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Q.1. An experimenter tested for differences in attitudes towardsmoking before and after a film on lung
cancer was shown.He found a difference which was significant between the .05and .02 levels.

(a) What is the assumed hypothesis in words?

(b) Which level of significance indicates the greaterdegree of significance, .05 or .02?
(c)If hisα level is .05, will he reject H 1? Will he reject it if he employs the .02 level? In choosing α
= .02 instead ofα = .05, he increases the risk of making one of the two typesof error. Which type?

Solution: (a) The assumed hypothesis H0 is that there are no differences in attitudes toward smoking
before and after the film on lung cancer wasshown.
(b) The greater degree of significance is .02. A level of significanceof .02 means that the experimenter
will be incorrect when he rejects H0 atmost 2% of the time. A level of significance of .05 means he
may beincorrect in rejecting H0 as much as 5% of the time.
(c) Since a difference which is significant was found between the.05and .02 levels, if the α level is .05
the experimenter will reject H0 andaccept H1. At the .02 level of significance he will accept H 0 and
hencereject H1. In choosing α = .02 instead of α = .05, the experimenterincreases the risk of making a
Type II error. A Type II error is the error ofaccepting the hypothesis H 0 when it is not true.

Q. 2. A sample of size 49 yielded the values x̄ = 87.3 ands2 = 162. Test the hypothesis that μ = 95
versus thealternative that it is less. Let α = .01.

Solution:The null and alternative hypotheses are given respectively by

H0: μ = 95; H1: μ < 95.α = .01 is the given level of significance.
Because the sample size is quite large (≥ 30), we can assume thatthe distribution of
X Is approximately normal. We are using the samplevariance s 2 as an estimate of the true but
unknown population varianceand if the sample were not as large we would use a t- test.
The critical region consists of all z-scores that are less thanz.01 = −2.33. The observed z-score is
z = [( X − μ) / √ (s2 / n)] = [(87.3 − 95) / √ (162/49)]

= [{(−7.7) (7)} / √ (162)] = −4.23.

This observed score is in the critical region; thus, we reject the nullhypothesis and accept the
alternative that μ < 95.

Q. 3. Suppose you are a buyer of large supplies of light bulbs. Youwant to test, at the 5% significance
level, the manufacturer'sclaim that his bulbs last more than 800 hours. You test 36bulbs and find that
the sample mean, X is 816 hours and thesample standard deviation s = 70 hours. Should you accept
the claim?

Solution:Establish the hypotheses H0: μ = 800 hours, and H1 : μ > 800hours. We know by the Central
Limit Theorem that the samplingdistribution of the sample means is approximately normal, becausen
= 36 >30. The rejection area for H0 is shown in the diagram:

The shaded area represents 5% of the area under the standard normal curve. The table of z-scores
gives z = 1.64 for a 5% rejection area. Now, compute the z-value corresponding to the sample
mean X = 816.
Z = [( X – μ0) /σ x ],
where μ0 is the mean of the null hypothesis and σ x is the standarddeviation of the sampling distribution
of means, which is equal to the quotient of the population standard deviation σ and the square rootof
the sample size: σ x = (σ / √n). We do not know the populationstandard deviation, so we approximate it
by the sample standard deviations = 70. Making substitutions in the formula for z, we have
z = [( X – μ0) / σ x ] = [( X – μ0) / (σ/√n)] = [( X – μ0) / (s/√n)]
= [(816 − 800) / (70 / √36)] = [16 / (11.67)] = 1.37.
This z-value falls in the acceptance region (−∞, 1.64) for H 0, μ = 800 hours.Therefore, you should
reject, at the 5% level, the manufacturer's claim thatμ > 800.

Q. 4. A firm producing light bulbs wants to know if it can claim thatits light bulbs last 1000 burning
hours. To answer thisquestion, the firm takes a random sample of 100 bulbs fromthose it has
produced and finds that the average lifetime forthis sample is 970 burning hours. The firm knows that
thestandard deviation of the lifetime of the bulbs it produces is80 hours. Can the firm claim that the
average lifetime of itsbulbs is 1000 hours, at the 5% level of significance?

Solution:Since the firm is claiming that the average lifetime of its bulbs is 1000 hours, we
have H0 : μ = 1000; H1 : μ ≠ 1000 .
The figure below depicts the data for this problem.

The statistic [( X − μ) / σ x ] has a standard normal distribution with a meanof 0 and a standard
deviation of 1. We calculate this value, which is calledz, z = [( X − μ) / σ x ], where σ x = (σ / √n), and
compare the value of z to acritical value. If Z lies beyond this critical value, we will reject H 0. For this
problem, where we have α = 5% and a two-tailed test, our critical value is1.96, since for the standard
normal distribution, 2.5% of scores will have az-value above 1.96 and 2.5% of scores will have a
value below −1.96.Therefore, we use the following decision rule: reject H 0 ifZ > 1.96 or Z < −1.96.
Accept H0 if −1.96 ≤ Z ≤ 1.96.For the data of this problem
σ x = [80 / √ (100)] = 8 and Z = [(970 – 1000) / 8] = [(−30) / 8]= −3.75.
Since −3.75 < −1.96, we reject H0 and conclude that the average lifetimeof the firm's bulbs is not 1000

Q. 5. All boxes of a particular type of detergent indicate that theycontain 21ounces of detergent. A
government agencyreceives many consumer complaints that the boxes containless than 21 ounces.
To check the consumers' complaints atthe 5% level of significance, the government agency buys100
boxes of this detergent and finds that X = 20.5 ouncesand S = 2 ounces. Should the government
agency order theseller to put more detergent into its boxes?

