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Total No. of Questions : 5] SEAT No.

P7264 [Total No. of Pages : 2

[5860] - 204
M.B.A. (Semester - II)
(2019 Pattern)
Time : 2½ Hours] [Max. Marks : 50
Instructions to the candidates :
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Each question carries 10 marks.
3) Each question has an internal option.
4) Use of non-scientific calculator is permitted (as applicable).

Q1) Solve any five out of eight following sub question.

a) Enlist any four key principles of TQM.
b) List any four functions of Supply Chain Management.
c) Examine the concept of 5S.
d) Memorize and reproduce the examples of various inventory costs.
e) Describe the concept of Kaizen.
f) Enumerate any four characteristics of product quality.
g) List any four functions of PPC.
h) State the concept of quality with respect to manufacturer’s perspective.

Your requested information on various management topics:

a) Four Key Principles of TQM:
1. Customer Focus: Understanding and meeting customer needs and
expectations is at the core of TQM.
2. Continuous Improvement: Emphasizes ongoing efforts to improve
processes, products, and services.
3. Employee Involvement: Empowers employees at all levels to contribute to
quality improvements.
4. Integrated System: Views the organization as a holistic system where all
parts are interconnected and work together for quality.
b) Four Functions of Supply Chain Management:
1. Planning: Forecasting demand, sourcing materials, and planning production
and logistics.
2. Procurement: Acquiring materials and services from suppliers at the right
price and quality.
3. Inventory Management: Optimizing inventory levels to minimize costs and
ensure product availability.
4. Logistics and Distribution: Efficiently moving products from suppliers to
c) Examining the Concept of 5S:
5S is a Japanese workplace organization methodology that focuses on five
principles: Seiri (Sort), Seiton (Set in Order), Seiso (Shine), Seiketsu
(Standardize), and Shitsuke (Sustain). It aims to create a clean, organized, and
efficient work environment.
d) Examples of Inventory Costs:
1. Holding Cost: Cost of storing inventory, including space, equipment, and
2. Ordering Cost: Cost of placing orders with suppliers, including
administrative expenses and transportation.
3. Stockout Cost: Lost revenue and customer goodwill due to out-of-stock
4. Deterioration Cost: Cost of lost or damaged inventory due to spoilage,
obsolescence, or theft.
e) Describing the Concept of Kaizen:
Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement. It encourages small,
incremental changes over time to improve all aspects of work, leading to
significant long-term results.
f) Four Characteristics of Product Quality:
1. Performance: Ability of the product to meet its intended function.
2. Features: Attributes and characteristics that make the product unique and
3. Conformance: Consistency of the product with its specifications and
4. Durability: Ability of the product to withstand wear and tear over time.
g) Four Functions of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising:
1. Targeted Reach: Reaching specific audiences based on keywords,
demographics, and interests.
2. Cost-Effective: Only pay when users click on your ad, making it a cost-
effective way to drive website traffic.
3. Measurable Results: Track clicks, conversions, and other metrics to measure
campaign performance and optimize your strategy.
4. Scalable: Easily adjust your budget and target audience to fit your campaign
h) Quality from a Manufacturer's Perspective:
For manufacturers, quality refers to the consistent production of products and
services that meet or exceed customer expectations. This involves:
• Meeting specifications: Products must fulfill the intended function and
comply with all technical requirements.
• Using high-quality materials and processes: Investing in quality materials
and implementing reliable manufacturing processes to ensure product
durability and performance.
• Minimizing defects: Implementing quality control measures to identify and
prevent defects throughout the production process.
• Continuous improvement: Continuously seeking ways to improve processes,
reduce waste, and enhance product quality.
By focusing on these aspects, manufacturers can build a reputation for quality and
gain a competitive edge in the market.
Note: This is a brief overview of each topic. Feel free to ask for further details or
clarification on any specific point.

