I’daduttadris Guru Grammar kelas 3 TMI yang disusun oleh
Al-Ustadz Thufeil Abdillah Adhim yang terdiri dari:
1. Cover
2. Kalender Pendidikan
3. Silabus
4. Program Semester
5. I’dad - RPP

Telah diperiksa dan disahkan untuk dijadikan pedoman dalam proses pembelajaran mengajar di Pondok Pesantren
Al-Amanah Al-Gontory Perigi Baru, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan.

Disahkan di Pondok Aren

Pada tanggal, 14 Juli 2024

Musyrif Direktur TMI

…………………….. Al-Ustadz Jazuli Fadil, S.Pd.I., M.M


School : MTs Al-Amanah Al-Gontory Semester : 1 (Ganjil)

Lesson : Grammar Time : 40 Minute
Chapter : Part Of Speech

Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to :

• Speak and write English correctly

• Understand about the part of speech

The Preface

I’am sure that you can speak English well and fluently as long as you want to use it in communicating with friends
every day and every time, basically you use this language in your daily communication. And, in this morning we will learn
about Part of speech.


The words in English language are grouped into the part of speech according to their meanings and their functions.
There are eight parts of speech
- Noun - Adverb
- Pronoun - Preposition
- Verb - Conjuntion
- Adjective - Interjunction

NOUN : Is a word used as the name of anything : a person, an animal, an object, a place, a situation, a quality or an
idea. Example :
a. Take your book please!
b. Andy is listening to their radio.
c. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia

PRONOUN : Is a word used as a substitute for a noun. Example :

a. This is my car.
b. I like the person who is diligent.
c. You are my sunshine

VERB : Is a word used for saying something a person or thing, or giving order. Example :
a. John studies grammar
b. They looked tired.
c. I eat chicken everyday.

ADJECTIVE : Is a word that qualifies a noun or pronoun by describing it. Example :

a. James is a diligent boy
b. Rony has two pens
c. The second girl is mine

ADVERB : Is A word that modifies or describes a verb, an adjective, or an another adverb. Example
a. Ali run quickly
b. He speaks English well
c. They talk extremely fast

PREPOSITION : Is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to show its relationship to some other word in a
sentence. Example :
a. She goes to canteen
b. Please! Stay for lunch
c. I want to sleep
CONJUNCTION : Is a word used to connect one word to another word, one sentence to another sentence.
Example :
a. Rudi and Riyan came yesterday
b. She has breakfast before she goes to school
c. I eat chicken after I woke up

INTERJECTION : Is an exclamatory word or phrase a sudden feeling of mind or emotion. Example :

a. Well, you must go now!
b. Oh, look at the time!
c. Bah, I hate my mind!


1. How many part of speech are there? Mention it!

• There are 8 part of speech :
Noun - Adverb
Pronoun - Preposition
Verb - Conjuntion
Adjective - Interjunction

2. What is noun? Give an example!

• Noun is a word used as the name of anything : a person, an animal, an object, a place, a situation, a
quality or an idea.
-Budi and Rudi are best friend.

3. Give the example from interjection!

• Oh God, Save me!

School : MTs Al-Amanah Al-Gontory Semester : 1 (Ganjil)

Lesson : Grammar Time : 40 Minute
Chapter : Noun

Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to :

• Speak and write English correctly

• Understand about the Noun

The Preface

I’am sure that you can speak English well and fluently as long as you want to use it in communicating with friends
every day and every time, basically you use this language in your daily communication. And, in this morning we will learn
about Noun.


Noun Is a word used as the name of anything : a person, an animal, an object, a place, a situation, a quality or an
idea. Noun is divided into six kinds :

- Proper Noun
- Common Noun
- Material Noun
- Collective Noun
- Abstract Noun
- Possesive Noun

Proper Noun : is a word that stands for name of person, country or any particular names which begun with capital
Letter. Example :
a. Ahmad is Listening the radio
b. Free Palestine
c. I was born on July 2005

Common Noun : is a word that denotes no one thing in particular, but it’s common to any number of the same
Kind. Example :
a. Take your book, please!
b. I met a man yesterday
c. Everyone has to love his country

Note : here, book doesn’t poin out any particular book,(yellow book, alquran book, bible book) but can be used
For any and every book

Material Noun : is a word that denotes the matter, or substance of which things are made. Example
a. Salt is necessary to live
b. This ring is made of gold
c. The wood of coconut is usable

Collective Noun : is a word denotes the group of collection of multitude taken as one complete whole. Example :
a. I see Cavalry in this film
b. The army made the ceremony
c. I see a large congregation at masjid.

Abstract Noun : is a word that denotes some quality, state or action apart from any particular instances or material
Object. Example :
a. The teacher will be happy with your kindness
b. We have good pleasure today
c. Slavery is wrong nowadays.
Possesive Noun : when we speak of possession, we often mean ownership, we may also mean something that
Belongs to a person or is part of him or her. The underlined words below are nouns. They are called possessive
Nouns, because they show possession of the noun that follows. Example :
a. Hadi’s sincerity
b. Lala,s Lamborghini
c. House’s roof


1. How many kinds of noun? Mention it1

There are 6 kinds of noun, they are :
- Proper Noun
- Common Noun
- Material Noun
- Collective Noun
- Abstract Noun
- Possesive Noun

2. What is Material noun? Give an example!

Is a word that denotes the matter, or substance of which things are made. Example :
- Diamond is use to jewellery

3. Give the example sentence from collective noun!

- The navy is going to Russia.

School : MTs Al-Amanah Al-Gontory Semester : 1 (Ganjil)

Lesson : Grammar Time : 40 Minute
Chapter : Noun

Learning Objective
In the end of the lesson, the students are expected to be able to :

• Speak and write English correctly

• Understand about the Noun

The Preface

I’am sure that you can speak English well and fluently as long as you want to use it in communicating with friends
every day and every time, basically you use this language in your daily communication. And, in this morning we will learn
about Noun.

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