Referring to the figure, we desire to see whether the sample mean20.5, is far enough from the
alleged population mean, 21, to conclude thatthe population mean is actually less than 21. Therefore,
our alternativehypothesis is μ < 21. The null hypothesis is then μ = 21.So, we
have H0 : μ = 21; H1 : μ < 21 .
The statistic [( − μ) / x ] has a t-distribution with a mean of 0 and astandard deviation of 1. Since our
sample size, n, is large (≥ 30), thisstatistic may be approximated by the standard normal distribution,
alsohaving a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. We calculate this value,which is called Z,
Z = [( X − μ) / S x ] where S x = (S /√n),
and compare the value of Z to a critical value. If Z lies beyond this criticalvalue, we will reject H 0. For
this problem, where we have α = .05 and aone-tailed test, our critical value is 1.65, since for the
standard normaldistribution, 5% of scores will have a Z− value above 1.65. Also 5% ofscores will
have a Z-value below −1.65.The decision rule for this problem is: reject H 0 if Z < −1.65 and accept
H0 ifZ ≥ −1.65.
For the data of this problem
S x = [2 / √ (100)] = (2 / 10) = .2and
Z = [(20.5 – 21) / .2] = [(−.5) / .2] = −2.5.
Since −2.5 < −1.65, we reject H 0 and conclude that the average amount ofdetergent in the boxes is
less than 21 ounces. The government agencyshould order the seller to put more detergent into its

Q. 6. The mean score on a widely given freshman historyexamination is 75. A history teacher at a
very large universitywants to determine whether there is statistical evidence forclaiming that this
year's class is not average.Given the following scores, and assuming that the studentsin his class are
a random sample from the population ofstudents at the university, test the appropriate hypothesis
versus the appropriate alternative. The test scores are:

94 69 89 49 88 89 85
95 55 93 86 62 83 96
48 51 69 74 83 71 89
58 89 81 79 52 73
75 91 68 100 63 81

Solution: H0 : μ = 75, the students are average

H1 : μ ≠ 75, the students are not average.
This is a two-tailed hypothesis. Arbitrarily select α = .05 to be the level ofsignificance for this test.
Because n = 33 is large we may assume that ourtest statistic
[(x̄ − μ) / (√s2 / n)]
is distributed normally with mean 0 and variance 1. The critical region willconsist of values of
Z = (x̄ − μ) / (√s2 / n)]

such thatPr (Z < − c) = .025 and Pr (Z > c) = .025
implying c = ± 1.96; hence the critical region consists of two pieces
Z < −1.96 and Z > 1.96.
∑i=1 xi = the sum of the test scores = 2528and
∑i=1 x2i = the sum of squares = 201,026.
X = 33∑i=1 xi = [(2528) / (33)] = 76.6;
s2 = [1 / (n−1)] [33∑i=1 x2i – {(33∑i=1 xi)2 /n}]= (1 / 32) [201,026 – {(2528)2 / 33}]= 230.2;
s = √ (230.2) = 15.17
Therefore, Z = [(76.6 − 75) / {(15.17) / √ (33)}] = [(1.6) / (2.64)] = 0.61
0.61 does not lie in the critical region so accept H 0 and reject H1. There isno statistical basis for
concluding that the freshman class this year is notaverage.

Q. 7. For the following given information, find the critical region,compute t, and decide whether the
results are significant ornot significant.
Sample mean X = 26
Sample slandered deviation s = 6
Sample size n = 25
Null hypothesis μ = 30
Alternate hypothesis μ < 30
Significance level α = .01.

Solution: The critical region consists of those values of t for which we willreject the null hypothesis,
H0. For α = .01, df = α −1 = 24, and a one-tailedtest, we will reject H0 if t < −2.492. This is because the
test statistic,t = [( X − μ)/ S x ] has a t-distribution with a mean of 0 and a standarddeviation of 1, and
for 24 degrees of freedom, 1% of scores will have at-value less than −2.492. We will accept H 0 if tc ≥
−2.492. We mustcalculate
t = [( X − μ) / S x ] where S x = [S / √n].
For the data given in this problem,
S x = [6 / √ (25)] = (6 / 5) = 1.2and
tc = [(26 − 30) / (1.2)] = [(−4) / (1.2)] = −3.33
Since −3.33 < −2.492 we reject H0 and conclude the results are significantin this problem.

