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Vinayagamoorthy Sivakumar

Reader in Geotechnical Engineering

School of Natural and Built Environment
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
United Kingdom
Tel: 44 28 90974009, 07548802718
Fax: 44 28 90663754

Personal Information
Full Name: Vinayagamoorthy Sivakumar
Nationality: British
Academic Qualifications
DSc Queen’s University Belfast. Soils and ground as construction materials, 2011.
PhD (Critical State Framework for Unsaturated Soils), University of Sheffield, 1989-
MSc in Soil Mechanics, University of London (1987- 1988),
DIC in Soil Mechanics Imperial College of Science, Medicine and Technology
B.Sc. (Hon) First Class in Engineering Science, Faculty of Engineering, University of
Peradeniya (1981- 1985)
Professional Qualifications
FICE (Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers)
CEng (Charted Engineer)
FHEA (Fellow of Higher Education Academy)
2011- Reader in Geotechnical Engineering
2002-2011:- Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering, Queen’s University Belfast
1995-2002:- Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering, Queen’s University
1992-1995;- Postdoctoral research assistant, Oxford University
Prof Gerry Hamill
School of Natural and Built Environment
Queen’s University Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
United Kingdom

1 Adrian E Long award 2020 (ICE, NI Chapter)
2 Adrian E Long award 2018 (ICE, NI Chapter)
3 Telford Premium Award 2017 (ICE, UK Chapter)

International Engagement
2017 (PI): GIAN award, Government of India (seminars and workshop), a week duration, held at IIT Hyderabad
2022 (PI): Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration, A Government of India Initiative. Field
and laboratory studies on the effect of changing climatic conditions on the performance of pipelines buried in
reactive soils. Proposal under consideration.
2013 (PI). Constitutive modelling of unsaturated soils, 3-day seminar at the University of Melbourne

External PhD examinations

University of Sheffield (UK), Cardiff University (UK), University of Southampton (UK), Leeds University (UK), Durham
University (UK), Glasgow University (UK), Indian Institute of Technology (Kanpur, Hyderabad), University of Monash

External Examinations (UG and MSc)

2013-2017: University of Newcastle (MSc)
2014-2018: University of Warwick (UG)

External Funding (since 2013)

Multi-scale investigation of bio-based mineral precipitation in carbonate bearing soils

Doherty, D. Kumaresan, D., Sha, W. & Sivakumar, V(CoI).
2020 → (270k)…
Climate Adaptation Control Technologies for Urban Spaces (CACTUS)
Sivakumar, V(PI) . & MacKinnon, P. (280K)
2018 → …
Tension Piles For Marine Renewables
Donohue, S., Elsaesser, B., Sivakumar, V. (Co I) & Whittaker, T.
Sivakumar V. (PI) Novel foundation for green energy-an innovative foundation. US-Ireland RD scheme

Publications: Book
Unsaturated soils (fundamental approach to interpretation of soil behavior) 2010
By T Murray and V Sivakumar
Blackwell publishers

