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~6''< ~,<Cf)',<

\jEll·, ~ftj'.'

~- ~e"H'IiiI Gt<liC;.."1 lI)ffii6'1 ;fifcr-2021

1. lI'RIiQ'1i

~ tl"($i"( ~ 31'lcgiil qidiq,,(ul f.'l'1fUI cf; ~ ~ !>Ilk..F!niil ~ I ~ -ti

~ q;)- WIll <AR, ,<'1\11'11,,( 13t<l""l ~ ~ "\Jl"'l $("qlul cf; ~ ~ ~ tlqltl'1
~ I ~
!>IfWlIl3lTq;)- 31Q'11111 mn- # fctfBn:r m cf; ~ ~- ~ ~ !>I'Iffil15'1
~, fWR>r ~ Fctiilll~tl ~ fcIfi1'"'1 frl'lwtt ~ tl"($I{I qJlPtlIl'j EmT 3!'RT<l Tf4
311'1ii1lli'1 ~lldl'1, 311'1ii1lli'1 tlfllIQ'1, '<'<l!>l'1lul'1,31'l$l~li'j ~ fq~lltlfdli'j <liT tl'1li<l<fl
31'l'1)<;'1, 311"1ii1lli'1 '<iil'1l3lT ~ ~, 31j'1'I<;'1 tg; "fR"q) fiill<'l'1 !>IfWlI I, ~
31j'11<;'1, liflll~ m '115fCig:u.g f I
~ !>IlIl'<"1'j<liT "tJ11l1 ~ ~ # I3tl1lll ~ ~~ q)'( ~ cf; IIlltlfdCfi
~ <liT ~ ~ CfWIT, "(1\i1'<'<l
13{"q""l~ ~ ~1\i1lll,,(~ CfWIT ~ 1
~ tl"(CfiI,,( '1~fj'(dlg:4$ q»~liiI FctCfiltl, f.'nl'"Rr WlR, ~ ~ Ilfi'W,id m ~,
~, '1q~ICfi"(uflll\j)"\Jj'"f ~ mn- # m q)'( Xift ~ I
I3Q"()CltIcf; ~ -ti ~ ;:flfd q;)- "I3"drT Fct~'I"l$ll \'IT:Il<r 'I'fm, f.'lcmCfil fcI"!flT
fil~)"l$ll ~ ~ fcRlR-fctJ::m cf; I3Q,,(I"d ~ fcmrr lTlIT ~ I ~ -..ftfd q;)- ~ -ti
"fi'!:rrfcm f.'l~~ICfi'i cf; ~ "li"~ 13{"q1<;'1em- \iX:IlGT 311$Q$ <AR tg; lI'ttlIFctd fcmrr
lTlIT ~ I ~ -..ftfd <liT ~ "li"~ 13{"qI<;CfiI3tl1lrf cf; fil$ltl q;)- ~ ~ tg; tl"($I,,(
cf; ~ ~ fil«1d XiiY"-mr q;)- ~ CfWIT ~ 1

2. 'liiO"lfll

~ 3i'R ~$fc:qCfi ~'i::f'1" q;)- lI'Ict1I~d ~ "d"m IJftql~'1 ~tr1" "ffi;r cf; m 1R
'l1ffif ~ f.1'l:ffirr q;)- "q)ll ~ cf; ~ ~ 'l1ffif tl "($1"( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
f.'l4GId ~ ('f?r, "li"~ 13{"q1<;'1cf; ~ ~Cfifc:q$ llT'f {?l1ii1~, "I3"drT (filCfiltl ~
fil f.'lll '1'1) ~, 1951 "\J1l 'l1ffif tl "($ 1"( EmT filltl fd $ "li"~ cf; ~ Fctf.'llil '1$ ~, -ti
~, ~ lffiif ~ ~ q)'( (ufto~ottO) q;)- 18 IIfd~ld ~ t:lcICfi"( 5 IIfd~ld fcn<:rr
\JIRT, ,,(1~~llI "<ITlIT-~ ~-2018 q;)- ~ fcmrr \JIRT, "li"~ ~ ~ cf;
~ ~ lffiif ~ ~ <liT fil'ttll,,( ~ ~, 2019 cf; >fl1TCf ~ "li"~ ~ ~
(~O<ftO-QTO)(j)llhb'i· <liT ~ ~ Pl(j))iill~ om c;r1fi1fttr <t>T \J);g(j)~ ~ 'I1ffif ~ Fcl'«'1I~
~11~C1 ~ I
~1~lI <rr<IT-~ -;ftft1, 2018 <liT ~ ~ Illll'tW ~ ~ ~ qlljq~ol ~
¥ ti~)(j)I~l <liT ~, 3m f.r<mf f.1'lRm ~ <PllT C!'>RT Clm ~ ~ffi<t>T ~
~ Cf)X ti (j)I~I~ (j) q ROil 'i <t>T j;ff({f CIlX"'IT~ I
~1~lI <rr<IT-~ -;ftft1, 2018 ~ <ft-~ '1)C1I~~'<i (m31T), Tf""IT ~ ~ a1R'HI'«'1
~-~ ~ $ (~) l:)I'lIIFcl \JfT l'fAq ~ ~ ~ 3liq1@ -g, ~
~~ \3{"\1IG'1 *t 3T'jlffi1 <ft ~ I ~IEII'1 ~ ~ ~ ~1~lI <rrdt-~ ti'1"i1l1 ti~RI
(-q;:ro<ftox:fiox:fiO)<t>T 3WIllft "CI1l' ~ 311(j)~ \'1 wrRt ~ 3TmR 1R Fcl~ ItiC crrn)- lffC1" *t
~ ~ tg ~ fcpm 'Tm m I <rrG ~ -q;:ro<ftox:fiox:fio &RT ''"lI~d''1lI ~ frrp:r
(~ox:fiwmO) ~ 1ffi1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ \3{"\1IG'1 *t ~ <ft TTt ~ I
q l;;iq R(j) x;;q ~ f<trn 'l'fTX\1" ~ IF''IT \3 ("\1 IG'1 ~ 3Efllft -m ~ ~ ~ t'r "£Iii
~ u'r3lT 3Tf'CTIftl 3llti q'1 l:)(j)1l:)4T ~ ~ I ~ ~ 1AT ~, ~ om ~
~ <liT 1:f\T;g-~ ~ x;;q ~ \3qll'I<1 Cf)X ~~ \3{"\1IG'1 ~ ~ *t ~ ~
~ I ~1~lI <rr<IT-~ -;ftft1, 2018 ~ <rrG *t 'l'fTX\1" ti~(j)I~ *t \3'\tl)'loll~ ~ ~
~ \JfiO't IF''IT, lfif(j)T ~m ~ ~ ~ "'<"1R ~ lJTC1" -g, ~ ~~
\3 q C1&l
\3{"\1IG'1 ~ ~ tg ~ Pllllli(j) ~ ~ qlljq~oftll Il 011('1'1m ~ -g I
~ -;ftft1 ~~ \3{"\1IG'1 ~ ~ <liT "C1l"1 ~ ~ ~ w *t TTt ~, \JfT
RPti11l. \3E1~lIl ~ ~~ l:)(j)Il:)lI'j ~ Plll1fGt\'1 l?A" CfJ"R (j)1'i<II~'j ~ ~ ~
3l1'1G'1~ <liT ~ m ~ ~I