Q. 8. A manufacturer of transistors claims that its transistors willlast an average of 1000 hours. To
maintain this average, 25transistors are tested each month. If the computed value of tlies between –
t.025 and t.025, the manufacturer is satisfied withhis claim. What conclusions should be drawn from a
samplethat has a mean x̄ = 1,010 and a standard deviation s = 60?Assume the distribution of the
lifetime of the transistors isnormal.

Solution:Since n = 25, the number of degrees of freedom for this problem isn−1 = 24. For 24 df's,
t.025 = 2.064. Thus, the manufacturer will be satisfiedif the calculated value of t lies between −2.064
and 2.064 where thecalculated value of t is given by
t = [(x̄ – μ) / (s / √n)], since the statistic [(x̄ – μ) / (s / √n)]has a t-distribution with a mean of 0
and standard deviation of 1.For the given data of this problem, we obtain
t = [(1010 −1000) / (60 / √25)] = − (10 / 12) = −.833.
Since .833 falls between −2.064 and 2.064, the manufacturer will besatisfied that his claim is verified
for the given sample.

Q. 9. A machine is set to produce metal shims having a thicknessof .05 inches. To maintain the
proper setting, 10 shims aretested each day. If the computed t-value falls between–t .025 and t.025, the
machinist is satisfied that the machine is inadjustment. What should he conclude about the setting on
the basis of a sample that has a mean of .053 inches and astandard deviation of .003?

Solution:He must calculate the value of t for the data of this problem and seewhether it falls between
–t.025 and t.025. For n = 10, the number of degreesof freedom = n−1 = 9, and for 9 df's t.025 = 2.262.
The computed value of t is given byt = [(x̄ – μ) / (s / √n)], since the statistic [(x̄ – μ) / (s / √n)]has a t-
distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.
In this problem, x̄ = .053, μ = .05, s = .003, and n = 10. So, here we have
t = [(.053 – 05) / {(.003) / √ (10)}] = √ (10) = 3.16.
Since 3.16 does not lie between the values –t .025 = −2.262 andt.025 = 2.262, we conclude that the
machine needs to be adjusted.

Q. 10. A certain printing press is known to turn out an average of 45copies a minute. In an attempt to
increase its output, analteration is made to the machine, and then in 3 short testruns it turns out 46,
47, and 48 copies a minute. Is thisincrease statistically significant, or is it likely to be simply theresult
of chance variation? Use a significance level of .05.

Solution:Since the sample size is small (n = 3), we can use a t-test for thisproblem to determine
whether the sample mean number of copies is farenough from 45 for us to conclude that the
population mean is greaterthan 45. We therefore set up our null and alternate hypotheses as follows:
H0 : μ = 45; H1 : μ > 45.

Our next step in problems of this type is to calculatet = [( X − μ) / S x] where S x = [S /√n].

We use the t-distribution because when the sample size is small (n < 30)the statistic [( X − μ) / S x ]
has a t-statistic with a mean of 0 and a standarddeviation of 1. But since X and S are not given we
must calculate them.
X = [(46 + 47 + 48) / 3] = 47; S = √ [{∑ (X − X )2} / (n – 1)]

X X −X X − X )2
46 −1 1
47 0 0
48 1 1
2 = ∑ (X − X )2

S = √ (2/2) = √1 = 1.

Now we may calculate

S x = [1 / √3] = [1 / (1.732)] = .577andt = [(47 − 45) /.577] = [2 / (.577)] = 3.47.
For this problem where we have α = .05 and a one-tailed test, our criticalvalue of t is 2.92 since for the
t-distribution with mean of 0 and standarddeviation of 1, 5% of scores will have a t-value above 2.92.
Therefore, ourdecision rule is: reject H0 if t > 2.92 and accept H 0 if t ≤ 2.92. Since ourcalculated t of
3.47 > 2.92 we would reject H0 and conclude that theincrease in copies in our sample is statistically
significant. If however, wewere to choose a 1% level of significance we would obtain for our
decisionrule: Reject H0 if t > 6.95 and accept H 0 if t ≤ 6.965 because 1% of scoreswill have a t-value
above 6.965. Since 3.47 ≤ 6.965, we would accept H0and conclude that the increase observed was
simply the result of chancevariation.

Q. 11. Given the eight sample observations 31, 29, 26, 33, 40, 28,30, and 25, test the null hypothesis
that the mean equals 35versus the alternative that it does not. Let α = .01.

Solution:H0 : μ = 35; H1 : μ ≠ 35.

The level of significance α is given to be .01. This is a two-tailed test.Since the variance is unknown
and must be estimated by the samplevariance the t-test is appropriate.
X = [{n∑i=1 xi} / n] = 30.25; n = 8
s2 = [(1 / (n−1)] [(n∑i=1) x2i – {(n (∑i=1 xi)2) / n}]
= (1/7) [7476 – {(242)2 / 8}] = [(155.5) / 7] 22.21;
s = √ (22.2) = 4.71
The t-statistic is
t = [(x̄ − μ) / (S / √n)] = [(30.25 − 35) / {(4.71) / √ (8)}]= [(−4.7√8) / (4.71)] = −2.85.
The critical region will be that in which Pr (c1 < t < c2) = 1 −.01
or Pr (t < c1) = .005 and Pr (t > c2) = .005. Thus,c1 = −t.005(7) = −3.499, c2 = t.005(7) = 3.499
Thus, if our t-statistic lies between −3.499 and 3.499 we will accept H 0 andotherwise reject. Our
calculated t-statistic is −2.89 which leads us toaccept the null hypothesis that the mean equals 35 and
reject thealternative hypothesis.

