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Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

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Vector form of intrinsic finite element method for incompressible fluids

Akram Samy a, b, Shu Li a, Xingfei Yuan a, *, Chengwei Liu c, Yongcan Dong a
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
College of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China
State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China


Keywords: Vector form of intrinsic finite element (VFIFE) is a numerical method widely used in solid mechanics. However,
VFIFE method it’s hard to extend the VFIFE method to fluid mechanics since the traditional VFIFE method fails to reflect the
Fluid mechanics analytical equilibrium of multiple variables in the continuum. Therefore, under the framework of analytical
Incompressible fluid
mechanics, this paper proposes Lagrange’s equation of the second kind in fluid mechanics with the extremum
Lagrange’s equation
Characteristic based split
condition of Lagrange power functional. And a vectorized motion equation of incompressible viscous fluids is
deduced from Lagrange’s equation. By using several efficient algorithms in the finite difference method (FDM)
and the finite element method (FEM), the NS equation is decomposed into four governing equations of vector
form for fluid mechanics. In addition, with the application of the classic Smagorinsky sub-grid scale model in
large eddy simulation (LES), this paper puts forward turbulence modelling with VFIFE procedure, and a corre­
sponding MATLAB program is developed. Two typical examples are given to demonstrate the applicability and
efficiency of the proposed large eddy simulation with VFIFE method. The proposed algorithm can effectively
eliminate the non-physical oscillation of the pressure, and obtain much accurate results with a small number of

stationary condition of Hamilton principle in the mechanical system, is

not as good as Hamilton canonical equation in terms of universality and
1. Introduction structural symmetry [11]. Therefore, there are few researches on fluid
dynamics through Lagrange’s equation of the second kind. Irschik and
Most liquids and low-speed gases in nature can be regarded as Holl [12,13] connected the control volume in fluid mechanics to the
incompressible viscous fluids, and the Navier-stokes equation based on non-material volume in the Lagrange framework and derived the local
continuum mechanics has been one of the most effective methods to form of Lagrange’s equation. Liang et al. [14,15] derived the governing
describe the motion of fluids [1-3]. The essence of the NS equation is the equation of incompressible fluids based on Lagrange’s equation of the
conservation of momentum under the framework of classical mechanics second kind for the first time and made a preliminary exploration of
which establishes the governing equations of motion for particles compressible fluids. The present Lagrange mechanics is based on
directly through Newton’s second law. While analytical mechanics, D’Alembert’s principle and the virtual displacement principle, which
which is of equal status with classical mechanics, focus on the analysis of can be divided into one-variable equation with generalized coordinates
the energy and work of the system based on the generalized coordinate and two-variable equation with generalized coordinates and generalized
system instead of the analysis of force and moment [4]. How to apply velocities. The former is rarely applied in fluid mechanics equations
analytical mechanics to continuum mechanics has been the focus of with Euler spatial coordinates as the reference. While the expression
scholars around the world. Lagrange equation and Hamilton canonical form of the differential equation obtained by taking the first order
equation, as two branches of analytical mechanics, have been applied in variation of the latter is quite complex, therefore, which still stays in
the field of dynamic behavior, kinematic stability and system control of theoretical exploration stage in analytical dynamics of the continuum.
rigid bodies and elastic bodies in the recent centuries [5,6]. The appli­ Vector form of intrinsic finite element (VFIFE) [16,17] is a numerical
cation of Hamilton principle is extended to continuum mechanics [7], method based on the discrete model of multi-particles in vector me­
electrodynamics [8], quantum mechanics [9], statistical physics [10] chanics, whose governing equation of motion is based on Newton’s
and many other subjects. In contrast, Lagrange equation, as the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Yuan).
Received 9 January 2024; Received in revised form 6 May 2024; Accepted 21 May 2024
Available online 2 June 2024
0045-7930/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies.
A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

Nomenclatures ||Δx|| Characteristic length

X, Y, Z three-dimensional coordinate of the nodes
B Strain-displacement transformation matrix γ Damping coefficient
C ne × np order connection matrix ε̇˙ deformation rate
D Constitutive matrix of materials η2nd equivalent dissipative force with consideration of high-
F Surface load vector order term of time
f Internal force vector on elements μ Dynamic viscosity coefficient
G Filter function ν Kinematic viscosity coefficient
g volume force on the fluid νsgs sub-grid eddy viscosity coefficient
H0 Height of the Silsoe cube π Absolute value of average error
I identity matrix ρ Mass density
Iu Turbulence intensity τsgs sub-grid Reynolds stress
L Lagrange function ϕ, ϕ physical variables before filtering and filtered
M, m Nodal mass matrix, element mass Γm model function of LES
m̂ Diagonal matrix composed of the mass of all elements in Δ characteristic scale of the filter
N Shape function of elements Abbreviation
n Normal vector to the plane CBOS Characteristic-based Operator-splitting
n Dimension of finite elements CBS Characteristic Based Split
ne, np Total number of elements, nodes CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics
P Point load vector DES Detached Eddy Simulation
p fluid pressure FEA Finite Element Analysis
Q Generalized force FTBS Forward Time Backward Space
Re Reynolds number HHD Helmholtz–Hodge Decomposition
SD, SN Dirichlet boundary conditions, Newmann boundary IDDES Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation
conditions LES Large Eddy Simulation
t Analysis time MOC Method of Characteristic
T, Ṫ˙ Kinetic energy, kinetic power N-S Navier-Stokes
U Horizontal velocity of the nodes OSA Operator Splitting Algorithm
U, U̇˙ Potential energy, potential power RANS Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes
V Vertical velocity of the nodes SRI Silsoe Research Institute
V Volume of triangular elements TPU Tokyo Polytechnic University
VFIFE Vector Form of Intrinsic Finite Element
X, Ẋ˙, Ẍ Generalized coordinates, velocities, accelerations
‖ Ẋ‖∞ Characteristic velocity