Q2) Solve any two of the following sub questions :

a) Paraphrase the various types of Operations Processes.
Paraphrasing Types of Operations Processes:
Here's a simplified explanation of common operations processes, avoiding technical
1. Job Shop: Imagine a workshop crafting custom furniture. Each piece is unique,
requiring flexible production with frequent setup changes. Think of it as a tailor,
adjusting their approach for each client.
2. Batch: Picture a bakery making different types of bread. Batches of similar items are
produced together before switching to another type. It's like baking cookies – you make
a batch of chocolate chip, then switch to oatmeal raisin.
3. Repetitive: Imagine an assembly line producing cars. Tasks are standardized and
repeated continuously, with each step focused on efficiently creating identical products.
It's like a conveyor belt, moving each component until a final car emerges.
4. Continuous: Think of a refinery processing oil 24/7. The flow of materials is constant,
with minimal interruption or changeover. It's like a waterfall – the water keeps flowing,
day and night.
5. Project: Imagine building a bridge. It's a unique, temporary endeavor with a defined
start and end. Project processes involve managing resources and tasks to achieve a
specific goal within a timeframe. Think of it as a puzzle – each piece needs to fit
together to complete the picture.
Remember, these are just general classifications. Real-world operations often involve
combinations of these processes to create efficient and adaptable production systems.

b) Describe the concepts of Fixed Position Layout and Cellular Layouts.

Fixed Position Layout vs. Cellular Layouts: Two Approaches to Production Design

Choosing the right layout for your production operation is crucial for efficiency,
productivity, and cost-effectiveness. Here's a breakdown of two common layouts, Fixed
Position and Cellular, to help you understand their differences:

Fixed Position Layout:

• Concept: The product stays in one place, and workers and equipment move
around it.
• Typical Examples: Shipbuilding, aircraft assembly, oil refineries, large machinery
• Advantages:
o Ideal for large, bulky products that are difficult to move.

o Minimizes material handling and transport costs.

o Can be efficient for low-volume, customized production.

• Disadvantages:
o Requires high worker flexibility and skill sets.

o Potential for bottlenecks and inefficiencies in movement of people and


o Less suitable for high-volume production of standardized products.

Cellular Layout:
• Concept: Workers and equipment are grouped into self-contained "cells" that
handle all the steps required to produce a specific product or component.
• Typical Examples: Electronic assembly lines, garment production, furniture
• Advantages:
o Improves efficiency and reduces waste by minimizing movement and
processing time.

o Fosters teamwork and employee ownership of the production process.

o Suitable for high-volume production of standardized products.

• Disadvantages:
o Requires careful planning and organization to ensure balanced workloads
within cells.

o May require more floor space and specialized equipment for each cell.

o Less flexible for product customization or changes in production volume.

Choosing the Right Layout:

The best layout for your operation depends on several factors, including:

• Product type and volume: Fixed position is better for large, low-volume products,
while cellular is better for high-volume, standardized items.
• Production process complexity: Cellular layout is more efficient for complex
processes with many steps.
• Available space and resources: Fixed position layout requires less equipment but
more space for movement.
• Desired level of flexibility: Fixed position is more flexible for customization, while
cellular is less adaptable.

By carefully analyzing your production needs and constraints, you can choose the
layout that will optimize your operations and ensure long-term success.
Remember: These are just general guidelines, and variations of both layouts exist.
Consulting with experienced professionals can help you design the most efficient and
effective layout for your specific production environment.

c) Distinguish and contrast MRP-I and MRP-II.

Fixed Position Layout vs. Cellular Layouts: Two Approaches to Production Design

Choosing the right layout for your production operation is crucial for efficiency,
productivity, and cost-effectiveness. Here's a breakdown of two common layouts, Fixed
Position and Cellular, to help you understand their differences:

Fixed Position Layout:

• Concept: The product stays in one place, and workers and equipment move
around it.
• Typical Examples: Shipbuilding, aircraft assembly, oil refineries, large machinery
• Advantages:
o Ideal for large, bulky products that are difficult to move.

o Minimizes material handling and transport costs.

o Can be efficient for low-volume, customized production.

• Disadvantages:
o Requires high worker flexibility and skill sets.

o Potential for bottlenecks and inefficiencies in movement of people and


o Less suitable for high-volume production of standardized products.

Cellular Layout:
• Concept: Workers and equipment are grouped into self-contained "cells" that
handle all the steps required to produce a specific product or component.
• Typical Examples: Electronic assembly lines, garment production, furniture
• Advantages:
o Improves efficiency and reduces waste by minimizing movement and
processing time.

o Fosters teamwork and employee ownership of the production process.

o Suitable for high-volume production of standardized products.

• Disadvantages:
o Requires careful planning and organization to ensure balanced workloads
within cells.
o May require more floor space and specialized equipment for each cell.

o Less flexible for product customization or changes in production volume.

