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MELC: Discuss strategies in the prevention and control of
cigarette smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
Apply resistance skills in situations related to cigarette
and alcohol use

A. Introduction:
This unit will discuss strategies in the prevention and control of cigarette smoking and drinking
alcoholic beverages. it is time to study and learn to apply resistance skills in situations related to
cigarette and alcohol use.
B. Discussions:
Resistance Skills in Situations Related to Cigarette and Alcohol Use
The development of Resistance skills can help an individual resist temptations or pressure.
Resistance Skills are skills that are used to say “NO” to an action or leave a situation.
Here are suggestive ways for effectively refusing negative peer pressure:
1. Say “NO” assertively.
2. Give reasons for saying “NO”.
3. Repeat saying “NO” several times.
4. Use nonverbal behavior to match verbal behavior.
5. Avoid situations where you will be pressured into making
wrong decisions.
6. Avoid people who make wrong decisions.
7. Resist pressure to engage in illegal activities, such as drug
pushing and snatching.
How to establish your refusal skills:
1. Be aware of the presence of social pressures around you.
⚫ Direct social pressure - it is when a friend or someone provides the opportunity to drink
and smoke and/or offers you a drink or smoke.
⚫ Indirect social pressure - It is when you are tempted to drink and smoke just by being
around people drinking and smoking even if you are not offered nor invited to join them.
2. Stay away from pressure.
If you find it difficult to resist the pressure when it is just around, then the best strategy
is to stay away from the pressure. If you feel that it is isolating you from people and social
gatherings, then choose the people and crowd you are with. Stay connected with friends who
are engaged in alternative and healthy activities and do not drink and smoke.
3. Just say “No.”
It is important that you have some resistance techniques and lines ready whenever you
are offered a drink or cigarette. Your “No” should be clear and firm, yet you remain respectful
and friendly to the person offering them to you. Just say “No” because there are more interesting

and meaningful activities to be engaged with. The person offering you might not know that you
are stopping your smoking and drinking habits. Here are some tips:
⚫ Make eye contact with the person offering and say “No thank you.”
⚫ Be firm with your “No.”
⚫ Keep your response short and clear.
4. Ask for support from relatives and friends.
Tell your relatives and friends that you are quitting from smoking and drinking and you
need their support. They should refrain from inviting you to gatherings where guests smoke and
drink. Establish new friendship with people who do not smoke and drink.

C. Readings:

Evidence-based interventions that are key components of a comprehensive tobacco prevention

and control effort include

⚫ Mass-reach health communications campaigns that use multiple-media formats;

include hard-hitting or graphic images; are intended to change knowledge, beliefs,
attitudes, and behaviors affecting tobacco use; and provide tobacco users with
information on resources on how to quit.

⚫ Increases in the unit price for tobacco products, which will decrease the number of
people using tobacco, reduce the amount of tobacco consumed, and prevent young
people from starting to use tobacco.

⚫ Comprehensive smoke-free policies that prohibit smoking in all indoor areas of

workplaces and public places, including restaurants and bars, to prevent involuntary
exposure to secondhand smoke.

A systematic review of proven population-based tobacco control interventions found that these
programs were associated with

⚫ Reductions in the prevalence of tobacco use among adults and young people
⚫ Reductions in tobacco product consumption
⚫ Increased quitting.

D. Examples:

PART II. Activity Proper

Activity 1: Mark Me!

Directions: Put a (/) mark inside the box if the statement is correct and an (X) mark if the statement
is not correct.

1. Increases in the unit price for tobacco products will decrease the number of people using
2. The development of Resistance skills cannot help an individual resist temptations or
3. Comprehensive smoke-free policies that prohibit smoking in all indoor areas of workplaces
and public places, including restaurants and bars prevent involuntary exposure to
secondhand smoke.
4. Indirect social pressure - it is when a friend or someone provides the opportunity to drink
and smoke and/or offers you a drink or smoke.
5. If you find it difficult to resist the pressure when it is just around, then the best strategy is to
stay away from the pressure.

Activity 2: Jumbled Letters

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters in bold face to form the correct word about the resistance
skills in situations related to cigarette and alcohol use.