second law. Since VFIFE method has advantages in dealing with large the Method of Characteristic [23] (MOC), Operator Splitting Algorithm
geometric deformation and nonlinear boundary problems, it is widely [24] (OSA), Characteristic Based Split [25] (CBS) and MacCormack
applied to the analyses of various complex behaviors in structural en­ difference scheme [26], the NS equation is decomposed into four gov­
gineering [18], mechanical engineering [19] and ocean engineering erning equations which are in the fractional step [27] form of diffusion
[20]. Samy et al. [21] derived the governing equation of motion for equation, convection equation, pressure Poisson equation and velocity
two-dimensional elements based on VFIFE under the framework of correction equation. Then by adopting the classic Smagorinsky [28]
analytical mechanics, and obtained a good result in the analysis of rain sub-grid scale model in large eddy simulation, the vector form of
induced rupture of membrane structures. Xu et al. [22] used the VFIFE intrinsic finite element large eddy simulation method for incompressible
method and the immersed boundary method to study the fluid-structure viscous fluid is put forward and a corresponding program package is
interaction between the turbulent flow and the plants, and explored the developed. The algorithms proposed in this paper fill the vacancy of
dynamics of submerged flexible vegetation in open-channel flows and its VFIFE in the field of fluid mechanics.
feedback to turbulent flow structures. Since the flow characteristics and The present paper is organized as follows. In section 2, under the
the numerical calculation of the fluid are much more complex compared framework of analytical dynamics, the Lagrange power function is
with the solid, vector form of fluid mechanics for general fluid calcu­ constructed through the difference of kinetic power and potential power
lations or the fluid-structure interaction analysis has not been developed of the continuum. Then by taking the extremum conditions of the above
yet. functional, the Lagrange’s equation of the second kind in fluid me­
Because the traditional VFIFE method based on the physical model chanics can be obtained. In section 3, corresponding solutions are pro­
does not explain the mechanism of generation and action of the force in vided for the problems arising from the extension of vector form of solid
the continuum, it is quite difficult to reflect the intrinsic properties such mechanics to the field of fluid mechanics. And governing equations of
as the conservation of mass and charge. Therefore, it’s hard to extend the vector form of fluid mechanics based on finite element discretization are
VFIFE method to the fields of fluid mechanics and electromagnetism. proposed. In section 4, by adopting the large eddy simulation, vector
Based on the energy conservation principle, the governing equations of form of fluid mechanics is applied to the turbulence analysis. In section
motion of the continuum are established based on the variational prin­ 5, the applicability and efficiency of the proposed VFIFE large eddy
ciple in this paper, thus the governing equations of the solid and the fluid simulation algorithm in the calculation of incompressible viscous fluids
are unified. In terms of numerical algorithm, the difficulties encountered are investigated by comparing the results of two typical examples with
by previous scholars in extending vector form of solid mechanics to fluid classic literatures.
mechanics are summarized. Based on VFIFE, through the application of

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

2. Governing equation based on lagrange mechanics tensor. The four terms in Eq. (3) represent the power of the work done by
the inertial force, viscous force, body force and surface force. When the
The Lagrange’s equation in analytical mechanics is derived from system doesn’t contain non-conservative forces, the rates of change of
D’Alembert’s principle which is intended to transform the dynamic the kinetic energy and the potential energy satisfy the conservation
problem caused by inertial forces on the system of particles into a nodal condition and correspond to the energy equation in NS equations, which
statics problem. And the principle of virtual displacement guarantees is the expression of the first law of thermodynamics without considering
static equilibrium of the nodes, which means the total work done by the the enthalpy inside the system and the external heat source. It is worth
active force acting on the system of particles at any virtual displacement noting that the viscous term is generated by the internal friction of the
is equal to zero. The work done by the inertia force and other conser­ flowing fluid and is essentially non-conservative. However, the ability of
vative forces on the virtual displacement can be expressed by the kinetic the viscosity term to resist diffusion in fluids is equivalent to the ability
energy T and the potential energy U. Therefore, the Lagrange function is of the stiffness term to resist deformation in solids, therefore this paper
constructed from the difference between the kinetic energy and the includes the viscosity term in the calculation of the change rate of the
potential energy of the object, written as, L = T − U. By taking the potential energy. The "pseudo-potential energy" hypothesis is also
extreme condition of the above functional, the Lagrange’s equation of widely used in Hamilton equation of fluid mechanics.
the second kind can be expressed as follows: For the kinetic power Ṫ˙, dM = ρdV is commonly used to calculate the
( ) first item of Eq. (3) in solid mechanics, while in fluid mechanics Rey­
d ∂L ∂L
− =Q (1) nolds transport theorem is used. For the incompressible fluid, the
dt ∂Ẋ ∂X
expression is
where L is Lagrange function, Q is the non-conservative generalized d
∫ ∫ ∫
∫ ∫ ∫ [ ]
Ṫ = V ρ(Ẋ⋅Ẋ)dV = V ρ Ẍ + (Ẋ⋅∇)Ẋ ⋅ẊdV (4)
force matrix of the system, t is the time, and X and Ẋ are the generalized dt 2
coordinates of nodes and the derivatives of generalized coordinates with
The classical Lagrange’s equation is the extremum condition of
respect to time, respectively, the latter also known as generalized
Lagrange power functional, thus by taking the first-order variation of Eq.
(3), Euler-Lagrange differential equation and the boundary conditions
Under the scheme of Lagrange mechanics, Samy et al. [21] derived
can be obtained:
the motion governing equation of solids for VFIFE algorithm, which is
⎧ ( )
n! ( T d ∂L̇ ∂L̇
̂ + diag CT mC
C mC
⊗ I3 Ẍ + γẊ = CT ⊗ I3 (F − f) + P (2)

⎪ − = 0, in V
(n + 2)!
̂ ⎪

⎪ dX ∂ε⋅ ∂ Ẋ

δ(Ẋ) = 0, on SD (5)
where n is the dimension of finite elements, which is taken as 1 for line, 2 ⎪

⎪ ( )
for triangular, and 3 for tetrahedral elements, diag denotes a diagonal

⎪ ∂L̇
⎩ δ ⋅ = 0, on SN
matrix composed of elements on the diagonal and m ̂ is the diagonal ∂ε
matrix composed of the mass of elements, expressed as m ̂ = diag(m1 ,m2 ,
where SD and SN represent Dirichlet and Newmann boundary conditions,
⋯,mne ).Besides, F and f are the internal force matrix and external matrix
respectively. Eq. (5) is proposed in this paper for the first time as
acting on the element respectively; P represents point load vector; γ is
Lagrange’s equation of the second kind in fluid mechanics. Its form is
the damping coefficient; ⊗ is Kronecker product and I3 is three-
very similar to Lagrange’s equation in solid mechanics shown in Eq. (1),
dimensional identity matrix. In this paper, the connectivity matrix
but the stationary value of the difference between the kinetic energy and
C∈Rne×np (ne is the total number of elements, and np is the total number
potential energy is replaced by the stationary value of the difference
of nodes) is adopted to transform the element information into the node
between kinetic power and the potential power. Therefore, the time t no
information, which is defined as
longer appears as a basic variable and is replaced by generalized co­
1 (Node j is in the element i); ordinates in Euler reference frame. Substitute Eq. (3) and Eq. (4) into Eq.
Cij =
0 (Node j isn’ t in the element i) (5), and we can obtain
⎛ ([μ ] )⎞ ( [ ] )
For fluid mechanics, the D’Alembert’s principle transforms the
d ⎝∂ 2ε̇ − pI : ε̇ ⎠ ∂ ρ Ẍ + (Ẋ⋅∇)Ẋ − g ⋅Ẋ
transient dynamic problem into a steady-state dynamic problem, while −
dX ∂ε̇ ∂Ẋ (6)
the virtual velocity principle guarantees the steady-state dynamic bal­
ance of the nodes, which means, the sum of the powers of the active /
= Ẍ + (Ẋ⋅∇)Ẋ − g + ∇p ρ − ν∇2 Ẋ = 0
forces acting on the system of particles at any virtual velocity equals to
zero. Therefore, through the rate of change of kinetic energy Ṫ˙ and the
where kinematic viscosity coefficient ν can be obtained through ν=μ/ρ.
rate of change of potential energy U̇˙ per unit time, Lagrange power
And Dirichlet boundary condition and Newman boundary condition in
function L̇˙ is constructed. By taking the extremum conditions of
Eq. (5) can be further written as
Lagrange power functional, the inertia force and other conservative
forces of the fluid are balanced at the virtual velocity. The Lagrange Ẋ|SD = Const
power function can be expressed as: ν(∇Ẋ)⋅n − pn|SN = 0
∫ ∫ ∫ [ ( )]
( ⋅ ⋅) d ρ ) (μ ⋅ ⋅
It can be seen that the vector form expression (6) derived from the
L̇ X, X, ε = Ṫ − U̇ = Ẋ⋅Ẋ − ε : ε + ρg⋅Ẋ − pI : ε dV

