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Pi Bot Application Handover Document

Pi Bot is a Multiuser AI chatbot that offers Multiple features like text-to-task,
Multiuser AI collaboration, and Multiuser chatting.

Backend Details (Django)


● Framework: Django (Python)

● API Framework: Django REST Framework
● Server AWS (backend access path:
● Main Components:
● Authentication
● Data Management
● API endpoints
● Environment Variables:
● .env file contains all API paths and critical environment configurations.

Frontend Details (React Vite)


● Framework: React Vite

● State Management: Utilizes React Context for state management across
● Routing: Managed with React Router.
● Components:
● AuthContext, Callback, Card, Chat, Home, Modal, ProjectList, Sidebar,
SignUp, etc. (Refer to screenshot for complete file structure)
● Also refer the the screenshot for the added packages
Pending Frontend Work

● Auth0 login functionality

● File upload functionality
● Start-up screen selection(Home screen for the recent users and new chat
window for the fresh users)
● Option to list the registered users and add the users for the project
● The most important Chat windows feature to pin messages, showcase the
summary, showcase the key points, Multi-user collaboration, and basic
identification features like user name and images, etc.
● Screen to showcase the pinned messages
● User option for the project card and menu option to trigger the option for the
● Project sharing feature

Development Setup

Local Environment Setup

● Clone the repository: Provide the Git repository URL.

● Installation: Run npm install to install all the necessary dependencies.
● Running the application: Use npm start for the front end and manage the
backend with Django's standard commands (python runserver).

Additional Notes
● Code Review: Ensure the new developer goes through recent pull requests to
understand coding practices.
● Pending Tasks: Detailed explanations of pending tasks with current progress
and expected outcomes (Lorem ipsum).

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