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The Dragon’s

Gullet By


River trade between Farholme and Nordskamp depends on the working operation of the
Dragon’s Gullet, an old water lock system built by dwarves. The Gilded Spear, an
adventuring group claimed the ancient complex has been cleared of danger and an
expedition was sent to inhabit and operate the water lock system. Your party is hired as
extra muscle to protect the first river trade boat set for departure downstream. An easy

An adventure for Levels 2-5.

The Dragon’s
Author/Mapping/Layout: Malrex

Editor: Jon Bertani

Cover Art: Public Domain–Reusable Art

Cover Background Templates: Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission All rights reserved.

Back Cover: Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission All rights reserved.

Interior Art: Some artwork copyright 2013 Frank Turfler, Jr., and is used under license from Stock Art- Lizardmen
Ambush. Some artwork © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission All rights reserved. Maciej Zagorski, The
Forge, William McAusland, Bradley K. McDevitt, V-Shane, Public Domain,

Artist: Maciej Zagorski, The Forge

Author’s Note

I never heard of a caisson water-lock before and when I read about it, I figured dwarves could probably build it.
As with some of my other adventures, I always like to do some research on real things that I can use in a fantasy
world. Olms are real (just smaller), triturus are real (but not humanoids), and caisson water locks are real! Pretty
cool stuff! Anyways, the caisson water-lock allows river trade for Coppercore, which is located in the mountains.
Hope you enjoy!

GM’s Notes: The river depth varies from 5’ to 20’
Dragon’s Gullet deep. The change in elevation is 200 feet from Area #16
to Area #45 and most of the tunnels gently slope
Introduction: The ‘Dragon’s Gullet’ is the ominous downwards. The eroded, natural tunnels echo river
name for a clever dwarven water lock system. How it sounds and near waterfalls, it can be hard to hear.
got titled the name is evident from the gigantic, Depending on the adventure hook, the party can travel
weathered stone carving of a roaring dragon that downriver while guarding a merchant river boat, or their
swallows the river waters of the Red Copper Run as it employer may provide canoes, or the party can travel
enters the mountain. The river flows underground overland. Merchants stay with their vessels and refuse
through the mountain with a series of waterfalls before to explore. There are two new monsters in Appendix
arriving at a lower elevation. Dwarven engineers B—olms and triturus.
created a caisson water lock system (see Appendix A)
that enabled river boats to travel down or up river. As Adventure’s Hooks:
the dwarves returned to their homeland Axeholme, the
Dragon’s Gullet was abandoned and has sat for 1. The party needs to travel down river to deliver items,
hundreds of years. seek a specialist, or wish to explore a new area.
2. Months have gone by with no word from the
The Farholme Wayhouse, a small human settlement expedition. A hasty merchant with a river boat full of
three days travel upstream, is interested in getting the trade goods has disappeared, and scouts have not
Dragon’s Gullet to function once more to enact trade returned. Fearing the worse, the village is gathering
downstream with the town of Nordskamp. Adventurers, brave adventurers to investigate the water lock.
known as The Gilded Spear, were sent to investigate 3. The dwarf in the party had relatives build the
and after a few weeks, they returned, claiming it was Dragon’s Gullet and wants to visit.
clear of all danger! After a celebration and transfer of 4. The party has been hired to find a holy relic, a goblet
a hefty reward, the Gilded Spear was tasked with made of amber dedicated to a goddess (Area #32),
leading a large expedition, full of craftsmen and rumored to be within the abandoned Dragon’s Gullet.
boatmen, to begin operating the Dragon’s Gullet. 5. The party owes a favor to the triturus tribe (were
Weeks later, merchants have prepared trade vessels saved in the past, etc.). The triturus wish the party to
and are looking for some extra muscle to protect their help them clear the entire complex so they may claim
cargo. 200 gp each for the job, and an extra 1,000 gp the area as their own.
if the goods make it to the town of Nordskamp within a
week (a 5 day journey). Wandering Monsters: Roll every 4 hours while in the
wilderness. A 1 or 2 on a d10 is a wandering encounter:
Summary: The Gilded Spear are part of a bandit Roll Encounter
group that has holed up inside the Dragon’s Gullet.
River: Rapids cause a random party member’s
Claiming the reward was easy loot to them. However, canoe to flip over, submerging the character in cold
unbeknownst by the bandits, their bandit leader, 1 water. 50% chance to lose vital gear. If the party is
Haelsin, is a victim of a Charm Person spell by the witch on a larger trade vessel, the boat hit rocks and needs
doctor of a troglodyte tribe that lives deeper inside the 2 hours of repairs.
mountain. Haelsin attempts to bring more people to the River: (3) Giant Pike: AC 5, Move 30’ swim, HD 4,
Dragon’s Gullet and offers them to his new friends by hp 27, 22, 19, Attack 1 (bite, 3d6), Size L, Morale 8,
throwing them in the river each night. Troglodytes XP 270 ea. These fish are attracted to swimmers.
They may try to capsize a canoe if hungry enough.
collect the floating, hapless victims and offer them as
(9) Orcs: AC 6, Move 9, HD 1, hp 6 ea, Attack 1 (by
sacrifice to their reptilian god, before they consume
weapon), Size M, Morale 11, XP 15 ea. These orcs
them. The other bandits are nervous as the expedition 3 are hunting for food. They attack with range weapons
‘prisoners’ keep disappearing as well as a few of their on boaters, or rush into melee if the party is traveling
companions that seemed to ask too many questions. over land.
Those that explore deeper inside the complex, never (3) Eagles: AC 7, Move 3, fly 48 MC4, HD 1+3, hp 6,
return. 4, 3, Attack: 3 (2 claws 1d2, beak 1) Size M, Morale
9, XP 35 ea. These eagles are dive bombing the river
to capture fat trout with their talons. If attacked, they
Meanwhile, deeper inside the river tunnels of the
dive bomb the characters for 1d3 rounds before flying
eroding mountain, a tribe of triturus have discovered off.
the caves. They wish to clear the area of the troglodytes River: A half-sunk canoe with a gaping hole is caught
and their foul stench and take over the complex as part 5
on some rocks.
of their territory. (1) Ogre: AC 5, Move 9, HD 4 +1, hp 13 (28), Attack
1 (slam 1d10, or weapon +6), Size L, Morale 11, XP
6 175. This ogre is injured from a fight and now trapped
by a rusty bear trap. If freed, it helps the party for 1
full day before lumbering off.
Inside the Dragon’s Gullet, roll every 2 hours:
Roll Encounter
(5) Triturus: AC 5, Move 9, HD 1+1, hp 8 each,
Attack 1 (by weapon or bite 1d6), Size M, Morale 14,
XP 65 each. Each Triturus carries a spear, battle
axe, and/or shortbow and 1d10 sp. Fight (4)
Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 13 ea, Attack
3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8) Size M,
Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor,
camouflage-surprise 1-4. These two groups are
fighting each other. Surviving triturus may lead the
party to their leader.
(8) Giant Rats: AC 7, Move 12, swim 6, HD ½, hp 3 Artist: Maciej Zagorski, The Forge
ea, Attack: 1 (bite 1d3) Size T, Morale 5, XP 15 ea.
Special: Disease. These giant rats are fleeing (2) 1. East Redoubt: A square, stone building tilts towards
2 Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 13 ea, Attack the river as erosion from high floodwaters has de-
3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8) Size M, stablized its base. Cracks and holes reveal only darkness
Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor, inside. A huge rusted and broken chain (1’ thick) enters
camouflage-surprise 1-4. the building from the west wall. The once stout door lays
(5) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 13 ea, just inside the entrance, covered in muck and greenish
Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8) moss.
3 Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive
odor, camouflage-surprise 1-4. These troglodytes are
camouflaged and wait to ambush. ● Note: One Bandit stationed on the roof of Area #2
(3) Triturus: AC 5, Move 9, HD 1+1, hp 8 each, has a 50% chance to notice the party and 75%
Attack 1 (by weapon or bite 1d6), Size M, Morale 14, chance for the party’s approach to Area #2. The
XP 65 each. Each Triturus carries a spear, battle bandit rushes off to warn Area #5 if aware of the
4 axe, and/or shortbow and 1d10 sp. These triturus are party.
surrounded by triturus and troglodyte corpses. They ● Trap: The ceiling holds a hungry green slime. It
attempt to talk to the party and take them to their drops upon the second person entering.
leader. Monster: (1) Green Slime: AC 10, HD 2, hp 8.
Mona: (AC 10, hp 4) is an escaped prisoner from the ● Inside: Debris and muck from flood waters covers
expedition. She is a stoneworker. She is scared out
most of the floor (branches, weeds, and a
5 of her mind. If she stays with the party, she shrieks
loudly at any sign of troglodytes—25% chance waterlogged fox corpse). A ladder leads up to a
another roll on wandering encounters. trapdoor, providing access to the roof.
(9) Giant Rats: AC 7, Move 12, swim 6, HD ½, hp 3 ● Inside: The chain runs through a series of rusty gears
ea, Attack: 1 (bite 1d3) Size T, Morale 5, XP 15 ea. and levers, similar to a drawbridge mechanism. The
Special: Disease. If provoked, they fight for 1d6 chain was pulled taut across the river and is
rounds before fleeing. attached to Area #2, as part of a river defense
Echoes: Cries for help or of a battle echo strangely system.
from the halls and tunnels. ● Inside: A secret trapdoor against the south wall
(4) Bandits: AC 6, Move 12, Level 1 Fighter, hp 7 ea, opens into an underground passage full of
Attack 1 (by weapon), Size M, Morale 10, XP 35. dangling roots. The cramped passage leads to
Items: Longswords, battle axes, shortbows, studded
8 Area #8 and was used as an escape route. Half
leather, 1d6 gp, and 1d10 sp each. These rough men
are spooked having had an encounter with a way down the narrow passage is a half buried,
troglodyte. They attempt to parlay with the party as muddy bag with 75 gp, 15 sp, and 32 cp.
they just want to flee the place. ● Roof: Contains a broken catapult with three
boulders. A rusted winch with small crane is
The Dragon’s Gullet: The wide, U-shaped valley, surrounded by loose chain and destroyed bits of
formed by glaciers long ago, ends abruptly at a defiant, leather next to the boulders.
wall of mountainous rock. The Red Copper Run ● Roof: Frayed bits of rope are attached to two 5’
meanders through the valley, eventually forced through high stone pillars that may have once supported
a huge cave, and continues to flow underground a rope bridge between the two redoubts.
through the mountain. The cave mouth is creatively
chiseled to form a huge gaping maw of a dragon that 2. West Redoubt: The southeast corner of the 20’ high
swallows the river. Two weathered, old redoubts are ceiling to this building is collapsed and sagging,
stationed on either side of the river on top of a 10’ high exposing the inside to the elements. A huge rusted and
cliff. Smoke from a fire twirls lazily from a chimney from broken chain (1’ thick) enters the building from the east
the west redoubt. wall.