3. ~

~ -;ftft1 <liT ~ ~ ~ "ffit IlRl~I\'1 ~~ <liT \3{"\1IG1 ~ C[]"c;fi ~ (Green

Field) ~~ (Stand-alone) l:)(j)Il:)lI'j ~ ~ "fl'4T ~ ~m Pt~~I(j), Rt>til'1 ~
~ <t>T ~ ~~ <liT "C11'<1 ~ Pl"'1iRt>\'1 \3~~lI'j <t>T j;ff({f C!'>RT ~ :-
• ~1~~lI <rr<IT-~ -;ftft1, 2018 ~ ~1~~lI <rr<IT-~ '<i'i"CIli ti~RI ErRT f<"!"I'{i\'1
x=r4't crrn)- 1iTC1" ~ ~~ ~ \3«lIG1 *t 3T'jlffi1 ~ I
• ~ (Green Field) ~~ (Stand-alone) ~~ \3«lIG1 ~ ~ Pl~~I(j)'j <t>T
~ !OI1f<1115'1~ ~ 3ljcgC1 ql\'1lq~OI ~ C!'>RT I
• ~~ \3«lIG'1 ~ ~ m--Rfcn /crrn)- lJTC1" <liT \3«lIG1 ~ ~ RPtilll *t
• ~~ ~ <t>T !OI)f<1If%\'1Cf)X ~ ~1U1<11~~ 31cRR ~ CIlX"'ITI
4. ~ ~ 'QCI' Ci!lIf?a
4.1 iiCfllii4'l ~ JI"CfIR ~ ~ ql?ldl - ~ ~ 3l"\'1'[\'1 ~ ~ ~~
(Stand-alone) ::HlflQ'i'Ii3'i (~ m 3T~ ~ m) \ifT 100 IlRl~I\'1
~ -.;ts ~~ CfJT \3i;GI<;'i ~ ~ ~ ~~HfCh(i\5 qR{j~\il'i1 ct ~ ~
~ Cflffm N<tt, fcM'm 1l~f<11i3"1 ~ "41?[ N<tt 1
4.2 tGl;g'te~CNI ~ 1I"CfIN ~ ~ ql?ldF- ~ ~ ~ '<1~~I{j <rr<IT-~ ~,
2018 cf; ~ ~ '<1~ {j <rr<IT-~ fl '1;:q {j fl f?I Rl ID"'<T '{:q~"l \'1 wlt
ctf'5'RICffl ~ ~~ \3i;GI<;'i cBT ~ irfr 1 ~ ~ '<1~4
<rr<IT-~ fl'1;:q4 flf?lRl ID"'<T ~~ \3i;GI<;'i ct ~ ~ ::HRlRCf\1
ctf'5'RICfl cBT ~ ~ ~ "4X IJcffi If>1'5tcICfl ~ f.ffiR ~ ~; ~~
\3i;GI<;'i -gg ~ irfr 1

(Cfl) ~ ~ ::H'tP[\'1 "4l?f\1T -gg f.ffiR 3T~€l~fl'ICfl 1l~f<1Ii3'i ~-2016 ::H"I1,f\'1