Q. 12. Ten subjects are randomly drawn from a population. Scoresin the population are normally
distributed. For the sample∑X = 1038 and ∑X2 = 107888. Test the hypothesis thatμ = 100. Adopt
a .05 level of significance. Use a two-tailedtest.

Solution: First we must compute S, the standard deviation of the sample.

S = √ [(∑X2 – {(∑X)2 /n}) / (n −1)]
= √ [(107888 – {(1038)2 /10}) / 9]
= √ [(107888 – 107744.4) / 9] =√ [(143.6) / 9] = 3.99
Next, we compute S x : S x = (S / √n) = [(3.99) / √ (10)] = 1.26.
The statistic [( X – μ) / S x ] has a t-distribution with a mean of 0 and astandard deviation of 1. Now we
calculate t = [( X – μ) / S x]
where X = (∑X / n) = [(1038) / 10] = 103.8. Then
t = [(103.8 – 100) / 1.26] = [(3.8) / (1.26)] = 3.02.
We next compare this calculated value of t with tα/2. For 9 df's andα = .05, tα/2 = 2.262. Since 3.02 does
not lie between tα/2 = −2.262 andtα/2 = 2.262, we reject H0 that μ = 100 and conclude that μ ≠ 100.

Q. 13. Suppose that you want to decide which of two equally-pricedbrands of light bulbs lasts longer.
You choose a randomsample of 100 bulbs of each brand and find that brand A hassample mean of
1180 hours and sample standard deviationof 120 hours, and that brand B has sample mean of
1160hours and sample standard deviation of 40 hours. Whatdecision should you make at the 5%
significance level?

Solution:Arrange the data into a table:

n X S
Brand A 100 1180 120
Brand B 100 1160 40

Establish two hypotheses: Ho asserts that A and B last the same,on the average, and H 1 asserts that
A and B have different averagelifespans. Thus:
H0 : μA = μB, or, H1 : μA ≠ μB;equivalently, H0 : μA − μB = 0; H1 : μA − μB ≠ 0;
Now define the acceptance region and rejection region for this test.We can use the standard normal
curve to determine these regionsbecause of the theorem that if two populations from which
twoindependent random samples are taken are normally distributed or ifn1 + n2 ≥ 30, then the
sampling distribution of the difference between thesample means is normal or approximately normal,
and its standard error is
√ [(σ1 2 / n1) + (σ2 2 / n2)]
when σ1 2 and σ2 2 are the variances of populations 1 and 2 respectively.In this problem, n 1 + n2 = 200
> 30, so that the sampling distribution of X 1 − X 2 is approximately normal. The acceptance region is
the intervalwhich lies under 95% of the area under the standard normal curve,because your decision
will be made at the 5% level of significance. Theacceptance region is therefore |Z| ≤ 1.96 and the
rejection region is|Z| > 1.96.
Now Z = [{( X A – X B) − (μA − μB)} / {√ ((σA 2 / nA) + (σB 2 / nB))}]
= [( X A – X B) / {√ ((σA 2 / nA) + (σB 2 / nB))}] by H0.
(SA)2 = (120)2 and (SB)2 = (40)2 can be used as estimates for σA2and σB2. Substituting known values in
the formula for Z, we have
Z = [(1180 − 1160) / {√ ((14400 / 100) + (1600 / 100))}]
= [20 / {√ (144+16)}]= [20 / √ (160)]= [20 / √ (12.65)] = 1.58
Since −1.96 < (Z = 1.58) < 1.96, Z is in the acceptance region. Therefore,we accept the hypothesis
that there is no difference between the averagelifespans of the two brands, at the 5% significance

Q. 14. A manufacturer suspects a difference in the quality of thespare parts he receives from two
suppliers. He obtains thefollowing data on the service life of random samples of partsfrom two
suppliers. For supplier A, n1 = 50, X 1 = 150, andS1 =10; for supplier B, n2 = 100, X 2 = 153, and S2 = 5.
Testwhether the difference between the 2 samples is statisticallysignificant at the 1% level of

