Harnessing Organisational Learning for Enhanced Innovativeness

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Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN1963

Harnessing Organisational Learning for

Enhanced Innovativeness
Dr. M Vanishree Varshini
Associate Professor, Final Year Student,
Department of BBA & MA HRM, Department of BBA & MA HRM,
Ethiraj College for Women, Ethiraj College for Women,
Chennai, India Chennai, India

Abstract:- This study explores the interplay between this research aims to disentangle the causal relationship
organizational learning (OL) and organizational between the same.
innovativeness (OI) within the automotive sector.
Drawing on a sample of 120 employees, it employs causal II. INDUSTRY PROFILE
and cross-sectional methods to examine how OL predicts
OI and whether these dynamics vary by employee The automobile industry has always been an
designation and gender. Findings reveal a significant indispensable sector in the global economy, encompassing
positive relationship between OL and OI, with OL the design, development, manufacturing, marketing, and sale
explaining 97.4% of the variance in OI. The study of motor vehicles. This industry is characterized by
underscores the critical role of continuous learning in significant technological advancements and innovation,
fostering innovation and maintaining competitive particularly in areas such as electric vehicles (EVs),
advantage in dynamic industries. autonomous driving, and connected car technologies. Major
players include multinational corporations like Toyota,
Keywords:- Organizational Learning, Organizational Volkswagen, General Motors, and Ford, alongside emerging
Innovativeness, Automotive Industry, Introduction. companies like Tesla. The industry has been dealing with
various challenges such as regulatory pressures for reduced
I. INTRODUCTION emissions, shifting consumer preferences towards sustainable
and shared mobility solutions, and supply chain disruptions.
Organizational learning is quintessential for adapting to Despite these challenges, the automobile industry continues
a changing work environment and evolving into a dynamic to grow and adapt, driven by evolving market dynamics and
system. A learning organization (LO) is meticulously technological progress. Key trends include the increasing
managed with learning embedded in its values, vision, and importance of software and digital services, the rise of ride-
daily operations. It fosters and establishes vicinity where sharing and mobility-as-a-service (MaaS) platforms, and a
individuals perennially enhance their capabilities, promote strong focus on sustainability and reducing carbon footprints.
expansive thinking, and work efficaciously together. Additionally, global trade dynamics, tariffs, and geopolitical
Organizational learning aligns with strategic goals such as factors significantly influence the industry's landscape,
performance improvement and competitive advantage, necessitating strategic agility and innovation.
ensuring long-term corporate success. Effective
organizational learning occurs at individual and team levels, For the automotive sector to stay competitive and
integrating five interconnected subsystems: learning, adaptable to quick changes in the market and developments
organization, people, knowledge, and technology. It in technology, organizational learning and innovation are
emphasizes humanistic approaches, creative thinking, and essential. Through continuous learning, businesses may
collective learning practices, addressing skills acquisition, better respond to changing customer preferences, comply
problem-solving, experimentation, knowledge transfer, and with regulations, increase efficiency, improve product
conflict resolution. Organizational innovativeness (OI) quality, and adapt to new technology. Organizational
enhances an organization’s survival and success, inventiveness also propels the creation of novel features,
incorporating creativity, openness, future orientation, risk- environmentally friendly technologies, and fresh business
taking, and proactiveness. OI positively impacts the work strategies that provide businesses a competitive edge, save
environment and competitiveness, providing sustainable expenses, and boost consumer happiness. When combined,
competitive advantages. It involves introducing new these skills help automotive businesses draw in top
processes, services, people, or technologies to drive personnel, successfully manage risks, and maintain long-term
workforce changes. Both organizational learning and success in a fast-paced sector.
innovativeness are vital in the knowledge-based economy of
globalization, signifying new actions, views, and behaviors.
While previous studies have explored and extrapolated the
direct impact of organizational learning on innovativeness,

