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Student name: T'Neal Keswardts

Student number: 23210190
Name of school: KEC Primary School
Public or private school: Private
Date: 14 April 2023
Grade: 7
Subject: Life orientation
Content area: Development of the Self in Society
Lesson topic: Peer Pressure: effect of peer pressure
Time duration of lesson: 3 hours
CAPS / Curriculum page number: 12
Number of learners in class: 16

Prior learning / knowledge:

CAPS(2011:12) show that the topic will be peer pressure. It is safe to assume that
students in grade 7 have experienced or witnessed peer pressure .

Learning objectives:

By the end of the lesson / learning experience the learners should be able to:

Be able to describe peer pressure in school.
List two examples of peer pressure that they have experienced.
Describe the effect peer pressure might have on an learner.
Be able to identify peer pressure.
Values / Attitudes:
Know how to respond to peer pressure.
Know how to stay away from people who peer pressure .
I will read them a scenario and ask them who is the victim. And how would
they have responded if they were in the same situation.


Life orientation text book.

Lesson phases:

I will ask the students of they have ever experienced bullying.
I will teach them about the effect and causes of peer pressure . How bullying can appear
in the day to day life. I will also how charts of the effect of bullying has on schoolwork.
I will ask if the lesson changed their perspective on peer pressure .

Planned questions:

Write out the question and state in which phase of the lesson will it be used. All 6
levels of questioning must be covered.
Level 1: Give examples of peer pressure .

Homework / Independent work:

I will give them a worksheet on peer pressure .

Accommodating learners that need special attention:

I will give slower learners more one on one attention.

Department of Basic Education, South Africa. 2011. Curriculum and Assessment Policy
Statement (CAPS) Grade 8: Life Orientation. Pretoria: Government Printing Words.

Self-Reflection on the lesson plan design:

I will teach them to always be kind to one another.
It will be challenge to get them to understand that there are help for bullying.

Improvements (changes for future lessons)

I will be more transparent in my future lessons.
The phases of lesson planning.

When planning a lesson there are three phases that a teacher should go through.
Planning a lesson can be seen as planning a trip to a particular destination. Some
students are faster learners than others, so the teacher should be able to
accommodate all the learners.
The first part of lesson planning is the pre-interactive phase. This is where the
teacher formulates the lesson objectives. Lesson objectives helps the teacher to
determine what the learners should be able to do and understand at the end of the
lesson. In the pre-interactive phase the teacher should also take into account the
prior knowledge that the learners might have. The planning of learning activities is
crucial because this is where the can assess the learners.
The next phase is where the action happens, the interactive phase. Evening that has
been planned in the pre-interactive phase is demonstrated in this phase through
presentation. The teacher should have an introduction that will grab the action of the
learners. The teacher should explain the context of the desired lesson so that the
learners will be able to achieve all of the lesson objectives. This phase will determine
the success of the pre-interactive phase.
The last phase is where the teacher look back at the lesson to reflect on how
successful the lesson was. The teacher will look at what they have achieved and the
challenges they had encountered during the lesson. The post interactive phase is
also where the teacher can look for improvements for the next lesson, because
there is always room for improvement.

Planning a lesson is very crucial because it is good to be prepared when teaching

anything. The lesson plan should be very simplified so if the teacher is absent
someone else could be able to look at the lesson plan and take over the lesson.

Values of a lesson plan.

There are certain values that a lesson plan needs to be effective. First of all the
teacher needs to have a good time management. The teacher needs to do enough
research so that they are well prepared. The teacher also needs to have good
presentation skills to keep the learners interested during the lesson. The teacher
needs to have all of the necessary resources to reach the learning objectives.
A good lesson plan will not guarantee a good lesson but it is always great to be
prepared. The value of the lesson plan will determine the value of a good lesson.

Louw, L. Du Tout, E. Jacobs, L. (2016). Help I'm a student teacher: skills
development for teaching practice. Van Schaik, Pretoria.

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