Solution:The statistic [{( X 1 – X 2) (μ1 – μ2)} / ( S(X )1 – ¿¿)] is approximatelynormally distributed with a
mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. Wecall this statistic Z.
We must calculate Z = [{( X 1 – X 2) – 0} / ( S(X )1 – ¿¿)] where
S(X )1 – ¿¿= √ [(S12 / n1) + (S22 / n2)]
Our hypotheses are:
H 0 : μ 1 – μ2 = 0 H1 : μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0.
We compare Z to a critical value, and if Z lies beyond this criticalvalue, we will reject H 0. For this
problem, where we have α = .01 and atwo-tailed test, our critical value is 2.58, since for the normal
distributionwith mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1, 0.5% of scores will have aZ-value above 2.58
and 0.5% of scores will have a Z-value below − 2.58.
Therefore, our decision rule is: reject H0 if Z > 2.58 or Z < − 2.58;accept H0 if − 2.58 ≤ Z ≤ 2.58.
For the data of this problem
S(X )1 – ¿¿ = √ [(102 / 50) + (52 / 100)] = √ [(100/ 50) + (25/ 100)]= √ (2.25) = 1.5
andZ = [{(150 − 153) – 0} / 1.5] = [(−3) / (1.5)] = −2.
Since − 2.58 < −2 < 2.58, we accept H 0 and conclude that there isno significant difference between
the two samples at a 1% level ofsignificance.

Q. 15. A random sample of 120 students attending Florida StateUniversity has a mean age of 20.2
years and a standarddeviation of 1.2 years while a random sample of 100students attending the
University of Florida has a mean ageof 21 years and a standard deviation of 1.5 years. At a .05level
of significance, can we conclude that the average ageof the students at the two universities are not
the same?

Solution: We choose as our null and alternate hypotheses the following.

H 0 : μ 1 – μ2 = 0 H1 : μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0.
where X 1 = 20.2, S1 = 1.2, n1 = 120, X 2 = 21, S2 = 1.5, n2 = 100, andα = .05.
This problem is depicted by the following figure.

The statistic [{( X 2 – X 1) (μ2 – μ1)} / (S(X)2 – (X)1)]is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 0
and a standarddeviation of 1 when the size of our samples is large (n 1 + n2 > 30).For a level of
significance of α = .05 and a two- tailed test, ourdecision rule is: reject H 0 if Z > 1.96, or Z < − 1.96;
accept H0 if1.96 ≤ Z ≤ 1.96. We must calculate
Z = [{( X 2 – X 1) – 0} / ( S(X )2 – ¿¿)] where
( S(X )2 – ¿¿)= √ [(S12 / n1) + (S22 / n2)].
For the data of this example,
( S(X )2 – ¿¿)= √ {[(1.2)2 / 120] + [(1.5)2 / 100]}
= √ [(1.44 / 120) + (2.25 / 100)]= √ (.012 + .0225) = .186 and
Z = [{(21 – 20.2) − 0} / .186] = (.8 / .186) = 4.30.
Since 4.30 > 1.96, we reject H0 and conclude there is a significantdifference at the 5% level of
significance between the average ages of thestudents at the two universities.
Q. 16. From appropriately selected samples, two sets of IQ scoresare obtained. For group 1, X = 104,
S = 10, and n = 16; forgroup 2, X = 112, S = 8, and n = 14. At the 5% significancelevel is there a
significant difference between the 2 groups?

Solution:For this problem, we have for our hypotheses
H0 : μ1 – μ2 = 0; H1 : μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0.
This problem can be depicted by the following diagram.

The statistic [{( X 1 – X 2) − (μ1 – μ2)} / ( S(X )2 – ¿¿)]has a t-distribution when n1 + n2 ≤ 30.
We have n1 + n2 − 2 = 28 df's and so our decision rule for α = .05 is:
reject H0 if t > 2.048 or t < - 2.048; accept H0 if − 2.048 ≤ t ≤ 2.048.
Wemust calculate
t = [{( X 1 – X 2) − (μ1 – μ2)} / ( S(X )2 – ¿¿)] where
( S(X )2 – ¿¿)= √ {[(n1 − 1) S12 + (n2 − 1) S22] / (n1 + n2 − 2)} √{(1/n1) + (1/n2)}.
For the data of this problem,
( S(X )2 – ¿¿)= √ [{15(10)2 + (13) (8)2} / 28]√ {(1/16) + (1/14)}
= √ [{15(100) + 13(64)} / 20] √ (.0625 + .0714)
= √ [(1500 + 832) / 28] √ (.1339)
= √ (83.29) √ (.1339) = 3.34 and
t = [{(105 − 112) – 0} / 3.34] = [(−8) / (3.34)] = −2.40.
Since − 2.40 < − 2.048, we reject H 0 and conclude that there is asignificant difference between the
scores of the 2 groups at the 5% level ofsignificance.

Q. 17. For the following samples of data, compute t and determinewhether μ1 is significantly less than
μ2. For your test use alevel of significance of .10.
Sample 1: n = 10, X = 10.0,S = 5.2;
Sample 2: n = 10, X = 13.3, S = 5.7.

Solution: For this problem, we have for our hypothesesH0 : μ1 – μ2 ≥ 0; H1 : μ1 – μ2 < 0.

