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Workbook by @englishwithhannah1 School - @english_yanelena

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Workbook by @englishwithhannah1 School - @english_yanelena

Speaking Club.

The value of education.
Please take a look at the links below before we

1. Please watch this video:

2. Please read the article:



• bureaucratic • lag behind (sb/sth)

• robust • browse

• outdated • absurd

• slum • law and order

• obsolete • tap into

• empire • utmost

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Workbook by @englishwithhannah1 School - @english_yanelena

A Fill in the gaps using the words above! (you might need to change the form of the word).

A. Children in the UK are _____________________ their international counterparts in

healthy development A global study based on data of children from 193 countries
identifies that poor access to nutritious food for UK schoolchildren and adolescents is
the reason they are falling behind in healthy development.
B. Will technology render teachers ___________? Advances in technology offer the
potential to expand access to education, but will online learning ever totally replace the
need for teachers?
C. The Roman ___________ was founded when Augustus Caesar proclaimed himself the
first emperor of Rome in 31BC and came to an end with the fall of Constantinople in
D. The traditional classroom teaching techniques often leave students struggling with
concepts and unable to make progress. Read this article to find out how to make
English learning personal. By connecting language to something personal in your
students’ lives, they’ll ___________ something emotional that will help with their
E. Schools have become a ___________ nightmare. It’s time to wrestle back control so
that we don’t spend all of our time filling in paperwork.
F. Lots of online tools have built-in features to support differentiated instruction for a
variety of learners. As you search, keep in mind that these tools are usually aimed at a
more general student audience, so they may be better suited to intermediate or
advanced English language learners, and beginning-level English language
learners may need more ___________ support.
G. Britain’s housing crisis has been created, at least in part, by their ___________
planning policies. These policies are wildly unreasonable and make little sense.
H. CD-ROMS and USB sticks are _________. A lot of people just download the files
directly from the website.
I. One survey found that over half of the people living in Mumbai’s __________ have
had the coronavirus, compared with 16% of those who reside in more affluent areas.
Covid-19 exposes the social divide.
J. If you’re going to study without any support then motivation is of the __________
K. If there were a breakdown of __________ in the city, the army might be tempted to
L. It is very obvious that the Internet provides not only social connection and
entertainment, but also academic and scientific information as well. It is vitally
important to encourage students to learn how to ________ the web to get any kind of
information they need in their academic studies.

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Workbook by @englishwithhannah1 School - @english_yanelena

B: Setting the stage.

1. What did you think of the TED Talk?

2. Where does Sugata say that the current
way of learning (schools) come from?
3. Does he say that the current education
system is broken?
4. Do you agree with him? Why? / Why not?
5. Do you agree that people don’t need to
learn how to produce good, clear
handwriting and how to multiply numbers in
their heads? Why? / Why not?
6. Why did Sugata make a ‘hole in the wall’?
What happened?
7. What do you think about the pedagogical
method of using the voice detection software
as a way for foreign language learners to
improve their pronunciation?
8. What do you think about Sugata’s ‘Hole in the
Wall’ project?

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Workbook by @englishwithhannah1 School - @english_yanelena

C: "Learners, if they have no choice, will invent pedagogy”. Sugata Mitra

9. Take a look at each of the pictures below. They show people doing things that are
usually taught by a teacher. Why might people prefer learning each of these things
on their own?

10. What difficulties might they have in trying to

learn each of these things on their own?
11. Have you ever taught yourself anything without
the support of a teacher?
12. “It’s not about making learning happen, it’s
about letting it happen”. To what extent do you
agree with that statement?
13. What is SOLE?
14. Why was one of the children in one of the classrooms tasked with maintaining law
and order?

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Workbook by @englishwithhannah1 School - @english_yanelena

D: Use the method of the grandmother.

15. What do you think of SOLE? Do you think it’s a
good idea?
16. Do you think that a ‘Granny Cloud’ could and/or
should replace teachers?
17. Why did Aleksandra choose to find her own way
to learn?
18. Which subjects did Aleksandra choose and how
did Aleksandra fare in her exams?
19. How do you interpret the difference in the grades
that Aleksandra received? Why do you think she
could have scored highly in one subject and so
low in another.
20. Did you do the equivalent of A-Level
examinations when you were at school? If so, do
you think that you could have taught yourself in
preparation for the exams? Why? / Why not?

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Workbook by @englishwithhannah1 School - @english_yanelena

ELT and Sugata Mitra:

In this classroom, knowledge is overrated:
The Future of Learning:

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