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1. Dependency Grammar vs.

Phrase Structure Grammar: Compare and contrast

Dependency Grammar and Phrase Structure Grammar. Discuss their main principles,
advantages, and disadvantages. Provide examples to illustrate how each theory analyzes
sentence structure differently.
2. Transformational Grammar: Explain the concept of Transformational Grammar in
syntactic theory. Discuss its role in generating and transforming sentences, using
examples to illustrate how transformations apply to different sentence types (e.g., passive
voice, question formation).
3. Syntactic Ambiguity: Analyze the sentence "Visiting relatives can be tiresome." Identify
and explain the syntactic ambiguity present in this sentence. Provide multiple tree
diagrams to represent the different interpretations and discuss how the ambiguity arises.
4. Case and Government Theory: Define Case and Government Theory in the context of
syntax. Explain how these concepts help explain the relationships between verbs and
their arguments. Provide examples to demonstrate how verbs assign case and government
to their complements.
5. Generative Syntax: Discuss the concept of Generative Syntax and its role in creating
and analyzing sentences. Explain the difference between deep structure and surface
structure. Illustrate how transformations convert deep structure into surface structure with
an example.
6.  X-Bar Theory: Explain the principles of X-Bar Theory in syntax. Discuss how it
provides a hierarchical structure for phrases and how it accounts for phrase internal
structure. Illustrate with examples and diagrams.
7.  Head-Initial vs. Head-Final Languages: Compare and contrast Head-Initial and
Head-Final languages in terms of sentence structure. Provide examples from both types
of languages and discuss how word order affects syntactic relationships and meaning.
8.  Ellipsis and Coordination: Discuss the role of ellipsis and coordination in English
syntax. Explain how ellipsis allows for omission of redundant elements in coordination
structures. Provide examples and explain how ellipsis affects sentence structure

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