dt 2 2 Lagrange’s equation of fluid mechanics is completely consistent with the
(3) momentum equation in the NS equations. And the boundary conditions
(7) correspond to the essential (or Dirichlet) and the natural (or Neu­
where ε̇˙, the deformation rate, is the partial derivative of the node ve­ mann) boundary conditions of the flowing fluid respectively. Thus, it
can be proved that the Lagrange’s equation of fluid mechanics proposed

locity with respect to generalized coordinates, written as ε = ∇Ẋ, and μ
is the dynamic viscosity coefficient. p and g are the fluid pressure (node in this paper is applicable to incompressible viscous fluids.
pressure) and the volume force respectively. ":" is the inner product of

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

3. VFIFE theory for incompressible fluids form of solid mechanics is modified to make the calculation process of
governing equations in fluid mechanics meet the requirements of VFIFE
3.1. Demerits of traditional algorithm as much as possible. The following is the calculation idea of vector form
of fluid mechanics proposed in this paper:
Since the theory of vector form of solid mechanics was proposed, For problem (b), in each element passed by, operator splitting al­
many scholars have made comprehensive explorations on the extension gorithm (OSA) is adopted to extract the nonlinear convection terms in
of the VFIFE theory to the field of fluid mechanics. However, no one has momentum equations as independent equations. Eq. (6) is split into
proposed vector form of fluid mechanics algorithm which can be used in generalized Stokes Eq. (8) dominated by the diffusion term and the
general fluid calculations or the fluid-structure interaction analysis. This convection Eq. (9) dominated by the convection term:
is because the extension of the VFIFE theory to the field of fluid me­ ⎧ ∗
chanics will encounter the following problems: ⎨ ∂Ẋ − ν[θ∇2 Ẋ∗ + (1 − θ)∇2 Ẋt ] = g − ∇(pt+Δt /ρ)

∂t (8)

⎩ t+Δt
(a) The VFIFE method studies the spatial position changes of a group ∇⋅Ẋ =0
of discrete particles with time based on Lagrange material co­
ordinates, while in fluid mechanics, Euler spatial coordinates are ∂Ẋ

+ (Ẋ ⋅∇)Ẋ = 0
∗∗ ∗∗
taken as the basis to study the change of a certain physical ∂t
quantity of the continuum passing through a group of space nodes
with time, such as mass, momentum, energy, etc. Therefore, the where the intermediate velocity variablesẊ , Ẋ satisfy the diffusion
∗ ∗∗

inverse motion of Lagrange moving grid is invalid for Euler fixed equation (the first line of Eq. (8)) and the convection Eq. (9), respec­
grid. tively, but may not satisfy the continuity equation (the second line of Eq.
(b) In Euler’s description, the material derivative of physical quan­ (8)). And θ in the diffusion equation takes 0 or 1 to represents the spatial
tities of particles includes the time partial derivative and the explicit integral or implicit integral respectively. Pozrikidis [29] pointed
space partial derivative. The latter is the convective term caused out that Crank-Nicolson implicit algorithm greatly improved the nu­
by changes of the spatial position in a non-uniform flow field, merical stability of the Stokes equation and decoupled the time steps and
whose existence makes the governing equation not self-adjoint, space steps. Since vector form of solid mechanics adopts central differ­
and thus leads to numerical oscillatory in the results of FEA. ence explicit algorithm, in order to maintain consistency, the pure
(c) The governing equation of VFIFE has the node displacement as diffusion equation without the convection term is explicitly solved in the
the only variable, while the governing equation of fluid dynamics proposed vector form of fluid mechanics. The relationship between the
has two, including node velocity and pressure. Since the velocity time step Δt and the space step ||Δx|| (which is equivalent to the
variable is one order higher than the pressure variable, the nu­ characteristic length of elements) must satisfied the following condition:
merical oscillatory will occur in the pressure field when the two ( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ / )
variables are solved in the same grid system. Δt ≤ min 2 ‖ Δxsolid ‖ ⋅ ρ/E, ‖ Δxfluid ‖2 (2ν) (10)
(d) When the momentum conservation of each particle is guaranteed
For problem (c), this paper applies Helmholtz–Hodge decomposition
in VFIFE, the mass and energy meet the conservation conditions
(HHD) to decompose the flow field in the diffusion equation into the
automatically. While in fluid mechanics, the conservation of
superposition of non-divergence velocity field and irrotational pressure
mass, momentum and energy of each space node must be satisfied
gradient field. Thus, the diffusion equation (the first line of Eq. (8)) can
respectively, which means that the number of governing equa­
be divided into independent equations of velocity and pressure, and
tions is more than that of solid mechanics. And unknown vari­
their dimensionless forms are as follows:
ables may not appear in all equations. For example, the node
pressure variable isn’t included in the continuity equation of Ẋ − Ẋ


incompressible fluids.
= ∇2 Ẋ + g (11)
Δt Re
(e) In VFIFE, explicit integration method based on the central dif­
ference is adopted. However, when the convection-diffusion Ẋ
− Ẋ

equation is solved by the explicit method in fluid mechanics, = − ∇pt+Δt (12)

most of the numerical solutions have no physical significance, or
even cannot be convergent at all. For example, in an equation ( 2)
where Re = ρ‖ Ẋ‖∞ ‖ Δx ‖/μ, Ẋ = Ẋ/‖ Ẋ‖∞ , p = p/ ρẊ∞ , t =
dominated by the convection term, when the most basic explicit
t‖ Ẋ‖∞ /‖ Δx ‖, in which ‖ Ẋ‖∞ is the characteristic velocity. Eq. (11) is
integration methods such as first-order forward difference and
the diffusion equation without the convection term and the pressure
central difference are used for time and space, the results are
term, also known as the Navier equation, which is equivalent to the
unconditionally unconvergent.
equilibrium equation in elastic dynamics. At the same time, with the
application of Stokes assumption which is the deformation compatibility
3.2. VFIFE implementation condition, Eq. (11) can then be converted into a governing equation
similar to that of vector form of solid mechanics for calculation.
Considering the above difficulties, it is almost impossible to develop In Eq. (11), the virtual power equation is established for the viscosity
a program of fluid mechanics in the conventional way of vector form of term and the source term on the right side of the equation, which is
solid mechanics. Therefore, in this paper, the solution idea of vector

( (∫ ) ∫ ) ∫
( ) 1 ∂Ẋ
δ U̇diff + U̇sour = (δẊ)T − BT BdV Ẋ + NT dS + (δẊ)T NT ρgdV
Re V S ∂n V (13)
( )
= (δẊ) C ⊗ I3 − f diff + F

