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Esercizio 2: ______? It’s an
AGGETTIVI gliantique
spazi chair.
vuoti con this
E PRONOMI / that / these / those:
2. ______ isn’t my bag. Mine’s smaller.
1. ______
Can youare my children.
please pass me ______ knife beside you?
4. This - that
2. _____ alsotohelps
I am flying explain
Madrid againwhy it happened.
______ weekend.
PLUR. These - those
3. _______ restaurant we went to last night is so expensive. We won’t go back.
4. ______
4: -> vicino l’opzione
a chi parla corretta:
apples were rotten. I threw them away.
5. ______ dog over there is mine.
THAT-THOSE -> lontano da chi parla
6. tell
1. So I’mme,
whatto are
you again
doing ______
a. trovi
Se lo thisprima del sostantivo, è un aggettivo dimostrativo, poiché fornisce maggiori
b. that sul sostantivo.
c. These
This/that bag is mine. (Questo/quello zaino è mio).
2. ______ is Jack
These/Those speaking.
clothes are his.Is(Questi/quei
_______ George?
vestiti sono suoi).
a. those
b. trovi
Se lo thisprima del verbo è un pronome dimostrativo, poiché di solito sostituisce il
c. that
3. My option
This/that is bag.
is my ______ one right here
(Questo/quello è il. mio zaino).
a. that
These/Those are his clothes. (Questi/quelli sono i suoi vestiti)
b. those
c. this
Esercizio 1: Inserisci un aggettivo dimostrativo
4. _______ biscuits in my hands are a present from my mother.
a. these
1 Pass me .................... pen, please.
b. this
c. those
2 Come here. Is .................... your bag?
5. Would you like to have one of _______ famous sweets?
3 ....................are
a. this my sisters, Maria and Andrea
b. these
4 Look at .................... necklace here. It’s great
c. those
6.Look! I have ....................
Are _______ your socks?photo of Robert
Yes, they are. in my wallet.
a. these
6 Look at .................... montains
b. those
c. that
7 Pass me .................... pens. They are on the table.

8 Come here. Look at .................... photo.

9 Who’s .................... person in the street?

10 .................... indications are difficult. Can you help me?

Esercizio 3: Completa con i pronomi dimostrativi

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