~ 3Rr"4l?f\1T ~ 1l~f<1Ii3;fj "4X
~ fcfflR fcpm \il 1"1'II 1
(xsr) ~ ~ ::H"I1'[\'1 fcM'm fli3 I{j\'1I -gg ~ ~ ~~ ~\3i;G~I<;='icBT !)Cfll!){jl
"41?[ N<tt \ifT ~tr'l ~ ct ~~ CfJT \3i;G1<;"1 ~ ~ ~ 3N'lT 100 IlRl~I\'1
~~ 'lffi\l fl,<CflI,< ct ~~ ~~ Cfl14w'1 (~o<fio~"O)31"11'f\'1 "ffi;r \3i;GI<;Cfl
qjqPl{j'j (OMes) cpl 3J11fcf ~ ~ 1 ~ Il{j~\il'i -gg fcM'm '{:q~I"lRl ct ~
cIT (i) ~,
!)Cfll!){jl <IT ~ ~ ~ "ffi;r ~qol'i qjqPldi (ovcs) cf; <frq ~
~afn:r "1Cfl'<I'<'iI~ cBT ~ "\lftr, 3T~ (ii) ~ GRT \3i;GI~\'1 ~~ cf; W<l -gg
"ffi;r ~qol'i qjqPl{j'j (OMes) CfJT w{jI~~1 \if'1T ~ 1

5. ii~'1l~ei;GIG'1 ~ ~ iiCfllii;q'f cffl" silt'tIl6'1

<:rg ~ ~ \3i;GI<;'i >lar-sr ~ 3l11T f.1<rn cf; 3l"CffR ~ wm -gg 3Ttm >Ifl{1

~l?Cfl~I~!) <PT 31Rl R Cf\1 Il)f<11i3"1 ~

{j";>;'j \il"R ~ 311Q~{jCfl\'11CfJT ~ fl '1Sl (J~ t1
5.1 "I1.fGllfCfl RtCiiid
5.1.1 ~ ~/ffr<ai\'1 ~ ~ 31"11'[\'1 wlt "41?[ qR{j~\il'iI3lT/!)CflI!){j'i cf;
5.1.2 <:rg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "i3MT113CItf ~ cpl ~ ~
~ >f'l'IlCft ~ 11T'1T \il1;Q' II f\;j fl fI ~ ~ ~ ffi \lm 31 lfrtf,
2025 (fCf) ~ ~ 1
5.1.3 ~ ~ 31"11'f\'1 mll~=f<1=Ii3='i
~ ID"'<T CllQfllfllCfl \3i;GI<;'i ~ m cf;
\3q'<I"I1 ~ ~ 1
5.1.4 ~ -.ftft'r ctr Cf>~Cf)1 4 3l'*1,f('1 3lIml~('1 ~ liCf>IlFll Cfi'r Q~RlIt5"1
~ 3l~€:llfllCf> f.!mr Q~Rllg"l -.ftft'r, 2016 GRT ~ 3ljGI"I'j ~ 3l1fl~cm
!WIT I zrmf'Cr ~ -.ftft'r ~ 3l'*1,f('1 Q~RlIt5"1 ctr ~ 'ffr:rr ~ -.ftft'r ctr
cti~Cf>1 5.2 <l ~ ~ 3T<fA mlfi I
5.1.5 ~ -.ftft'r ~ '1 1'1,,('1 31¥R ctr lfUT"IT ~ ~ ~ ~ li~ft"l~ ctr

c;Jl1T(1" ftrt5N 3l~dlfllCf> f.!mr Q~RlIt5"1 -.ftft'r, 2016 ~ 3l'*1,f('1 3ljSj~~('1

q ~ ""1'1\iI "II CWTIl <l ~,,~ C1 ~ ~ Ii~ft"I ~ ctr c;Jl1T(1" mlfi I
5.1.6 ~ -.ftft'r ~ ~ ~ "lfI;:r-fi'Ii<;;g ~3ffiA ~~ liCf>lli""ll "\ill
~o~o~o (Zero Liquid Discharge) ~ 3T1<lR tR ~ ctr 7ft t tR
fcRm fcnm \il1~'1I1 li;;q'<i8rc: s<lc4rc: 1:C1'R (~oiTO-qrO) ctr ~ c;Jl1T(1"

Cfi'r ~ 3{]€:llfllCf> f.!mr 1l'iR11t5"1 -.ftft'r, 2016 ctr cti~Cf>1 6.1(xxii) <l
zr21lqf{JI(1 3ljSj~~('1 q~"l'j\iHI c;Jl1T(1" <l ~11~C1 fcnm \il1~'1I1
5.1.7 "4T3I ~~ liCf>llilll GRT ctfCcq tJTCR 1:C1'R ctr ~ <l ~ ~ czm
Cfi'r 31jSj~ ~ ('1 q ~""I~\iI "II c;Jl1T(1" <l ~ II~ C1 fcnm \ill ~ 'II I
5.1.8 "fin)lr cpf ~ r.t~lllifl) qft ~ ~ ~ ~ : 3lj'<'!PI(1 (~o~o),
3lj~(1 \iI"I\ilIIfI""I'i (~otTO), 3Tfu R1'C9'$1 crt (~o<ft"O~O),lif%C113lT,
~ClIj"\iI"I'i. em fctm, ~ ~ rj) ~1Cf>1'1 ~ m~ \'l€:l~""I'i rj)
~ <l ~ -.ftft'r 3l'*1,f('1 Q~RlIt5"1 ctr ~ 'ffr:rr Cfi'r 3lRl~cm 5
QRl"!I(1 ~ \il1C!'1I1