Smoke comes from a chimney off an attachment to Rough-looking, spooked men and women speak in
the stone fort. Horse manure is scattered about the field hushed tones around the fires while drinking from their
and sounds of horses can be heard from a nearby cups. Some grimly sharpen their weapons, while others
copse of trees. half-heartedly attempt to cook a few fat trout over a
fire. Crates, barrels and other supplies are stacked
● Note: The bandit guard has a 75% chance to notice against the west wall.
an approaching party and runs to warn Area #5.
● 15 horses are tied loosely to a small copse of fir trees. ● Party members brought by the bandits in Area #2
● 2 kayaks and 5 canoes are stowed behind the are quickly surrounded until their leader, Haelsin and
building. his bodyguard Gahdru, arrives in 1d6 rounds. Haelsin
● Inside: Ladder leads to a trapdoor for access to the orders the bandits to take the party prisoners, and
roof. if successful, relieves them of their gear and
● Inside: Piles of rubble, rotting weapon racks and weapons, and places them in Area #6. Eventually,
furniture. A ‘trail’ through the debris leads from Area he offers the party to the troglodytes, one by one.
#3 to the ladder. ● Fighting in this chamber brings Haelsin and Gahdru
● Roof: Remnants of a catapult, a rusty winch and in 1d6 +1 rounds. Haelsin attempts to backstab a
crane for bringing up boulders, and a pile of 4 spellcaster.
boulders. 25% chance the ceiling caves in if anyone ● The crates, barrels and supplies consist of food, ale,
is around the catapult—1d8 damage falling, 2d6 craftsmen tools (hammers, iron nails, rope, saws,
damage to those in the room below. etc.)
● Roof: A stone bridge connects the roof to a cave
ledge (Area #4). Monster: (13) Bandits: AC 6, Move 12, Level 1 Fighter,
hp 7 ea, Attack 1 (by weapon), Size M, Morale 11, XP
3. Attachment: A small attachment to the fort looks lived 35. Items: Longswords, battle axes, shortbows, studded
in. Muddy, booted tracks are outside the door, smoke leather, 1d6 gp, and 1d10 sp each.
comes from a chimney, and even signs of a meager
garden is evident in the nearby clearing. Steely eyed with a sharp
tongue, Gahdru always
● Inside: 5 bandits lounge around a fireplace. Small barks orders to the
table, a few piles of furs and blankets and a pile of bandits. She is vicious,
horse tack and saddles. and has an unwavering
● The bandits attempt to converse with the party in a loyalty towards Haelsin.
friendly manner. They claim they are guarding the
horses of the expedition and can lead them to the
others (Area #5). They try not to answer too many
Artist: William McAusland
detailed questions, explaining their leader can fill
them in…

Monster: (5) Bandits: AC 6, Move 12, Level 1 Fighter, hp

7 ea, Attack 1 (by weapon), Size M, Morale 10, XP 35.
Items: Longswords, battle axes, shortbows, studded
leather, 1d6 gp, and 1d10 sp each.

4. Ledge: A 20’ high vertical cliff opens to a broad ledge

at its top. The ledge contains a functional, loaded Gahdru: AC 5, Move 12, Level 3 Fighter, hp 28, Attack
catapult with a chaotic pile of boulders next to it. A 1 (battle axe, 1d8 +1 to hit, +3 damage) Size M, Morale
stone bridge leads to the sagging roof of the western 11, XP 35. Items: Battle axe, (2) daggers, chainmail, gold
redoubt. A cave enters the mountain to the west with bracelet 50 gp, 1d12 gp, and 1d10 sp.
a torch lit passage.
Well dressed, polished boots, goatee, and sporting a
● 50% chance that 1d4 bandits are stretching, getting gold earring, Haelsin is a roguish gentleman. Curt and
fresh air, etc., along the ledge. to the point, he does not like to waste time.

5. Garrison: If warned of the party by the (1) Haelsin: AC 4, Move 12, Level 6 Thief, hp 28, Attack
bandits are ready for combat. Scents of sweat, body 1 (longsword 1d8+1), Size M, Morale 13. XP 420. Item:
odor and hazy campfire smoke emit from this room. Leather, Longsword +1, (2) daggers, gold earring 100
Raised portcullis are set in each entry way with levers gp, 300 gp emerald hidden in boot heel, 35 gp, 17 sp.
inside the chamber.