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

in which the right side of the equation are the first-order convection
where fdiff is the equivalent viscous force matrix and the equivalent term, the second-order convection and the second-order diffusion term
external force matrix F contains the element surface force (surface ten­ respectively, and the virtual power equation is established for these
sion) and the element body force (gravity). Since direct node loads don’t three terms, which is as follows:
exist in the flow field, the node load vector P doesn’t exist compared [ ∫ ]
( ) ( ) T
with Eq. (2). The calculation of the strain rate matrix Bfluid in fluid δ U̇conv + U̇diff2 + U̇conv2 = (δẊ)T − NT BNT dV Ẋ Ẋ + O(Δt)
mechanics is { [ ∫ ] V
[∫ ] }
( )2 T T ( )T ( ) T
( ) (δẊ)T − BNT dV Ẋ Ẋ Ẋ + (δẊ)T BNT BNT dV ẊẊ Ẋ
∂ V V
Bfluid = ∇N = diag [ N 1 N2 N 3 N4 ] ⊗ I 3 (14) ( )
∂X = (δẊ)T CT ⊗ I3 − f conv + η2nd

On the other hand, the left side of Eq. (11) is (21)

where fconv is the equivalent internal force matrix and η2nd is the
( ∫ ) /
δ(Ṫ ) = (δẊ)T ρ NT NdV Ẍ = (δẊ)T M(Ẋ − Ẋ ) Δt (15)
∗ ∗ ∗

equivalent dissipative force with the consideration of the high-order
term of time. Since the proportion of η2nd is quite small, its effect at
Substitute Eq. (13) and Eq. (15) into the governing Eq. (11), a gov­ the boundary is ignored in this paper.
erning equation similar to Eq. (2) can be obtained. Known as the On the other hand, the left side of Eq. (20) is
diffusion governing equation, it can also be regarded as the first gov­ ( ∫ ) /
erning equation of vector form of fluid mechanics, which is as follows: δ(Ṫ ) = (δẊ)T ρ NT NdV Ẍ = (δẊ)T M(Ẋ − Ẋ ) Δt
∗∗ ∗∗ ∗∗ ∗
n! ( T ( )) t
( )
̂ + diag CT mC
C mC ⊗ I3 (Ẋ − Ẋ ) = CT ⊗ I3 F − f tdiff Δt

(n + 2)! By substituting Eq. (21) and Eq. (22) into governing Eq. (20), the
(16) second governing equation of vector form of fluid mechanics, known as
the convection governing equation, is as follows:
Since Eq. (16) is the explicit integral form of the first order ordinary ( )
differential equation of node velocity, its calculation is far more simple n! ( T ( T )) Δt 2 2nd
C mC+diag C mC ⊗I3 (Ẋ − Ẋ ) = CT ⊗I3 Δtf ∗conv +
∗∗ ∗
̂ ̂ η
than Eq. (2). The obtained intermediate velocity variableẊ is the so­

(n+2)! 2
lution of the diffusion equation at t+Δt, but does not satisfy the con­ (23)
vection equation, pressure Poisson equation and continuity equation. In order to improve the stability of FTBS difference scheme (for
As for the convection term which only exists in flowing fluids, there problem (e)), Wang et al. [31] introduced the dissipative term consid­
is no corresponding governing equation in vector form of solid me­ ering the effect of the high-order term of time into the
chanics. However, the first order hyperbolic partial differential Eq. (9), characteristic-based operator-splitting algorithm (CBOS). However,
which is formed after the convection term is extracted from the NS after a large number of calculations, the author finds that only when the
equation, is solved explicitly along a family of characteristic lines by fluid flows forward in the direction of characteristic lines (i.e., upwind
using the method of characteristic [23] (MOC). This method ensures the
or downwind, Ẍ ⋅Δx > 0) can the convection Eq. (20) get a reasonable

consistency of the shape function N of the fluid grid and that of the solid
numerical solution. While in the complex flow field where the wind
grid, and solves the numerical oscillation of the node velocity caused by
direction is difficult to be determined or changes rapidly, the existence
strong nonlinearity. (problem (b))
of high-order dissipative term makes the unconditionally instable Eq.
The total differential expression of Eq. (9) is written as dẊ /dt = 0,
(20) converge to the conditionally stable solution, but almost no correct
and through forward difference for the time domain and backward solution can be obtained. Therefore, this paper suggests to replace FTBS
difference for the space domain along the direction of characteristic difference scheme with MacCormack difference scheme to calculate
lines, known as FTBS [30] difference scheme, then we have total differential equations. In MacCormack difference scheme, through
Ẋ (X) − Ẋ (X − Δx)
∗∗ ∗ backward difference for the space domain along the direction of the
=0 (17) characteristic line, and then by forward differentiate for the interme­
diate velocity obtained, the average velocity is taken. The expression can
Taylor series expansion is applied for the diffusion veloc­ be written as:
ityẊ (X − Δx) on the characteristic line, and we obtain

Δt 2 Δt 2 ∗
(∇Ẋ )2 Ẋ − (Ẋ ⋅∇)2 Ẋ

Ẋ − Ẋ = Δt(Ẋ ⋅∇)Ẋ −
∘ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
1 ( ) ⎪

2 2
Ẋ (X − Δx) = Ẋ (X) − (Δx⋅∇)Ẋ (X) + (Δx⋅∇)2 Ẋ (X) + O Δx3 (18) ⎪
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

2 ⎪

Δt 2 Δt 2 ∗ (24)
Ẋ − Ẋ = − Δt(Ẋ ⋅∇)Ẋ + (∇Ẋ )2 Ẋ + (Ẋ ⋅∇)2 Ẋ
∘∘ ∘ ∗ ∘ ∗ ∘ ∘
In order to solve the nonlinear convection equation through explicit ⎪
⎪ 2 2

time integration algorithm, Taylor series expansion is carried out on the ⎪

⎩ Ẋ∗∗ = 1 (Ẋ∗ + Ẋ∘∘ )

relational expression of the time step and space step, which is 2
1 ∂Ẋ (X)

( )
(19) where Ẋ , Ẋ are the temporary velocities in MacCormack scheme be­
◦ ◦◦
Δx = Δt⋅Ẋ (X) + Δt 2 ⋅ + O Δt 3

2 ∂t
tween the intermediate velocity variables Ẋ , Ẋ . This scheme is proved
∗ ∗∗

Substitute Eq. (19) into Eq. (18) and omit higher-order terms, and to be an explicit algorithm to suppress the fluctuation of the differential
substitute the obtained equation in to Eq. (17), then an expression of solution with parity loss. However, the time step of explicit integration is
convection equation discrete along velocity grid (X) can be obtained: still strictly constrained by the space step. When the convection effect is
strong, the time step (10) of the diffusion equation cannot satisfy the
Δt 2 ∗ Δt 2 ( ∗ ) ∗
Ẋ − Ẋ = − Δt(Ẋ ⋅∇)Ẋ + (Ẋ ⋅∇)(Ẋ ⋅∇)Ẋ − Ẍ ⋅∇ Ẋ
∗∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
convection equation [32], therefore it is necessary to divide a diffusion
2 2
time step Δt1 into multiple convection time steps with Δt2 as the
Δt 2 ∗ Δt 2
= − Δt(Ẋ ⋅∇)Ẋ + [Ẋ ⋅∇(Ẋ ⋅∇)]Ẋ − [ − (Ẋ ⋅∇)Ẋ ⋅∇]Ẋ (20) sub-time step. And take the final convection velocity at the moment nΔt2
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

