USM_Litere_Test 2_Traducere gramaticală din limba engleză în limba română

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_________ NAME _________________________________________________ POINTS ______ GRADE ______

1. (5p) Explain approximate equivalence and contextual equivalence. Name the authors of each of them.

2. (10p) Read the fragment form The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde in English and its translation version in Romanian. Select 10
examples (Eng-Rom) to illustrate the strategies used by the translator in order to achieve equivalence. Name the strategies.

In the centre of the room, clamped to an upright easel, stood the full-length portrait of a young man of extraordinary personal beauty, and in
front of it, some little distance away, was sitting the artist himself, Basil Hallward, whose sudden disappearance some years ago caused, at the
time, such public excitement, and gave rise to so many strange conjectures. As he looked at the gracious and comely form he had so skilfully
mirrored in his art, a smile of pleasure passed across his face, and seemed about to linger there. But he suddenly started up, and, closing his
eyes, placed his fingers upon the lids, as though he sought to imprison within his brain some curious dream from which he feared he might
awake. ‘It is your best work, Basil, the best thing you have ever done,’ said Lord Henry, languidly. ‘You must certainly send it next year to the
Grosvenor. The Academy is too large and too vulgar. The Grosvenor is the only place.’

În mijlocul încăperii, prins pe un şevalet vertical, trona portretul, în mărime naturală, al unui tânăr de o frumuseţe extraordinară şi, în faţa
acestuia, la oarecare distanţă, şedea chiar artistul, Basil Hallward, cel a cărui bruscă dispariţie, în urmă cu câţiva ani, pricinuise tulburare şi
dăduse glas unor stranii presupuneri. În timp ce contempla silueta graţioasă şi atrăgătoare pe care o plăsmuise arta sa, un surâs de satisfacţie
flutura pe chi pul pictorului, un surâs care părea să zăbovească îndelung. Dar la un moment dat a tresărit brusc, a închis ochii şi şi-a apăsat
pleoapele cu degetele, de parcă ar fi dorit să-şi imprime în creier un vis ciudat din care se temea să se trezească.

— Basil, asta-i cea mai bună operă a ta, lucrul cel mai bun pe care l-ai făcut vreodată, a rostit, visător, Lordul Henry. Trebuie neapărat să-l
trimiţi anul viitor la Grosvenor. „Academia“ e prea vastă şi prea vulgară. Grosvenor e singurul loc cu adevărat potrivit.

3. (10p) Explain why the following translation strategies suggested by M. Baker and P. Newmark are used in the translation process: 1) tr-n
by cultural substitute 2) descriptive equivalent 3) functional equivalent

4. (10p) Translate the sentences into your mother tongue, trying to obtain natural and adequate translation versions. Use appropriate
strategies to overcome the lexical difficulties. Name the translation techniques you used – 1 for each sentence – and underline the parts
they refer to in both the English and Romanian sentences.

1) I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. 2) He wondered how many times the sun would rise before his
salary would. 3) There is a limit of two pieces of luggage for each passenger.4) I could clearly see that the hard work had begun to tell on his
health. 5) Other scientists are debating his theory about the disappearance of dinosaurs.

5. (10p) Translate the sentences into your mother tongue, trying to obtain natural and adequate translation versions. Use appropriate
strategies to overcome the grammatical difficulties. Name the translation techniques you used – 1 for each sentence – and underline the
parts they refer to in both the English and Romanian sentences.

1) If anything, it will be in their interests to follow this course. 2) Think of something not quite so expensive. 3) The harder he laboured, the less
he was fatigued. 4) Nelly’s family hadn’t liked our marriage any more than mine, but at least they had acted like human beings. 5) She hadn’t
thanked me for my suggestions, much less commented upon them

6. (25+10p) Translate into Romanian. Underline 5 English words/phrases and their Romanian corresponding variants and state the
techniques of translation you have used. You should select 5 examples translated through 5 different ways.

Trick or Treatment?

‘For 2,400 years,’ wrote the historian of medicine, David Wootton, ‘patients believed doctors were doing them good; for 2,300 years they were
wrong.’ Only in the past 100 years have treatments in mainstream medicine been consistently subject to clinical trial to discover what works
and what doesn’t. Much medicine, though, still stands defiantly outside this mainstream. Can these alternative therapies really claim to be
medically effective judged by today’s standards?

Simon Singh, a science writer, and Edzard Ernst, a doctor, have set out to reveal the truth about ‘the potions, lotions, pills, needles that lie
beyond the realms of conventional medicine.’ Their conclusions are damning. ‘Most forms of alternative medicine, say the authors, ‘for most
conditions remain either unproven or are demonstrated ineffective, and several alternative therapies put patients at risk.’ One by one, they go
through the most influential alternative therapies and subject them to scientific scrutiny. In each case, they ask what evidence is for saying that
a given therapy ‘works’

… Singh and Ernst admit that some herbal medicines are effective, but they argue that once an alternative treatment passes proper tests, it is
accepted into the mainstream and ceases to be alternative.

Alternative medicine flourishes in the space that conventional medicine neglects. Is it any wonder that some people prefer the warm lies of the
alternative practitioners to the cold drugs of the men in white coats?

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