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Research J. Pharm. and Tech.

16(12): December 2023

ISSN 0974-3618 (Print)

0974-360X (Online)


Applications of Polymeric Nanoparticle in Nose to Brain Drug Delivery

Sunena*, Sumit Kumar1, Sulekha2, Deepali Tomar3, Dinesh Kumar4, Vimal Kishore5
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Om Sterling Global University, Hisar - 125001, Haryana, India.
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Central University of Haryana,
Jant-Pali Mahendergarh - 123031, Haryana, India.
Geeta Institute of Pharmacy, Geeta University, Panipat - 132145, Haryana, India.
Lala Birkha Ram College of Pharmacy, Golpura, Panchkula, Haryana, India.
Atam Institute of Pharmacy, Om Sterling Global University.
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, Indore Madhya Pradesh, India.
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
ABSTRACT: studied for the therapy of various brain disorders as
The primary goal of developing novel formulations is well as the process of nanoparticle transport.
to effectively deliver the drug the at the target site. A
desirable, non-invasive method of enhancing
medication penetration or delivering innovative drug
or gene carriers into the brain is nose-to-brain
administration. The main benefit of intranasal
medication administration is that it avoids the blood-
brain barrier and targets drug molecules directly to
the brain. Due to their difficulty in crossing the
blood-brain barrier, big molecular weight and
hydrophilic compounds can also be transported to the
brain by this drug delivery channel. By speeding the
administration of treatments at the target site and
preventing systemic adverse effects, intranasal
delivery to the brain is helpful in treating many
neurological disorders. Potential drug delivery
systems, the drug-encapsulated polymeric
nanoparticles can convey a sizable amount of
medication from the nose to brain. The advantages of
polymeric nanoparticles-mediated nose to brain
targeting are discussed in this paper. Additionally, it Graphical Abstract: Benefits of polymeric
provides an overview of the polymeric nanoparticles nanoparticles in nose to brain drug delivery

KEYWORDS: Intranasal, Blood-brain-barrier, Neurological disorders, Polymeric nanoparticles, Brain

targeting, Non-invasive.

The intranasal pathway is a non-invasive opportunity to
the oral and parenteral direction to supply medications
to the Brain. This approach can reduce a drug's systemic
Received on 25.01.2023 Modified on 01.07.2023
negative outcomes through bypassing the blood-brain
Accepted on 24.11.2023 © RJPT All right reserved
Research J. Pharm. and Tech 2023; 16(12):6087-6094. barrier1,2. Through nasal administration, the medicine
DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2023.00988 either enters the systemic circulation over the nasal
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 16(12): December 2023