2 2
(nΔt2≤Δt1) as the initial convection velocity at the moment n + 1,then
2 2
= − Δt(Ẋ ⋅∇)Ẋ +
∗ ∗ Δt
(Ẋ ⋅∇)2 Ẋ +
∗ ∗ Δt
(∇Ẋ )2 Ẋ
∗ ∗ substitute it into Eq. (24) and execute h cycles until the final convection
2 2 velocity at t+Δt is obtained.
The fluid pressure and boundary conditions are not used in the above

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

calculation, which is because the fluid pressure can be uniquely deter­ ⎧ ∫ t

T ∂Ẋ
( )
mined by Helmholtz’s theorems from the global acceleration of NS ⎪
⎪ M (Ẋ

− Ẋ
) = F − f t
Δt + N dS
⎪ f f
equation and the acceleration after the diffusion- convection under the ⎪


⎪ S
condition of a constant difference [33], and the pressure boundary has ⎪

no effect on the internal convection and diffusion process. Therefore, the

⎪ Δt 2 2nd
Mf (Ẋ − Ẋ ) = Δtf ∗conv +
⎨ ∗∗ ∗
final velocity obtained in the non-divergence velocity field can be 2 (31)

⎪ ∫
regarded as the initial velocity in irrotational pressure gradient field. ⎪
⎪ 1 ∗∗ ∂p t+Δt

⎪ Kf pt+Δt = − f div + NT dS
Through solving the pressure gradient ∇pt+Δt in Eq. (12), the final ve­

⎪ Δt ∂n

⎪ S
t+Δt ⎪
locity Ẋ of NS equation can be determined. ⎩ t+Δt
Mf (Ẋ − Ẋ ) = − ΔtFpres
Get the divergence of momentum Eq. (6) derived from the
Lagrange’s equation of fluid mechanics, in which the non-divergence
where Mf and Kf are mass matrix and stiffness matrix of the fluid
velocity field (11) becomes zero, and only the divergence expression
respectively. As is shown clearly, the Newman boundary conditions of
of the irrotational pressure gradient field (12) remains, which is
velocity and pressure are applied to the first and third equation on Eq.
1 t+Δt (31) respectively. The Dirichlet boundary conditions of velocity are
∇⋅(Ẋ − Ẋ ) = − ∇2 pt+Δt (25)

Δt applied to the first and fourth equation on Eq. (31) respectively, while
Since the node velocity at t+Δt satisfies the continuity equation (the the Dirichlet boundary condition of pressure is applied to the third
second line of Eq. (8)), Eq. (25) becomes the pressure Poisson equation: equation. In case that computation diverges or the high-order term of
time results in excessive dissipation, the second equation shouldn’t
∇⋅Ẋ = Δt⋅∇2 pt+Δt (26) contain any boundary conditions. Overall, when the nodal velocity and

external force vectors at t are given, the velocity and pressure distribu­
The above equation is the relation between the fluid velocity and the
tions at t + Δt can be explicitly obtained with Eq. (31).
pressure. Multiply both sides of the equation by the virtual pressure δp to
establish the virtual power equation of residual energy:
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ 4. Large eddy simulation with vfife
∫ ∫ ∫
1 T⎝ T T ∂p
N BdV Ẋ = (δp) N dS − (δp) T
B BdV ⎠pt+Δt

(δp) ⎠
∂n Considering the time cost and calculation accuracy, the large eddy
V S V simulation is used in the turbulence calculation of VFIFE. The effec­
(27) tiveness of the large eddy simulation mainly depends on the initial
conditions, the filtering of turbulence fluctuation and the construction of
then the third governing equation of vector form of fluid mechanics, sub-grid stress model. Therefore, this section mainly investigates the
known as the pressure Poisson equation, is as follows: setting methods of the above three items, then the filtered grid node

⎞ ⎛

∫ velocity and the updated viscosity coefficient are substituted into Eq. (8)
⎝ BT BdV ⎠pt+Δt = 1 ⎝ − BN dV ⎠Ẋ + NT
T ∗∗ ∂pt+Δt
dS (28) to solve the NS equation using the process of VFIFE discussed in section
Δt ∂n 3. Therefore, these key steps of large eddy simulation can be regarded as
the pre-processing work before solving the governing equations of
The pressure variable satisfies the continuity equation through the vector form of fluid mechanics.
above equation, thus the problem that the fluid pressure cannot be
associated with the mass conservation equation proposed in problem (d)
can be solved. 4.1. Modification of governing equation
Substitute the pressure term ∇pt+Δt obtained in the previous step into
Eq. (12) and update the intermediate velocity variable Ẋ
to get the To give a set of initial conditions that not only satisfy the continuity
t+Δt equation and all boundary conditions but also conform to the prescribed
node velocity Ẋ , which satisfies
turbulence intensity and energy spectrum distribution is quite difficult.
⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
∫ t+Δt ∫ Therefore, in VFIFE large eddy simulation calculations of this paper, the
t+Δt ∂Ẋ
T⎝ T
δ(Ṫ ) = (δẊ) ρ N NdV ⎠ T T
= (δẊ) ⎝ B BdV ⎠pt+Δt (29) steady flow is calculated at first through the k-ω SST model in Fluent to
V V obtain the mean velocity distribution. Then with the mean velocity
distribution as the initial condition, the large eddy simulation is used to
then the fourth governing equation of vector form of fluid mechanics, calculate the later unsteady flow. In addition, in order to the separate
known as the velocity correction equation, is as follows: large eddy of resolved-scale from the sub-grid scale eddy of unresolved-
scale, this paper filters variables ϕ(ξ, t) in NS equation which can refer to
n! ( T ( )) t+Δt ( )
̂ + diag CT mC
C mC ⊗ I3 (Ẋ − Ẋ ) = CT ⊗ I3 − ΔtFpres
̂ velocity, pressure, etc. by the scale ofΔ in physical space to obtain
(n + 2)!
variables ϕ(X, t) of resolved-scale, which can be written as
∫ +∞
where the equivalent external force Fpres represents the fluid pressure. ϕ(X, t) = ϕ(ξ, t)G(X − ξ, Δ)dξ (32)
− ∞
The node velocity Ẋ obtained from the above equation satisfies the
diffusion equation, convection equation and pressure Poisson equation, where G(X − ξ, Δ) is the filter function, and Δ is the characteristic scale
thus it can be used as the velocity of the fluid node at t+Δt. Unlike the of the filter. In convenience, this paper selects the three-dimensional
traditional VFIFE method for solid mechanics, all the governing equa­ cassette filter (ΔX , ΔY , ΔZ ) in physical space for the large eddy simu­
tions for fluid mechanics are on the basis of Euler coordinate system, so lation calculation, whose filter function is given as
the reverse motion in the Lagrange coordinate system no longer exists ⎧
(for problem (a)).