5.2 s(iffiI6"1 ~ 3I~~'1i

5.2.1 ~ -.ftft'r ~ Q1RlIt5"1 ~ 3{]€:l~fllq) f.!mr II'IRlIi5"1 -.ftft'r, 2016 ~
Q~RlIt5"11 ~ 3l1fl~cm !WIT I ~ 3{]€:l~fllq) f.!mr Q'IRlIi5"1 -.ftft'r, 2016
31'*1' f('1 &1fI\if 31¥R Q)Rli i5"I ~ ~ -.ftft'r 31'*1' f('1 ct\Jll" ('1 31¥R ctr
cgc;r ~ f<rt5N 3ftdtfllCf> f'i1cffi Q~R1It5"1 -.ftft'r, 2016 31'*1'[('1 3ljSj~~('1
q~""I)\iI"I1 CWTIl ctr mlfi I
50 QRl"!I('1 \iCJ)

5.2.2 ~ -.ftft'r ctr cti~Cf>1 5.1.8 it ~ fcM1:f crt ~ Pi~"!Iq;'i ~ ~ <ri5

~ ftrt5N 3{]€:l)~Cf> f.!mr Q~RlIt5"1 -.ftft'r, 2016 3l'*1,f('1 3ljSj~~('1
q~""I~\iI"I1 CWTIl CfiT 52.5 QRl"!I('1 mlfi I

~ -.ftft'r 31'*1' [('1 '1\Jll" ('1 3T'jGFf ctr 'ffr:rr ~ ~ ,wft "I ~ ctr c;Jl1T(1" CfiT 15
3I1!rcIT ~O 5.00 ~, "\ill '4t C/511 "i5'r, mlfi I
ctif%C/)1 5.1.8 ~ ClMo ~ crt ~ f.'I~~I<tl'j ~ ~ ~ ~ 3i;:\'1'f\1 ~\Jl"I'I\1

~ ~ ~ ~ l0f Ij~ft"l~ ~ C1T1T(f <PT 15.75 !>Ifd~l\1 3I~ X'O 5.25 ~, uIT
'4t 'Cj)l'f 07, ~ I

5,4 R ~~ tf~Cj)I~itft 4H~<lf~ 4)\JI"1I31Y <i; ~ tfl1;:qq (Dovetailing)

("Cj)) ~ ~ 3I"(1lf\1 ~ tI'!C/)I'! ~ '11fd~'j ~ ~)\il113lT ~ tllj"f.j~
(Dovetailing) ~ ~ ~ I f.'I~~I<tl'j ¢T ~ Gffi ~ tI'!C/)I'! ~
'1Jfd~'j 3I"(1lf\1 ~ ~ 1J<)/];fjl:{f ~ \JIl'l ~ IfIfflliFl'j ~ m ~
~~ tl)~OII ~~I
«~) ~ ~ 3I"(1lf\1 ~ 3l1~~fTlc/) ~ !>I'lfflI6"1 ~, 2016 ~ '4t tllj"f.j~
(Dovetailing) ~ ~ ~ I~ 3i"(1lf\1 ~ 3l1dlfTlC/) ~ !>Ilffll6"1
~, 2016 ~ ~ ~ tI'!C/)I'! ~ 3["'I:T '1"jfd~'j ~ ~)\iI"II3lT ~ ~
tllj"f.j~ (Dovetailing) ~ ~ ~ W~~ ~ fcp ~ Gffi 'CfCj)
'8T q~tlRlRl 'IX ~ ~ ~ ~ 3R:r ~ ~ 3i"(1lf\1 3fJGFf ];fjl:{f W
fclRrr \il1,,!lll I
(rr) <ITG f.'I~~Ic/) ~ tI'!<tlI'! ~ ~)\iI"I1 3i"(1lf\1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ill
~ IDXf ];fjl:{f ~ ~ /~ ~ \JIl'l ~ 31-JGT'1 ~ ~ ¢T ~
3{l~)fTJC/) ~ !>I)(tf16"1 -.ftfd, 2016 3I~ ~ ~ 3i"(1lf\1 3Ijljl~
~ 31-JGT'1 (Corresponding Subsidy) ~ t.ICT ~ \illqllli \3GI6,!ol ~
dR 'IX <ITG 'CfCj) f.'I~ ~IC/) ~ tI '!C/)I'! ~ 'CfCj) ~) \iI"II 31"(1lf\1 6 !>I
fd ~I\1
fZITiJf 31jG 1"1 ];fjl:{f ~ ~ '(11?Tf ~ Gffi ~ ~ <'flCIfu ?f[Uf 'IX C'fT11
fZITiJf <PT G'<' 10 !>Ifd~l\1 ~ ill ~ ~ \3f@R'sl\1 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4
!>Ifd~l\1 f.lm 3I~~)fTlc/) ~ \l)fflI6"1 ~, 2016 3i"(1lf\1 3ijljl~ 1Wrr I

~ ~ 3Ij~\1 \illfd~'i (~o<ftO), 3ij~\1 \iI"I\illfd~'j (~oitO), 3lft1 fCltb'$l

crt (~o<fio<ftO),Ijffi61I3lT, ~C<1jll\il"l'i. em fcM, ~ ~ ~ ~Ic/)I'! ~ ~ ~
\3~~~'j ¢T Iflffllffi\1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3I"(1lf\1 3ifd~Cf\1 31-JGT'1 ~ W
~ ~ 3Ijljl~ 1Wrr fcp ~ ¢T !>IqRf\1 ~ ~ -q;-q.ft/tJ51't ~ ~ CfllT ~ \3~~4)
<PT 100 !>Ifd~l\1 ffi'!:f1GI{l 07 I