This problem can be depicted by the following diagram:

The statistic[{( X 1 – X 2) − (μ1 – μ2)} / ( S(X )2 – ¿¿)]has a t-distribution when n1 + n2 ≤ 30.
We have n1 + n2 − 2 = 18 df's and our decision rule for α = .10 is:
reject H0 if t < −1.330; accept H0 if t ≥ − 1.330.
We must calculatet = [{( X 2 – X 1) − (μ2 – μ1)} / ( S(X )2 – ¿¿)] where
( S(X )2 – ¿¿)= √ {[(n1 − 1) S12 + (n2 − 1) S22] / (n1 + n2 − 2)} ∙ √{(1/n1) + (1/n2)}.

For the data of this problem we have

( S(X )2 – ¿¿)= √ [{9(5.2)2 + 9(5.7)2} / (18)] ∙ √ {(1/10) + (1/10)}

= √ [{9(27.04) + 9(32.49)} / (18)] ∙ √ (1 / 5)
= √ [(243.36 + 292.41) / 18] ∙ √ (1 / 5)
= √ (29.765) ∙ √ (1 / 5) = 2.44 and
t = [{(10.0 – 13.3) – 0} / 2.44] = [(−3.3) / (2.44)] = −1.35.
Since −1.35 < − 1.330, we reject H0 and conclude that μ2 issignificantly less than μ1 at a 10% level of

Q. 18. A sports magazine reports that the people who watchMonday night football games on
television are evenly dividedbetween men and women. Out of a random sample of 400people who
regularly watch the Monday night game, 220 aremen. Using a .10 level of significance, can be
conclude thatthe report is false?

Solution: We have for this problem as our hypotheses:

H0 : p = .50, where p is the true population proportion.
H1 : p ≠ .50.
The following diagram depicts the data of this problem, where p̄ isthe sample proportion of men who
watch Monday night football.

The statistic [(p̄ − p) / σp] is approximately normally distributed witha mean of 0 and a standard
deviation of 1. We calculate this value, whichis called Z,
Z = [(p̄ − p) / σp] whereσp = √ (pq / n)
and compare the value of Z to a critical value. If Z lies beyond this critical value, we will reject H 0. For
this problem, where we have α = 10% and atwo-tailed test, our critical value is 1.645, since for the
normal distributionwith mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1, 5% of scores will have aZ-value above
1.645 and 5% of scores will have a Z-value below −1.645.Therefore, our decision rule is: reject H 0 if |
Z| >1.645, accept H0 if|Z| ≤ 1.645.For the data of this problem,
σp = √ [{(.50) (.50)} / (400)] ≈ .025 and
Z = [(.55 − .50) / (.025)] = [(.05) / (.025)] = 2.0
Since 2.0 > 1.645, we reject H0 and conclude that the report of thesports magazine is incorrect at a
10% level of significance.
Q. 19. It is believed that no more than 40% of the students in acertain college wear glass. Of 64
students surveyed, 40 or62.5% are found to wear glasses. Does this contradict thebelief that no more
than 40% of the students wear glasses?Use a 5% level of significance.

Solution:This is a one-tailed test. We would like to know if the sampleproportion is far enough
above .40 to reject the claim that no more than40% of the students wear glasses. Therefore, our
alternative hypothesis,H1, is p > .40. Thus, our null hypothesis is p= .40.
This problem may be depicted by the following diagram.

The statistic [(p̄ − p) / σp̄ ] is approximately normally distributed witha mean of 0 and a standard
deviation of 1. For α = .05, and a one-tailedtest, our decision rule is; reject H0 if Z > 1.65; accept H0 if
Z ≤ 1.65. Wemust calculate
Z = [(p̄ − p) / σp̄ ] whereσp̄ = √ (pq / n).
For the data of this problem,
σp̄ = √ [{(.4) (.6)} / 64] = √ [(.24) / (64)] = .0612. and
Z = [(.625 − .4) / (.0612)] = [(.225) / (.612)] = 3.68.
Since 3.68 > 1.64, we reject H0 and the claim that no more than40% of the students in the college
wear glasses.

Q. 20. A sample of Democrats and a sample of Republicans were polled on an issue. Of 200
Republicans, 90 would vote yeson the issue; of 100 Democrats, 58 would vote yes. Can wesay that
more Democrats than Republicans favour the issueat the 1% level of significance?

Solution: For this problem, we have

H0: π2 – π1 = 0.
H1 : π 2 – π1 > 0
where π1= the proportion of Republicans favouring the issue and π 2 = theproportion of Democrats
favouring the issue. Here, the correspondingsample values, p̄ 1 and p̄ 2 = are
p̄ 1 = (90 / 200) = .45 p̄ 2 = (58 / 100) = .58.
This problem can be depicted by the following diagram.