⎨ 1 ΔX ΔY ΔZ
, |X − ξ| ≤ , |Y − η| ≤ , |Z − ζ| ≤
To sum up, the governing equations of vector form of intrinsic finite G(X − ξ, Δ) = ΔX ΔY ΔZ 2 2 2

element method for incompressible fluids are listed as ⎩ 0, others
By applying the filtering algorithm to the transient NS Eq. (6) of

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

incompressible fluids, the momentum equation with large-scale motion the model parameter, and for Smagorinsky model we take cm=0.1. After
variable (large eddy) can be obtained: explicitly calculating the sub-grid eddy viscosity coefficient, the sub-grid
( ) / Reynolds stress of Eq. (35) is substituted into Lagrange’s equation of the
Ẍ + ∇⋅ Ẋ ẊT = g − ∇p ρ + ν∇2 Ẋ − ∇⋅τ sgs (34) second kind, and the derivative with respect to generalized coordinates
is obtained:
T ⎛ ⎞
where sub-grid Reynolds stress τ sgs = ẊẊ − Ẋ ẊT represents the mo­
( ) ( )
mentum transport between the filtered small-scale fluctuation and − ∇⋅τ sgs = ∇⋅vsgs ∇Ẋ + ∇Ẋ = ∇⋅ vsgs ∇Ẋ + ∇ vsgs ⏟̅⏞⏞̅⏟
T ⎝ ∇⋅Ẋ ⎠ = vsgs ∇2 Ẋ
resolved-scale turbulence. In this paper, the classic sub-grid eddy vis­ 0
cosity model is adopted, which means the sub-grid Reynolds stress has (37)
the same form as the viscous stress term in the NS equation:
⎛ ⎛ ⎞⎞ in which the principle that mixed partial derivative is independent of the
1( ) 1 T
sequence is applied, expressed as ∇⋅(∇Ẋ)T = ∇(∇⋅Ẋ). The magnitude
τ sgs = − 2vsgs ⎝ ∇Ẋ + ∇Ẋ −
T ⎝∇⋅Ẋ ⎠I⎠ (35)
2 3 ⏟̅̅⏞⏞̅̅⏟ and essence of the viscous stress generated by the fluid motion and the
sub-grid Reynolds stress generated by the turbulent fluctuation are quite
where νsgs is sub-grid eddy viscosity coefficient, corresponding to the different, but expressions of the two stresses are highly consistent,
kinetic viscosity coefficient νof the fluid. The sub-grid eddy viscosity therefore they can be combined in the momentum equation. Thus, in
large eddy simulation, NS equation of incompressible fluids can be
coefficient based on velocity gradient ∇Ẋ is adopted in this paper, the
expressed as
general format of which is given as
(36) ∇⋅Ẋ = (0 (38)
vsgs = (cm |Δ|)2 Γm (Ẋ) ) / ( )
Ẋ + ∇⋅ Ẋ ẊT = g − ∇p ρ + v + vsgs ∇2 Ẋ
where |Δ| is the characteristic length of the filter and this paper adopts The solution process of VFIFE in Eq. (38) is exactly the same as the
Deardorff characteristic length [34], i.e., |Δ|vol = 3 ΔX ΔY ΔZ . Γm (Ẋ) is steps in 3.2. In order to obtain accurate results, it is necessary to ensure
the model function related to the grid velocity after filtering, and the that the filtered grid velocity can distinguish most turbulent kinetic
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ energy and set reasonable sub-grid eddy viscosity coefficient.
classic Smagorinsky model [28] is adopted, i.e., Γm (Ẋ) = 2ε̇ : ε̇. cm is

Fig. 1. Flowchart of VFIFE-LES algorithm.

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

4.2. Numerical procedure with VFIFE solution of the multi-grid method to solve the basic equations of fluid
mechanics, and gave the calculation curve and detailed result data.
The package of VFIFE large eddy simulation contains four subpro­ Considering the existence of stable laminar flow solution [36] in a
gram libraries, which are presented by four boxes in dashed line frames, square cavity flow with Reynolds number less than 5000, the calculation
as shown in Fig. 1. From top to bottom, they are: LES library, diffusion based on VFIFE is applied for the two-dimensional square cavity flow
equation library, convection equation library, and pressure-velocity with Reynolds number between 100 and 5000 in this paper.
equation library. At the input side, we mesh the computational model Fig. 2 shows the analysis model of Ghia cavity flow. The dimen­
and provide known variables at the boundary. According to the physical sionless characteristic length of the two-dimensional square cavity flow
characteristics of the flow field to be analyzed, a set of initial conditions in X and Y directions is 1. The dimensionless characteristic velocity
is given, or use commercial package to generate initial values of vari­ driven by the lid is 1, and the liquid density is 1. Different Reynolds
ables. To carry out the large eddy simulation, enter the LES library. Since numbers are obtained by adjusting the viscosity coefficient. All surfaces
the final calculation results of turbulent field are highly dependent on except the top surface are adopted non-slip boundary conditions, and
the given initial conditions, this paper suggests that at first Reynolds the point at the cavity coordinate (0,0) is taken as the pressure reference
average method (RANS) is used to calculate the steady flow, and the point, with the pressure there set as 0. In the following, the results ob­
mean velocity distribution of the entire flow field is obtained. With the tained by the algorithm proposed in this paper are compared with classic
mean velocity distribution as the initial condition, the large eddy literatures from several aspects, such as Reynolds number, grid density
simulation is used to calculate the later unsteady flow. Then, according and time intervals.
to the process in 4.1, grid variables are filtered and the sub-grid eddy
viscosity coefficient is solved to enter the following diffusion equation (1) Reynolds number
library. The returned velocity Ẋ , as the initial variable, is input to the

following convective equation library. It is worth noting that the time Fig. 3 shows the distribution of horizontal velocity U along the
step of subprogram libraries except the convection equation library is vertical centerline and vertical velocity V along the horizontal centerline
Δt, and only in the convection equation library, n loops are executed to when Reynolds numbers are 100, 1000 and 5000 respectively. In this
meet the convergence requirement of the overall algorithm. Through the paper, the velocity obtained under a 50 × 50 grid is compared with that
returned intermediate velocity variable Ẋ , the pressure and velocity
∗∗ calculated by Ghia et al. with 129 × 129 grid. It is found that when the
variables at time t+Δt are solved in turn. If the difference between the Reynolds numbers are 100 and 1000, the results agree with each other,
velocity at this moment and the velocity at t is less than 1E-6, the and the absolute value of average errors are 1.38% and 3.20%, respec­
calculation can be considered convergence. Otherwise, the velocity tively. However, when the Reynolds number is 5000, a certain deviation
should return to the diffusion equation library for the next iteration. If of the extreme velocity at the boundary condition will occur. Compared
the flow field to be analyzed can be simplified to the laminar flow, Euler with the result obtained by Ghia et al. under a 257 × 257 grid, the ab­
equation, or Stokes equation, the LES library, diffusion equation library, solute value of average error under this condition reaches 12.04%, but
and convection equation library can be skipped respectively in this the number of grids used in this paper is only 7.57% of that of Ghia,
package. Note that the solution of pressure-velocity equation is the most which greatly saves calculation costs. The absolute value of average
critical step of the VFIFE large eddy simulation algorithm in this paper. error π [37] adopted in this paper is defined as:
(⃒ ⃒ ⃒ ⃒)
1 ∑ ⃒UVFIFE − UGhia ⃒ ⃒V VFIFE − V Ghia ⃒
i i i i
5. Numerical examples π= + (39)
2np i=1 UGhia
i V Ghia