________1. Avoid situations where you will be (REDRESSUP) into making wrong decisions.
________2. Repeat saying “(ON)” several times
________3. Avoid people who make (GWORN) decisions.
________4. Keep your response short and (EARLC).
________5. Ask for support from (TIVESLARE) and friends.

Activity 3: Reflection
Directions: After this lesson, reflect on your own attitude and belief. Then make a
resolution/stand on smoking and drinking. Answers may assess with the use of rubric.

I believe that I feel that I Starting today I

smoking/drinking…____ should…_____________ promise…____________
____________________ ____________ _____________

Content and Organization
The idea is clear, well-explained and was able to answer
the questions.
The idea is moderately explained and was able to answer
the questions.
The idea is fairly explained and was able to answer the
The idea is slightly explained and was able to answer the
1 The idea is not clear. But answered the question

Key to Corrections:
/ 5.

X 4.

/ 3.

X 2.

/ 1.

Activity 1: Mark Me!




NO 2.


Activity 2: Jumbled Letters

* Answer may assess with the use of rubric

Activity 3: Reflection


A. Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Write only the letter of the best answer on your
answer sheet.
1. How can a teenage avoid smoking caused by peer pressures?
A. Say “I hate smoking, it develops bad breath and foul body smell.”
B. Say “I’m going to the library; would you like to go with me?”
C. Say “No thanks, I have more important things to enjoy than smoking.”
D. All of the above
2. What healthy alternative can one do to avoid smoking?
A. Hang out with smoking groups
B. Join sports clubs and organizations
C. Try one puff to be part of the gang
D. None of the above
3. Which republic act prohibits the sales of cigarettes to persons below 18 years of
age in the Philippines?
A. R.A. 4670
B. B. R.A. 8749
C. R.A. 9211
D. R.A. 9710
4. Lito was being pressured by his friend to try cigarette smoking. What advice can you give to Lito?
A. Give excuses, tell a different story or tell the truth about smoking.
B. Say “No!” but hang out with him when he is smoking.
C. Smoking is cool, give it a try and you’ll see it’s worth the try.
D. Just try one puff so as not to cause conflict with his friend.

5. The following are health risks of smoking EXCEPT _____.

A. Birth miscarriage
B. Cancer
C. Healthier body
D. Heart attack

B. Directions: Analyze the implications of cigarette smoking and alcohol use on the following: self, family,
environment, community, and country. Using your mathematical skills, add up how many cigarettes a person
can puff? How much will that be for a day? Add up his cigarette consumption in a week, in a month and for a
year. What can you buy for that sum of money?

C. Directions: Post your pledge wall on an easily seen/ visible corner of your home. Make the corners of the
pledge wall colorful and artistic to attract your family members to write. The learners should ask these people
to write on the pledge wall on what they can do to prevent and control cigarette smoking and tobacco use.
Prevention can be about joining sports club, sports activities, self-rewards, avoiding people who smoke, etc.
These people should affix their signatures below or beside their pledges. To verify your work. Take a picture
and send it through your teachers’ messenger.

You will need:

- A large paper or board (manila paper, cartolina or illustration board)
- Several markers or crayons
- Sign boards

A. Books
Muyot F, Garcia M, Baarde MC,Mathews J,2017. Mapeh on the Go 8 K to 12 Edition. 3rd flr. Maine
City Tower, 236 Tomas Morato Ave., Brgy. South Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines: Sunshine
Interlinks Publishing House, Incorporated.
Miranda Q, Jugueta L, Sacdalan G, San Jose MT,2017. MAPEH K to 12. Phoenix Building, 927
Quezon Ave., Quezon City: The Phoenix Publishing Inc.
Anido B, Bldoz A, Parakikiay M, Basilio A, etc all, 2013 PE and Health - Grade 8 Learner’s module.
Ground floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines:
Department of Education.
B. Government Publications
Anido B, Baldoz A, Parakikay M, et al,2013. Music and Arts of Asia - Grade 8 Learner’s Module.
Pasig City Philippines: Department of Education - Beureau of Learning Resources.

C. Online and Other Sources

Department of Education.


1. D
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C

* Answers may vary
* Answer may assess with the use of rubric

Criteria for assessment:

Content and relevance of picture presented 30%
Creativity, resourcefulness, and quality of presentation 30%
Understanding (benefits of resistance skills in situation) 40%

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