5,6 1'tf' ;ftFtr atotl.Fd atl~Ci"1itft tfl1qlq~

~ ~ 3I"(1lf\1 !>I)fflI6"1 ];fjl:{f ~ ~ ~ '4T?[ iic/}Iii~'j ¢T ~"IjC/} 30.06.2021

(fC/) ~-1 ful~~tI~ ~ .:mc!G"I \JIlIT "C/)\("fT Nrrr I ~$=ffi;r ~ ~ ~ -gg
\3E:I1fr &m \JfIfT fc)Jt:i 1W ~ -1 cf; ~ ctT 3WfTlfr 07 <PT<t. f0RIT # II f}l;lOll
3i I~ G "11
~ ctT GlIQ,ft I ~ c-rrg ~ crt ~ cpT ~-1 ctT f<:j'ICflR'l ];fGR ctT GlIQ,A ('fI'-lT
~ ~ ~ IRP'ft cpT eft GlIQ,ft I
1Rft L[]?[ i! enIlP:n IJfl ~ -;ftfcr ctT ~ cf; ~ ~-1 ctT '{'ql CflR'I ID1{f <PX
~ .g ~ -4't ~ -;ftfcr ~ 3ilml~ct fcnm GlIQ'II, 3llR ~ &m ~ m\"f116"1
~ ID1{f 'ltl ctT ~ -gT I

~ I1~Gl"lI'i1'fct ~ 3lF3lT-1:f5B 1TI31T cf; 3ll'C!R qx II~RlI6"1 ];fGR fcnm GlIQ'III

~ -;ftfcr 3i"fl'fct ~"1ien 30.06.2021 (fq) ~-1 Cf&;llOI~'<'1cf; fctQ ~ CF>R cmfr
~ i!enli!lOIl lI'IRlI6"1 ~ CF>R ctT L[]?[ ~, 3llR ~ 30.06.2022 (fq) 3l~ ~ ~
~ 1I'I\"f116"1~ cf; ~ -4't ~ <PX ~ %I

~ -;ftfcr ctT ~ cf; I3Q,(I"ct f<t6N ctT L[]?[ rn ~ ~ ~~

ctT i!enli!lOIl f<t6N '<'1'(enlx ctT f.'l'"'1iFcPct '11R'lI1'i cf; 3i"ct,fct \OI'IRlI6"1 ~ CF>R ctT "4T?r
~ :-
1. f<t6N 3l~El~~I en f.rcm \OIlRli 6 "1 -;ftfcr, 2016
2. ~ -..frfd

~m L[]?[ ~~ i!enli!41 f.'l'"'1iFcPct~ '<'16l101ctlctT L[]?[ ~ :-

$11'1 iCfl II 1('(116'1 <fiT 1I1('(111;i'1 qft ~ ~

1 R]1'q ~ ~ R]1'q ~ -qcf f.'r.i<R ~ # 100 II R'I~Ict W
f.'r.i<R ~ (~ "IOI"af?r cf; ~ # 100 IIR'I~lct
2 ~ 'tj1-<j1'(Qd'1 ~ 'tjl-<jI'< Q(1'1 ~ # 100 IIR'I~lct W
~ (~ "IOI"af?r cf; ~ # 100 IIR'I~lct f<t6N
>II (1 'i! (1) 3ftEl~~len
~ qq'f cf; fctQ Clf ~ qx 10 ~ 1 (l '<:1 (l 61:lT\il f.rcm \OI~RlI6"1
, 3l¥R
3fjGR, \OI~RlI6"1 ctT ~ QR41Gl"11 ~ -;ftfcr, 2016
em 50 IIR'I~lct, ~ '<'0 20.00 ~
(~ "IOI"af?r cf; ~ #~ QRI1~Gl"11
"Wffi em 30 \OIR'I~lct,~ '<'0 10.00 ~)
4 CfR'~ ~-crm(jq)CfR'~ 1(1("fl113 "I (100 IlRl~ld
"I ~oufto~ott IlRl@f ~ 100 IlRl~1d fcIwr
IlRl~), ~ q ~11 ,1\11"11 t'fTlT(1" q;r
100 IlRl~ld, (~ ~&f.;r cf; ~ l'i 80
IlRl~ld ~oufto~otto ~ IlRl@f ~ 100
IlRl~ld fcIwr ~ IlRl@f, ~ q~l1~\1I"I1
t'fTlT(1" q;r 100 Il RI~1d)
5 f.!i4~\11"I t'fTlT(1" ~ $ CIi1$11'i q;)- frrnR cf; f.!iq1'<'1'1 q"li '1'-I i cf; ~
3PJGR ~o~o~o 1[Ct ~ol:jTo~o 1]1\11"11 l'i ~i~IGI"I "Cl'X
~ Clj(:[ q;r 50 IlRl~ld IlRl@f (~ CliI"l'IIXI
cf; ~ l'i) ~ 100 IlRl~ld IlRl@f ("If8C'1I
CliI"l'llxl cf; ~ l'i),
IlRl~ ~ ~ 3l1~~d unfcl/
3l1~d \iI"I\1IIRI 1[Ct "If8C'1I CIi[lfl1'i cf; ~ ~o
1000.00 lOlRl"lIl3 Cf\'.lT fll"ll"ill CIi[lfl1'i cf; ~ ~O
500.00 Il RI"I 113"l3l<1T I
6 qj'j~ 1C'I Fcl CIi1fl q"l1,1<'1 Fcl Clilfl 3PJGR ~o 20,000.00 "Il"ftl
3PJGR "Cfi1ff / frrnR CIi'~IC'I Fcl CIiIfl ~
(<fio~o~O~O)q;r "G"X, \i'lT ~ "Cfill "l3l1 <rl3"
3PJGR frrnR cf; f.!iq 1'<'11 " CIi[lf111 /~ cf;
~ cf; ~ 3l:J;"II"ill -mr
7 1\111'I d 3PJGR ~ 1[Ct '1'~j)"I{I ~ t'fTlT(1" q;r 15 Il RI'lld, <rl3"~

