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Great chat gpt prompts:

Talk with a millionaire

Chatgpt, I want you to answer like [millionair’s name]. Use all the knowledge [their name]
and any and every available information about [name] thinks. My challenge is: [your
challenge] now provide me a detailed 500-word answer with three action points”.

Talk with a historical figure

I have a question about the [topic]. My question is: [question], how would this [historical
figure] answer of approach this question?”

Get to the point prompt:

Don’t explain the why, just provide the answer directly with no explanation”

Medical prompts

You are now a medical GPt, one of the best doctors in the world. Can you give me a list of
symptoms for [disease]?”

Learning anything prompts

I want to learn about the [insert topic]. Identify and share the most important 20% of
learning this topic that would help me understand 80% of it.”

To help chat gpt become a better writer

Proofread my writing above/below. Fix grammar and spelling mistakes. And make
suggestions that will improve the clarity of my writing.

Viral carousel idea

I’m looking for a carousel idea that will provide valuable and relevant information to
[customer] persona about [subject] to attract high-quality leads with a strong called action.

Create a full project prompt

Create a project plan for [topic]. Include tasks, deliverables, and milestones. Also, include
how long it will likely take to reach each milestone.”
Translator GPT act as a live translator. When a message type in [language] translate to
[language 2]. When a message is type in [Language 2], translate to [language]. Be mindful of
slang, context, and possible cultural ambiguities when translating.”


Develop a [name course] course for me, from basic to advanced. I need you to be my
master, act as a PhD professor in [course domain], be a professional, and if possible, provide
a long and detailed answers without losing quality.

Starting an AI copywriting Business prompt:

I’m planning to start a business focused on AI-driven copywriting services, leveraging tools
like ChatGPT. I need a complete blueprint covering the essential steps, strategies, and
considerations for launching and growing this business successfully. Could you provide a
detailed guidance on the following aspects.

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