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Grade: 5 __ Social Studies

U13 – The Climate of India

U14 – Natural Vegetation of India
Name: _______________________ Date: ____________ SS-5/23-24 /WS-006

1. Fill in the blanks: -

a. The ______________________ is the atmospheric conditions across a large area over a long period of


b. The two important elements of climate __________________________________________ and


c. Greater the altitude of a place, the _______________ it will be.

d. From June onwards, rain-bearing winds stat blowing from the _________________________ towards

the Indian sub-continent. These winds are known as _____________________________________.

e. A ___________, scorching wind known as the __________ blows over the Northern Plains in summer

and causes heat waves.

f. _____________________ refers to the trees and plants that grow naturally in a region, and are not

introduced by human beings.

g. Natural vegetation of a region depends on the ______________ and ____________ found there.

h. _____________________________ appear green throughout the year.

i. Thorn forest are found in areas that have _______________ that last for 9 to 11 months.

j. __________________ are mostly tall and cone-shaped with needle shaped leaves.

k. _____________ forests grow where the water is salty and the ground is marshy.

2. Complete the mind maps given below

Importance of
Effects of
climate on life

3. Answer the following questions: -

a. When do you celebrate Van Mahotsav’ every year?



b. Name any three wildlife sanctuaries and National parks found in India?

Wild Life Sanctuaries and national parks found in India-




c. How the climate of India might change in the future, and what can be done to mitigate these changes?






d. What are the economic, social, and ecological benefits of preserving and restoring India’s diverse natural
vegetation? Write one benefit for each of the categories.







4. Match the following; -

1.Mawsynram a. Uttarakhand [ ]

2.Rice b. First state in India. [ ]

3.Kerala c. Highest rainfall [ ]

4.One Child, One Tree d. Nursery-going children were encouraged

to plant a sapling in their schools. [ ]

5. Chipko movement e. Staple food grown in south. [ ]

5. On the political map of India, mark the following: -

a. Two states where mountain vegetation can be found.

b. A state where mangrove vegetation is found.

c. A state where khair, keekar and Acacia grow.

d. The state from where the Chipko Movement started.

Teacher’s Signature: ___________________.

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