The statistic [{(p̄ 2 – p̄ 1) – (π2 – π1)} / (σ(p̄ )2 – (p̄ )1)] is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 0
and a standarddeviation of 1.
For α = .01 and a one-tailed test our decision rule is:
reject H0 if Z > 2.33; accept H0 if Z ≤ 2.33.
We must calculate
Z = [{(p̄ 2 – p̄ 1) – (π2 – π1)} / (σ(p̄ )2 – (p̄ )1)] where
S(π)2 – (π)1 = √ [p̄ q̄ {(1 / n1) + (1 / n2)}] is an estimate of σ(p̄ )2 –(p̄ )1and
p̄ = [(X1 + X2) / (n1 + n2)] is a ‘pooled’ estimate of π.
For the data of this problem
p̄ = [(90 + 58) / (200 + 100)] = (148 / 300) = .493.
So, S(π)2 – (π)1 = √ [(.493) (.507) {(1 / 200) + (1 / 100)}]= √ [.25(.015)] = .0612, and
Z = [{(.58 − .45) – 0} / .0612] = (.13 / .0612) = 2.12.
Since 2.12 ≤ 2.33, we accept H0 and conclude that not moreDemocrats than Republicans favour the
issue at a 1% level of significance.

Q. 21. The marketing department of a company that makes brand Xlaundry detergent found in a
random sample of 200housewives that 20% favoured brand X over all others. Afteran intensive
advertising campaign, another random sampleof 300 housewives showed that 27% favoured brand X.
Canpresident of the company conclude that the advertisingcampaign was successful?

Solution:This problem is a one-tailed test because in order to conclude thatthe advertising campaign
was successful, the proportion of housewivesfavouring brand X after the advertising campaign must
be greater than thatbefore.
This problem may be depicted by the following diagram.

Our hypotheses are

H0: π2 – π1 = 0 H1: π2 – π1 > 0.
where π2 = the proportion of housewives favouring brand X before theadvertising campaign, and π 1 =
the proportion of housewives favouringbrand X after the campaign
Thestatistic[(p̄ 2 – p̄ 1) – (π2 – π1) / (S(p̄ )2 – (p̄ )1)]is approximately normally distributed with a mean of 0 and
a standarddeviation of 1.
Suppose we choose α =.05. Then for a one-tailed test our decisionrule is: reject H 0 if Z > 1.65; accept
H0 if Z ≤ 1.65.We must calculate
Z = [(p̄ 2 – p̄ 1) – (π2 – π1) / (S(p̄ )2 – (p̄ )1)] where
(S(p̄ )2 – (p̄ )1) = √ {(p̄ 1q̄ 1 / n1) + (p̄ 2q̄ 2 / n2)} is the estimate of σ(p̄ )1 –(p̄ )2.
For the data of this problem,
(S(p̄ )2 – (p̄ )1) = √ [{((.27) (.73)) / (300)} + {((.20) (.80)) / (200)}]
= √ (.000657 + .0008) = .038, and

Z = [(.27 − .20) / .038] = (.07 / .038) = 1.84
Since 1.84 > 1.65, we would reject H 0 and the president of thecompany could conclude that the
advertising campaign was successful.Now suppose the president wanted to be even more confident
inconcluding that the advertising campaign was successful. Then an cc appropriate statistical test
would have α = .01 instead of .05.In this case our decision rule would be:
reject H0 if Z > 2.33; accept H0 ifZ ≤ 2.33.
Since our calculated Z was 1.84 and 1.84 < 2.33, we would accept H 0, and under these more
stringent requirements, the presidentwould not conclude that the advertising campaign was

Q. 22. A sample of size 10 produced a variance of 14. Is thissufficient to reject the null hypothesis
that σ2 = 6 when testedusing a .05 level of significance? Using a .01 level ofsignificance?

Solution:We use the χ 2 (chi-square) statistic to determine the value of apopulation variance when
given a sample variance. We may do thisbecause the test statistic [{(n−1) s2} / σ2] has a χ 2 distribution
with (n – 1) degrees of freedom. Here we have as our hypotheses:
H0: σ2 = 6 H1: σ2 ≠ 6.
Since α = .05 and this is a two-tailed test, we will reject H 0 if ourcalculated value for χ 2 is> χ 2.025 or < χ
.975. We will accept H 0 if χ .975 ≤ calculated χ ≤ χ .025. The number of degrees of freedom for χ .025and χ
2 2 2 2 2

.975 is n – 1, or in this case 9. Therefore, our decision rule is:

rejectH0 if calculated χ 2 > 19.023 or χ 2 < 2.700; accept H0 if2.700 ≤ χ 2 ≤ 19.023.

We now calculate χ 2 using the formula
χ 2 = [{(n−1) s2} / σ2].
Since n = 10, s2 = 14, and σ2 = 6 for this problem, we have χ 2 = [{9(14)}/6]x = 21.x
Since 21 > 19.023, we reject H0 and conclude that σ2 ≠ 6 at a 5%level of significance.For α = .01, we
must compare our calculated χ 2 to χ 2 .005 and χ 2 .995, again for 9 degrees of freedom. Our decision rule
now becomes:reject H0 if calculated X2 > 23.589 or X2 < 1.735; accept H0if 1.735 ≤ X2 ≤ 23.589. Since
our calculated X2 was 21, and1.735 ≤ 21 ≤ 23.589, we would accept H 0 that σ2 = 6 at a 1% level