6. Prisoners: The door is barred on the outside and faint
mutterings can be heard from within. This room is dark
and several beaten, dirty figures squint towards the
opening door.

● There are a total of 7 craftsmen left from the

expedition. They are appreciative of any rescue
attempt. They plan to take the canoes and kayaks
upstream to escape if freed. Upon the parties return
to Farholme Wayhouse, these craftsmen offer 200
gp to the party as a reward.
● If captured, the party finds themselves here. Each
day, one of the prisoners is taken out of the room
by Haelsin and Gahdru. After the 7th day it is the
party members turn. There is a 15% chance the
other bandits find out what’s happening and may
start a coup against Haelsin and free the prisoners.

7. Haelsin’s Quarters: This chamber has a full sized bed, Artist: Dean Spencer
three chests, and a full length mirror. A desk with chair
is covered with written documents along the south wall.
● Note: The two doors leading to Area #10 both need
● Chest #1 holds woman garments, a bottle of armor a successful Open Doors check. They have a
polish, a silver mirror (15 gp), a ruby pommeled tendency to blow closed.
comb (150 gp), and a sack with 75 gp. ● There are two spears, expertly crafted, and provide
● Chest #2 holds a man’s fine garments (50 gp), a a +1 to hit only.
gold stitched embroidered crimson cloak (75 gp), ● The spear impaling the skeleton is unnaturally deep
a pearl-handled knife (50 gp), and a silver hawk within the wall.
necklace (80 gp). ● Inside the sack is 43 gp, 11 sp, 7 cp, an ivory whistle
● Chest #3 holds stone tablets with diagrams. These shaped like a frog (50 gp), a statuette of a dwarf
are the original designs of the caisson water lock miner with a eyepatch and pipe (250 gp) and
system and can fetch 500 gp to a collector in a golden earrings (75 gp).
major city.
● Characters studying the documents can learn how 10. Spider’s Lair: This chamber is draped with webbing
the caisson water lock system works (see Area # 17 everywhere that impacts visibility further into the room.
and Appendix A). Sounds of the gurgling river and a dampness in the
gently blowing air suggests the chamber is open to the
8. Fishing Cliff: Worked stone ends at an eroding river river.
bank. Wispy remnants of a rope bridge floating in the
river is the only evidence that a bridge spanned the ● The webs extend across the river (towards Area
river towards a stone block fort set on the opposite #11), anchored to the huge bars set in the river. The
ledge. A few fishing poles lie near the cliff’s edge next webs are slow to burn due to the wet mist.
to three empty buckets. ● Two giant spiders live a great life preying on the
numerous bats that fly in the cave area.
● The slow moving river is easy to swim for those not ● The giant bars have captured logs and other debris.
encumbered. The bars helped direct water craft to the water lock
● Late at night, there is a 25% chance that Haelsin instead of the dangerous natural river course.
and Gahdru are tossing a hand/leg tied prisoner
into the water for collection by the troglodytes in Monster: (2) Giant Spiders: AC 4, Move 12, HD 3+3, hp
Area #15 and #16. 25, 22, Attack 1 (bite 1d8), Size M, Morale 13, XP 270.
Special: A successful bite delivers venom. Save vs.
9. Guard Room: The whole chamber is covered in layers poison or take an additional 2d12 damage, save for
of dust and small cobwebs. A weapon rack holds 7 half.
spears against the west wall with a barrel full of
crossbow bolts. An impaled skeleton is stuck to the east Treasure: Most of the cocoons hold rats and bats, but
wall by a spear. A half-rotted sack lays at its feet. three big cocoons near the river hold three orc corpses
with 22 gp. One wears a bone amulet to some orc deity.
Wearing it provides a +1 to saving throws but leads the
wearer towards violent tendencies and a -2 to Charisma.
11. Lock-keeper’s Entrance: A dock made of stout, Monster: (1d4+1) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp
ancient logs provides a mooring for boats. Stairs are 13, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8)
carved from the natural granite leading up from the Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor,
dock and gravelly beach. Spider webs choke most of camouflage-surprise 1-4.
the river passage tunnel to the east. The stairs lead to
a stone fortress. Arrow slits are on either side of the walls 16. Pool: Eroding cliffs surround a deep pool of the river.
as a passage leads to the massive stone door of entry. To the south, massive chains plunge into the river,
suspended from the ceiling. The chains run through
12. Inspection: Dusty barrels of crossbow bolts and huge gears mounted on the ceiling that veer off
spears are set along the arrow slits with several towards the east and west. Beyond the chains, the river
crossbows hanging on the wall. Thin stone slabs with is shallow and flows through a dark, dwarf-made
etchings hang from six copper brackets (20 gp ea.) channel of expertly crafted stone.
behind a great wooden table that was once a stump.
Book shelves rest near the stump table with several ● Underwater, huge 20’ high, rust-proof metal doors
scrolls. are set into the rock face. These doors open to the
huge ‘box’ for river boats.
● The stone slabs label merchant river boats with ● Troglodytes may be swimming/fishing, see Area #15.
marks for each pass, either up or down.
● The scrolls are brittle and have a 65% chance of GM’s Notes: Please refer to the diagram in Appendix
falling apart when picked up. The scrolls depict and A for the Caisson Water-Lock System. Refer to Map #2
list trade goods passing through the area.
● There are a total of 16/47 functional crossbow bolts. 17. Caisson Water-Lock: The room is not accessible until
Closer inspection of the crossbows and spears show the double doors are opened from Area #17B. The river
rust and give -1 to attack rolls if used. water level lowers slowly (1 turn) and huge steel doors
are revealed, set in the rock face. Water surges through
13. Fee Station: A stout stone table to the east separates grated openings to either side of the doors, entering
the chamber. Opened chests sit behind the table. Old small tunnels, maintaining the water level. The steel
bloodstains cover the floor before the great double doors eventually open with a screeching noise,
doors depicting a river boat scene to the south. A huge revealing a water passage inside a steel walled
iron candelabra hangs from the ceiling in the middle chamber, big enough for the largest river boat.
of the chamber.
● Note: Please refer to the diagram in Appendix A.
● Chests are empty. ● In order for the chamber to descend or ascend, two
people need to operate the levers in Area #17B,
GM’s Notes: The troglodytes shy away from Area’s one on either side.
#17-21 and #34 and stay mostly to the natural eroded ● The small grated tunnels (2’ wide) have trapdoors
caverns. Area’s # 17-21 and #34 are all dark. that seal off water. They are open to decrease the
water level (in Area #16 and #17) and closed when
14. Guard Room: A muddy and wet trail spans the room the water level is raised to flow over the lock system.
from two doorways (Area #15, to Area #25) with both
doors ajar. The walls have a strange bluish green algae 17A. Door: This door is barred from the inside, restricting
that covers the southwest door. access to Area #17B if coming from Area #7.

