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Tentative Curriculum for ALT IIT Scholars (6 months)

Step 1 (Self-paced): Trinity Series

Lesson 1 - CS 101-Coding for CEOs (Beginning with Python (Objects & Statements)
- Methods & Functions (Python)
- OOPS in Python
- Decorators, Generators & Errors Exception Handling
- Web Scraping (Selenium/beautiful soup)
- Advance Python Modules (Numpy,pandas etc)
- Chat GPT Prompt for Developers Study
Lesson 2 - Product Management
Step 2: Activity 1 (Live and interactive): Learning and Skill Development via Masterclass (10 hours each)
Practitioners at leading AI, System Design and Tech PM roles

CS102: Engineering Arts and Sciences

- Managing Power and Pure Sciences

- Philosophy of Change and Change of Philosophy

- Statistics (Theoretical and Analytical Analysis of main theorem)

- Overview of SQL Overview (different types of databases such as SQL,

Mongo etc. And basic file types like JSON etc.)

CS103: Data Structures and Algorithms

- Arrays and basic sorting algorithms
- Strings,2D array, pointers and Dynamic arrays
- Bit manipulation, recursion, backtracking divide & conquer
- Linked List/Stacks/PQ/heaps
- Binary Tree/BST
- Dynamic Programming
- Graph and Trie

D101: Data Analytics and Machine Learning

- Data Processing/Findings
- Intro to ML (Supervised Vs Unsupervised Learning); Hyperparameters
Tuning etc.
Data visualization using Python (using
numpy,pandas,matplotlib,heatmap etc.)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (Getting basics of NLP, Data Mining

E101: Ethical Artificial Intelligence for Impact

Note: This is illustrative and tentative curriculum; a lot of final delivery always depends upon Masterclass industry practioner
- Advanced Machine Learning (ANN,CNN,RNN etc)
- Self Organizing Maps(SOMs)/BM
Application - Autoencoders; OpenCV/NLP Study; GANs
based learning - Human AI Collaboration
- Reinforcement Learning (Visualization and Implementation)
- AI New Cases (Chat GPT, Image Sensing etc)

PM 101: Product Managers and Platforms for Engineers

- Cracking a Product Management case and inculcating PM ethics

in today's changing times
- Platforms in changing world
- A/B testing; How to convert functional requirements for a product
to technical requirements

- Importance & Applicability of Design Thinking in Product with

Government live case, and Ethical Decision Making

- Unwrapping Product Management with Industry Leader

S101: System Designing

- Introduction & Choosing the Right Database method

- System Design Case Studies in Detail (URL Shortener, Netflix,Amazon
,irctc etc many more)
- What not to do
C101: Management Communication for Future Tech Leader

- How to Give Powerful Presentations and elevator pitch

- How to handle tough conversations (make a request and say no to

Soft and your boss etc.)
Business Skills
for Future Tech - How to ace interviews and mock drills (asking questions, having
Leaders anecdotes etc.)

- Hacks of building executive presence and power positions

- Master the Art of Impactful Communication

- Learning the science of negotiations (Making assertive appeal,

making recommendations)

E101: Entrepreneurship and Funding Masterclass

- How to Markets operate

- How to find a moat
- How to understand business behind tech
- Should you raise funds ? If yes, what should be the term sheets
Step 3: Individual Post Masterclass Worksheets
ALT IIT Scholars, post every masterclass will be required to finish problems,
assignments and worksheets in order to practice problems on concepts learnt in

Note: This is illustrative and tentative curriculum; a lot of final delivery always depends upon Masterclass industry practioner
Step 4: Case Studies with Schrödinger on Tech Product Management- exclusive AI
based proprietary learning tool designed exclusively for ALTIIT community
Cases Uber case, Pen pricing case etc.

Step 4: Buddy system for interview preparation

ALT IIT Scholars once every 3 weeks will be mapped with buddies from diverse
background every time to practice interview problems and learn from the
Step 5: Networking Night
ALT IIT Scholars will come once every 2 months under same umbrella for virtual
networking to discuss not just careers but life in general to form life long bonds.
Step 6 (Team work): ALT IIT Startup weekend
Post completing level 1 (i.e. 5 masterclasses). ALT IIT Scholars, on a voluntary
basis, make a team of 3-5 ALT IIT community members only for ALT IIT Startup

ALT IIT Startup Weekend is a unique opportunity for scholars to apply their learnings,
brainstorm burning problems in society, and hunt for possible solutions in the form of
startups. This opportunity will also enable them to collaborate outside Masterclasses with
their peers, thereby understanding different perspectives and learning how to best
function in a team.

Step 7 (Employment Opportunities)

We at ALT IIT do not stand for spoon feeding jobs like traditional Indian education
system. We want to not just prepare you like university. We want to prepare you for

While we will bring employers for hiring drive upon your completion of level 1 (i.e. 5
masterclasses) ensuring your have bare minimum skill to sit in interviews, you are
expected to reach out to employers proactively, network and also support yourself
and your career

Note: This is illustrative and tentative curriculum; a lot of final delivery always depends upon Masterclass industry practioner

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