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1. Introduction 2

2. Need of the study 3

3. Objective of study 3

4. Scope of the study 4

5. Research methodology 4

6. Company profile 5-7

7. Bibliography 8


IPO stands for Initial Public Offer. An IPO is the first sale of common stocks by a
corporation to the public.

I have undertaken the project at shiram insight is a leading full service securities firm providing
the entire gamut of financial services. shiram insight provides a breadth of financial and advisory
services including wealth management, investment banking, corporate advisory, brokerage &
distribution of equities, commodities, mutual funds and insurance, structured products - all of
which are supported by powerful research teams. shiram insight has opened its branch in
Hyderabad in 2005. Since 2005 it has delivered fair & impressive services. At present shiram
insight’s customer database is more than 7000. These customers are loyal & are availing regular
services from shiram insight. It has got more than 700 DEMAT account holders.

The project deals with the “Awareness level of IPO among investors at shiram
insight”, Hyderabad

1.1Need of the study:

Initial Public Offer (IPO) is one of the financing means which is widely used by the
corporate world all over, for meeting the financing needs of the new as well as on going
companies. Therefore it is proposed to study the awareness level of IPO among Investors at
shiram insight stock broking limited. Thus the statement of the problem is as under:

“To study the awareness level of IPO among investors at shiram insight stock broking

1.2 Objectives of the study:

To study the awareness level and Performance IPO’s In india at shiram insight stock broking

 To study various IPO’s in india.

 To study how shiram insight is guiding their investors regarding the amount and no of
shares to apply for an IPO.

 To study the factors considered by shiram insight in knowing the company who float

 To identify the difficulties faced by Investors while applying for IPO.

 To study the marketing methods adopted by the companies for creating awareness about
their IPO.

1.3Scope of the Study:

The scope of the study covers

 Marketing methods adopted by the INITIAL PUBLIC OFFER (IPO’s).

 Analysis based on the facts and figures at shiram insight,

 Interactions with the subject experts at shiram insight,

 Interactions with the IPO investors at shiram insight etc.

1.4Research Methodology:

Primary Sources:

o Data comprising of Facts & Figures

o Statistical and Mathematical techniques

o Graphical analysis

o Analysis by the subject experts etc

o Online Trading on Major Stock Exchanges BSE and NSE

Secondary Sources:

o Data from print media and electronics media.

o Data Available in the websites, Company records etc.


The project has been carried out with the main focus on the subject of the project and
detailed research findings in the backdrop of Indian corporate, economic, stock market scenario
2011-12. The research methodology adopted to arrive at the conclusion of the project is
underlined below:

 Definition of the project theme.

 Statement of the problem.

 Collection of the Primary, Secondary and other data/information.

 Source identification for data and information collection.

 Use of identified sources for data and information collection which are Print media,
Outdoor publicity, Institutional marketing, Expert opinion, Sponsorship of Events,
Publicity events – Business fairs, exhibitions etc.
 Live working on the stock market with reference to project theme and statement of the
 Analysis and interpretation of the data collected from selected sources.
 Practical survey through a well defined questionnaire of 50 investors of shiram insight .
 Discussions with subject experts to arrive at findings.
 Arriving at conclusion/ findings of the project study
1.5Limitations of the study:

 Analysis is purely based on the historical data and its behavior in the past.

 The future marketing behavior and the economic issues of national and global level that
might influence can not be envisaged at this point of time.

The findings are limited to the scope, survey records, selection of IPOs and the limited analysis
that could be arranged within the time available for completion of the project


 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management - Prasanna Chandra

 Financial Management –Khan and Jain
 NCFM Derivative Module Fact book of National Stock Exchange








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