mucosa or directly enters the brain via the olfactory and olfactory epithelium also take part in drug delivery from
trigeminal nerves3. Since many years ago, intranasal nose to brain. The trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve V) is
administration of medicines to the central nervous attached to the pons and the cribriform plate thru axons
system (CNS) has been intensively researched. Strokes, of the bipolar neurons, allowing perivascular transport to
migraines, brain tumors, and other CNS illnesses have the dual brain areas and the spinal cord1,18.
all been treated to great success using this method. Due
to mucociliary clearance, the amount of medicine that 2.1 Intranasal drug delivery to CNS: Possible
enters the central nervous system through direct nasal transport mechanism for nanoparticles:
transport is very low, necessitating the usage of effective Either transcellular (inside the epithelial cell) or
drug delivery systems. Novel drug delivery methods, paracellular (between the epithelial cells) processes are
ordinarily drug-loaded nanoparticles, have lately been used for drug transport across the nasal epithelium.
advanced to enhance nose-to-brain delivery4. In the
2.1.1 Transcellular transport/Endocytosis:
creation of nanoparticles, polymers are crucial because
By way of endocytic uptake to the olfactory bulb, the
they offer high drug encapsulation effectiveness, greater
olfactory sensory neurons (OSN) perform transcellular
absorption, better solubility, and high permeability. The
trafficking. It has been claimed that the OSN has
fact that polymeric nanoparticles utilized for drug
without delay carried many big molecules, which
administration are biocompatible, biodegradable, and
include albumin, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), wheat
have non-immunogenic qualities is their most significant
germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGAHRP),
advantage5. Additionally, cutting-edge methods like
and rhabdoviruses, to the olfactory bulb 19-23. Numerous
mucoadhesive polymeric nanoparticles enhance
molecular approaches, along with clathrin-mediated,
olfactory contact to overcome mucociliary clearance and
caveolin-mediated, macropinocytosis, caveolin-
upsurge the drug concentration that reaches the brain6.
impartial, and phagocytosis, are involved in endocytosis
In nose to brain applications, mucoadhesive polymers
transport24. The best transport system is the clathrin-
like chitosan and its modified derivatives would be the
mediated endocytic pathway, but the fundamental
potential carrier. Chitosan is widely employed in the
mechanism that causes cellular internalisation of
nasal administration of several CNS-acting medications
nanoparticles is still not fully understood 25. Particle size
as well as other therapies like proteins and hormones
is a significant factor that starts cellular internalisation
like insulin, etc. since it also acts as a permeation
of nanoparticles. According to certain investigations,
enhancer7. The transfer of nanoparticles from the nose to
particle sizes between 200 and 1000 nm trigger
the brain and their numerous uses in treating neuronal
caveolin-mediated uptake whereas those smaller than 20
issues is outlined in this paper.
nm promote clathrin-mediated uptake26. Surface charge
and particle concentration over the cells are additional
2. Drug delivery pathways from nose to CNS:
factors that influence the internalisation route of
The delivery of medicinal chemicals to the brain to treat
nanoparticles27, 28.
CNS illnesses has been researched via drug transport
through the olfactory mucosa8-11. For extremely
2.1.2 Paracellular transport/transcytosis:
important drugs with limited blood-brain permeability,
To reach the lamina propria, transport that is
such as neuropeptides used to treat Alzheimer's or
extracellular or paracellular must pass via the
Parkinson's disease and for immediate pain relief, the
sustentacular cells. Only tiny drug molecules can pass
olfactory transfer pathway may be advantageous12. The
through the paracellular route, which is made up of
trigeminal neural pathway and olfactory receptor
hydrophilic channels and tight junctional complexes
neurons are used in direct nose to brain medication
joining the epithelial cells. As tight junctions are
typically impermeable to molecules with a
The nasal cavity is directly connected to the central hydrodynamic radius greater than 4-8nm, the largest
nervous system (CNS) through the trigeminal and molecular size for paracellular drug transport in nasal
olfactory nerves, respectively13-14. The respiratory and epithelial cells has been estimated to be 1000 Da, which
olfactory segments make up the majority of the nasal limits the movement of molecules larger than this to
cavity. For drugs to go straight from the nose to the pass between neighboring cells29. Consequently, it's far
brain, these are the most practical portions. Intranasal believed that drug distribution from the nostril to the
drug delivery quickly travels from the upper nasal cavity brain occurs transcellularly (via epithelial cell) for
to the brain via the olfactory nerve pathways nanoparticles larger than around 20nm. Chitosan acts
extracellularly1,15. The olfactory bulbs get a substantial with the aid of its ability to translocate the junctional
quantity of drug from this conduit16,17. Other sensory proteins, ZO-1 and claudins, from the cell membrane to
nerve known as the trigeminal nerve present in the the cytosol and functionally regulate the tight junction

Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 16(12): December 2023

protein, ZO-1, via adjustments in protein kinase C via olfactory nerves to the brain via several endocytic
activity30,31. Intracellular transport is a slow procedure, routes due to their small size. P-gp efflux proteins carry
requiring numerous hours, but extracellular transport is drug-encapsulated nanoparticles outside of cells while
rapid and feature rapid onset of action13,32. protecting them from biological, chemical, and/or
3. Rationale of nanoparticles in nose to brain drug physical destruction. As a result, the drug would be
delivery: more readily available in the CNS. By releasing tight
Nanoparticles provide greater nasal mucosa penetration junctions, they also make it easier to distribute
and extended residence times33. Nanoparticles are a medications through the nose, enhancing drug
common colloidal component that has numerous distribution across the mucosal barrier. Nanoparticles
advantages, such as higher bioavailability, systemic that are bio adhesive or mucoadhesive are frequently
balance, high drug loading capability, lengthy blood used because they improve drug bioavailability at the
circulation instances, and selective organ/tissue target location by reducing mucociliary clearance,
distribution with longer half-life. Nasal sprays and drops extending residence duration through mucoadhesive
primarily based on nanoparticles have these days gone interactions with nasal mucosa5. Table 1 provides a
through extensive formulations to improve the summary of the polymeric nanoparticles-based
efficiency of nasal delivery. Drug transport to the CNS formulations created for the various drugs that target the
through oral routes is difficult because of the blood- nose to brain.
brain barrier (BBB), which restricts the admission of
many compounds into the brain. The BBB is a
specialized barrier that divides cerebrospinal fluid from
blood. It's far made up of endothelial cells joined by
means of tricky tight junctions, and it prevents the entry
of big, hydrophilic molecules like peptides and proteins
into the brain. If administered orally, protein and peptide
molecules are likewise quickly broken down by
gastrointestinal enzymes or the liver cytochromes,
therefore nasal administration may be a superior
option12,34. According to a number of studies35, the
nanoparticulate drug delivery systems seem to be a
potential brain-targeting method. It is still unclear
exactly how nanoparticles transfer drugs from the nose
to the brain. The drug-loaded nanoparticles are transport
via paracellular, transcellular, and olfactory neuronal Figure: 1 Major transport mechanisms of nanoparticles from nose
pathways are depicted in Fig. 14. to brain: (A) olfactory paracellular pathway; (B) olfactory
transcellular pathway and (C) olfactory neural pathway.
Nanoparticles may be able to travel between cells and
Table: 1 Nose to brain drug delivery of various drugs through polymeric nanoparticles
Drug Pharmacological use Polymers used References
Olanzapine Antipsychotic Chitosan 36
Risperidone Antipsychotic, Alzheimer's Disease Polycarbophil and chitosan 37
Didanosine Antiretroviral Drug Chitosan 38
Olanzapine Antipsychotic PLGA 39
Gallic acid Alzheimer's Disease, Antioxident Chitosan 40
Thymoquinone Anti-cancer Chitosan 41
Rivastigmine Dementia Chitosan 42
Bromocriptine Parkinson's disease, Neuroletic malignant syndrome, Type 2 Chitosan 43
Ropinirole Parkinson's disease Chitosan 44
Ziprasidone Antipsychotic Chitosan 45
Venalfixine Antidepressant Chitosan 46
Tizanidine Centrally acting muscle relaxcent Thiolated chitosan 47
HBV surface antigen Hepatitis B N, N, N Trimethyl chitosan 48
Ondansetron Chemotherapy induced emesis Lecithin and Poloxamer 188 49
Insulin Neurodegenerative diseases PLGA 50
Sumatriptan Antimigrane Chitosan 51
Cyclobenzaprine Muscle relaxant Thiolated chitosan 52
Lecuine enkephalin Neurotransmitter in pain management N- trimethyl chitosan 53

Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 16(12): December 2023

NAP peptide Neuroprotective agent Lactoferrin modified PEG Co- 54

Venalfixine Antidepressant Alginate 55
Midazolam Sedative PLGA 56
Ropinirole Parkinson's disease Chitosan 57
Paclitaxel Anti- Cancer PLGA 58
Resveratrol Dietary Supplement Deacetylated gellan gum 59
Quetiapine fumarate Antipsychotic Transcutol P, PEG 400, Emalex 60
Quetiapine fumarate Antipsychotic Chitosan 61
Aripiprazole Antipsychotic Poly(caprolactone) 62
Tarenflurbil Anti - Alzheimer's Poly(lactide- co- glycolide) 63
Neuropeptide Neuroprotective agent Gelatin 64
Substance P
Selegiline Anti-Depressant Thiolated Chitosan 65
Diazepam Sedative hypnotic PLGA 66
Rasagiline Parkinson's disease Chitosan glutamate 67
Desvenlafaxine Anti-Depressant PLGA-chitosan 68
Huperzine A Alzheimer's Disease, N-trimethylated chitosan 69
Temozolomide Glioblastoma PLGA 70
Galantamine Alzheimer's Disease, Thiolated Chitosan 71
Melatonin Glioblastoma. Polycaprolactone 72
Paclitaxel Glioblastoma PLGA 73