● The trail suggests something was dragged from Area 17B. Operations: This chamber has a 30’ high ceiling
#15 towards Area #25 several times. Keen trackers and the walls and ceiling is covered in monstrous gears,
discover a slight human foot print. rack-and-pinions, and ratchets with a massive chain,
● The algae is harmless. entering from the ceiling. The chain runs through the
series of gears and operations. Wooden scaffolding is
15. Overlook: A slight breeze enters the chamber as it set up against the walls near the gears for maintenance
overlooks a broad pool in the river. Remnants of docks access. Two huge levers are near the center of the
can be seen just below water from the eroding 10’ high room.
cliff. A wet and muddy trail follows a gradual ramp
down to the water. ● The levers operate the chain, which is connected
to the ‘box’ that raises and lowers boats (Area #17).
•At night, there is a 25% chance that 1d4+1 troglodytes The box is lowered a total of 60’ to Area #18.
are located here fishing with spears, swimming in Area ● The scaffolding has a 40% chance of collapsing if
#16 or waiting for a prisoner to float down from Haelsin more than two people are near the top (20’) due
(Area #8). to its age (1d6 damage per 10’).
● Note: Anyone operating the levers and opening the ● They offer a reward: a bag of 100 gp and 2 garnets
doors creates a rumbling, screeching noise heard (40 gp ea) to take out the giant frogs in Area #18.
throughout most of the caverns. The ‘maintenance
crew’ from Area #20 and 2d6 bandits from Area #5 Monster: (3) Dwarf Were-Rats: AC 6, Move 12, HD 3+1,
arrive in 1d6+2 rounds. 2d6 troglodytes arrive in 2d6 hp 23, 19, 18, Attack 1 (by weapon), Size S, Morale 11,
rounds. All three factions look about in confusion XP 270 ea. Special: lycanthropy, silver or magic
and fight each other, the party, and whoever is weapons to hit. Items: battle axes and warhammers.
closest. Roll Discovery
● There is evidence of rat feces along the southern 1 A coil of 25’ silk rope
parts of the room in the eastern room. 2 A pouch with 5 pearls, 50 gp each.
Disease!! Save vs. poison or get typhus. In 5 days,
18. Downstream Access: A dark, stone tunnel directs character has headaches, fever, chills, and a rash. The
water deeper into darkness. character will become confused andhave severe muscle
pain (-4 to Attack rolls). After two weeks without treatment,
character dies unless a successful system shock roll – 20%
● This straight shot tunnel leads to Area #45. is rolled.
● Giant frogs access these tunnels and use it as a 4 A Wand of Flame Extinguishing (7 charges)
place for spawning. A jade statuette of an owl (150 gp). At night, it says “who,
who” to anyone approaching camp/room/etc.
● The water level is just inches below access doors
6 A half-eaten troglodyte with a silver armband (45 gp).
along the passage. The eastern doors open easily Sharp metal!--take 1d4 damage.
and are well greased. The western doors require a 8 An exceptional dwarven warhammer. Provides a +1 to hit.
successful Open Doors check at -2 to open. 9 A platinum toothpick (25 gp)
10 Bone scroll tube- Scroll with Sleep and Mirror Image on it.
Monster: (5) Giant Frogs: AC 7, Move 3, Swim 9, HD 2, 11 A bag of 300 gp.
hp 13 ea, Attack 1 (bite 1d6), Size M (5’ long), Morale A moldy backpack full of fishheads. Smell like dead fish for
8, XP 120 ea. Special: Swallow. 1 full day (-2 to Charisma).
13 A glass beaker filled with pixie wings inside it.
14 7 iron spikes
19. Nest: 5’ tall piles of debris and garbage cover the 15 A silver lantern (20 gp)
stone floors of the chamber. Rats scurry and larger 16 A quarterstaff with an old man and a long beard on it.
shapes begin to emerge from the shadows. 17 A pouh with 20 pp and a ruby (50 gp).
18 A medium Shield +1
● The regular rats skitter through cracks and holes 19
A fine, dwarven blacksmith hammer. It provides a +1 to
through the walls. The giant rats defend their lair. armory, weaponcraft, blacksmith checks.
Sharp rusty metal!! take 1d8 damage. Save vs. poison or get
● Combat in here has a 50% chance of bring the
20 tetanus. After 7 days, victim has difficulty swallowing,
inhabitants in Area #20 in 1d4+2 rounds. They muscle spasms, fever and rapid heart rates.
attempt to stop the fight, but join in to d e f e n d
their family. 21. Storage: This chamber is full of wood handles for
tools strewn about the room. Barrels are flayed open,
Monster: (15) Giant Rats: AC 7, missing their metal bands. Empty stone racks stained
Move 12, swim 6, HD ½, hp 3 with alloy and rust lean against the south wall near a
ea, Attack: 1 (bite 1d3) Size small puddle of liquid. A stone work bench lies against
T, Morale 5, XP 15 ea. the west wall.
Special: Disease.
Artist: Bradly K. McDevitt ● A starving gray ooze resides here as the puddle of
GM’s Notes: Characters searching through the piles liquid.
of refuse in Area #19, the hallways and Area #20 may ● A secret panel in the east wall holds a decorative,
check the discovery table, once for every turn of golden lock box (75 gp) containing a Warhammer
searching. +1, a ring with an engraved mountain goat with
sapphire eyes (200 gp), a tiny snuff box with
20. Maintenance Crew: Refuse, debris, clutter and junk expensive tobacco that surprisingly isn’t ruined (150
cover the hallways leading to this room. Three dwarves gp), 50 ep, 150 gp, and 75 pp.
with abnormal front teeth dig through the trash,
alongside a few giant rats. Monster: (1) Gray Ooze: AC 8, Move 1, HD 3+3, hp 20,
Attack 1 (touch 2d8), Size M, Morale 10, XP 650. Special:
● The dwarves attempt to parley. They want no Attack type immunities, corrosion, spell immunity.
trouble, but enjoy ‘lording’ over the water-lock
system and performing ‘maintenance’ which 22. Tunnel Access: The chamber holds an open pit with
basically means searching for trash that the river a ladder bolted to the side leading down into darkness.
23. Aquarium: Entering the tunnel cause stones to ● If the party offers to help patch the hole he offers
suddenly glow brightly in the river offering visibility the hiding spot for his hidden stash of loot in Area
underwater. Algae covered glass forms the walls and #21.
ceiling of a tunnel that is buried 1/3 into the river bottom.
A variety of different sized fish and other tiny critters Monster: Crazed Dwarven Engineer Spirit: AC 6, Move
swim in the river and hover under the rushing 20’ 6, HD 5, hp 34, Attack 1 (1d6+1), Size M, Morale 18, XP
waterfall to the north within the deep pool (25’). 175. Special: Need silver or magical weapons to hit, this
spirit attacks by using telekinesis on loose objects
● The lights have a 50% chance of attracting the (spears, rocks, hammer, etc.) to strike its target. It’s
troglodytes in Area #27 in 1d6 rounds. They bang on touch temporarily drains 1d3 constitution points and
the glass, each round. After dealing 15 damage, slays the character if brought to 0 constitution.
continual hits (AC 4) have a 10% of breaking the Constituation points are regained 2 per day. Items:
thick glass, causing water to flood the tunnel and Brograms Pipe.
collapse the glass, sending party members into the
river. Brogram’s Pipe
● Characters wearing heavy armor have a chance
to drown (10’ deep) and there is a 65% chance the This smoking pipe is carved with dwarven runes and
current takes party members over the waterfall to shaped like a long handled hammer. With or without
the south delivering 1d6 damage. tobacco, the pipe can always be lit and emit smoke.
Engineer Brogram, owner of the pipe, was legendary in
24. Tunnel Access: This room is identical to Area #22. getting in hard places to fix mechanical problems.