1. Assessment of Skempton’s Pore water pressure parameters in unsaturated soils in conjunction with high
capacity tensiometer, In preparation, target journal, Geotechnique.
2. Performance of solid piles in compacted soils. In preparation, target journal Geotechnical Engineering.
3. Aggregation of particles and it’s impact on particle size distribution routinely carried out for Geotechnical
Investigation, in preparation target journal Geotechnical Engineering
4. Performance of large-scale monopole under cyclic loading. In preparation; targeted journal,
5. Benefit of barrier layer in reducing desiccation of high plasticity clay. Submitted to Geotechnical
6. 4D electrical resistivity tomography for assessing the influence of vegetation and subsurface
moisture on railway cutting condition. Holmes J, Chambers J, Wilkinson P, Dashwood B, Gunn D,
Cimpoiaşu M, Kirkham M, Uhlemann S, Meldrum P, Kuras O, Huntley D, Abbott S, Sivakumar V,
Donohue S show fewer. 1 May 2022 Engineering Geology301.
7. Four-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography for continuous, near-real-time monitoring of a
landslide affecting transport infrastructure in British Columbia, Canada. Near Surface Geophysics
18(4):337-351. Holmes J, Chambers J, Meldrum P, Wilkinson P, Boyd J, Williamson P, Huntley D,
Sattler K, Elwood D, Sivakumar V, Reeves H, Donohue S.
8. Application of petrophysical relationships to electrical resistivity models for assessing the stability
of a landslide in British Columbia, Canada. 1 May 2022 Engineering Geology301. J, Chambers J,
Wilkinson P, Meldrum P, Cimpoiaşu M, Boyd J, Huntley D, Williamson P, Gunn D, Dashwood B,
Whiteley J, Watlet A, Kirkham M, Sattler K, Elwood D, Sivakumar V, Donohue S show fewer
9. Compacted soil subjected to cyclic loading combined with environmental changes. Submitted to
10. Stress changes in compacted clays when wetting and drying under horizontally restrained conditions. Part
1: Validation of equipment and formation of compacted soils. Submitted to Geotechnique.
11. Stress changes in compacted clays when wetting and drying under horizontally restrained conditions. Part
2: Experimental observations. Submitted to Geotechnique
12. Wetting and Drying of Compacted Soils Under Laterally Restrained Conditions submitted to ASCE
13. Anchors for floating wind turbines. Drop and drag anchor in soft clay sediments, prediction and
performance. Under second review, CGJ.
14. Validation of an experimental system for testing monopile Submitted to Geotechnical Engineering
15. Anchors for floating wind turbines. Pull-out capacity of anchors in soft deposit; influence of plate angle
and its configuration. Accepted for publication ASCE
16. Anchors for floating wind turbines; Pull-out capacity of umbrella anchor in sand. Accepted in Geotechnical
17. Sivakumar, V., Pandey, P., Tripathy, S., Black, J., Dunlop, P., and McKee, K. (2022). Dry air technology for
stabilizing weak deposits; Large scale model study. Geotechnical Engineering,
18. Donohue, S, McKee, K, Jeyaraj, T, and Tripathy, S. Geotechnical characterization of soft clay treated with
lime and cement under controlled and uncontrolled environment (2022), Accepted for publicationin
Ground Improvement an ICE journal.
19. Moore, L., Pandey, P., Sivakumar, V, Donohue, S, Mackinnon, P and Doherty, C. Sample disturbances due
to removal of overburden pressure, in preparation, target journal (2020), Geotechnical Engineering Vol
173, issue 5, pp398-407.
20. Sivakumar, V., Solan, B., Moorhead, C., Serridge, Co, Tripathy, S., and Donohue, S. (2022). A comparative
settlement response of soft clays reinforced with granular columns subjected to widespread loading.
Geotechnical Engineering. Accepted manuscript doi: 10.1680/jgrim.21.00074
21. Sanlon, P., Sivakumar v., Solan, B, Tripathy, S, Mackinnon, P., Donohue, S. and Ramaiah, J. (2021).
Assessment of Skempton's pore water pressure parameters B and A using a high-capacity tensiometer.
Geotechnique, Vol 71, (2), p110-119
22. Pandey, P., Lynch, K,.., Sivakumar, V., Solan, B., Tripathy, S., Nanda, S. and Donohue, S. (2019).
Measurements of permeability of saturated and unsaturated soils. Geotechnique, Doi:
23. Sivakumar, V., Moorhead, C. and Donohue, D. (2020). Initial, Primary and secondary consolidation
response of soft clay reinforced with granular columns: Part 2 Under isolated loading. Geotechnique, Doi:
