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Ashtieira Venzon Mallari
Ms. Dima
Grade 11GA

Gendeer equality is the state of equal ease of access to

resources and opportunities regardless of individual. This
includes economic participation and decision making.
Where interest, needs, priorities of both men and women
are recognized and taken into consideration.

In short words. Human rights


It shouldn’t be considered an ‘issue’ yet there are large gender gaps in

terms of opportunities, wage inequality,
woman still earn 23 percent less than men globally. Despite being in the
same field
Lack access to education

(literature review)

Gender equality has been a contemporary issue for the United Nations and it has
consistently highlighted the importance of promoting gender equality and
empowering women as part of its broader commitment to human rights, development
and peace. The UN has established various initiatives to address gender based
discrimination and promote equal opportunities for all gender. To add on, it is stated
in the “UN’s sustainable Development Goals’ specifically goal 5 “achieve '' gender
equality and empower all women and girls’ This reflects the recognition that progress
in other areas such as health, education, and economic development. The United
Nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of Women(aka UN Women)
was established in 2019 to accelerate progress in achieving gender equality
worldwide. Where the UN women works to support and implement policies and
programs that promote women's rights and gender equality

(literature review)

Furthermore, The UN is actively involved in efforts to combat gender-based violence,

including initiatives such as the UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign. This
recognizes the prevalence of violence directed at women and aims to create a world
free from gender-based violence. The UN is committed to promoting inclusivity and
diversity within its own structures, ensuring that women are well-represented in
leadership positions and decision-making processes by The UN committing to
promoting inclusivity and diversity within its own structures, ensuring that women are
well-represented in leadership positions

While significant progress has been made, challenges persist, and the UN continues to
address emerging issues related to gender equality. Ongoing efforts include
addressing gender-based violence, closing gender gaps in education and
employment, promoting women's participation in political processes, and ensuring
equal access to healthcare. Overall, gender equality remains a critical and
contemporary focus for the UN's agenda – for gender equality is still not implemented
or recognised in many parts of the world. Worlds Where gender equality solely does
not exist. 5

The goal of this research is to figure out why gender equality is still a challenge and find ways to
make things better for women. We want to look at how things like jobs, education, and leadership
roles are not the same for everyone. By digging into different aspects of life, we hope to
understand the problems women face, especially when it comes to other parts of their identity
like race or culture. We'll also check how laws, policies, and cultural beliefs affect gender equality.
The aim is to come up with real, practical ideas that can help policymakers, businesses, and
everyone else make things more equal. Ultimately, we want to use this research to suggest ways
to break down barriers, create fair opportunities, and push for gender equality in different parts
of the world.

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