5.1. Driven cavity flow Fig. 4 shows the streamlines in various states after the VFIFE calcu­
lation reaches stability when the Reynolds number changes from 100 to
The lid-driven cavity flow is a classical example used to verify the 5000. It can be seen that the position of the vortex center gradually shifts
accuracy of numerical methods. Ghia [35] adopted the difference to the center of the cavity as the Reynolds number increases. The sec­
ondary vortices at two corners of the cavity bottom become larger
gradually, and their sizes tend to be the same. Starting from Re=3200, a
new secondary vortex is separated from the upper left corner of the
cavity, and in the lower right corner of the cavity, a tiny tertiary sepa­
ration vortex is generated when Re=5000. These trends are in good
agreement with the flow images obtained by Gupta [38] with the
application of streamfunction-velocity formulation, which indicates that
VFIFE algorithm can well simulate small-scale physical quantities in
The central coordinates of the primary vortex and the secondary
vortex under different Reynolds numbers are tracked in this paper, and
compared with the calculation results given by numerous literatures
[35,38-40], as shown in Fig. 5. The central coordinate is obtained by
taking the minimum of the flow function. Since the differences of
analysis method and iteration method, the coordinates given by various
literatures are slightly different, but the range of coordinates and the
trend of variation are consistent with the results calculated in this paper.
The result of this paper is highly consistent with that of other literatures
in the central vortex, among which, for all vortices and Reynolds
numbers, the coordinate obtained by Hou et al. with the application of
lattice Boltzmann method shows the highest agreement. Therefore, it
can be known that the small-scale vortex captured under the 50 × 50
grid in this paper fully meets the calculation accuracy.
Fig. 2. Configuration of the lid-driven cavity flow.

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

Fig. 3. Comparison of centerline velocities under different Re.

Fig. 4. Streamlines for different Re.

Fig. 5. Location of the centers of primary and secondary vortex.

(2) Space and time intervals to the exact solutions provided by Gupta [38] and Wang [41]. When the
grid is 50 × 50, the numerical oscillation of physical quantity can be
In Fig. 6, taking the square cavity flow with Re=1000 as an example, eliminated. Besides, although the calculation results under 50 × 50 and
the vorticity field (upper row) and pressure contours (lower row) are 100 × 100 grids are quite close, the amounts of calculation are several
drawn when the velocity and pressure in the VFIFE calculation in this times different. Therefore, the 50 × 50 grid is recommended in this
paper adopt the same grids, which are 25 × 25, 50 × 50 and 100 × 100 paper to ensure accuracy and save time.
respectively. It can be seen from the figure that, with the increase of grid The sizes of spatial step and time step have great influence on the
density, the vorticity diagram and pressure contour become smoother convergence of the VFIFE calculation. Because the velocity equation and
when the calculation reaches a stable state and the results are very close the pressure equation adopt the same spatial grid, it is difficult to get the

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

Fig. 6. Vorticity field and pressure contours with respect to grid size.

Fig. 7. Convergence history of velocity with respect to time intervals.

convergent calculation result if the time steps are also the same. the greatest influence on the computational stability. Fig. 7 shows the
Therefore, the same time step Δt1 is adopted for the diffusion Eq. (16), convergence history of L2 norm [25] of the node velocity with iterative
the pressure Eq. (28) and the velocity correction Eq. (30), while a steps when different time steps are adopted for the square cavity flow
smaller time step Δt2 is adopted for the convection Eq. (23), which has with Re=1000 and a 50 × 50 grid. After the time Δt1, when all governing

Table 1
Convergence data and relative error of centerline velocities from VFIFE algorithm.
Reynolds number Convergence time (s) Iteration number Relative error π (%)

100 1000 5000 100 1000 5000 100 1000 5000

Grid density 25 × 25 9.01 19.65 -* 790 5147 – 1.55 4.97 –

50 × 50 20.33 45.94 73.83 492 2320 6314 1.38 3.20 12.04
100 × 100 91.9 270.35 316.29 203 1824 4257 1.10 2.44 11.91

Time interval 0.01 18.51 141.72 – 414 6628 – 3.32 7.49 –

0.005 20.33 45.94 69.20 492 2320 6155 1.38 3.20 22.82
0.001 41.83 52.21 73.83 1110 3306 6314 0.09 1.47 12.04

*The symbol "-" indicates that the calculation diverges or fails to converge below 1E-6 within 10,000 steps.

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

equations of VFIFE are calculated, the next iteration is carried out. As 5.2. Flows around the silsoe cube
can be seen from the figure, the overall time step Δt1 has a great influ­
ence on the convergence of the calculation, while the time step Δt2 of the British Silsoe Research Institute (SRI) measured the wind pressure
convective equation is very effective to shorten the convergence process distribution in the natural wind field of a cube building with a side
and smooth the numerical oscillation. Therefore, after determining the length of 6 m, and provided detailed local velocities, geomorphic fea­
spatial step size of VFIFE, Eq. (10) is used to determine the overall time tures and other key parameters. Therefore, Silsoe Cube in open field is
step Δt1, and Δt2 is subdivided to improve the efficiency of convergence widely used in wind engineering field to verify the accuracy of wind
under the trend of overall convergence. It is worth noting that when Δt2 field simulation algorithm. The solid model for field measurement,
is small enough to a certain range, little influence on the number of scaled model for wind tunnel test and finite element model for calcu­
iteration steps and the final result have occurred. Therefore, this paper lation in this paper of Silsoe Cube are shown in Fig. 8(a-c). The calcu­
advices to set Δt2 as about 1/10 of Δt1 to save calculation cost. lation parameters and boundary conditions of the model are shown in
When taking different Reynolds numbers, space and time steps, Table 2.
through the calculation of VFIFE, the convergence time, iteration For the velocity distribution at the entrance, both Richards’ wind
numbers, and the absolute value of average error π between the velocity tunnel modelling [43] and LES modelling [44] adopted logarithmic
values on the two centerlines and these calculated by Ghia et al., are wind profiles, while Irtaza’s wind tunnel experiment [45] and Ong’s
shown in Table 1. As can be seen from the table, both adopting fine grids large eddy simulation [46] adopted exponential wind profiles. For
and reducing time step can improve calculation accuracy, and the latter simple calculation, the exponential wind profile is adopted in this paper.
is far more effective in reducing calculation time and error than the The average wind velocity and turbulence intensity at the top of the
former. However, coarser grids tend to produce non-physical oscilla­ building are 9.52 m/s and 19.3% respectively, and the velocity distri­
tions of the pressure and the discontinuity of boundary layer flux, bution at the entrance is shown in Eq. (40). Fig. 9 shows the data
resulting in a serrated flow diagram. Therefore, the grid resolution comparison in time-average velocity and turbulence intensity between
should increase with the increase of Reynolds number. And when the the wind speed function adopted in this paper, the local measurement of
grid resolution is so high that it has little effect on calculation results, the SRI, the wind tunnel experiment, the CFD calculation result of Ong, and
time step should be reduced to improve the calculation accuracy and the basic wind speed given by Eurocode [47]. It can be seen that the
efficiency. entrance wind speed adopted in this model is quite close to the field
measured data, so as to ensure the reliability of boundary conditions. For

Fig. 8. Schematic of Silsoe Cube.