IJISRT24JUN1963 www.ijisrt.com 2454

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN1963

III. LITERATURE REVIEW However, Thein Than Toe et al. (2021) in Myanmar noted
that OI had a more pronounced impact on OP than OL,
The examination of organizational learning (OL) and suggesting that innovation might play a more critical role
organizational innovativeness (OI) across various industries than learning in some contexts. Similarly, Arini Al-Haq et al.
reveals nuanced impacts on organizational performance (OP). (2021) in Indonesia and Muhammad Usman et al. (2017) in
Werlang et al. (2019) found that in the service sector, Pakistan found that OL positively impacts innovative
specifically within hotels in Santa Catarina, Brazil, OL behavior and competitive advantage, respectively, mediated
positively influenced OI, yet neither OL nor OI directly by organizational culture and innovation. Finally, Petrovic et
enhanced OP. This suggests that while fostering learning and al. (2018) and Mohammed Amal et al. (2020) highlighted the
innovation is crucial, it might not be sufficient alone to drive significant contributions of OL to different types of
performance improvements without other mediating factors. innovation in Serbia’s hotel industry and the textile industry
Contrastingly, Son RADU et al. (2013) reported that in the within regional clusters, respectively. These findings
Asian food manufacturing industry, both OL and OI emphasize the importance of context-specific factors and the
positively affected OP, highlighting a sectoral difference complex interplay between learning, innovation, and
where the manufacturing context may provide a more direct performance. Overall, the literature consistently supports the
translation of learning and innovation into performance positive relationship between organizational learning and
gains. This indicates that the impact of OL and OI on OP can innovation. However, the direct impact of these factors on
vary significantly depending on the industry's nature and performance varies across different industries and contexts,
specific contextual factors. Eta Wahab et al. (2018) extended suggesting that additional mediating variables, such as
this understanding in Pakistan’s telecom sector by leadership, employee engagement, and organizational
demonstrating that OL and OI both positively impact OP, culture, play critical roles in realizing the full benefits of
with OI mediating the relationship between OL and OP. This learning and innovation.
mediation effect underscores the critical role of innovation in
converting learning into tangible performance benefits, IV. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
suggesting that merely acquiring knowledge is not enough;
organizations must also effectively innovate to realize  To ascertain if organizational learning predicts
performance improvements. In a study by Hendry et al. organizational innovation.
(2018-2020) involving Bali's hotel industry, it was found that  To evaluate the variances in organizational learning and
knowledge management, transformational leadership, and OL inventive behavior with reference to employee
positively influenced OI and OP, with transformational designation.
leadership being the most significant driver of innovation and  To determine if organizational learning and innovative
OL the most significant driver of performance. This behavior differ by gender.
highlights the importance of leadership in fostering an
environment conducive to both learning and innovation. V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
Ghazal Eghtezadi et al. (2012) found a positive relationship
between OL and OI in Iran's TONDGUYAN Petrochemical The study utilized causal and cross-sectional research
Company, supporting the idea that organizational learning is methods, collecting data from automobile industry employees
foundational to fostering innovation. Similarly, Renyong et at one point in time. The population, or universe, for this
al. (2016) in Ethiopia demonstrated that technological study was automobile industry employees, with each
innovation capability mediates the relationship between OL employee representing a sampling unit. A random sampling
capabilities and firm performance, reinforcing the notion that method was used to ensure representativeness. The sample
innovation acts as a crucial bridge between learning and size was 120 employees. Data collection included both
performance outcomes. In the context of employee behavior, primary and secondary methods, with primary data obtained
Hsiu-Chuan Lin et al. (2017) observed that OL positively directly from surveys and secondary data sourced from
affects employees' innovative behavior in Taiwan's science existing publications. The research instrument was a well-
park, with work engagement serving as a mediating factor. structured questionnaire, divided into sections on respondent
This emphasizes that enhancing employee engagement profiles, organizational learning, and organizational
through learning can lead to greater innovative activities innovativeness. Statistical tools like reliability statistics,
within the workforce. Studies by Bahadur Ali Soomro et al. ANOVA, regression, and t-tests were employed for data
and Islam Salim et al. (2018) in Malaysian SMEs further analysis.
supported the positive impact of OL on innovation capability
and the subsequent effect on performance, suggesting that the VI. LIMITATIONS
interplay between learning and innovation is critical across
different organizational contexts. Kuan-Hung Chen et al. The findings can’t be extrapolated to the overall
(2018) in Taiwan’s ecology industry, Abdul Hamid AL population within the analysis. The study has not taken into
Khalil (2013) in Damascus's education sector, and Miha consideration the mediating or moderating variable which
Skerlavaj et al. (2009) in Spanish companies all found also affects the strength of relationship between the
significant positive effects of OL on OI and, in many cases, organizational learning and organizational innovativeness.
on OP. These studies collectively highlight the universal Due to time constraints, no in depth interviews were
importance of fostering a learning environment to drive performed to collect further comprehensive results on impact
innovation, which in turn can enhance performance. of organizational learning on organizational innovativeness.