Choosing the Right Layout:

The best layout for your operation depends on several factors, including:

• Product type and volume: Fixed position is better for large, low-volume products,
while cellular is better for high-volume, standardized items.
• Production process complexity: Cellular layout is more efficient for complex
processes with many steps.
• Available space and resources: Fixed position layout requires less equipment but
more space for movement.
• Desired level of flexibility: Fixed position is more flexible for customization, while
cellular is less adaptable.

By carefully analyzing your production needs and constraints, you can choose the
layout that will optimize your operations and ensure long-term success.

Remember: These are just general guidelines, and variations of both layouts exist.
Consulting with experienced professionals can help you design the most efficient and
effective layout for your specific production environment.

Q3) a) 'Stop making assumptions regarding the production and start planning your
capacity'. Interpret this statement with respect to auto ancillary unit.
The statement "Stop making assumptions regarding production and start planning your
capacity" carries significant implications for an auto ancillary unit, urging them to shift
from guesswork to a data-driven, proactive approach to production planning. Here's a

Current State:
• Assumption-based production: This likely involves relying on past trends,
seasonal fluctuations, or customer orders to estimate production requirements.
This can lead to:
o Inventory imbalances: Overproduction of certain components can lead to
storage costs and obsolescence, while underproduction can cause delays
and delivery issues.
o Inefficient resource allocation: Machines and personnel may be
underutilized or overloaded, leading to inefficiencies and decreased
o Poor responsiveness to market changes: Inability to adapt to sudden
demand spikes or dips.
Shifting to Planned Capacity:

The statement emphasizes the need for:

• Accurate demand forecasting: Utilizing market research, customer data, and

industry trends to predict future demand for specific components.
• Detailed production planning: Mapping out production schedules for each
component, considering lead times, resource availability, and potential
• Capacity optimization: Analyzing existing capacity (machines, workforce) and
identifying opportunities for improvement through upgrades, automation, or
process optimization.
• Scenario planning: Preparing for potential market fluctuations by having flexible
production plans and contingency measures in place.
Benefits of Planned Capacity:
• Reduced inventory costs: Producing only what is needed minimizes storage
requirements and prevents obsolescence.
• Improved resource utilization: Machines and personnel are used efficiently,
leading to increased productivity and lower per-unit costs.
• Enhanced responsiveness: Ability to quickly adjust production based on real-time
demand, leading to improved customer satisfaction and competitive edge.
• Data-driven decision making: Replacing assumptions with data-driven insights
fosters better decision-making across the organization.
Specific Actions for Auto Ancillary Unit:
• Invest in demand forecasting tools and data analysis capabilities.
• Develop collaborative planning practices with automakers and other suppliers.
• Implement flexible production systems and modular manufacturing processes.
• Train employees on capacity planning methodologies and continuous

By moving away from assumptions and embracing planned capacity, auto ancillary
units can significantly improve their efficiency, responsiveness, and profitability. This
proactive approach is crucial in today's dynamic auto market, ensuring they remain
competitive and adaptable to changing customer needs.

