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Particle-in-cell model of a relativistic magnetron system

driven by a pulse forming network Marx generator 
Kern Lee  ; Sunghoon Hong; Woosang Lee

J. Appl. Phys. 131, 094901 (2022)

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11 June 2024 06:18:13

Journal of ARTICLE
Applied Physics

Particle-in-cell model of a relativistic magnetron

system driven by a pulse forming network Marx
Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 131, 094901 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0085027
Submitted: 12 January 2022 · Accepted: 8 February 2022 · View Online Export Citation CrossMark
Published Online: 1 March 2022

Kern Lee,1,a) Sunghoon Hong,1,2 and Woosang Lee1

Agency for Defense Development, Yuseong P. O. Box 35, 34186 Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Department of Electrical Engineering, Hanyang University, 04763 Seoul, Republic of Korea

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed :

A three dimensional particle-in-cell (PIC) model of a relativistic magnetron (RM) is established using CST Studio Suite. As we adopted a novel
technique to imitate pulse forming action of pulser, simulation domain is now fully extended to include a pulser, a transmission line, and a
magnetron tube. This feature enables the model to describe a dynamic power coupling process between the pulser and RM in a self-consistent

11 June 2024 06:18:13

manner. It is demonstrated that model accuracy is strongly dependent on user-defined parameters for an explosive electron emission model.
Particularly, emission rise time for space charge formation influences significantly on an initial mode competition phase. Compared to a
previous excitation method using a step voltage pulse, the new model gives more reliable results as the intrinsic impedance of the pulser
is now considered. Our model is able to estimate the major RM characteristics over a wide range of an external magnetic field. As a result
of dynamic power coupling, the RM impedance, the gap voltage, the excitation frequency, and the output power tend to increase at a
higher external magnetic field condition. It is suitable to adopt a proposed modeling technique for the virtual assemble and simulation of
the system. Hence, it will suggest a practical way to implement and verify complicated structures or innovative designs that could not be
solved by existing PIC codes.

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.

I. INTRODUCTION Since the pulser itself has an intrinsic impedance, their dynamic
matching through the transmission line becomes a highly nonlinear
As a well-known source of a high power microwave (HPM), a
relativistic magnetron (RM) has been extensively studied in recent problem. The dynamic power coupling issue was partly covered by
years.1–6 In general, an RM system consists of a pulser, a vacuum the lumped circuit model of RM,19 but equivalent circuit was not
tube, an electro-magnet, and an output antenna. Even though able to describe the detailed conversion process of input electrical
issues known as pulse shortening7–9 as well as a mode competition energy into a microwave. Even in a sophisticated approach of Lin
problem10,11 still remain, working principles of an RM system are et al.20 that coupled the three dimensional (3D) PIC simulation
very well established. In our case, we assembled a pulse-forming- with external circuit elements, the circuit was too simple to describe
network (PFN) Marx generator, a gas-vacuum transmission line, a the pulsed power driver.
magnetron tube, a pulsed electromagnet, and a pyramidal horn In this article, we present the integrated model of an RM
antenna. Each part was tested independently on a component level system using a PIC solver of CST Studio Suite. The simulation
before integration. In practice, particle-in-cell (PIC) codes, such as domain is extended to include full 3D features of pulser and trans-
UNIPIC,12 VSim,13 and MAGIC,14 have been used to model and sim- mission line, as well as the RM. Our model considers the RM as a
ulate the magnetron devices. From them, highly convincing results transient load, and the entire discharge process is solved in a self-
were obtained on a component level3,10,11,15,16 but not for the system. consistent manner. The modeling technique for the RM system is
From a view-point of a pulser, the magnetron tube is consid- described in Sec. II. In Sec. III, we discuss how the model parame-
ered a time-varying load whose impedance rapidly decreases.17,18 ters influence the RM characteristics in terms of the dynamic

J. Appl. Phys. 131, 094901 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0085027 131, 094901-1

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Journal of ARTICLE
Applied Physics

power coupling process. The capability and limitations of model pulser to a magnetron tube. A bi-conical diaphragm block
are also addressed. Conclusions are given in Sec. IV. (poly-ether-ether-ketone, PEEK) separates a pressurized gas (sulfur
hexafluoride, SF6) region and a vacuum region while holding a
center stalk. Dimensions of Bekefi’s A6 magnetron21 are slightly
II. MODEL DESCRIPTION modified to mitigate the mode competition. It is tuned for a π
Figure 1(a) shows the CST model of an existing RM system: a mode operation with a center frequency (f0 ) at 2.4 GHz. A cylindri-
PFN Marx generator, a transmission line, and a magnetron tube. cal solid cathode with a radius of 10 mm is used with a doorknob-
The PFN Marx generator has a stack of 16 PFN modules connected type endcap of 12 mm in radius, which is mounted on the down-
by spark gap switches. It produces a flat-top pulse with an ampli- stream side. Area sources for explosive electron emission are
tude of −400 kV and a full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of assigned on the surface of the cathode assembly. The axial mag-
∼100 ns to the matched load (40 Ω). The transmission line pro- netic field is produced by a pair of electromagnets, and the flux
vides a smooth transition of an outer diameter of chambers from a density Bz is varied within 0.26–0.42 T in the interaction zone to

11 June 2024 06:18:13

FIG. 1. 3D features of (a) an RM system and (b) a PFN module modeled in CST and 2D snapshots of an electron distribution monitored on (c) XY and (d) YZ planes.

