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Miss S Vallance

62 Gestridge Road
TQ12 3HH

10 December 2022

Our reference: MEM000773239/UMD-B003A/605052936

Your NEST ID: MEM000773239

Dear Susan

Your personal details have changed

To view all the details we hold for you please see the Member details sheet enclosed. This is a
record of your most recent details.

What do you need to do now?

Please check the information on the Member details sheet is correct.

If you need to make any further changes you can do this by logging in to your account on the website.

If you make any changes to your NI number, you'll need to tell your employer.

If you haven't registered your online account, you can call us on 0300 020 0090 to make any
changes you need.

NEST, Nene Hall, Lynch Wood Business Park, Peterborough, PE2 6FY t: 0300 020 0090
Where to go for more information
We provide online support and answers to frequently asked questions at
aqs.html. If you're having difficulty using the website you can call our contact centre
on 0300 020 0090.

Yours sincerely

Richard Hardy
Member Services Manager

Member details
These are the latest details we hold for you.

We'll always show the most up-to-date information we have about you here, even if you've
changed the same details more than once.

Latest details

Title: Miss

First name: Susan

Middle name:

Last name: Vallance

Date of birth: 10 December 1956

Even if your birth year has been changed we'll keep the same NEST retirement age we had for
you before. You'll need to check that this retirement age is still appropriate for you.

Gender: Female

Relationship status: Single

National Insurance number: If your National Insurance number has been added or
updated we'll confirm it in a separate letter to help
prevent identity theft. We do this to avoid showing all your
personal details in one place.

Preferred email address:

Alternative email address:

Mobile number: 07825351882

Phone number: 07825351882

Current address & postcode: 62 Gestridge Road
TQ12 3HH

Your NEST retirement date: 09 December 2031

You can take your money out of NEST from age 55 but you must take it before you reach your
105th birthday. You can choose your own NEST retirement date within this period.

For more information about choosing a beneficiary and how this affects tax calculations,
please visit website. Go to Edit profile then click on Manage your

Changing your retirement date can affect which NEST fund we put your contributions and
retirement pot in. We choose the fund that best fits your circumstances so a change to your
retirement date could mean we automatically change your NEST fund. If this happens, we'll
tell you about it. Changing funds takes time to complete so you won't be able to change your
retirement date again for three working days.

Staying in touch:
From time to time we'd like to keep you up to date with news, product and service
information from NEST.

You've chosen to receive up to date news, product and service information from NEST
ü Email Telephone

Post Text message

Online NEST account

Your NEST retirement age: 74 years and 364 days

How do you want to receive Electronic

information from us?

Preferred language: English

Do you consider yourself to No
have a disability?

Are you eligible for UK tax Yes


We are currently claiming tax relief for you on the contributions you pay to NEST.

This is based on a declaration made by you or your employer(s) when they enrolled you,
stating that you are entitled to tax relief and that the pension contributions you make in the
current tax year will not go over the larger of these two amounts:

· your total UK earnings chargeable to income tax in the tax year, OR

· £3600.

If the above is not correct and complete to the best of your knowledge then you must let us
know immediately. You can do this by going to your account on the
website. Click on 'Edit profile' then 'Edit personal details' to update your tax relief eligibility.
If your circumstances change and as a result you are no longer eligible for tax relief on
contributions you must let us know by the later of:

· 30 days after the event occurs, OR

· 5th April of the tax year in which the event occurs.

Please also ensure your name, address and National Insurance number are recorded correctly
in your NEST account. If any of these are not correct then please inform us within 30 days.

How we'll use the information about you

We may need to pass your information on to selected and trusted third party processors.
Please be assured that when we outsource any processes we ensure that any supplier or
contractor has adequate security measures in place. We'll also require them to comply
with privacy principles as part of our contract with them.

Your personal information is generally kept for a period known as the 'main retention period'.
This is broadly 15 years after your death or 150 years from the date of your birth where we've
not been informed of your death. Not all information is kept in line with the main retention
period however. Some information is kept for 15 years after we pay out your retirement pot
for example, while other information is kept longer, for example in the event of ongoing
disputes. To read our full privacy notice, please visit

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