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

Table 2
Calculation parameters of Silsoe Cube.
Density Viscosity Computation Inlet boundary Outlet Ground and cube Other boundaries
domain boundary surface
1.1614 kg/ 1.846 × 10− Ns/ 96 m × 30 m × 18m Exponential wind velocity Eq. Gauge pressure No slip boundary Slip wall (symmetry
m3 m2 (40) boundary)

Fig. 9. Vertical profiles of the velocity field statistics in the precursor simulation.

the large eddy simulation of turbulent flows, the finite element model in In this paper, the laminar flow results calculated by the VFIFE
Fig. 8(c) is firstly calculated by k-ω SST model in Fluent 2018, and the method in section 2 and the turbulent flow results calculated by the LES
obtained final node velocity and pressure are substituted into the VFIFE method in section 3 are compared with classic literatures [42,43,46].
program proposed in this paper as node variable values at the initial The comparison results of the mean pressure coefficients on the vertical
time. The other entrance turbulence parameters in RANS analysis are ring and the horizontal ring of Silsoe Cube are shown in Fig. 10. It can be
default in Fluent, while the entrance turbulence fluctuation in LES seen from Fig. 10(a) and Fig. 10(b) that there is a general agreement
analysis is obtained by Aboshosha’s consistent discrete random inflow among all the results on the windward side. The magnitude and location
generator [48]. of the maximum pressure obtained with VFIFE are consistent with the
{ results of other literatures, except for the partial deviation compared
‖ Ẋ‖∞ = 9.52(Z/H0 )1/7 with Richards’ wind tunnel experiment. However, the pressure distri­
0 ≤ Z ≤ 3H0 (40)
Iu = 0.193(Z/H0 )− 1/7 butions on the top and side of the Silsoe Cube appear a large deviation.
This is because when the fluid drops sharply from positive wind pressure

Fig. 10. Mean pressure distributions around the cube.

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

to negative wind pressure on the windward side, the flow field shows region properly. Reducing yplus values in the viscous sublayer or
strong turbulent characteristics. The k-ω SST model and VFIFE laminar adopting multiple wall treatment method can effectively prevent this
flow model can not accurately reflect the real flow condition of the flow situation, but the calculation cost will increase accordingly. Relatively
field at this place. The pressure coefficient calculated through LES using speaking, the pressure on the leeward side C changes little, and the
Fluent on the leeward side is generally large, while the pressure coef­ pressure coefficient on the whole side is about − 0.3. Therefore, the error
ficient obtained by the laminar flow model of VFIFE in this paper is between the pressure contour captured by this algorithm and TPU data
relatively small. At this time, by greatly adjusting the default Smagor­ is within the range of 1E-2. In conclusion, the VFIFE large eddy simu­
insky coefficient CS in Fluent or increasing the equivalent dissipative lation algorithm proposed in this paper can accurately reflect the pres­
force η2nd which considers the higher order term of time about 3–5 times sure gradient change in the flow field.
in the calculation of VFIFE in this paper, a reasonable pressure can be Since the mean velocity setting at the entrance and the mean pres­
obtained on the leeward side. However, considering the calculation sure distribution on the cube faces are basically consistent with litera­
accuracy of the whole flow field, this adjustment is not a wise choice. On tures, it can be concluded that the VFIFE large eddy simulation
the whole, the result of VFIFE-LES algorithm is most consistent with the algorithm in this paper can reflect the real flow conditions in the flow
full-size model by Richards’ field measurement. field well. Fig. 12 shows mean streamlines around the Silsoe Cube and
Although the results of pressure distribution on each centerline are we can easily observe the horseshoe vortices around the cube. The dis­
not significantly different from those in Richards’ literature on the tribution of vortices is very similar to the calculation result obtained by
whole, the data at individual monitoring points cannot reflect the Richards [44] using the large eddy simulation parallel algorithm
pressure distribution on all cube surfaces. In order to further verify the developed by Armfield [50] based on the finite volume method. How­
accuracy of pressure contours obtained by VFIFE large eddy simulation ever, the diverting point above the cube in this paper is not on the arris
in this paper and locate unreasonable distribution areas, the pressure between the windward and top faces, but about 5% inside the top face.
contours on typical faces of Silsoe Cube are presented in Fig. 11. On the This provides a good explanation for the positive pressure area in side B
other hand, the aerodynamics database [49] of Tokyo Polytechnic (or D) in Fig. 11. An effective method is to make the grid partition
University recorded in detail the time history data of pressure co­ around the cube to be fine enough, and at the same time, the detached
efficients in a large number of monitoring points uniformly distributed eddy simulation (DES) is used to reduce the calculation amount of the
on all faces of several square buildings of different proportions in the 10 near wall area. Although the VFIFE large eddy simulation algorithm
min wind tunnel experiment, referred to as TPU data. This paper adopts proposed in this paper captures the vortex region near the windward and
the TPU data with the length-width-height ratio of 1, roof slope of 0 and leeward sides of the cube well, it fails to reflect the top vortex region
wind direction perpendicular to the facade of the building, and takes the obtained by Hu [51] through the improved delayed detached eddy
average of the detection time. Then, the white dashed line in Fig. 11 simulation (IDDES). This is a problem worth improving in the following
represents the contour line of the mean pressure coefficient of each research of the algorithm proposed in this paper. In a word, VFIFE al­
monitoring point on the surface of the cube. gorithm can obtain satisfactory results with a small number of grids,
As can be seen from Fig. 11, the calculation results of VFIFE large which can be applied in some small-scale engineering.
eddy simulation algorithm in this paper are smoother on the windward
side A, but the local maximum pressure at the center of the arris 6. Conclusion
touching the ground is much smaller than that of TPU. This is caused by
underdeveloped turbulent flow at the entrance. At top B and side D, both Aiming at the extension and application of VFIFE to the field of fluid
TPU data and aforementioned Richards’ result gradually rise from the mechanics, this paper establishes the theory of vector form of fluid
lowest negative pressure coefficient to − 0.3. However, a small area of mechanics and proposes corresponding calculation idea and process.
positive pressure appears unexpectedly in VFIFE calculation in this The findings mainly include:
paper. It’s mainly because the mesh is unable to resolve the near-wall (1) Imitating the second Lagrange’s equation in solid mechanics, the

Fig. 11. Mean pressure contours on the cube faces.

A. Samy et al. Computers and Fluids 279 (2024) 106319

Fig. 12. Mean streamlines around the cube: (a) isometric view; (b) XOY plain view; (c) XOZ plain view.

Lagrange power function with the generalized velocity as the variable is examples that for the laminar flow with low Reynolds number, the
constructed. By taking the first order variational of the functional, the vector form of fluid mechanics algorithm proposed in this paper can
governing equation of motion of incompressible viscous fluids is obtain the results with relatively high precision by using a small number
derived. Thus, the continuum mechanics is successfully incorporated of grids. The rate of convergence mainly depends on the time step
into the framework of analytical mechanics, which provides a funda­ adopted by the second governing equation, also known as the convec­
mental formulation for proposing a unified computational expression in tion equation.
vector form of solid mechanics and fluid mechanics. (3) For turbulent flow, VFIFE can be well combined with the large
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