J. Appl. Phys. 131, 094901 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0085027 131, 094901-2

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Journal of ARTICLE
Applied Physics

meet the Buneman–Hartree condition.22,23 The aperture of a rec-

tangular waveguide (WR-430) is terminated by a waveguide port
(i.e., a perfect absorber); therefore, the output microwave power is
not allowed to reflect back. For diagnostics, a couple of monitors
for particle, voltage, current, and field probes are placed. Note that
our electromagnet works in a pulsed mode, whose half period is
2 μs. Since the magnetic field changes so slowly, it can be
assumed to be stationary during the RM in operation. We pre-
calculated the magnetic field profile using a magneto-static solver
and import it before initiating the PIC solver.
The PIC simulation for an RM system proceeds as follows. As
the PFN Marx generator is erected, the resulting HV pulse is trans-
mitted to the RM. As the local electric field (E-field) on the
cathode rises, the explosive electron emission is soon initiated
when the threshold E-field (Eth ) is exceeded. In the interaction
space, electron beams are tightly bound by an external magnetic
field. As depicted in Fig. 1(c), while the electrons rotate in an azi-
muthal direction forming spokes, they interact with slow waves
originated from the periodic structure of anode vanes. The wave–
particle interaction leads to the conversion of beam energy to
microwave energy. Some of microwave energy can be extracted via
a waveguide through the radial output port. The electron beams
also drift along the external magnetic field. Most of them are
blocked either by a cathode endcap or dome, as shown in Fig. 1(d).
For simulating the pulse forming action of a PFN Marx gener-
ator in a PIC simulation, there are two possible modeling schemes.
Figure 2 briefly shows them using equivalent circuits of a three-
stage type-E PFN Marx generator. As a conventional approach, the

11 June 2024 06:18:13

first scheme (scheme 1) requires charging the capacitors up to V0 FIG. 2. Equivalent circuit layout of a type-E PFN Marx generator for (a) a con-
and then close switches simultaneously for the Marx erection.24 ventional discharge starting from an initially charged state (scheme 1) and (b)
Placing current sources in parallel with each capacitor, the charging driven by serial step voltage sources (scheme 2).
process can be easily realized. However, the charging voltage pulse
propagating through the capacitor–inductor (LC) networks shows
complicated behavior. Even if the charging is completed, additional
time for stabilization is required. That is, significant computing
power is consumed to achieve the uniformly charged state of capac-
itors. This situation appears because there is no way to solve a tran-
sient EM problem with an initially charged structure. To solve the
drawbacks of scheme 1, Ryu25 proposed an alternative approach
(scheme 2). This scheme is originally proposed to simulate the
pulse forming action of the Blumlein pulse forming line (PFL) and
validated experimentally.25 Discrete ports defined in CST are
placed across the switching gaps [Fig. 1(b)], and step voltage pulses
are launched through them. As this scheme skips the charging
sequence, the Marx erection starts from the very beginning of sim-
ulation. In scheme 2, the step voltage pulse with a positive polarity
is launched backward [i.e., from right to left in Fig. 2(b)], and then,
it will be reflected to a forward direction with a reversed polarity
(i.e., negative) as soon as it arrives at the end of the PFN module.
The pulse forming action ends when the reflected pulse arrives at
the switch gap. This process is analogous to what happens in the
discharging phase of scheme 1. The only difference is the initial
charged state (V0 ).
The simulated output voltages based on schemes 1 and 2 are
compared in Fig. 3. For this analysis, we directly terminated the
FIG. 3. Comparison of output voltage waveforms of the PFN Marx generator
output of the 16-stage PFN Marx generator with a 34 Ω lumped
obtained from schemes 1 and 2.
resistor. Other components, such as the transmission line and the