~Ujuft :-
1. ~ 1[Ct ~ $CliI$41 cf; ~ l'i f.!i"'1iFcPd 3lRl~cm ll'I("flIl3"1 ~ "\iIl(f ~ :- (i)
6ll1\Jf 3PJGR ~ "G"X 10 lOlRl~ld cf; ~ 12 lOlRl~ld ~ ~ (ii) CfR' ~ 3l¥R
~ ~ 3lj'1)~d q~l1)\1I"I1 t'fTlT(1" ~ 30 lOlRl~ld 3lRl~cm ~ \Jfl"Cfr ~ I
2. ~~ ~ q;~CliI 5.1.8 l'i qfUffi ~ crt cf; l3aflll1'i cf; ~ f.!i"'1iFcPd
3lRl~cm 3PJGR ~ "\iIl(f ~ :- (i) om\JI" 3l¥R ~ "G"X ~ 3l¥R ~
~ GFIT q;)- 15 IlRl~ld 3lRl~cm ~ \iITC1T t (ii) CfR' "ffoi~ 3l¥R ~
~ q;)- 15 lOlRl~ld 3lRl~cm ~ \iITC1T ~ ~ (iii) 1\11"I'ld 3l¥R ~
~ q;)- 5 lOlRl~ld 3lRl~cm ~ \iITC1T ~ I
3. <rl3" q;~CliI 5.8 ll1?f ll«!dlCliXOI cf; ~ ~ ~ I frrnR 3f)alfi'ICIi ~ 1l~ff1Il3"1
~, 2016 3l"d'[d l'i
!Of1("fl1l3"i'i ~ ~ ~ will cf; ~ ~ Gf(1I~\11 q;)-
~ FcPm "\iIT'1T ~ I ~ q;~CliI l'i ~ ~3lT 1[Ct \1<Itf ~ cf;
~ l'i ~ ~ ffi "Cl'X, ~ cf; mc!tlR ffi1l1[Ct wwlT I m
5.9 \1E1~q)' ~ ~ ~ iI'ffi ~ ~ <PI' atjQ)til"l

• ~-1 <M'l4~~ :- 13E1~4)i q;'r ~ fctiwr <f; ~ ~ CfC'1l~~~ ~

( 1R 30 \iff, 2021 "('fCp ~-1 Cful~~tl <f; ~ ~ \ifIlT
CJJRT 511JT 1 B"drr fctiwr G"RT "tl'4l ~ ~ trt 3l1~C;"'1'i q;'r ~ 07 CI>l<f
~qf1'i <f; ~ ~-1 crc1',~~tl f.17f'd fq;m \11llJ'lIl
• ""<Q)'S) iI'ffi ~ <PI' at)<ieij: ~ 3TTCfc;:r <f; ~ 13E1~~'i &NT ~~I;S1 <f; ~
1R ~ ~ 511JT ttrn Rl~I;s1 &NT ~ 07 CI>l<f ~qf1'i l'i f.'Jii1I~ct fq;m
• flh1'l <Q ~ "lrct: ~ '«I'""i R'I <f; ~ 13E:I f"?I4'i q;'r B"drr fctiwr <f; ~ fuu;sT
Cfu~'~~tl ~ ( 1R ~ 30 \iff, 2022 "('fCp ~ ~

5l<rr 1

6. ;fIfcr Cfi)<Qf;:q<Q'1. 3Il~ ~ ~)Cfi)<Qd ~q),<U)