● The iron reinforced wooden door to the room is Twice a day, when the command word ‘Zaki’ is
rusted shut, and a successful Open Doors at -1 is pronounced out loud and the pipe smoked for 2 full
needed to open. rounds, the smoke begins to form a clone of the smoker.
The clone can travel up to 20’ away as directed by the
GM’s Notes: The natural caverns of the river have smoker. The clone is harmless and mostly useless (can’t
Goblin’s Gold, a type of glowing moss, that grows on attack, carry, or open/use doors/tools or set off traps),
the damp cavern walls, ceilings and floors. The moss but could serve as a distraction. However, the true
sheds enough light to see, but without a light source, purpose is the smoker can direct the clone 20’ away
characters suffer a -1 to their ‘To Hit’ rolls. The moss glows and teleport to the clone’s position. For all intent and
for 1d4 turns after being picked. purposes, the pipe acts like the Dimension Door spell,
except the fixed range of a maximum of 20’.
Troglodytes are interested in opportunities to capture
party members to sacrifice to their god (Area # 36). If GM’s Note: The smaller tributaries and streams are
captured, the party has a 10% chance per day that 3-5’ deep with a few 12’ deep pools. The water flow is
warring triturus enter and free them. broken up by the series of waterfalls and is not difficult
to wade or swim through.
25. Breach: Chains and rotting rope hang on the walls.
A dark, jagged opening is in the south wall. Small bits 27. Fish Weir: Wood posts and twine nets form a ‘V’
of stone and debris lay near it. shape along a smaller tributary of the river. Several
reptilian humanoids work in the water, trapping trout
26. Engineer: The sweet scent of tobacco smoke wafts and collecting the fish in net sacks. The mini-waterfalls
from this room. A floating pipe moves near a hole that create odd echoing splashing noises throughout the
leads to a debris choked passageway. Near the natural cavern.
entrance are two reptilian humanoid corpses with
spears. A levitating rock and stonemason hammer soon ● The troglodytes are busy with their work and only
joins the floating pipe, near a hole in the wall. have a 35% chance of noticing the party. The party
may surprise them on a 1-4.
● The Engineer gives attention to the party if they
make any noise or say anything. Monster: (8) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 13
● Once the party is noticed, the pipe begins to emit ea, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8)
a bunch of smoke, forming a foggy dwarf with a Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor,
eyepatch. He tells them “Leave immediately! I got camouflage-surprise 1-4. Fish net: entangle up to M size
work to do! No good workers about, only opponent on successful hit. Roll vs Strength to escape
thieves…..Always work to do….” for one full round. -2 to all actions while entangled
● After 1d4 rounds, the crazed spirit attacks. It does including trying to escape. Opponents get +2 to hit
not leave the room (until the hole is fixed). If slain, entangled target.
Brogram’s Pipe drops to the ground.
28. Lizards!: Two reptilian humanoids ride huge whitish ● This giant olm is very aggressive and protective of
lizards with brilliant red external gills surrounding their its territory unless approached by troglodytes (even
head. They control the lizards to remove boulders and they don’t stay long) or given a food offering.
debris from the northern tunnel (towards Area #26) by
dragging debris with ropes and nets. Monster: King Olm: AC 4, Move 6 (18-swim), HD 7, hp
50, Attack 2 (bite 1d12, tail slap 1d6+1), Size L, Morale
● The troglodytes are on alert of anything moving 15, XP 975.
inside the passage from Area #26, as they have
been spooked by the Engineer. Entering this area Treasure: The triturus corpses have a total of 46 cp, 112
from a different area gains an automatic surprise sp, 65 gp, one wears a bejeweled, crude crafted
for the party. amulet (300 gp) and a jar of mud that acts like a Potion
● The troglodytes force the olms into combat. If the of Healing when applied to wounds. There is offerings
troglodytes are slain, roll morale for the olms to of rotting fish, colorful feathers, and a basket full of 85
continue fighting. semi-precious stones (2 gp ea).

Monster: (2) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 11 31. Face Off: Sounds of battle is heard over the gurgle
ea, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8) and roar of the river/waterfall as this area is
Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor, approached. A once alluring and tranquil cavern with
camouflage-surprise 1-4. mini waterfalls and glowing moss is shattered by a
chaotic struggle between warring humanoids. Reptilian
(2) Olms: AC 4, Move 6 (18-swim), HD 5, hp 31, 26, creatures, some riding pale giant lizards, are locked in
Attack 2 (bite 1d10, tail slap 1d6), Size M, Morale 10, XP combat with strange bluish and orange chested
650 ea. creatures. Utilizing a bizarre strategy, some of the bluish
creatures ride one another as it climbs and moves along
29. Waterfalls: Roaring 10’ waterfalls drown out sound the walls. The rider shoots stone tipped arrows at their
and drenching mists make everything damp and wet. reptilian foes. More struggling and wounded creatures
The rock face and jumble of boulders and snagged fight from atop the waterfalls, knocking each other over
logs create a natural step pool up the waterfall where and continuing the brawl in the water, while other
jumping fish attempt to make their way upstream. The groups of combatants drench the rocky floor with
waterfalls have eroded out deep pools at their base. blood. Corpses and blood flow into the pristine water
Artist: Dean Spencer and the air is fouled by the odor of the fin-head
● There is a 35% chance that creatures.
1d2 olms are in the pools
feeding on fish. They ●This encounter only happens once. Usually this
defend themselves if cavern is the common area by the
attacked, but aren’t troglodytes (3d6 troglodytes are here next
aggressive as they have time unless the triturus win the battle).
plenty of food. ●These creatures have a special hatred
for each other and focus attacks
Monster: (1d2) Olms: AC 4, against each other. Some troglodytes
Move 6 (18-swim), HD 5, hp 28 peel off to fight the party if they are
ea, Attack 2 (bite 1d10, tail noticed. The triturus do not attack the
slap 1d6), Size M, Morale 10, party, quickly siding with them or fleeing if
XP 650 ea. too many are slain.
●If the battle is avoided by the party, the
30. King Olm: Half of a troglodytes eventually win.
colorful blue and orange
chested amphibian creature Monster: (14) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2,
(triturus) greets visitors in the hp 11 ea, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1
tunnel entrance to the damp or spear 1d8) Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special:
cavern. Water continually drips from the ceiling, Repulsive odor, camouflage-surprise 1-4.
echoing off the walls. Deeper in, the tunnel opens to a
sizable cavern that has a few other bodies sprawled (4) Olms: AC 4, Move 6 (18-swim), HD 5, hp 28 ea, Attack
across the uneven, rocky floor. A giant shape moves 2 (bite 1d10, tail slap 1d6), Size M, Morale 10, XP 650 ea.
within the shadows….
(15) Triturus: AC 5, Move 9, HD 1+1, hp 8 each, Attack
● All the corpses are triturus or newtmen—see New 1 (by weapon or bite 1d6), Size M, Morale 14, XP 65
Monster. each. Special: Regeneration, toxicity. Each triturus has
a spear, battle axe, and/or shortbow and 1d10 sp.
32. Shunned Cavern: A trickle of water forms a deep, 33. Living Quarters: A dank, fishy smell emits from these
ominous pool. A few skeletons lie in the shadows against caverns. Fish bones are scattered about the floor
the south wall. An injured man rests against the western between piles of dry gravel. Several reptilian, fin-
wall, reading a book by a flickering candle. He stands headed creatures lounge on the gravel. Different smells
immediately in a defensive stance with spear raised. are detected, emitted from the creatures, as if its their
way to communicate with one another. A few young
● Gholen was part of the expedition. He escaped the play in the south corner.
bandits, managed to avoid or fight the troglodytes ● Intermixed in the gravel piles are 423 cp, 300 sp, and
and holed up here. He is happy to join the party 195 gp.
and determined to make it back to
civilization. He claims the journal Monster: (9) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 12
belonged to a group of adventures (he ea, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8)
nods towards the skeletons) and that Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor,
one skeleton appears to be missing. camouflage-surprise 1-4.
● Further study of the journal reveals
the wizard in the group is missing (3) Troglodyte young: Who do not fight and attempt
and died in some sort of to flee into the river.
miscast magic during a
battle. 34. Guard Post: This cramped cavern has 5
● All the skeletons have rusted troglodytes camouflaged among the walls (roll for
or useless, mundane surprise). They attack any who enter.
equipment and one still
holds a broken shield. Monster: (5) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2,
One has a silver belt hp 12 ea, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1
buckle (15 gp). A rotted or spear 1d8) Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea.
backpack’s contents Special: Repulsive odor, camouflage-surprise
have been spilled to the 1-4.
ground—rotted rope,
whetstone, three candles, flint Artist: Dean Spencer GM’s Note: Please refer to Map #3. One person
and steele, and two broken flasks. One clings to a can effectively defend a rope bridge, but any fighting
goblet created by a solid piece of amber. on the rope bridge and the combatants on both sides
● The goblet and corpse emit a Protection from Evil suffer a -2 to ‘To Hit’ rolls due to the swaying and unsure
that covers the cavern. Troglodytes and other footing. The bridges are 10’ above the water.
creatures with evil intent avoid this cave and do not
enter. 35. Obsidian Pillar: A 15’ radius, ominous, obsidian
● The amber goblet is a holy relic of a mostly forgotten column squats in the center of the cavern and spirals
goddess (GM’s choice). Anyone drinking water from upwards towards the 30’ high ceiling. Faint, hushed
the goblet receives the benefit of a Cure Disease whispers reverberate from the walls and echo strangely
once per day. The Protection from Evil dissipates if from inside the cavern.
the goblet is removed. The goblet is worth 500 gp
to a collector. ● Close inspection of the obsidian column shows its
● Inside the 6’ deep pool is a small rusted box. Note: semi-translucent with a humanoid form that moves
Treat as a secret door to discover. Inside is two glass up and down, writhing in each bodily motion. A
vials and a velvet sack containing 7 pieces of jade wild-eyed face of a bearded man pushes against
(75 gp each). The glass vials are Potion of Animal the column seemingly howling in horror and pain,
Control and a Potion of Growth. but only the whispers of his agony can be heard.
● The pillar is extremely cold to the touch (1 damage).
A hardened fighter with nerves of steel, Gholen clings ● Breaking or cracking the pillar with weapons (AC
to survival and continually dismisses thoughts of defeat. 4, hp 100) releases a small energy blast (3d6
He is loyal to trustworthy companions. damage in 20’ radius, save vs spells for half) and a
mist emerges, forming the bearded man. The man
Gholen: S 16, I 12, W 10, D 13, C 15, Ch 11, AC 10, 2nd blurts out a throaty and tearful ‘thank you’ before
level Fighter, hp 7 (14), Attack 1 (by weapon +1 rapidly aging to a skeleton that crumples to the
damage), Size M, Morale 12, AL CG. Items: hand axe ground (1 round), finally re-joining his companions
and spear. Gholen is specialized in longsword (+1 to hit, from Area # 32 in final rest. Those that assisted in
+2 damage) breaking the pillar gain a bonus 300 XP.
● Making noise in the cavern attracts 4 troglodytes
and the witch doctor’s apprentice in 1d4+3 rounds.
Otherwise, they are encountered in Area #36.
Monster: (4) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 13 Monster: (4) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 13
ea, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8) ea, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8)
Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor, Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor,
camouflage-surprise 1-4. camouflage-surprise 1-4.