b) Illustrate the steps involved in Material Requirement Planning with special
reference to home appliances manufacturing company.
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) in a Home Appliances
Manufacturing Company
MRP is a system that helps manufacturers plan and manage the materials
needed for production. Here's how it works in a home appliances
manufacturing company:
1. Master Production Schedule (MPS):
• The first step is to create a MPS, which outlines the production quantities
and timelines for each appliance model over a set period.
2. Bill of Materials (BOM):
• For each model, a BOM is created, listing all the raw materials,
components, and sub-assemblies required to produce it. This includes
information like quantity, specifications, and lead times.
3. Inventory Records:
• The company maintains accurate records of all materials currently in stock,
including their location, quantity, and status (available, reserved, on order).
4. Gross Requirements Calculation:
• Using the MPS and BOM, MRP calculates the total quantity of each
material needed for the entire production period. This is called the gross
5. Net Requirements Calculation:
• MRP then subtracts the existing inventory levels (available and on order)
from the gross requirements to determine the net requirement for each
material. This is the amount that needs to be purchased or produced.
6. Purchase Orders and Production Orders:
• Based on the net requirements, MRP generates purchase orders for
materials not already available or on order. For internally produced
components, production orders are generated for the required quantities
and timeframes.
7. Order Tracking and Monitoring:
• MRP tracks the status of all purchase orders and production orders,
ensuring materials arrive or are produced on time to avoid delays in the
production schedule.
8. Adjustments and Replanning:
• MRP is a dynamic system that allows for adjustments based on changes in
demand, inventory levels, or lead times. It can automatically recalculate
requirements and update orders as needed.
Benefits of MRP for Home Appliances Manufacturing:
• Reduced inventory costs: By accurately predicting material needs, MRP
minimizes the amount of inventory that needs to be stored, reducing
carrying costs and the risk of obsolescence.
• Improved production efficiency: MRP ensures that all necessary materials
are available when needed, preventing production delays and bottlenecks.
• Increased responsiveness to demand: MRP can quickly adapt to changes in
demand by adjusting production plans and material orders.
• Improved cost control: Accurate forecasting and planning help to optimize
material purchases and minimize waste, leading to lower overall
production costs.
• Enhanced customer satisfaction: On-time delivery of finished goods
improves customer satisfaction and loyalty.
MRP is a valuable tool for home appliances manufacturers, helping them
optimize their production processes, reduce costs, and improve
customer satisfaction. By implementing an effective MRP system,
manufacturers can gain a competitive edge in the market.
Note: This is a simplified overview of MRP. The specific details and
features of the system will vary depending on the size and complexity
of the manufacturing operation.

Q4) a) Categorize various inventory control techniques and appraise the inventory
control policies with respect to ABC Analysis.

Categorizing Inventory Control Techniques and Appraising Policies with ABC

Inventory Control Techniques:
Inventory control techniques can be broadly categorized into four groups:
1. Quantitative Techniques: These techniques use mathematical models and
statistical analysis to determine optimal inventory levels and reorder
points. Examples include:
• Economic Order Quantity (EOQ): This model calculates the optimal
quantity to order to minimize total inventory costs, considering holding
costs and ordering costs.
• Just-in-Time (JIT): This technique aims to receive materials only when
needed for production, minimizing inventory holding costs.
• Inventory Control Models (ABC Analysis, FSN Analysis): These models
categorize inventory items based on their importance and cost, allowing for
different control strategies for each category.
2. Qualitative Techniques: These techniques rely on judgment and experience to
manage inventory levels. Examples include:
• Visual Inspection: Regularly checking inventory levels to identify potential
• ABC Analysis: This technique classifies inventory items into A, B, and C
categories based on their annual dollar value. A items (high value, low
volume) receive the tightest control, while C items (low value, high
volume) require minimal monitoring.
• Forecasting: Predicting future demand to inform inventory stocking
3. Hybrid Techniques: These combine quantitative and qualitative approaches,
leveraging the strengths of both. Examples include:
• Safety Stock: Holding additional inventory as a buffer against unexpected
demand fluctuations.
• Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Setting minimum acceptable levels of
inventory availability for critical items.
4. Technological Tools:
• Inventory Management Systems (IMS): Software that tracks inventory
levels, generates purchase orders, and provides insights for better inventory
• Barcodes and RFID: These technologies automate inventory tracking and
improve accuracy.
Appraising Inventory Control Policies with ABC Analysis:
ABC Analysis is a powerful tool to categorize inventory items and tailor control
policies based on their importance and cost. Here's how it works:
• A Items (20% of items, 80% of value): These are critical items with high
demand and cost. Tight control is crucial, including frequent forecasting,
close monitoring of stock levels, and implementing EOQ models for
optimal ordering quantities.
• B Items (30% of items, 15% of value): These are moderately important
items with medium demand and cost. Less stringent control is needed
compared to A items, but regular monitoring and forecasting are still
• C Items (50% of items, 5% of value): These are low-value items with high
volume and low individual cost. Minimal control is required, with reliance
on visual inspection and basic ordering procedures.
Benefits of Using ABC Analysis:
• Focuses resources on high-value items: Ensures critical materials are
managed effectively to avoid stockouts and ensure production continuity.
• Reduces overall inventory costs: Optimizes inventory levels for different
categories, minimizing unnecessary carrying costs.
• Improves inventory accuracy: Categorization facilitates better tracking and
control of individual items.
• Simplifies decision-making: Clear guidelines for different item categories
aid in ordering, forecasting, and storage decisions.
Combining various inventory control techniques with ABC analysis helps
companies optimize their inventory management, improve resource
allocation, and ultimately contribute to increased operational
efficiency and profitability.
Note: This is a general overview. Specific techniques and their effectiveness will
vary depending on the industry, company size, and individual
inventory characteristics.