6.1 ;fIfcr Cfi)<Qf;:q<Qij :-

i. ~ fctiwr, ~ tl'<Cl'lI'< ~ l'i ~ ~ <f; Cl'llqf;q~"'1 ~ ~ ~

5l<rr 1 "I3EI'rlT f.'J~ ~ICl'l~ ~ <f; ~ ~ M1
ii. ~ ~ 3l"ct·fct 31¥R ~ IlFm~1 ~ 3l1E:1~fl'ICl'lf.'rffi ll~fflI5"'1 ~,
2016 I[Ci ~ 3f'lE:l)ffICli f.1<M ll)fflI5"'1 f.'J~l1lqC'1"1.2016 l'i f.'rImf ~ <f;
iii. liCl'llli~'i &NT ~ ~ 3l"ct,fct 3J1GR ~ ~ "I3EI'rlT fctiwr, ~ tl'<CliI'< <f;
~ ~ Cfl4)4~tl ~ ( 1R fq;m \11llJ'lIl
iv. ~ tl'<CliI'< ~ l'i ~~ ~ "li"~ 13«lIc;"'1 q;'r Il~ffllrgct ~ 1~ ~
~ ~ 3f'lE:l)fllCl'l f.1<M ll)fflI5"'1 ~, 2016 ~ mxT-4 <f; ~ l'ff3"ct"
~ f.'rffi ll~fflI5"'1 tf1'fG q;'r ~ tl'<CliI'< <f; ~ ~/~ q;'r ~
~ m~~ ~ 1 ~~ liCl'llli41 q;'r ~ tl'<CliI'< <f; l1EI ~,
13«lIc; I[Ci f.1oi~ fctiwr (1'I?IT 3RT fcr<wIT/~ ~ qifBct 3l"'1IQR1
m-"4?I, t<f1"iR'l I[Ci ~ ~ fctiwr, ~ tl'<CliI'< <f; f#1rc;r fcIo;sT
CfC'1l~~tl ~ ( m ~ \11llJ'lI 1
v. ~ fctiwr m ~~ liClillilll ~ ~ m~ 13t1f"?111'iq;'r ~
3l')Wfl'ICIi af?r Fc1Cliltl ~ (~~I;SI) ~ ~ 3TTCfc;:r, f.ruft ~ <f; ~ ~
(1'I?IT ~ 13Qll~'1 tlltJRqd'1 I[Ci 3RI 3l1q~4C1i '«Il"iR'lll'i /31j$fC{jll'i / 3l'1IQR1~)'
<f; ~ ~ g)fNj'l tl514(91 cfr \11llJ,ft 1
vi. ~~ ~CflllFI'i "CIiT F<llll~1 ~ c#t ~ cf; ~ tR 31Icj~('1 c#t \iilil.ft I
Imlfr &TIT ~~ \j~Ic;'i ~ c#t x~ cf; ~ ~ 3TTCic'"1" cf; ~
~ "CIiT 3TTlTf1fi 07 "C/iTI.f ~ 1?i A tq IR ('1 fcmrr \ii Iill " I ~ ~ tg \J=f
~ "Q"aF.;r c#t ~Cfll~lli' cf; ~ ~ fN'1lt cf; ~ mt{f ~ 311~C;;fi c#t
fq~Cllfd cf; ~ F<llll~1 cf; Q)JlCfc CfC1~ll~fI Cflfll~ (l\Io"ffto"fftO)c#t flll(1 If@Cfl
~ Nrfr I ~~ \j ~ IC;'i ~ ~ ~ CflI~ ll)' "CIiT ~ 3TTCic'"1" 1?i 3Rl \J=f
~ en tR ~
"Q"aF.;r cf; Q{C('11 ~ \ii Iil.A I

8.2 ;:fiFtr ~.IJICI'VT vcr ~Iifll;qdAql,<ul

i. ~ ~ cf; CflIII Irq II 'i c#t ~1l1T "f11'fll"-"f11'fll" tR q\T \ii Iill A 31'lx 311CF~II Cfl
~ A<I:th cf; ~ ~ cpr AxlCflxOI fcmrr \iilil." I
ii. ~ fcrl:rr<T ~ ~ cf; ~ ~ ~ ~ \1?r fClCflffj(1 <P'rn ftl fit)
~ -qci ~I CflIII ('1 m fcM"rT "CIiT ~ fcmrr \i1T ~ I

8.3 iflllW"I GtI'I'(iIifldl vcr ~ $

i. ~ ~ cf; aF.;r 1?i ~ tg fcrfi'r;;:r ~ tR \ii" I'<'lCfl('1I/WffiT ~ cf;
~ Cfl14w"l 'tl('lIII I Uilil." I~ ~ ~1<11°13l~~ ~ q\T \iilil.A, ~
. fr ~ ~1\ii'II'( cf; 3TCffRT cf; ~ \l')q ~'o/[ ];[aF.;r q\T ~ -qci lJ1jfCf ~ q\T
\)jlil·A I
ii. lfI"Itr ~ fCI q:) Ifl. ];[fu1flUT -qci &'JlI"dT ~ tR \J1N fGm UiI il." I ~ ~
fI'(CflI~ -qci 3Rl ~ "CIiT fcrfi'r;;:r x:dX tR ~lUT Cfl14w"l '<1T.1lcl'i~ tg
Ql\'f1If@('1 fcmrr \)jlil·" ftlflxi fcl;- \l')q ~ "Q"aF.;r 1?i ~ l1fi1Cf ~ q\T
~ ~A~T.I('1 -gT ~ I