24. Giampa, J,R., Bradshaw, A, Gerkus, H, Gilbert, R, Gavin, K, and Sivakumar,V. The effects of shape on the
pullout capacity of plate anchors in sand. Geotecnique, Vol 69 Issue 4, pp355-363
25. Lynch, K, Sivakumar, V, Tripathy, S and Hughes, D. A development of a laboratory technique for obtaining
Soil Water Retention Curves under external loading in conjunction with high capacity tensiometers.
Geotechnique 69(4), pp 320-328
26. Jalivand.S., Gavin.K, Sivakumar.V (2020) ,Gilbert, Bradshaw. A. New insights into the failure mechanisms
of horizontal plate anchors in clay during pull-out. Geotechnique https://doi .org/10.1680/jgeot.18.P283
27. Bradshaw, A.S., Giampa, J.R/, Gerkus, H., Jalilvand, S., Fanning, J., Nanda, S., Gilbert, B., Gavin, K.,
Sivakumar, V., (2016). Scaling considerations for 1-g model horizontal plate anchor tests in sand. ASTM
Vol 36, No 6, pp 1006-1014
28. Bergamo, P., Donohue, S., Callan, D., Holland, A., McCarey, J., Brown W., McSherry, M, Ward, W., Amato,
G., Sivakumar,V. (2017). Evaluation of full scale shear performance of tension anchor foundations: Load-
displacement curves and failure criteria. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 131, pp 80-94
29. McCabe, B.A., and Sivakumar, Creep improvement factors for vibro-replacement design, Ground
Improvement ICE Journal , Vol. 170, No 1, pp 35-56
30. Nanda, S., Arthur, I., Sivakumar, V., Donohue, S., Bradshaw, A., Keltai, R., Gavin, K., MacKinnon, P.,
Rankin, B., and Glynn, D. (2017). Monopiles subjected to uni- and multi-lateral cyclic loading.
Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, 10.1680/jgeen.16.00110
31. Sivakumar, V.(2018) Granular columns for geotechnical applications. Geotechnical Engineering Journal of
the SEAGS. Vol 49, No. 1 1-49.
32. Sexton, B., Sivakumar,V., and McCabe, B. (2017). Creep improvement factor for vibro-replacement
design. Proceedings of the ICE – Ground improvement, Vol 170, No. 1 pp 35-56.
33. Nanda,S., Sivakumar, V., Hoyer, P., Bradshaw,A., Gavin,K., Gerkus,H., Jalilvand, S., Gilbert,B., Doherty,
P., Fanning, J., (2017). Effects of strain rates on the undrained shear strength of kaolin. ASTM
Geotechnical Testing Journal. Vol. 40, No. 6, 2017, pp. 951-962,
34. Abeyrathne,A., Sivakumar,V.& Kodikara, J., 15 Jan 2019 In: Canadian Geotechnical Journal. Isotopic
volumetric behaviour of compacted unsaturated soils within specific volume, specific water volume, mean
net stree( v,vw,p) space.
35. Holmes, J., Chambers, J., Meldrum, P., Wilkinson, P., Boyd, J., Williamson, P., Huntley, D., Sattler, K.,
Elwood, D., Sivakumar, V., Reeves, H. & Donohue, S., 13 Mar 2020, In: Near Surface Geophysics. Four-
dimensional electrical resistivity tomography for continuous, near-real-time monitoring of a landslide
affecting transport infrastructure in British Columbia, Canada.
36. Bradshaw, A. S.; Giampa, J. R.; Gerkus, H. ; Jalilvand, S. ; Fanning, Joseph; Nanda, Satyajeet; Gilbert, R.;
Gavin, K.; Sivakumar, V.(2016) Scaling Considerations for 1-g Model Horizontal Plate Anchor Tests in Sand.
ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 39, No. 6, 11.2016.
37. Donohue, D., Sivakumar, V., Nanda, S and Graham, S (2017). Small strain behaviour of crushable sand
under monotonic and cyclic loading. Canadian Geotechnical Journal.
38. Sivakumar., V (2016). The influence of high air entry filter on the testing of unsaturated soils.
Environmental Geotechnics, Vol. 2, No.2 pp 90-98.
39. Jeludin, D.K., Sivakumar, V. O’Kelly, B.C. and Mckinnon, P. (2015). “A laboratory based model study.
Experimental observations of footings supported on soft clay reinforced with granular columns.”
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, (American Society for Civil Engineers), Vol. 142, No.1,
40. Sivakumar, V., Donohue, S., Rødvand, L., Nanda, S., & Tripathy, S. (2018). Behaviour of normally
consolidated clay containing isolated solid inclusions. Proceedings of the ICE - Geotechnical Engineering,
171(4), 345-356.
41. Harley, R.; Sivakumar, V.; Hughes, D.; Donohue, S (2016). Strength reduction of till under dynamic pore
pressure condition. Geotechnique Letters, Vol. 6, No. 1, 03.2016, p. 83-88.
42. Sivakumar, V. and Anderson, C. (2015). “Impact of Testing Procedure on Permeability of Compacted Soils.”
Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 168, No. 5, pp 442-458.
43. Sivakumar, V., Zaini, J. and Gallapoli, D. (2015). Wetting of compacted clays under laterally restrained
