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Language A: language and literature Individual Oral - Student outline form

Global Issue: Impact of racial discrimination on the African Americans and perspective of

Works Chosen: Kitchenette Building and Gay Chaps at the Bar

Literary Work: Negro Hero
Non Literary Work: To Kill a Mockingbird

1. Racial discrimination impacts perspective/society negro hero is a key example of it,

Gwendolyn Brooks,African American poet, complexities of race/identity/social justice
2. Lack of inclusion and self-worth. Link with GI, prime eg. Need to doubt if blood is
“clean” to rescue/ indication/racial discriminations effect on his views (Rhetorical
Question, Metaphor, Monologue)
3. Whites with hatred/years of racism in memories affecting their perspective on negros,
L17 shows effect that racism had on his perspective/deep rooted hatred (Hyperbole,
Alliteration, Irony)
4. Prejudice/Social Inequality. Preserve law, racism part of law, prefer to save the “sick
dignity”/ affect views/Miller admits that racism is part of American law + perspective
of being dead then saved by him (Metaphor, Parallelism)
5. Low-paying jobs, financial struggle, societal expectations on black women highlighted.
Subtle cues of racism (form of self-preservation, predict potential harm from
6. Issue of racism affects perspectives, racial injustice in the law, negro persecuted for
wrongful rape. Harper Lee, author whose works show themes of racial injustice and
moral integrity.
7. Exclusion & lack of self worth due to common assumption of guilty negro+hence lack
of self worth. Case against Robinson purely based on racial prejudice/no credible
8. Exposes societal norms + biases led Mayella to falsely accuse Tom of rape due to
attraction to him, reveals pervasive racism in community. Prejudice & social inequality
based on her error.
9. Challenging idea of racial superiority/all men are equal before the law/court should be
unbiased. Against norms+appealing to sense e/p/l + several rhetorics appealing to jury.
10. Points come together- how racial discrimination affects perspective of people and their
relationships + views on situations through devices + conventions & combine 3

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