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1- When the police arrived, the thief had ( escape – escapes – escaping - escaped).
2- (Had – Do – Are – Has) you ever visited London when you moved there ? .
.3- I think my mother (can't – must – might – can) know who the people are in that old photo .
4- Sara didn't' eat breakfast or lunch. She (can't – must – might – can) be hungry now.
.5– I want to buy a phone, (and - but – or – so ) I don’t have enough money
6- If you heat ice, it ( melt – melting – melted – melts) .
7- If you ( wake up - wakes up – woke up – waking up) late , you will miss the bus
8- I don't ( need to – needs to – must – needn't ) write the report myself. My secretary can do that for me.
9- Would you like drink a cup of tea , ( and – but – so – or ) coffee.

1- We ( can ) ………………………..stay long because we have to go to the store before it close .

2- I thought that TV program was (very) ………………………………………………fantastic.
3- She ( need ) ………………………………to take more exercises .
4- If you freeze water , it ( turn ) …………………………………into ice .
5- If it ( rain ) …………………………………., we will stay at home .
7- I didn't ( needed to ) …………………………………….wait, she was just on time

1- He might have gone to the work. ( Change into negative )

2- He didn’t want to walk in the rain. He took a taxi. … ( Combine into one )


1- investment – trade - economy - balloon 2- tornado – hurricane – dome – storm

( serve - debris - dynamic – crashed )
1- The meteorite had left a lot of…………………………………in its path.
2- The Kingdom is honored to welcome and …………………………………an increasing number of pilgrims and visitors.
3- He seemed a …………………………………and energetic leader.

cold – sick – amazing – fascinating – ugly- freezing

Gradable Non Gradable

1 remote ( ) relating to city 1 upgrade ( ) rural

2 urban ( ) Long journey by sea 2 dynamic ( ) Ordinary- normal
3 dynamic ( ) far away 3 weird ( ) degrade
4 voyage ( ) always active 4 urban ( ) inactive

( snow ball– meteorite ) ( bull – deer ) ( tornado – volcano ) ( blender – vessel ) ( dome – hole)

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