4. Polymer used in constituting nanoparticles drug shipping76.PEG–PLA or PEG–PLGA nanoparticles

designed as drug carriers and Surface modification have been conjugated to those lectins improved brain
of polymeric nanoparticles for brain targeting: focused on as compared to non-centered nano Proteins
Most widely used polymers for nanoparticles used in or glycoproteins derived from flora called lectins are
nose to brain delivery are classified broadly in two able to detect and interact with extremely specialized
categories summarized in Table 2. glycan arrays of glycosylated lipids and proteins
observed on the floor of many cellular types. In keeping
Table2: Polymers used in nanoparticles fabrication for nose to with studies, Triticum vulgare-horseradish peroxidase
brain drug delivery
conjugate's wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) can bind to
Natural Synthetic Polymers
Polymers the floor of olfactory sensory cells, go through
• Chitosan • Polylactide (PLA) adsorptive endocytosis and anterograde axonal transport,
• Gelatin • Poly(lactide co - glycolide) PLGA and attain higher concentrations in the olfactory bulb
• Sodium • Poly (ƹ-caprolactone) PCL than whilst the identical conjugate is administered
Aginate • Poly acrylates & Polymethacrylates intravenously74,75.Different lectins had been investigated
• Albumin (Eudragit)
• Poly lactide- poly(ethylene glycol) PLA -
for nose-to-brain drug transport, consisting of Solanum
PEG tuberosum lectin (STL), Ulex europeus agglutinin I
• Poly(lactide- co - glycolide) - poly(ethylene (UEA I), and odorranalectin (OL)76. In comparison to
glycol) PLGA -PEG non-focused lectins, PEG-PLA or PEG-PLGA
• Poly (ƹ-caprolactone) - poly(ethylene nanoparticles have been attached to those lectins to
glycol) PCL -PEG
increase the brain concentration. In spite of having many
Lectins are proteins or glycoproteins extracted from advantages, lectins are critically restricted by using the
plants, able to understand and bind with quite specific opportunity of toxicity and immunogenicity77. Some
glycan arrays of glycosylated lipids and proteins present cationic amino acid sequences known as cellular-
at the surface of different cellular sorts. Studies penetrating peptides (CPPs) have the ability to penetrate
suggested, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) obtained from cell membranes and flow into the intracellular region,
Triticum vulgare–horseradish peroxidase conjugate can improving penetration through the nasal mucosa. In
bind with the mobile surface of olfactory sensory cells, view that lactoferrin (Lf), an iron-binding cationic
undergo adsorptive endocytosis and anterograde axonal glycoprotein of the transferrin circle of relatives, is
delivery, and reached in the olfactory bulb at appreciably expressed on the floor of respiration
concentrations more than the ones acquired through i.v. epithelial cells as well as on neurons and brain
management of the same conjugate74,75. Some different endothelial cells, it has been hired as a focused-on
lectins, inclusive of Solanum tuberosum lectin (STL), ligand of nanocarriers78,79.
Ulex europeus agglutinin I (UEA I), and odorranalectin 5. Applications of polymeric nanoparticles fornose to
(OL) have been additionally studied for the nose to brain brain drug delivery in various brain disorders:
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 16(12): December 2023