b) M/s Unique Carb Tooling Company buys its requirement of component
at the rate of Rs. 10 each from a local vendor every quarter. The average
monthly requirement of component is 600 nos. 10% extra components
are procured to take care of in-process rejection. The procurement cost
and inventory carrying cost have been calculated at Rs. 50 per order and
20% of average inventory investment.
Calculate :
i) Economic Order Quantity to optimize the cost.
ii) What is the total inventory cost of existing inventory policy?
iii) How much company can save by switching over EOQ buying
inventory policy?
Calculating Optimal Order Quantity and Inventory Costs for Unique Carb Tooling
Given Information:
• Component price: Rs. 10/unit
• Average monthly requirement: 600 units
• Order cost: Rs. 50/order
• Inventory carrying cost: 20% of average inventory investment
• Extra procurement: 10%
1. Calculate Economic Order Quantity (EOQ):
EOQ = √(2 Annual Demand Ordering Cost / Holding Cost per Unit)
• Annual Demand = Monthly Demand 12 = 600 units/month 12 months/year =
7200 units/year
• Holding Cost per Unit = Price Carrying Cost % = Rs. 10/unit 20% = Rs. 2/unit
EOQ = √(2 7200 50 / 2) = √(720000) = 849.85 units
Round down EOQ to the nearest whole number to avoid partial units: EOQ = 849 units
2. Total Inventory Cost of Existing Policy:
• Order Cost per Quarter = Ordering Cost/Quarter = Rs. 50/order 1 order/quarter
= Rs. 50/quarter
• Quarterly Requirement = Monthly Requirement 3 months/quarter = 600
units/month 3 months/quarter = 1800 units/quarter
• Inventory Carrying Cost = Average Inventory Carrying Cost %
• Average Inventory = (Reorder Level + Safety Stock) / 2
• Reorder Level = Quarterly Requirement - Lead Time (assumed as 0 for local
vendor) = 1800 units
• Safety Stock = Extra Procurement % Reorder Level = 10% 1800 units = 180
• Average Inventory = (1800 + 180) / 2 = 990 units
• Inventory Carrying Cost = 990 units 20% = Rs. 198/quarter
• Total Inventory Cost per quarter = Order Cost + Inventory Carrying Cost = Rs. 50
+ Rs. 198 = Rs. 248/quarter
3. Inventory Cost Savings with EOQ:
• Order Cost per year = Orders per year Ordering Cost = 4 orders/year (7200
EOQ / 1800 quarterly req.) Rs. 50/order = Rs. 200/year
• Annual Inventory Carrying Cost = EOQ Carrying Cost % / 2 = 849 units 20% / 2
= Rs. 84.90/year
• Total Inventory Cost per year with EOQ = Order Cost + Inventory Carrying Cost
= Rs. 200 + Rs. 84.90 = Rs. 284.90/year
• Inventory Cost Savings with EOQ = Existing Cost - EOQ Cost = Rs. 248/quarter
4 quarters/year - Rs. 284.90/year = Rs. 492/year
By switching to an EOQ-based inventory policy, Unique Carb Tooling Company can
save Rs. 492 per year on their component inventory costs. This represents a significant
improvement in inventory management efficiency and cost reduction.
Note: This calculation assumes a constant demand throughout the year. In real-world
scenarios, demand fluctuations might require adjusting the EOQ calculation or
incorporating safety stock strategies.

Q5) a) Compose Generic Supply Chain Structure for new start-up of vegetable
and fruit selling company. The company receives the orders on their
Android and IOS APP. Workable assumptions can be considered.

1. Supplier Network:
- Identify and establish relationships with local farmers, distributors, and
wholesalers for a diverse range of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Ensure reliable and quality sources for the products.

2. Order Placement:
- Customers place orders through the Android and iOS app.
- The app should have user-friendly features, secure payment gateways, and
real-time inventory updates.

3. Order Processing:
- Upon order placement, the system generates notifications to the warehouse
and relevant suppliers.
- Automated order processing system to streamline operations.