conditions: Initial state, overburden pressure and mineralogy.” Geotechnique, Vol. 65, No. 1.
44. Jeludin, D.K., Sivakumar, V. O’Kelly, B.C. and Mckinnon, P. (2015). “A laboratory based model study.
Experimental observations of footings supported on soft clay reinforced with granular columns.”
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE Vol 142, No 1.
45. Sivakumar, V., O’Kelly B.C., Henderson, L., Moorhead, C. and Chow, S.H. (2014). “Measurements of plastic
limit, of fine soils. An experimental study.” Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 168(1), pp. 53-64.
46. Anderson, C., Sivakumar, V. and Black, J.A. (2015). “Measurement of Permeability Using Bench Top
Centrifuge.” Géotechnique, Vol. 65(1), pp 12-22.
47. Sinathampy, G., Phillips, D.H., Sivakumar, V. and Paksy, A. (2014). “Landfill cap models under simulated
climate change precipitation: impact of cracks and root growth.” Géotechnique, Vol. 64(2), pp 95-107.
48. Sivakumar, V., O’Kelly, B.C., Moorhead, C.M. and Madhav, R.M. (2014). “Effectiveness of granular
columns in containing settlement.” Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 167(4), pp. 371-379.
49. Sivakumar, V., O’Kelly, B. C. and Madhav, M.R. (2014). “Granular anchors under vertical loading-axial
pull.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.50(2), pp. 123-132.
50. Sivakumar, V., Lively, J., Solan, B. and Black, J.(2014). “Granular anchors for stabilizing slopes.”
Geotechnique letters, Vol 4(4), pp. 295-300.
51. O’Kelly,B.C., Brinkgreve,.R.B.J. and Sivakumar, V. (2014). “ Pullout resistance of granular anchors in clay
for undrained conditions.” Soil Mechanics and Foundations,Vol.54(6), pp. 1145-1158.
52. O’Kelly.B. and Sivakumar, V. (2014). “Water Content Determinations for Peat and Other Organic Soils
Using the Oven-drying Method.” Drying Technology, Vol. 32(6), pp. 631-643.
53. Sivakumar, V., Kodikara, J., O’Hagan, R., Hughes, P., Cairns, J.D. and Mckinley, J.D. (2013). “Effects of
confining pressure and water content on performance of unsaturated compacted clay under repeated
loading.” Géotechnique, Vol. 63(8), pp 628-640.
54. Black, A.J., Sivakumar, V. and Bell, A. (2011). “The settlement performance of stone column foundations.”
Géotechnique, Vol. 61(11), pp. 909-922.
55. Sivakumar, V. (2011). “Editorial Compacted fill.” Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 164(2), pp. 55-58.
56. Sivakumar, V., Jeruldine, D.K.N.M., Bell, A., Glynn, D.T. and Mackinnon, P. (2011). “The pressure
distribution along the stone column in soft clay when subjected to consolidation and foundation loading.”
Géotechnique, Vol. 61(7), pp. 613-620.
57. Madhav,M.R., Sharma, J.K and Sivakumar, V. (2009). Settlement and load distribution in granular
pile raft. Geomechanics and Engineering Vol. 1, No.1, pp 97-112
58. GiampaBoyd, J.L. and Sivakumar, V. (2011). “Experimental Observations of the Stress Regime in
Unsaturated Compacted Clay When Laterally Confined.” Géotechnique, Vol. 61(4), pp. 345-363.
59. Sivakumar, V. "Discussion on: Sivakumar, V., Glynn, D., Cairns, P. and Black, J.A. (2009). “A new method of
measuring plastic limit of fine materials.” Géotechnique 59 (10), 813-823. by Brendan C. O'Kelly"
Géotechnique, Vol. 61(6), pp. 1-6.
60. Sivakumar, V., MacKinnon, P., Zain, J. and Cairns, P. (2010).“Effectiveness of Filters in Reducing
Consolidation Time in Routine Laboratory Testing.” Géotechnique, Vol. 60(12), pp. 949-956.
61. Sivakumar, V., Sivakumar, R., Murray, E.J., Mackinnon, P. and Boyd, J. (2010). “Mechanical Behaviour of
Unsaturated Kaolin: (with Isotropic and Anisotropic Stress History) Part 1: Wetting and Compression
Behaviour.” Géotechnique, Vol. 60(8), pp. 581-594.
62. Sivakumar, V., Sivakumar, R., Boyd, J. and Mackinnon, P. (2010).“Mechanical Behaviour of Unsaturated
Kaolin (with Isotropic and Anisotropic Stress History) Part 2: Performance Under Shear Loading.”
Géotechnique, Vol. 60(8), pp. 595-609.
63. Sivakumar, V., Boyd, J., Black, J. and McNeill, J. (2010). “Effects of Granular Columns in Compacted Fills.”
Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 163(4), pp. 189-196.
64. Sivakumar, V., Glynn, D., Cairns, P. and Black, J.A. (2009).“A new method of measuring plastic limit of fine
materials.” Géotechnique, Vol. 59(10), pp. 813-823.
65. Sivakumar, V., Navaneethan, T., Hughes, D. and Gallagher, G. (2009).“An assessment of the earth pressure
coefficient in overconsolidated clays.” Géotechnique, Vol. 59(10), pp. 825-838.