IJISRT24JUN1963 www.ijisrt.com 2455

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN1963

Employees were circumspect to divulge some organizational  Impact of Gender on Organizational Learning and
practices and may have fabricated their answers whilst filling Innovative Behavior
out the questionnaire. Limited prior research studies on the This part of the study examines whether there are
topic also served as an impediment for the research. significant differences in organizational learning and
innovative behavior between male and female employees. A
VII. DATA ANALYSIS t-test was performed to test these differences, focusing on the
impact of gender on organizational learning and innovative
 Differences in Organizational Learning and Innovative behavior.
Behavior Among Employees Based on Their Designation
This study investigates whether there are significant Gender dynamics play a crucial role in workplace
differences in organizational learning and innovative behavior and learning. This study aims to investigate whether
behavior among employees based on their designation. Using gender differences exist in organizational learning and
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), the study examines two innovative behavior among employees.
primary hypotheses: one concerning organizational learning
and the other is regarding organizational innovativeness. The A t-test was conducted to compare the means of
findings suggest no significant differences in either organizational learning and innovative behavior between
organizational learning or innovative behavior based on male and female employees. The sample consisted of 51
employee designation. male and 69 female employees. The following hypotheses
were tested:
Understanding the dynamics of organizational learning HO3: Gender is not neutral with regard to organizational
and innovation is crucial for enhancing productivity and learning.
maintaining a competitive advantage in modern workplaces. HO4: Gender is not neutral with regard to innovative
This study aims to examine whether the designation of behavior.
employees within an organization influences their
participation in organizational learning and innovative The mean score for organizational learning was slightly
behavior. higher for male employees (M = 4.15) compared to female
employees (M = 4.03). However, the t-test results indicated
To explore these relationships, ANOVA was conducted that the difference was not statistically significant (p =
to analyze the variance between employee designations 0.466). This suggests that there are no substantial gender-
concerning organizational learning and innovative behavior. based disparities in organizational learning among
The hypotheses tested were:
Ho1: There is no significant difference in organizational For innovative behavior, the mean scores were nearly
learning based on employee designation. identical between male (M = 3.62) and female employees (M
HO2: There is no significant difference in innovative = 3.63). The t-test results showed no significant difference (p
behavior based on employee designation. = 0.854), indicating that gender does not significantly affect
innovative behavior in the workplace.
The ANOVA results show that the p-value for
organizational learning is 0.518, which is greater than the Levene's Test indicated that the assumption of equal
significance level of 0.05 (p > 0.05). Therefore, the null variances was met for organizational learning (p = 0.359) but
hypothesis is not rejected. This indicates that there is no not for innovative behavior (p = 0.041). Despite this, the t-
significant difference in organizational learning based on the test for both scenarios confirmed that there are no significant
designation of employees. gender-based differences.

The ANOVA results for innovative behavior show a p- The t-test results for both organizational learning and
value of 0.370, which is also greater than the significance innovative behavior revealed that the p-values were greater
level of 0.05 (p > 0.05). Hence, the null hypothesis is not than the alpha level of 0.05. Consequently, the null
rejected. This suggests that there is no significant difference hypotheses were accepted in both cases. This indicates that
in innovative behavior based on the designation of gender does not have a substantial impact on organizational
employees. learning or innovative behavior among employees.

Based on the ANOVA results, this study concludes that The p-value for organizational learning was 0.466,
there are no significant differences in organizational learning which is higher than the significance level of 0.05,
and innovative behavior among employees based on their confirming that the difference is not statistically significant.
designation. These findings suggest that organizational Similarly, the p-value for innovative behavior was 0.854,
initiatives aimed at enhancing learning and innovation may further supporting the conclusion that there are no significant
not need to be tailored specifically to employee designations. gender-based differences.
Future research could explore other factors that might
influence these outcomes and consider longitudinal studies to This study concludes that there are no significant
examine changes over time. differences in organizational learning and innovative
behavior between male and female employees. These