(1) Apprentice Troglodyte Witch Doctor: AC 5, Move 12, 38. Prisoners: A sleek, pale lizard sprawls in the middle
HD 2, hp 8, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1) Size of the widened alcove of the passage. It happily
M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor, munches on a pile of fish, some are even still flopping,
camouflage-surprise 1-4. Spells: Mage--Magic Missile, while two reptilian guards watch it eat. Human voices
Sleep. Cleric—Bless, Faerie Fire, Items: a silver armband can be heard from deeper within, past a crude
(150 gp). wooden gate.

Treasure: The mage skeleton wears a Ring of Telekinesis ● The olm and guards fight to the death.
(25 lbs.).
Monster: (2) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 13
36. Lizard God: This vast cavern holds a massive stone ea, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8)
statue roughly carved from a stalagmite (10’ high). It Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor,
depicts a grotesque fin-headed, 4 legged, lizard type camouflage-surprise 1-4.
creature with blazing green eyes. Moisture seeps down
its form to a blood-stained flat boulder that lies before (1) Olm: AC 4, Move 6 (18-swim), HD 5, hp 35, Attack 2
it. Entrails and other viscera are spread about its smooth (bite 1d10, tail slap 1d6), Size M, Morale 10, XP 650.
surface. Several fin-head reptilian creatures lay prone
towards the deity while another raises its arms in prayer. ● Prisoners include:
Although silent, strange scents emit from the creatures. ● Lahgorvis (Triturus): AC 5, Move 9, HD 1+1, hp
10, Attack 1 (by weapon or bite 1d6), Size M,
● The scents are a way the troglodytes communicate Morale 14, XP 65. Special: Regenerate, toxicity.
with one another. Lahgorvis can speak broken common. He helps
● Skorlak the Witch Doctor leads the worship to their the party fight for his freedom.
reptilian deity. ● Three male humans—Sig, Halken, Moade. These
men are beat up and are craftsmen from the
Monster: (6) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, hp 13 expedition. They offer 200 gp as a reward to
ea, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear 1d8) return them to Farholme.
Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor, ● Marta—female dwarf. A craftsman, but still has
camouflage-surprise 1-4. some spunk and fights as a 1st level Fighter (hp.
7). She continually grumbles about ‘if only she
Skorlak the Witch Doctor (troglodyte): AC 5, Move 12, had a battle axe...’.
HD 3, hp 16, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or ● 4 dead, half-gnawed on giant rats.
staff 1d6 +1) Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special:
Repulsive odor, camouflage-surprise 1-4. Spells: Mage— 39. Leader: This cavern lies along the river with beaches
Charm Person, Sleep, Levitate Cleric—Fear, Sanctuary, of sandy gravels. Fish bones litter the shore and crude,
Enthrall colorful pictographs cover some of the bigger boulders.
A round drum rests against the east wall.
Treasure: The statue has two big emeralds (150 gp) for
its eyes. Skorlak carries the spellbook he found inside ● The northern alcove holds Vilsinis, the tribe’s leader
the caverns from the hapless wizard (see Area #35). It and his bodyguards. When they notice the party,
contains: 1st Level: Charm Person, Gaze Reflection, Hold one bodyguard attempts to beat on a drum the first
Portal, Magic Missile, Read Magic, Sleep. 2nd Level: round to alert other troglodytes (2d4) that arrive in
Levitate, Strength. Skorlak carries a Quarter Staff +1, 1d6+2 rounds, coming over the rope bridges.
wears a platinum headband (285 gp) and carries 50 gp ● Note: Two olms always swim in this section of river
in a sack. (between Area #37 and #39). They have a 75%
chance of becoming aware of any fighting and
37. Guard Post: Three reptilian creatures lazily fish in the assist the chief.
river with spears.
Monster: Vilsinis, Troglodyte Leader: AC 5, Move 12, HD
● These guards take turns having one camouflaged 6, hp 38, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear
and hidden. The one that is hidden attempts to run 1d8+2 to hit and damage) Size M, Morale 12, XP 975.
and alert the rest of the tribe if any trouble. Special: Repulsive odor, camouflage-surprise 1-4.
Equipped with Nalusin’s Impaler.