66. McKinley, J.D. and Sivakumar, V. (2009).“Coefficient of consolidation by plotting velocity against
displacement.” Géotechnique, Vol. 59(6), pp. 553-557.
67. Brown, J. L., Sivakumar, V., McKinley, J.D., Harmon, N. and McDonald, K. (2009).“The miniature wireless
data-logger for pressure measurements in geotechnical applications.” Géotechnique, Vol. 59(2), pp. 141-
68. Madhav, M.R., Vidyaranya, B. and Sivakumar, V. (2008). “Analysis and comparison of displacement
granular pile anchors.” Ground Improvement Journal, Vol. 161(1), pp. 31-41.
69. Thom, R., Sivakumar, R., Sivakumar, V., Murray, E.J. and MacKinnon, P. (2007) “Pore size distribution of
unsaturated compacted kaolin: the initial states and final states following saturation.” Géotechnique, Vol.
57(5), pp. 469-474.
70. Black , J. A., Sivakumar, V. Madhav, M. R. and Hamill, G.A. (2007). “Reinforced Stone Columns in Weak
Deposits – A Laboratory Model Study.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.
133 (9), pp. 1154-1161.
71. Black, J., Sivakumar, V. and McKinley, J.D . (2007). “Performance of clay samples reinforced with vertical
granular columns.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 44(1), pp. 89-95.
72. Hughes, D.A., Sivakumar, V., Glynn, D. and Clarke G. (2007). “Delayed failure of a deep cutting in
lodgment till.” Proceedings of ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 160 (4), pp. 193-202.
73. Thom, R. and Sivakumar, V. (2007). “A Simple Triaxial System for Evaluating the Performance of
Unsaturated Soils Under Repeated Loading.” ASTM (Geotechnical Testing Journal), Vol. 31(2), pp. 107-
74. Black, J., Sivakumar, V. and McKinley J. D.(2007). “Clay reinforcement using sand columns: performance
of multiple columns under triaxial loading.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, January 2007
75. Sivakumar, V., Tan, W.C., Murray, E. J. and McKinley, J.D. (2006).“Wetting, drying and compression
characteristics of compacted clay.” Géotechnique, Vol. 56(1), pp. 57-62.
76. Black, J. , Sivakumar, V. Madhav, M. and McCabe, B. (2006). “An improved experimental test set-up to
study the performance of granular columns.” ASTM (Geotechnical Testing Journal), Vol. 29 (3), 193-199
77. Sivakumar, R., Sivakumar, V., Blatz, J. and Vimalan, J. (2006). “Twin-cell stress path apparatus for testing
unsaturated soils.” ASTM (Geotechnical Testing Journal),Vol. 29(2), pp.175-197.
78. Navaneethan , T., Sivakumar, V., Wheeler, S.J. and Doran, I. G. (2005). “Assessment of suction
measurement in saturated clays.” Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 158(1), pp. 15-24.
79. Sivakumar, V., McKelvey, D., Graham, J. and Hughes, D. (2004). “Triaxial tests on model sand columns in
clay.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 41(2), pp. 299-312.
80. Sivakumar, V., McKinley, J.D. and Ferguson, J.D. (2004). “Reuse of construction waste: performance
under repeated loading.” Proceedings of ICE - Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 157(2), pp. 91-96.
81. Sivakumar, V., McKelvey, D.J., Bell, A. and Graham, J. (2004). “Modelling Vibrated Stone Columns in Soft
Clay.” Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 157 (3), pp. 137-149.
82. Sivakumar, V. (2004). “Discussion on Critical state parameters for an unsaturated residual sandy soil. Toll,
D.G. and Ong.” Géotechnique, Vol. 54(1), pp. 69-71.
83. Cummings, S. J., Sivakumar, V., Doran, I.G. and Graham, J. (2003). “Deep sampling and testing in soft
stratified clay.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 40(3), pp. 575-586.
84. Sivakumar, V., Doran, I.G., Graham, J. and Navaneethan, T. (2002).“Relation between Ko and
overconsolidation ratio: a theoretical approach.” Géotechnique, Vol. 52 (3), pp. 225-230.
85. Sivakumar, V., Doran, I. G. and Graham, J. (2002). “Particle orientation and its influence on the
mechanical behaviour of isotropically consolidated reconstituted clay.” Engineering Geology, Vol. 66(3-4),
pp. 197-209.
86. Navaneethan, T. and Sivakumar, V. (2002). “Influence of preparation methods on the Index properties of
clays.” Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 155(4), pp. 253-258.
87. Touahamia, M., Sivakumar, V. and Mckelvey, D. (2002). “Shear strength of reinforced-recycled material.”
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 16(6), pp. 331-339.
88. McKelvey, D. and Sivakumar, V. (2002). “Re-use of waste materials in the construction of vibro-stone
columns.” Ground Improvement Journal ,Vol. 6, pp. 59-68, 2002
89. Sivakumar, V., Doran, I.G., Graham, J. and Johnson, A. (2001). “The effect of anisotropic elasticity on the
yielding characteristics of overconsolidated natural clay.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 38(1), pp.
90. Graham, J., Yuen, K., Goh, T.B., Janzen, P. and Sivakumar, V. (2001). “Hydraulic conductivity and pore fluid
chemistry in artificially weathered plastic clay.” Engineering Geology, Vol. 60(1-4), pp. 69-81.
91. Sivakumar, V. and Wheeler, S.J. (2000). “Influence of compaction procedure on the mechanical behaviour
of an unsaturated compacted clay, Part 1: Wetting and Isotropic Compression. Géotechnique, Vol. 50(4),
pp. 359-368.
92. Wheeler, S. J. and Sivakumar, V. (2000). “Influence of compaction procedure on the mechanical behaviour
of an unsaturated compacted clay. Part 2: shearing and constitutive modelling.” Géotechnique, Vol. 50(4),
pp. 369-376.
93. Doran, I.G., Sivakumar, V., Graham, J. and Johnston, A. (2000). “Estimation of in situ stresses using
anisotropic elasticity and suction measurements.” Géotechnique, Vol. 50(2), pp. 189-196.
94. Wheeler, S.J. and Sivakumar, V. (1995).“An elasto-plastic critical state framework for unsaturated soil.”
Géotechnique, Vol. 45(1), pp. 35-53.