IJISRT24JUN1963 www.ijisrt.com 2456

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN1963

findings suggest that gender does not play a significant role The ANOVA results confirm that the regression model
in influencing these aspects of employee behavior in the fits the data well. The significant F value (0.0018) indicates
workplace. Future research should continue to explore other that the regression model is statistically significant and can
factors that may impact organizational learning and predict the outcome variable, organizational innovativeness.
innovative behavior to better understand the dynamics at
play. The regression coefficients showed that the intercept
was 843.455 with a t-statistic of 4.482 and a p-value of 0.021.
 Predictive Relationship Between Organisational Learning The coefficient for organizational learning (X Variable 1)
and Organisational Innovatiness was 0.649 with a t-statistic of 10.626 and a p-value of 0.0018.
This part of the study investigates the predictive The 95% confidence interval for the intercept ranged from
relationship between organizational learning and 244.541 to 1442.369, and for organizational learning, it
organizational innovativeness using regression analysis. The ranged from 0.455 to 0.843.
results indicate a strong positive correlation, with
organizational learning explaining a significant portion of the The relationship between organizational learning and
variance in organizational innovativeness. organizational innovativeness is statistically significant (p-
value < 0.05). Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the
Understanding the impact of organizational learning on alternative hypothesis is accepted. The positive beta
innovativeness is crucial for organizations aiming to enhance coefficient indicates that as organizational learning increases,
their competitive advantage. This study employs regression organizational innovativeness also increases. This suggests
analysis to determine if organizational learning can predict that organizational learning positively influences
organizational innovativeness. The hypothesis tested was: organizational innovativeness.
Ho5: Organizational learning significantly predicts
organizational innovativeness. The regression analysis demonstrates that
organizational learning significantly predicts organizational
A regression analysis was conducted to explore the innovativeness, explaining a large portion of its variance.
relationship between organizational learning (predictor These findings suggest that enhancing organizational
variable) and organizational innovativeness (dependent learning can lead to higher levels of innovativeness within
variable). The primary hypothesis tested was whether organizations. Future research should explore additional
organizational learning significantly predicts organizational factors that may influence this relationship and consider
innovativeness. longitudinal studies to examine causality.

The regression analysis results showed a Multiple R VIII. DISCUSSION AND MANAGERIAL
value of 0.987, indicating a strong positive correlation IMPLICATIONS
between organizational learning and organizational
innovativeness. The R square value was 0.974, which means The findings of this study underscore the critical
that approximately 97.4% of the variance in organizational interplay between organizational learning (OL) and
innovativeness can be explained by organizational learning. organizational innovativeness (OI) within the context of the
The adjusted R square value was 0.965, demonstrating a high automobile industry. The regression analysis revealed a
level of model accuracy after adjusting for the number of strong predictive relationship, with organizational learning
predictors. The standard error was 264.196. significantly contributing to organizational innovativeness.
This suggests that fostering a culture of continuous learning
The adjusted R square is a corrected measure of and knowledge acquisition can substantially enhance an
goodness-of-fit for linear models, indicating the percentage organization's ability to innovate and adapt in a competitive
of variance in the dependent variable explained by the marketplace. The high explanatory power of organizational
predictor. An adjusted R square of 0.965 suggests that 96.5% learning on innovativeness highlights its role as a
of the variance in organizational innovativeness is explained fundamental driver of long-term success and sustainability in
by organizational learning. The Multiple R value of 0.987 the automotive sector.
indicates a strong positive correlation between organizational
learning and organizational innovativeness. Managerially, these findings advocate for strategic
interventions that prioritize and integrate learning and
The ANOVA results showed that the regression sum of innovation initiatives. Organizations should invest in
squares (SS) was 7,881,601.096, and the total SS was technologies and platforms that facilitate knowledge sharing
8,091,000. The F statistic was 112.9175 with a significance and collaboration, thereby enhancing learning outcomes and
value of 0.0018. Since the significance value is less than 0.05 supporting innovative endeavors. Leadership development
(p < 0.05), the regression model is statistically significant, programs should emphasize visionary leadership styles that
indicating that organizational learning is a significant inspire creativity and empower employees to explore new
predictor of organizational innovativeness. ideas. Furthermore, fostering diversity and inclusion within
teams can enrich perspectives and stimulate innovative

IJISRT24JUN1963 www.ijisrt.com 2457

Volume 9, Issue 6, June – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUN1963

Continuous monitoring and evaluation of learning and and innovation, such as investing in technologies for
innovation efforts are crucial to adapting to industry knowledge sharing, developing leadership that fosters
dynamics and technological advancements effectively. creativity, and promoting team diversity. Future research
Collaboration with external stakeholders and strategic should explore longitudinal impacts, mediating factors like
partnerships can further enhance organizational learning and leadership styles, and the influence of digital transformation
innovation capabilities, fostering a culture of agility and on enhancing learning and innovation outcomes. These
responsiveness in a rapidly evolving automotive landscape. insights can inform organizational strategies aimed at
In conclusion, leveraging organizational learning to drive achieving sustained competitive advantage and leadership in
organizational innovativeness is not only a strategic the automotive industry and beyond.
imperative but also a pathway to sustained competitive
advantage and market leadership in the automotive industry. REFERENCES

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