4. Inventory Management:
- Maintain real-time inventory through an integrated system.
- Implement barcoding or RFID technology for efficient tracking.

5. Warehousing:
- Have centralized warehouses strategically located for efficient distribution.
- Implement FIFO (First In, First Out) inventory management to ensure
product freshness.

6. Packaging:
- Design standardized packaging for different products.
- Consider eco-friendly packaging options.

7. Quality Control:
- Conduct regular quality checks at the warehouse to ensure products meet
- Implement a feedback loop to improve quality based on customer reviews.
8. Distribution:
- Utilize a fleet of delivery vehicles for local deliveries.
- Explore partnerships with third-party logistics for wider coverage.

9. Last-Mile Delivery:
- Implement a route optimization system for efficient last-mile delivery.
- Provide customers with real-time tracking of their orders.

10. Customer Service:

- Set up a responsive customer service team to handle inquiries and concerns.
- Use the app for customer communication and feedback.

11. Technology Integration:

- Integrate the supply chain management system with the app for seamless
- Use data analytics for demand forecasting and inventory optimization.

12. Sustainability Initiatives:

- Implement sustainable practices in the supply chain, such as reducing food
waste and using eco-friendly packaging.

13. Regulatory Compliance:

- Ensure compliance with local regulations regarding food safety and
- Keep abreast of industry standards and adapt accordingly.

14. Continuous Improvement:

- Regularly review and optimize the supply chain processes.
- Collect feedback from customers and stakeholders for continuous

These components provide a broad overview, and the specific details would
depend on the scale, location, and nature of the business. The key is to
create a flexible and responsive supply chain that can adapt to the
evolving needs of the business and its customers.

b) 'The fulfilling the objectives of a good layout as per yearly product

requirement and product types of high-volume manufacturing unit' Evaluate
the above statement with respect to the specific type of layout.

To evaluate the statement regarding fulfilling the objectives of a good

layout for a high-volume manufacturing unit based on yearly product
requirements and product types, it's important to consider the specific
type of layout. There are various types of layouts, and the choice
depends on the nature of the manufacturing processes, product
characteristics, and production volume. Three common types of
layouts are process layout, product layout, and fixed-position layout.
Let's evaluate the statement in the context of each layout type:

1. Process Layout:
- Objective: Efficient utilization of resources, flexibility in handling
diverse product types.
- Evaluation: Suitable for high variety and low to moderate volume
production. It allows for easy adaptation to changes in product types.
However, it may not be as efficient for high-volume manufacturing
due to frequent material handling and longer travel distances.

2. Product Layout (Line Layout):

- Objective: High efficiency, low production costs, and quick throughput
for standardized products.
- Evaluation: Ideal for high-volume manufacturing units with a
standardized product range. The layout is designed to minimize
movement and optimize the flow of materials. It is well-suited for
meeting yearly product requirements efficiently and achieving
economies of scale.

3. Fixed-Position Layout:
- Objective: Managing large and bulky products that stay in one location
while workers and equipment come to it.
- Evaluation: Suitable for projects with large-scale products, such as
shipbuilding or construction. Not ideal for high-volume manufacturing
of smaller products due to limited economies of scale and potential

Overall Evaluation:
- Yearly Product Requirement: For high-volume manufacturing units, a
product layout is generally more effective in meeting yearly product
requirements efficiently. It allows for a streamlined and continuous
production process, reducing lead times and enhancing productivity.

- Product Types: If the product types are relatively standardized, a product

layout is highly effective. However, if there is significant variation in
product types, a process layout may be more appropriate, even though
it might not achieve the same level of efficiency as a product layout.

- Flexibility vs. Efficiency: The trade-off between flexibility and efficiency
is crucial. High-volume manufacturing units often prioritize efficiency
and cost-effectiveness, favoring product layouts. However, a balance
must be struck to accommodate changes in product types or
production requirements.

- Technology and Automation: The level of automation and technology in

the manufacturing process can influence the choice of layout. Highly
automated processes may align better with product layouts, while
more manual processes may be accommodated in process layouts.

In conclusion, the choice of layout for a high-volume manufacturing unit

should align with the specific characteristics of the products and the
production volume. While a product layout is often preferred for
efficiency in meeting yearly product requirements, considerations of
product types, flexibility, and technological factors should guide the
decision-making process.

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