(3) Troglodyte Bodyguards: AC 5, Move 12, HD 3, hp 24, ● Fighting in this area brings the inhabitants of Area
20, 18, Attack 3 or 1 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1 or spear #42 in 1d6+1 rounds.
1d8) Size M, Morale 12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive
odor, camouflage-surprise 1-4. Monster: (20) Triturus Tadpoles: AC 5, Move 9 (swim 12),
HD 1-1, hp 4 each, Attack 1 (bite 1d4), Size S, Morale
(2) Olms: AC 4, Move 6 (18-swim), HD 5, hp 33, 31, Attack 14, XP 35 each.
2 (bite 1d10, tail slap 1d6), Size M, Morale 10, XP 650 ea.
(5) Triturus: AC 5, Move 9, HD 1+1, hp 7 each, Attack 1
If drum alarm: (2d4) Troglodytes: AC 5, Move 12, HD 2, (by weapon or bite 1d6), Size M, Morale 14, XP 65 each.
hp 13, Attack 3 (2 claws 1d3, bite 1d4+1) Size M, Morale Special: Regenerate, toxicity. Each Triturus carries a
12, XP 120 ea. Special: Repulsive odor, camouflage- spear, battle axe, and/or shortbow and 1d10 sp.
surprise 1-4.
42. Fishing Weir: Nets are placed near the lip of the
Nalusin’s Impaler waterfall of the lake outlet. The blue skin, orange
chested humanoids collect captured fish and prepare
Nalusin’s Impaler acts as a Spear +2. This spear has a them on the beach. Some of the humanoids are
silver metal shaft that will not rust. The spear head covered in fish scales as they gnaw on the soft flesh.
appears to be an alloy of electum and is jagged and
resembles a lightning bolt. Blackened leather wraps the ● These triturus attempt to use nets to capture the
shaft bound in silvery thread that improves the grip. party. A character must make a save vs. breath
Once per day, the wielder may command the spear weapon on a successful net attack to avoid being
to unleash electricity on a successful hit that for all entangled. Entangled characters can only use a
intents and purposes, is similar to the Shocking Grasp dagger or other small weapon, but fight with -4 to
spell but only delivers an additional 1d8+2 damage. A attack rolls.
second power that can be used once per day, is the ● If captured, the triturus bring the party to their leader
wielder can thrust the spear in the ground. Everyone in in Area #43.
a 5’ radius of the wielder takes 1d6+2 electrical damage.
Monster: (5) Triturus: AC 5, Move 9, HD 1+1, hp 7 each,
40. Guard Post: A paltry alcove contains sands, silts, and Attack 1 (by weapon or bite 1d6), Size M, Morale 14, XP
a half buried, thick log from the deep creek during high 65 each. Special: Regeneration, toxicity. Each Triturus
flows. has a spear, battle axe, and/or shortbow and 1d10 sp.

● The triturus stationed here attempt to parlay in 43. Triturus Leader: A massive, damp cavern is filled with
slurred common. They wish to bring the party to their sandy gravels and driftwood. The glowing moss seems
leader (Area #43). Otherwise, they defend brighter in this room (no attack roll minuses without light)
themselves. and several humanoids move about the cavern
working on chores. Chirping and clicking echoes
Monster: (5) Triturus: AC 5, Move 9, HD 1+1, hp 9 each, around the chamber as the humanoids communicate
Attack 1 (by weapon or bite 1d6), Size M, Morale 14, XP with each other.
65 each. Special: Regeneration, toxicity. Each triturus
has a spear, battle axe, and/or shortbow and 1d10 sp. ● This is the main common area of the triturus tribe.
● Zallis, the leader, attempts to speak to the party
41. Nursery: The tributary slowly winds itself into a unless they have fought their way to this point. Zallis
massive underground lake. The shores are covered in is greatly interested in the whole complex and
a sandy gravel mixed with a few boulders. would like to expand for his tribe. He presents the
Ripples under the water betray the idea to have the party help his tribe eradicate the
presence of several creatures, but troglodytes from the caverns.
whether they are fish or something ●Zallis offers a bag of 200 gp, a garnet necklace (300
else is unknown. gp) and a Reed Flute of the Dancing Fae for the
Artist: Dean Spencer
party’s help.
● This lake serves as a perfect ●The whole tribe defends its lair to the death
nursery for the triturus’s if attacked.
young. Unless the party
is with triturus, the Monster: Zallis, the Triturus Leader: AC 5,
tadpoles attack. Six Move 9, HD 5, hp 38, Attack 1 (1d10 +1 to
tadpoles attack, with an additional 1d4 per round, hit, +2 damage, or bite 1d6+1), Size M, Morale 14, XP
until the total is 20. They do not follow onto land. 270. Special: regenerate, toxicity. Zallis carries Dramkyr’s
● There are always 5 triturus near the beach or in the Reach, a gold and ruby necklace (200 gp) and two
water carefully watching their young. silver entwined snake armbands (100 gp ea).
(18) Triturus: AC 5, Move 9, HD 1+1, hp 9 each, Attack 44. Dock: Old, ancient, and slightly warped boards are
1 (by weapon or bite 1d6), Size M, Morale 14, XP 65 connected by steel bands and serves as a dock.
each. Each Triturus carries a spear, battle axe,
longsword, javelins, and/or shortbow, 1d6 cp, and1d10 45. Canal Exit: A straight-shot waterway extends deeper
sp. into the mountain. Above the exit, on the face of the
mountain, a massive stone carving of a stern-eyed
Reed Flute of the Dancing Fae dwarf with a thick beard glares downwards. The ‘beard’
is green from ferns and moss growing upon it. Beyond
This simple flute is made from lacquered reeds with a the exit of the mountain, a massive, deep pool has
silver tipped mouthpiece. Once per day, when played formed from the confluence of rivers and tributaries,
by a proficient musician (only), 2d4+1 silvery notes emit and the Red Copper Run continues to flow south under
from the flute. Each note transforms into a dancing, open sky.
colorfully dressed pixie. The flute player may choose
which targets the pixie chooses to be their ‘partner’. ● There is a 25% chance that 1d6+1 Giant Frogs are
Each target gets a save vs. spells or begins to dance in the area and up deeper inside the tunnel.
with the pixie for 2d6+2 rounds. If the
dancers are attacked, they get a Monster: (1d6+1) Giant Frogs: AC 7, Move 3, Swim 9, HD
saving throw at +4 to regain their 2, hp 11 ea, Attack 1 (bite 1d6), Size M (5’ long), Morale
control and defend themselves. 8, XP 120 ea. Special: Swallow.
The flute’s power only works on
humanoids, up to 10’ tall. The 46. River Exit: Two waterfalls converge forming a U-
flute player must continue to shaped, 15’ high waterfall that enters a deep pool.
play or the dancing effect stops,
although they can move at half Artist: V-Shane
● One river is from the river overflow from the caisson
their movement rate while playing. water-lock system (Area #17) and the other
waterfall comes from the natural river that flows
through the mountain.
Dramkyr’s Reach
Conclusion: Depending on the adventure hook, the
Dramkyr’s Reach is an angry looking halberd with a party may continue to travel downstream to their
black shaft, red feathers, and red runes running up the destination, or may head back to Farholme’s Wayhouse
haft to the axe blade. It acts as a Halberd +1, Centaur to collect their reward for investigating the Dragon’s
Slayer. When attacking centaurs, the halberd begins Gullet.
to screech and the axe-head glows a furious crimson.
It causes double damage on a successful hit on any Friendly relations with the triturus may lead to an
centaur. Most centaurs have heard of this weapon, and agreement and treaty to operate the Dragon’s Gullet
attack the wielder immediately. for trade up and down the river, as long as they can
claim it as their home. Or perhaps Farholme sets a
reward to clear the triturus next!