J. Appl. Phys. 131, 094901 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0085027 131, 094901-3

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Journal of ARTICLE
Applied Physics

magnetron tube, were disabled. The simulation of scheme 1 impedance formed between the anode–cathode gap (AK gap)
required additional 500 ns for the initial charging sequence and sta- rapidly decreases to the order of 40Ω from this moment. During
bilization. Ideal closing switches representing the spark gaps are the overshoot, the gap voltage shows complicated behavior due to
turned on simultaneously. For scheme 2, the step voltage source of multiple wave reflections with a finite transit time along the trans-
+50 kV with 1 ns rise time is used. All the discrete ports are excited mission line (ΔtTL  2 ns). Regarding that the RM impedance
by this voltage source simultaneously. In the plot, the simulation tends to decay almost exponentially,17,18 a complete description of
result of scheme 1 is shifted in time to show the perfect match with the voltage spike requires properly defined pre-parameters of the
that of scheme 2. It is demonstrated that the basic idea of scheme 2 emission model. In particular, the model reproduces the measured
is not only successfully extended for the pulse forming action of voltage spike with a very high E-field emission threshold
the PFN Marx generator, but also saves a large amount of comput- (Eth = 90 MV/m). It implies that the surface condition of the
ing time. It should be noted that the erection of the Marx generator cathode is so poor that the AK gap is acting like a peaking switch.
in our model does not consider both the sequential breakdown of Hence, the voltage rise time (tr / L/R) is reduced from the case of
the spark gaps and the dynamic behavior of the arc channels. For a lumped resistor load (Fig. 3). The data also show that the higher
more realistic modeling, the spark gap model26 can be coupled, or the assumed Eth value, the higher the formed flat-top voltage. We
experimentally measured gap closure data can be applied to adjust believe that the effective emission area is also reduced due to the
excitation timing. emission criterion based on the Eth value.
Meanwhile, we found that the current and voltage values for
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the flat-top are quite insensitive to the emission model if Eth has
been defined within the 20–40 MV/m range. This is consistent with
Voltage and current waveforms obtained from the model are the fact that the RM characteristics are determined by the gap
shown in Fig. 4. To find the pre-parameters for the PIC simulation, voltage, the external magnetic field, and the cavity structure. Since
we used experimental data measured from a capacitive voltage the RM impedance itself is determined by the above parameters,
divider (CVD) and a B-dot sensor installed on the midpoint of the both the nonlinear power deposition and the transient behavior of
transmission line. These sensors were in situ calibrated in the pre- RM are well described by our model. Note that the present PIC
liminary experiment with discharges on a tubular carbon resistor. model only considers the electron; therefore, the issues related to
The waveforms show a fair agreement over the entire discharge the plasma formed between the AK gap cannot be covered. The
period. In the measured voltage waveform, the initial spike whose simulation results should be understood as for an ideal system or at
peak reaches up to −800 kV appears first, and the flat-top least a well-manufactured one.
(∼ − 400 kV) is followed. Note that this peak level corresponds to

11 June 2024 06:18:13

Among the pre-parameters of the explosive emission model,
the open-load voltage of a pulser (−50 kV × 16 stages). In the the emission rise time (τ er ) tends to influence the initial mode
model, the explosion emission of electrons at the cathode surface is competition much more than the threshold E-field strength (Eth ).
initiated in the midst of the voltage overshoot. That is, the For Eth in a moderate range (e.g., 20–40 MV/m), the emission crite-
rion is quickly satisfied by the pulse front. In such cases, changing
the Eth value has a limited effect on the results; therefore, it is fixed
at 30 MV/m. In CST, the emission rise time (τ er ) is taken into
account by the expression

f (t) ¼ 1  exp  2 : (1)
τ er

This function alleviates the numerical instability associated

with the space charge formation. Thus, the higher the τ er value, the
slower the buildup of space charge in the interaction space.
The simulation has been carried out for different τ er values, and
the results are shown in Fig. 5. Here, the axial magnetic field
(Bz = 0.36 T) and the Marx generator charging voltage
(V0 = −50 kV) are adjusted for a π-mode (f0 ∼ 2.4 GHz) operation.
On the left column, the electric fields (TE10 mode) at the center of
the output waveguide are plotted. We also presented their time-
frequency contour plots on the right side to show the mode compe-
tition feature. There appears an undesired mode with f0 ∼ 2.1 GHz
interfering the π-mode in the τ er ¼ 1 ns case. As the microwave
generation begins in the middle of voltage overshoot, the initial
FIG. 4. Simulation results compared with measured data at Bz = 0.36 T : (a) mode competition is mainly originated from the fluctuation of the
voltage and (b) current waveforms probed at the midpoint of the transmission
AK gap voltage. In this context, the microwave field cannot
respond to a fast interaction of a pulser and RM when τ er is longer

J. Appl. Phys. 131, 094901 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0085027 131, 094901-4

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Journal of ARTICLE
Applied Physics

FIG. 5. Simulation results for different

emission rise time (τ er ) : (a) and (b)
1 ns, (c) and (d) 3 ns, and (e) and (f )
5 ns. Electric fields (TE10 mode) at the
center of the output waveguide are on
the left side, and time-frequency
contour plots are on the right side.
(The colormap of the contour plot is
normalized with spectral intensity.)

