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Pham Thu – Bien Hoa Gifted High School


Part 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is differently pronounced from that of the others.
1. A. absorbed B. housed C. controlled D. air-conditioned
2. A. efficient B. enabled C. enveloped D. emblem
3. A. chimney B. chipmunk C. chameleon D. chimpanzee
4. A. supportive B. multiply C. justice D. lumps
5. A. rhythm B. mythical C. methodology D. tablecloth
Part 2: Choose the word whose main stress is differently placed from that of the others.
1. A. lipstick B. framework C. hazard D. defame
2. A. literature B. officially C. passengers D. temporarily
3. A. astronomical B. enthusiasm C. dramatically D. curriculum
4. A. superficial B. fundamental C. circumstantial D. ephemeral
5. A. loudspeaker B. comparison C. miniature D. ridiculous
Part 3: Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each of the sentences.
1. The robbery took place in ____.
A. a busily shopping street B. a busy street shopping
C. busy shopping street D. a busy shopping street
2. The car knocked the man ____ his bicycle.
A. of B. out of C. off D. down
3. ____ exhibitions are like huge market places for the sale of goods, and these are often called trade fairs.
A. Most of B. A great many C. A great deal of D. Many of
4. Some flowers have ____ petals.
A. bright colour B. bright coloured C. brightly coloured D. colour-bright
5. The development of new crops strains ____ greatly increased yields.
A. is B. are C. has D. have
6. “Why are you in such a hurry?” – “The library said it was important that I ____ this book immediately.”
A. returned B. was returning C. had returned D. return
7. There is water below the earth’s surface ____ everywhere.
A. most B. most of C. almost D. almost in
8. ____ heat from the sun there would be no life on earth.
A. Except B. Without C. If there is no D. Despite
9. The ____ north we go, the ____ we are to meet high temperatures.
A. far / less likely B. farther / likely C. farther / less likely D. farthest / least likely
10. Switzerland is bordered ____ the north by Germany.
A. on B. to C. in D. at
11. I wasn’t satisfied with the ____ I was getting, so I decided to quit my job.
A. allowance B. income C. reward D. salary
12. Alex is ____ of his brother’s success. He always says unkind things about him.
A. suspicious B. envious C. annoyed D. disgusted
13. The effect of this new drug is not known yet, as it is still in the trial ____.
A. process B. progress C. procedure D. preparation
14. I would like everyone to ____ quiet while I’m reading to you.
A. maintain B. notice C. tolerate D. remain
15. We delayed our departure on ____ of the bad weather.
A. account B. condition C. relation D. behalf
16. The moment the teacher ____ the exam papers, I was filled with anxiety.
A. gave away B. gave out C. handed down D. handed over
17. I ____ an ironic tone in his voice when I spoke to him about my promotion.
A. found out B. discovered C. detected D. invented
18. The demonstrators asked the ____ to join in the demonstration.
A. onlookers B. viewers C. witnesses D. sightseers
19. A lot of famous artists have ____ themselves how to paint.
A. learnt B. taught C. educated D. instructed
20. The zoologist was studying the ____ of tigers in their natural habitat.
A. attitude B. mood C. temper D. behavior
Part 4: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following exchanges.
1. Nancy: Do you want me to take you to the bus stop?
Kelly: ____
A. I’m not sure. It depends on how I feel at the time. B. No, I’ll get there somehow.
C. Are you? Are you serious about that? D. Well, that’s life.
2. Susan: I think we’ve only got a few seconds left. We’re going to be cut off in a moment.
Daisy: ____
A. Why not? It’s going to be disconnected. B. Really? I’ll get someone to see to it.

Pham Thu – Bien Hoa Gifted High School
C. No problem. I’ll fix it for you. D. OK, bye then. Thanks for ringing.
3. Louis: Do you want to come round to my house this evening?
Thomas: ____
A. Right! I’ll contact you when necessary.
B. Yes. I found it very amazing.
C. That’d be great. I’ll check with my parents and call you back.
D. What a coincidence!
4. Man 1: I’ve been offered a fantastic job at a software company in California but if I take it, I have to go for at
least three years.
Man 2: ____
A. Brilliant! B. That’s terrible! C. Surely not? D. You’re joking!
5. Brian: I’ve failed my driving test. Again.
Ryan: ____
A. Absolutely! B. No, really? C. Oh, dear! D. Poor you!
Part 5: Complete the sentences with the collocations / expressions in the box below.
out of the way under way by the way on the way way ahead one way or another
there’s no way make our way to have it your way come a long way way of thinking