Q. 23. A random sample of 20 boys and 15 girls were given astandardized test. The average grade of
the boys was 78with a standard deviation of 6, while the girls made anaverage grade of 84 with a
standard deviation of 8. Test thehypothesis that σ12 = σ22 against the alternate hypothesisσ12 <
σ22 where σ12 and σ22 are the variances of thepopulation of boys and girls. Use a .05 level of

Solution: Our hypotheses for this problem are:

H0 : σ12 = σ22
H1: σ22 > σ12.
The F random variable is defined asF = [(V/r2) / (U/r1)], where U and V are chi-square random
variables with r1 and r2 degrees offreedom.
Since [{(n1 – 1) S21} / σ21] and [{(n2 – 1) S22} / σ22] have chi-squaredistributions with n1 – 1 and n2 – 1
degrees of freedom, then this becomes,
F = [{(n2 – 1) S22} / {(n2 – 1) σ22}] / [{(n1 – 1) S21} / {(n1 – 1) σ21] = (S22 / S21),since under H0, σ21 = σ22.
The statistic (S22 / S21) has an F distribution with n2 – 1 degrees offreedom for the numerator (df1) and
n1 – 1 degrees of freedom for thedenominator (df2).To make a decision we must decide whether the
calculated F givenby (S22 / S21) is greater than F.95 (df1, df2).
Note that df1 represents the degrees of freedom given by the sample sizegenerating s22. Similarly, the
degrees of freedom in the denominator of theF-ratio, d.f.z, are found from the sample size n1.

Since F.95 (14, 19) = 2.26 our decision rule is: Reject H0 ifcalculated F > 2.26; accept H0 if calculated F
≤ 2.26.We calculate F.
F = [82 / 62] = [64 / 36] = 1.78. Since 1.78 ≤ 2.26, we accept H0 and conclude that the variances of the
populations of boys and girls are equal.

Q. 24. Two independent random samples of size n 1 = 10 and n2 = 7were observed to have sample
variances of S12 = 16 andS22 = 3. Using a 10% level of significance, test
H0 : σ12 = σ22 against
H1 : σ12 ≠ σ22.
Then using a 5% levelof significance, test H0 against H1: σ12 > σ22 andH1: σ12 < σ22.

Solution: The statistic [S12 / S22] has an F distribution with df 1, the number ofdegrees of freedom for
the numerator, equal to n1 – 1, and df2, the numberof degrees of freedom for the denominator, equal
to n2 – 1.For H1 : σ12 ≠ σ22, we have a two-tailed test so we use [α / 2] = .05for each of the two
rejection areas. We compare out calculated
F = [S12 / S22] to F.95 (df1, df2) and [1 / {F.95 (df2, df1)}]. Sincedf1 = n1 – 1 = 9 and n2 – 1 = 6, our decision
rule is: reject H0 if calculatedF > 4.10 or F <.297; accept H0 if .297 ≤ F ≤ 4.10.
We calculate F.
F = [16 / 3] = 5.33 and since 5.33 > 4.10, we reject H 0.For H1 : σ12 > σ22, our decision rule is for α
= .05: reject H0 ifF > 4.10; accept H0 if F < 4.10. Again, we have F = [16 / 3] = 5.33 and soagain we
reject H0.For H1 : σ12 < σ22, we would calculate F = [S22 / S12] and comparethe calculated F to F.95 (6, 9)
instead of F.95 (9, 6). Therefore, our decisionrule becomes: reject H0 if calculated F > 3.37; accept H0 if
F <_ 3.37.We calculate F.
F = [3 / 16] = .18.Since .18 ≤ 3.37, we accept H0.

Q. 25. In a binomial experiment H0 is that the probability of successon a single trial, p = 1/3. Calculate
the power of a binomialtest with α = .05 and n = 10 when H1 is p = 1/2 and whenH1 is p = 2/3. Do the
same for n = 20.

Solution:Since the value of p for the alternate hypothesis is greater than thatfor the null hypothesis,
we will reject H0 only when the number of headswe obtain is close to 10. More specifically, we will
reject H0 for α = .05 when the number of heads is 7 or more since the probability of 6 or
moreheads from a table of binomial probabilities when p = 1/3 is .0764 and theprobability of 7 or more
heads is less than .05. The power of a test is theprobability of rejecting H0 when it is indeed false.
Since we reject H0 whenthe number of heads is 7 or more, the power of this test is given by
theprobability of obtaining 7 or more heads when H1 is true. When H1 isp = 1/2, this probability
is .1718.When H1 is p = 2/3, this probability is .5591.
For n = 20, we will reject H0 when the number of heads is 11 ormore, since the probability of at least
10 heads out of 20 tosses of a coinis greater than .05, but the probability of at least 11 heads out of
20tosses of a coin is less than .05 (again from a table of binomialprobabilities). When H1 is p = 1/2,
the probability of obtaining at least 11heads on 20 tosses of a coin, and hence the power of the test,
is .4119.When H1 is p = 2/3, this same probability, and hence the power of thetest, is .9068. It is
interesting to note how the power of a test increaseswhen α, H0, and H1 remain the same and only the
sample size, n, isincreased.


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