11 June 2024 06:18:13

than the pulse transit time (ΔtTL  2 ns). Hence, there is no com- nonlinear power coupling process, especially for the early period,
peting mode for those cases. Meanwhile, except for the initial cannot be properly described, and it is highly possible to underesti-
mode competing pattern, the value of τ er has little effect on the mate the overall RM performance. This critical issue becomes minor if
characteristics of the fully established microwave field (π-mode). the PIC model contains the magnetron tube only. In this case, it is
In the absence of experimental data, our analysis on the initial still appropriate to excite the RM with a fast voltage pulse.
mode competition is limited. Nevertheless, it still gives valuable For a wide range of an external magnetic field
intuitions from the system point of view. For example, one can (Bz = 0.26-0.42 T), the characteristic parameters, such as the excita-
shorten the length of the transmission line to reduce the pulse tion frequencies (f0 ), the average gap voltage (Ugap ), and the nor-
transit time (ΔtTL ). This allows less fluctuating gap voltage and sup- malized maximum output power (Pout ) can be summarized from
presses the mode competition. the simulation results, as shown in Fig. 7. For the first 20 ns, there
In order to discuss the RM characteristics with respect to the appears a competing mode at the frequency (f1 ); therefore, it is
pulser modeling method, the RM is excited in a different way. As a marked with an opened circle. It should be addressed that our
conventional excitation method, a step voltage pulse of −380 kV is model determines above parameters by solving the dynamic power
fed into the transmission line. The pulser has been removed from coupling along the RM system. Since we fixed the charging voltage
the model, while other conditions remained the same. The rise of Marx capacitors to −50 kV, this analysis is equivalent to a virtual
time is adjusted to 12 ns to fit the pulse front produced by the PFN experiment. In principle, the electrons collected on the anode
Marx generator. Figure 6 shows that driven by the step pulse, the surface decrease by the enhanced magnetic insulation at a higher
input current to RM rises more slowly and the microwave genera- Bz condition. Accordingly, both the RM impedance and the load
tion is also delayed. The rise of initial current is mainly limited by voltage coupling coefficient [αL ffi ZRM /(ZMarx þ ZRM )] will increase
the high input impedance of the transmission line (∼83 Ω). Moreover, with respect to Bz . Our model leads to an ∼25% increase of gap
contrary to the case where the pulser is mounted, the open end of the voltage by Bz raised from 0.26 to 0.42 T. At the same time, the
transmission line (i.e., the input side) could not be properly closed maximum output power rises almost 4.5 times. The main excitation
with the element having a finite impedance. On the contrary, we frequency (f0 ) is shifted up from 2.3 to 2.4 GHz gradually. As men-
covered this boundary using the conducting wall. Hence, the wave will tioned earlier, the initial competing mode that is caused by the
be fully reflected with an opposite phase. We can conclude that the voltage fluctuation has a higher frequency than that of the main exci-
intrinsic impedance of the pulser must be taken into account to tation mode (f0  f1 ). The frequency resolution (Δf0 ) is limited to
predict the RM characteristics on a system level. Otherwise, the 0.1 GHz by the time window of simulation results.

J. Appl. Phys. 131, 094901 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0085027 131, 094901-5

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing
Journal of ARTICLE
Applied Physics

In this paper, we presented the 3D PIC model for the inte-
grated RM system that consists of the PFN Marx generator, the
transmission line, and the magnetron tube. We also proposed the
novel technique to realize the pulse forming action of the PFN
Marx generator in the PIC model. The modeling domain is now
extended to the system level; thus, the RM system can be virtually
assembled and simulated in a self-consistent manner. The model
accuracy depends on the user-defined parameters, especially for the
description of a mode competition feature. Hence, the model cali-
bration will be carried out as a future work. Our model provides
convincing results more than that of the previous excitation
method using a step voltage pulse because the intrinsic impedance
of the pulser is now properly taken into account. We have con-
firmed that the model works for a wide range of an external mag-
netic field condition to determine the A-K gap voltage, the
excitation frequency, and the output power. Provided the model
calibration, it is expected that even the analysis on the initial mode
competition will become reliable. To date, we have modeled the
existing RM system to get some clues about our current issues. Our
modeling technique also provides a practical way to implement and
verify a complicated structure or an innovative design that could
not be solved by existing PIC codes.

Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

11 June 2024 06:18:13

FIG. 6. Simulation results of RM excited by the PFN Marx generator and a step The data that support the findings of this study are available
pulse: (a) AK gap voltage, (b) magnetron input current, and (c) electric field from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
(TE10 mode) at the center of the output waveguide.
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J. Appl. Phys. 131, 094901 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0085027 131, 094901-7

Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing

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