1. “This job is going to be done ……………………………………,” said the manager in a determined voice.
2. I’m …………………………… to Julie’s house. Will I see you there?
3. This school has ………………………….. since its first years in operation, when it only had twenty students.
4. We were asked to …………………………. to the dining hall.
5. Can you please move ………………………………? We want to move this big box.
6. Negotiations are …………………………… to buy a new striker, to improve the team’s chances.
7. …………………………….. our parents will let us go to the rock festival next weekend.
8. …………………………….., whose turn is it to wash the dishes?
9. Once you understand the lecture’s …………………………………., his theory becomes quite easy to follow.
10. Why must you always ……………………………..? It’s not fair!
11. Stop wasting your time in class, Michael. The rest of class is …………………… of you in Mathematics.
12. Teenagers tend to idolize film stars and imitate the way they look and their …………………………….. .
Part 6: Read the sentences and complete them with the correct form of the verbs BREAK, CUT, PUT, SET or SHAKE.
1. The university has ……………… very high standards to attract the best students.
2. Don’t ………………….. the blame on him. He’s not the one responsible for the accident.
3. Jerry ……………………. his head in disappointment.
4. She loved the house the minute she ………………….. eyes on it.
5. Ian …………………… a lot of effort into repairing that old car.
6. Mrs. Smith …………………… her children the task of clearing out the attic.
7. After years of imprisonment, the man who had wrongfully been accused of the robbery finally ………… free.
8. They have announced their engagement but they haven’t ………………. a date for their wedding yet.
9. No one was willing to ……………….. their silence and help the police with their investigation.
10. My holiday was ……………. short when I broke my leg while skiing.
11. I decided to make the first move and ……………… the ice.
12. Well, to …………… a long story short, our car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
Part 7: Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition to complete the sentences.
1. My lawyer advised me to make the best ______ this difficult situation.
2. Before signing the contract, the client wished to make some inquiries ______ the matter.
3. The university students are going to do research ______ the effects of noise pollution on people.
4. Bill wanted to make a good impression ______ the company’s president.
5. The police officer was instructed to make a detailed report ______ the strange incident.
6. Your plan will only make trouble ______ the people you are supposedly trying to help.
7. If we make good use ______ our resources, we can achieve our goal.
8. You cannot do justice ______ such a complex situation in just a few pages.
9. Why don’t you make yourself ______ home while I get ready?
10. Emissions from factories do considerable harm ______ the environment.
11. Everyone stepped aside to make way ______ the marching soldiers.
12. I have found a part-time job, and now I’m financially independent ______ my parents.
13. The President diplomatically labelled the crisis as a difference ______ opinion between the two nations.
14. The difference ______ price for the same product can vary considerably from store to store.
15. The difference ______ the rich and poor is staggering in most developing countries.
Part 8: Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to or can best EXPLAIN the underlined part in each of the
following sentences.
1. The plans are ready, so as soon as you give me the green light I’ll start with the construction work.
A. give me permission B. demand me C. make way for me D. have my permission

Pham Thu – Bien Hoa Gifted High School
2. We weren’t informed of his presence at the party, so his arrival was completely out of the blue.
A. predictable B. unforeseen C. unexpected D. projected
3. It isn’t all that easy to get a visa and work permit for the States. There’s still a lot of red tape.
A. information B. bureaucracy C. paperwork D. manual work
Part 9: Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
1. Her dismissal came as a bolt from the blue as she used to be a conscientious worker.
A. a shock B. a piece of good news C. a relief D. no surprise
2. It was difficult for Jack to decide to take the bull by the horns and invite Pamela to a concert after their quarrel.
A. deal with the situation B. cope with difficulty
C. run away from situation D. strike up conversations
3. My Uncle Bert has a bee in his bonnet about living to be a hundred, and he won’t eat anything that contains animal fat.
A. is obsessed with B. is particular about C. does not care about D. takes precautions of
Part 10: Identify the mistake in each of the following sentences.
1. Each climate zone has its own specially features, which this research describes in detail.
2. Although parents exert the strongest influence on a child’s development, another adults also have an effect.
3. The more precipitation there is, the high is the groundwater table in low-lying areas.
4. Harold Pinter’s plays show ordinary people being threatened or attacked by mystery forces.
5. Many species of cactus live in places that have warm temperatures at least part of the year.
6. According to experts, few regions have as little plant life than deserts do.
7. Reinforced plastics are strong, lightweighted combinations of plastics and glass fibers, cloth, or paper.
8. The essence problem of ethics concerns knowledge and power when they are combined and manipulated.
9. Playing jokes on April Fool’s Day is common in many regions, although none knows how the tradition began.
10. During the 1960s, Alaska improved it’s transportation facilities and put together a statewide ferry fleet.
Part 11: Read the text and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to fill in each blank.
The octopus who predicted a World Cup final
Our interest in animals’ intelligence and possible psychic powers spans the centuries. For some people, Paul the octopus
proved conclusively, beyond all (1) ____, that animals have intelligence. Spain’s victory over Germany in the 2010 World Cup
came as no (2) ____ to many football fans, because the result had already been (3) ____ by Paul. This was a creature that
had achieved celebrity status with its incredibly (4) ____ predictions.
Known as the ‘psychic octopus’, Paul seemed to demonstrate above-average intelligence. It seemed he could predict all of
Germany’s World Cup results every time he was asked. (5) ____ the popularity of his selections that, just before the final, a
German news channel broadcast Paul’s prediction live on TV.
Paul’s handlers, at an aquarium in the city of Oberhausen, turned him into an international superstar. A simple (6) ____
was followed each time. Mussels were placed into two glass boxes. One box carried Germany’s flag while the other had the
flag of the opposing team. Paul then made his prediction by swimming towards one of the boxes and eating the tasty mussel
Aquarium staff never claimed that this was a carefully controlled scientific (7) ____. There did indeed seem to be a lack of
concrete (8) ____ that Paul was making intelligent choices. The day before the World Cup final, Paul at first swam towards
the Spanish flag, before moving and hovering over the German box. After a few moments, the octopus eventually returned
to his first choice. Occurrences like this (9) ____ some doubt over whether Paul really did have ‘psychic’ powers.
Not everyone appreciated Paul. When Argentina lost to Germany in the quarter-final Argentine fans threatened to put him
in a paella. The newspaper El Dia even printed a recipe for anyone who captured Paul: ‘All you need are some potatoes, olive
oil and a little salt.’ The octopus sometimes erred in his predictions, although not often. His most famous mistake was when
he wrongly picked Germany over Spain in the 2008 European Championship. Spain won 1-0. Proof, perhaps, that he was
capable of (10) ____ from his mistakes. Paul lived a happy and celebrated life and died naturally in 2010. The world awaits
the next animal oracle.
1. A. question B. doubt C. shadow D. disbelief
2. A. surprise B. shock C. miracle D. amazement
3. A. forecast B. foretold C. envisaged D. projected
4. A. correct B. detailed C. strict D. accurate
5. A. So was B. Was such C. Such was D. Was so
6. A. action B. procedure C. performance D. program
7. A. examination B. check C. experiment D. analysis