PhD students Supervised

Name Year of Supervisor Completion time
Miss Pali Bhave May 2022 JB/VS
Mr Raj Jeyaraj Oct 2019 VS/SD Completed
Mr Jo Fanning Oct 2014 VS/SD Completed 2020
Mr Alister Best Oct 2014 RF/VS Withdrawn
Mr Shane Gribben Oct 2014 SD/VS Completed 2019
Mr Iain Arthur Oct 2012 VS/SD Completed 2019
Miss Ruth Harley Oct 2012 DH/VS Completed 2017
Mr Kaine Lynch Oct 2011 DH/VS Completed 2018
Miss C Moorhead Oct 2010 VS Completed 2014
Miss J Zain Oct 2009 VS Completed 2014
Mr Gowtham Oct 2008 DP/VS Completed 2013
Miss L Carse Oct 2008 DH/VS Completed Jan 2011
Miss D K Jurldin Oct 2007 VS Completed Jan 2011
Miss P Cairns Oct 2007 VS Completed 2011
Mr C Anderson Oct 2006 VS Completed 2011
Miss J Brown Oct 2005 VS Completed Jan 2008
Mr W Brown Oct 2005 VS Terminated
Miss R Thom Oct 2004 VS Completed Sep 2007
Miss H Freeman Oct 2004 BK/VS Completed Sep 2008
Mr K Kelln Oct 2004 DH/VS Completed Sep 2008
Mr J A Black Oct 2003 VS Completed 2006
Mr G Clarke Oct 2003 DH/VS Completed Sep 2007
Dr R Sivakumar Oct 2002 VS Completed Sep 2005
Dr T Naveenathan Oct 2001 VS Completed Sep 2004
Dr W C Tan Oct 1998 VS Completed Sep 2004
Dr ( Miss McKelvey) Oct 1999 VS Completed Sep 2002
Dr A Johnson Oct 1994 VS/IG Completed Sep 1997
Dr S Cummings IG/VS Completed 1999

Proceedings of the ICE: Guest Editor for a special issue 2011 on compacted fills and panel member from 2009-

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