Variousdrugs loaded nanoparticles have been hydrochloride was in-vivo investigated in rats suggested
investigated for CNS targeting through nasalolfactory that the mucoadhesive metoclopramide prolong the
pathway. residence time in nasal cavity from approximately 10
(ordinary solution) to 52 minutes92.
5.1 Migraine and pain: The more effective alternative
migraine therapy approach involves direct nasal drug 5.5 Drug addictions: In individuals being treated for
delivery. By quickly reaching the CNS, it provides quick severe drug addictions, intranasal delivery of
relief while avoiding the severe gastrointestinal side diamorphine is a better therapeutic alternative than
effects brought on by oral medication. When treating intravenous diamorphine. Due to the higher stigma
migraine episodes, intranasal sprays of zolmitriptan had associated with needle-related issues, intranasal
a higher bioavailability and faster absorption than oral distribution is a less intrusive strategy than existing
tablets80. Additionally, zolmitriptan micellar intravenous therapy93. According to reports, methadone
nanocarriers have a significant potential for brain is more quickly absorbed and has a better bioavailability
targeting due to their improved permeability across nasal when administered by the nose94
mucosa81. Formigraine treatment, rizatriptan nano-
emulsion-based intranasal administration enhances 5.6 Sedation and preanesthetic: An efficient and
bioavailability and brain tissue deposition82. painless method for administering sedatives and
Nasaldelivery of zolmitriptan-loaded thiolated chitosan preanesthetic drugs is intranasal administration. Fast
nanoparticles for the treatment of migraines was also acting medications without sedation include midazolam,
investigated and found significant83,84. fentanyl, and sufentanyl95,96. Intranasal administration of
anxiolytics has also been proposed as a superior
5.2 Psychotic disorders: A non-invasive and quick- alternative to intravenous delivery.
acting treatment option for psychotic individuals is the
nasal route. Intranasal haloperidol is a superior 5.7 Brain tumor: Because it is challenging for
alternative to intravenous or intramuscular haloperidol chemotherapy medicines to get across the blood-brain
for the treatment of psychosis85. Buspirone administered barrier and reach the brain, brain tumors are among the
via the intranasal route is preferable for the treatment of most challenging malignancies to diagnose and treat.
anxiety because it goes through significant presystemic The majority of chemotherapeutic drugs used in clinical
metabolism. Clonazepam was also investigated for nose settings, including doxorubicin, paclitaxel, cisplatin,
to brain transfer in patients with status epilepticus86. methotrexate, and carmustine, are unable to pass
theBBB97-98. Due to their ability to target tumor cells
5.3 Neurodegenerative diseases: For the treatment of specifically, nanoparticles have become the ideal
brain stroke in animal models, intranasal administration method for delivering cytostatic medicines for the
of insulin-like growth component IGF-I, deferoxamine, treatment of cancer99-101.
and erythropoietin were investigated. According to
reviews, intranasal management of IGF-I can quickly CONCLUSION:
cause pharmacological effects inside the brain and spinal There are several advantages to intranasal administration
cord by way of heading off the blood-brain barrier and to the brain over traditional drug delivery methods in a
visiting through olfactory and trigeminal nerve variety of neurological conditions. By determining the
pathways87. In this study, the kinetics of brain precise dose and using in-vivo methods to assess the
penetration and bioavailability of two tacrine bioavailability of medications that cannot pass the blood
formulations—a mucoadhesive microemulsion and a brain barrier or have low oral bioavailability, intranasal
solution—were evaluated. In comparison to the solution, administration can be made more realistically useful.
the mucoadhesive formulation of tacrine was shown to Drugs may be addressed from the nose to the brain in a
have a 2-fold greater bioavailability88. Galantamine- therapeutic range using cutting-edge drug delivery
loaded mucoadhesive polymeric nanoparticles were techniques like nanoparticles. Due to their improved
discovered to be more efficient than solutions when ability to pass through the olfactory epithelium,
tested in vivo on mice and in vitro via nasal mucosa, polymeric nanoparticles are being extensively
respectively72,89. Significant enhancement of researched for nose to brain medication delivery. Drug
bioavailability in brain was observed by rasagiline delivery methods including nanoparticles have
loaded nanoparticles direct nose to brain targeting in significant difficulties in terms of stability and safety
Parkinson's disease therapy. Therefore, administering standards. Future nasal routes for treating many brain
rasagiline via the nasal route will be a promising way to illnesses may be feasible non-invasive options if
avoid the first pass effect and increases its effective and reliable nanoparticulate delivery systems
bioavailability90,91.Intranasal delivery of metoclopramide are developed.
Research J. Pharm. and Tech. 16(12): December 2023


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