Pham Thu – Bien Hoa Gifted High School
8. A. evidence B. figures C. grounds D. information
9. A. made B. gave C. had D. cast
10. A. studying B. learning C. knowing D. discovering
Part 12: Read the passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each of the following questions.
Psychology recognizes two types of research, experimental and differential. The former is concerned mainly
with the overall processes governing human activities, and the latter sets out to establish individual differences in
performance. More recent studies have demonstrated need for a third type of psychological study, namely, that
which has to do with human development. Rather than considering this aspect of human performance as a part
of the first two types, scientists have noted that developmental research indeed belongs in a separate category in
and of itself. Piaget’s work would indisputably fall in the area of developmental theories that have had great
impact on both experimental and differential research. When examining Piaget’s studies, it is necessary to keep
in mind that, while his theories have been highly influential, his methodology has been strongly criticized. The
primary shortfall of his work had to do with a lack of definition and standardization in his data and experiment
1. According to the passage, what is the central goal of experimental research?
A. To arrive at a general classification of individuals.
B. To analyze individual differences in human activity.
C. To establish the psychological process governing humans.
D. To administer experiments on humans and processes.
2. The word “namely” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. specially B. specifically C. hence D. nearly
3. It can be inferred from the passage that the author is a proponent of ____.
A. reversing current trends in research B. furthering a third branch of investigation
C. abolishing experimental and differential studies D. assessing a need for human development
4. The word “category” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. case B. cause C. calling D. class
5. The word “indisputably” is closest in meaning to ____.
A. indirectly B. indiscreetly C. undoubtedly D. unduly
6. According to the passage, developmental psychology belongs in ____.
A. the domain of Piaget’s work B. a category of dispute studies
C. its own unique area of study D. other domains of research
7. It can be inferred from the passage that studies of human performance and of individual variations ____.
A. should not be perceived as fundamental B. should be taken with a grain of salt
C. cannot enumerate all facets of human brain D. cannot account for all aspects of human psychology
8. The phrase “to keep in mind” can be best replaced by ____.
A. remember B. restate C. remark D. resolve
9. What is considered to be the greatest drawback of Piaget’s research?
A. His methodology was not based on an influential theory.
B. His methodology was unsystematic, and his data were haphazard.
C. His development theories and findings were not recognized.
D. His studies did not undergo thorough examination.
10. According to the author’s implications, which branch of psychology appears to be particularly controversial?
A. Experimental B. Theoretical C. Differential D. Developmental
11. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a type of psychology research?
A. Differential B. Experimental C. Developmental D. Influential
Part 13: Transform the following sentences.
1. No one helped me paint my apartment. → I painted ……………………………………………………………..
2. A computer expert must update my computer. → I need to get ………………………………………………….
3. A mobile phone company sponsored the young artists’ exhibition.
→ The young artists had …………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. They worked hard but they didn’t manage to finish the project on time.
→ However ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Jane wasn’t feeling well, so she didn’t go out. → Not …………………………………………………………….
6. The child was rescued because the lifeguards acted immediately.
→ The child was rescued owing ……………………………………………………………………………………
The end

Pham Thu – Bien Hoa Gifted High School

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