Artist: Public

Appendix A
Please refer to The diagram below is to help
visualize the caisson water-lock system.

Area #18 is a tunnel that flows to Area #45, under the water overflow. The water overflow flows to Area #46, goes
over one last waterfall and regains the same water elevation as Area #18.

Artist: Dean Spencer

Combat: Olms can deliver a nasty bite with their mouth
Appendix B for 1d10 damage. On a natural roll of 18 or higher, olms
can swallow whole victims of 4’ or smaller. Victims need
NEW MONSTER to cut themselves out using small weapons (daggers or
knives) or suffer an automatic 2d12 damage per round
Olms, Giant from internal acids. Those attempting to assist have a
Climate/Terrain: Underground waterbodies 50% chance of damaging their friends. Once they have
Frequency: Rare a victim swallowed, olms attempt to flee to enjoy their
Number Appearing: 2d20 meal. They can also slap an opponent with their tail for
Organization: Family 1d6 damage.
Activity Cycle: Any
Intelligence: low Olms usually do not have any treasure unless left by
Treasure: N/A victims.
Alignment: Neutral
Armor Class: 4 Triturus
Movement: 6 (swim 18)
Hit Dice: 5 Climate/Terrain: Alpine ponds, lakes, rivers, and forests
THACO: 15 Frequency: Rare
Attack: 2 (bite1d10, tail slap 1d6) Number Appearing: 1d20
Saving Throws: As 5th level Fighter Organization: Tribe
Special Traits: Swallow, blind, improved sensory organs Activity Cycle: Any
Magic Resistance: none Intelligence: average to high
Size: M (about 7’ long) Treasure: D (lair), O (individual)
Morale: 10 Alignment: Neutral
Experience: 650 Armor Class: 5 (or by armor)
Movement: 9 (swim 12)
Olms appear snakelike with long, sinuous bodies with a
Hit Dice: 1+1
short, relatively flat tail, surrounded by a thin fin. The
limbs are small with three digits on the front legs, and
Attack: 1 (by weapon) or bite 1d4 tadpole, 1d6
only two digits on the back legs. Olms have a white, terrestrial and adult
yellowish-white to pinkish skin that almost resembles
Saving Throws: As 1st level Fighter
human Caucasian skin that immediately darkens when
Special Traits: Regeneration, toxicity
exposed to light. The thin layer of skin does not hide the
Magic Resistance: none
internal organs, which can be seen inside the
Size: M
abdominal part of the body. Their mouths are wide with
Morale: 14
several small, sharp teeth that act as a sieve to trap
Experience: 35 tadpole, 65+ terrestrial and adults.
prey inside its mouth. Instead of chewing, olms prefer
to swallow their prey whole. A layer of skin covers the Triturus are similar to Lizardmen, except they are newt-
regressed eyes and tiny nostrils are noticed when close.
men, and were inspired by Alpine Newts (Ichthyosaura
The most notable features of olms are the brilliant red
external gills that form branched tufts at the back of alpestris formerly known as Triturus alpestris). Triturus
their head. exhibit dark-blue coloring on their backs, white-black-
spotted stripes below sky-blue stripes on their flanks, and
Olms are gregarious and live in large families. Solitary their bellies (or chest) a bright orange. Females are
olms are usually males trying to attract a mate. mottled brown with weak spotting on their backs and
Although olms are blind, they react and swim away
are usually bigger than the males. There are three life
from light and have other enhanced sensory organs to
help them survive in the dark underwater caves. The stages of the Triturus: Tadpoles, Terrestrial, and the Adult
olm is capable of sensing concentrations of organic stages. Tadpoles are constricted to water environments,
compounds in the water. They can sense both the Terrestrials usually stay on land, while Adults can live on
quantity and quality of prey by smell. The olm’s ears also both land and water, but usually inhabit areas near
receive sound waves in the water as well as vibrations water for breeding. All Terrestrial and Adult Triturus are
from the ground. Olms usually hunt for snails (zospeum), excellent climbers and may climb any surface, but
fish and may also eat algae and vegetation.
move slower than a human on land.
Troglodytes and other cave-dwelling creatures value
olms as pets and guards.
All stages of Triturus may regenerate lost limbs and body
parts and regenerate 1 hp/per round. Like trolls, fire
damage does not allow the Triturus to regenerate.
Triturus also have a toxicity that they can expel from Triturus always use tactics and be strategic with the
their pores if desired, but not dangerous unless ingested. territory surrounding them during times of battle. Triturus
However, in the adult stage of life, Triturus have learned ecology varies depending on location and exposure
to spit their toxicity causing their victim to roll versus to other races. Some tribes are very primitive, only using
Dragonsbreath or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. They rough spears and/or tridents, or sharp rock weapons
can spit three times per day. (axes, daggers, etc.). Other tribes may be more
advanced, being involved with trade and may use
Triturus usually communicate using soft chirps, squeals, advanced weaponry such as bows, polearms, and
and/or clicking caused by controlling the air through even swords. They may even wear armor during the
their lungs. They can speak Common if taught, but Terrestrial stage where most of their time is spent on
words are usually slurred. Their main form of land. Terrestrial and Adults may also deliver a bite
communication with each other consists of expelling attack as a last resort when they do not have weapons
different types of pheromones. Usually this pheromone handy. Their bite does 1d6 damage.
can be ‘heard’ within a 50 foot radius and gives off a
rose scent. During battle, triturus sometimes use a bizarre technique
of riding each other into combat. This method is
Life Stages: Tadpoles are the early stages of the Triturus employed when triturus can use terrain as an
and are confined to areas with water. They have advantage. For example, while one triturus climbs up
external lungs and mainly feed on what they can find a sheer, vertical cliff, its rider may be shooting arrows or
around in their environment which includes fish, bugs, using a spear to attack.
and even vegetation.

Combat: Tadpoles are relatively weak (HD 1-1)

but can deliver a bite for 1d4 damage. They
attack anything that moves when hungry.

Terrestrials are the young adult stage of the

Triturus. At this stage, Terrestrials usually stick to
dry areas in temperate forests and mountain
regions. During this stage, Terrestrials usually
travel in small groups and are nomadic. They
eventually join a tribe, or return to the area
where they were born. In rare cases, some may
even settle and create their own tribes.

Adults usually settle down and inhabit areas

near a lake, pond, river, or even a stream. They
live in a tribe and fiercely protect and guard
their territory, especially during breeding
season. Although usually Neutral in alignment,
Triturus can become very aggressive and over-
protective during the breeding season. Tribes
are led by either a male or female and may
have up to 200 tribesmen.
Artist: Frank Turfler Jr.,

It’s not uncommon for some Triturus to develop

arcane or divination type magic and several
witch-doctors, shamans, or hedge wizards have
been reported.

Dragon’s Gullet, Level 1

Dragon’s Gullet Level 2

Dragon’s Gullet, Level 3

Artist: Dean Spencer

LEGAL If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You
For The Dragon’s Gullet, the adventure background, all place names and represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You
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3. Offer and Acceptance For Gold & Glory, Copyright 2014, Justen Brown
By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the The Dragon’s Gullet, Copyright 2018, Author MalrexModules
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The Dragon’s Gullet is an adventure for use with the For Gold & Glory ruleset, a retroclone of 2nd
edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game. For Gold & Glory are trademarks of Justen
Brown. This work is not affiliated with Justen Brown. This product is easy to convert for any of the old
school rulesets of the OGL v1.0a.

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