7. 'tI1"I1i'iQ lTd :-
i. '(I~~ll <ITllT-~ ~. 2018 cf; 3-TJf1N ..-rl'(d~ll llT'i"CIi ~ (<lTo~O~O) &TIT
~ ~ fr <ITllT ~~ ~~ -qci ~ ~ 1?i \jQll)'1 cf; ~ <mTI ~\iicl
cf; "11'1q:)l' "CIiT fCI q:) ffj(1 fcmrr <rm ~ I ..-rI'(ci'i <:j llT'i"CIi ~ &NT <mTI fu\J1c;r cf; ~
(15607). I:i1T 31~RCfl'i. llT'i"CIi ~0~OilO~0-~-6751 -qci 1L~fC1<:j'i llT'i"CIi
~0~0-14-14214 ~ fum <rm ~ I ~ 31fdRCfd '<""Ilxd~l<:j
llT'i"CIi ~ &NT 5
Qfd:tl('1 -qci 10 Qfd~l('1 <mTI ~~ fii~ ~ llT'i"CIi ~0~0-2796 : 2001
fcmrr 1Tm ~
fClCflffj('1 I <mTI ~~. <ITllT f%\)jcl. ~-~-1f<{cl. fii~ -qci
3Rl I:i')q ~tr'ilcf; \j ~ IC; 'i 1?i '''ll Xd~1
<:j llT'i"CIi ~ &TIT o<T fcllil 'l'l '"11'1
Cfll q\T ~
m q5l 31j41cl'i ~A~T.I('1 fcnm \iilil·" I
ii. 3l¥R ~ cf; ~ "11ft ~ lfC'I(f E11"l011 eft ~ ~ <IT 3l¥R 101> ~ ~
"[RT I!l1{f fctm \JITffi ~ \Jll mn:r ~ ~ <IT ~ ~ "OiTcf; ~ ~ -;ftf('r cpr
~ fctm \JITffi ~, ~ ~ -q 3l¥R cf; ~ -q eft ~ ~, 3l¥R
RljFch1 ctt ~ ~ 18 Qfd~ld ~ iI¢q~ m ctt GX ~ CJWl ctt \i11~'fll
~ ~ C'JcI) ''j'ldl''l "'11ff ~ tR ~ '<"1"1C1>I"1¥ ~ ~ ~ WTT'1"
ctt "d""'<lO crwr cRlft I

8. ~ -;ftf('r -q ~ 00 cf; cnff 3Tcl- M \Jll ~ 3T~€llfTJCI> ~ !'Ilctlli'!"1 -;ftf('r,

2016 3T~ "11~""I ri-lF@" -;ftf('r, -q ~, ~
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~ 3T~tI1fTICI> RlCl>I'<"1 ~ <IT 3TtR ~ ~/>rtTT'1" ~/~, ~ fcr:rrrT
&RT f.rujfu- MI ~ ClII('c£l1 / f.1of<l ~ ~ I

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~ -q 3j1J1J\! 'l'lT"lT fi "1'Ci>"10I 5'<" ('f'<"g ~ ~ ~ 3fR ~ ~ I

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Government of Bihar
Department of Industries


Subject:- Ethanol Production Promotion Poilcy, 2021

1. Preamble

Bihar is progressively adopting practices to create an investor-friendly environment in the state, so

as to facilitate investments. The state has adopted best practices for making a conducive
environment in the state to facilitate investments, employment generation and welfare of the
people. Measures like State Investment Promotion Board, Single Window Clearance, online
payments, online verification, self- certification, time-bound approval of licences/clearances,
availability of information online, standard operating procedures for approvals, deemed approvals,
etc. are being adopted by various departments and government agencies.

The overall objective is to maximize the value addition to state's natural resources by setting up
industries across the state, generating revenue and creating employment. Bihar Government is
also keenly working towards skill development, improving exports, Agriculture and Processed Food
products, Tourism, Renewable Energy to ensure increased industrial development across the

In view of the above, this policy has been introduced after extensive deliberation with industries
experts, industry associations, investors, subject experts etc. This policy is proposed to make
Ethanol manufacturing in the State more attractive for potential investors. This Policy is aimed at
defining the broad contours of the government's mission towards augmenting the development of
Ethanol manufacturing Industries.

2. Background

In order to encourage sustainable and alternate fuels and also to cut India's dependence on
imports of fossil fuel oils, Government of India has taken multiple interventions including
administered price mechanism, opening alternate route for Ethanol production, amendment to
Industries (Development & Regulation) Act, 1951 which legislates exclusive control of denatured
Ethanol by the Government of India, reduction in applicable Goods & Service Tax (GST) from 18%
to 5%, notification of National Policy on Biofuels - 2018, increasing scope of raw material for
Ethanol procurement, extension of Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Programme to whole of India
except islands of Andaman Nicobar & Lakshadweep w.e.f. 01st of April, 2019, et al.
The National Policy on Biofuels, 2018 approved in May, 2018 is aimed at achieving multiple
outcomes such as; addressing environmental concerns, reducing import dependency and
providing boost to agriculture sector.

The National Policy on Biofuels, 2018 allowed production of Ethanol from B-heavy Molasses,
Sugarcane Juice, and Damaged food grains like wheat, broken rice etc which are unfit for human
consumption. Regarding food-grains, the National Biofuel Coordination Committee (NBCC) was
empowered to allow specific raw materials based on the projected supply for the forthcoming year.
The NBCC has subsequently allowed production of Ethanol from Surplus Rice with Food
Corporation of India (FCI) and Maize.

Traditionally, Bihar has been leader in the Sugarcane production in India and is also home to large
number of Molasses based Distillery units. Ethanol manufacturing in the State using Sugarcane
Juice, Maize and Broken Rice as feed-stock has significant potential for growth. The National
Policy on Biofuels, 2018 and subsequent pronouncements by the Government of India offer a very
conducive regulatory and institutional eco-system for sustainable growth of Ethanol manufacturing
in States such as Bihar which is endowed with large number of feed-stocks such as Sugarcane,
Maize, Rice, etc.

This policy has been introduced with an aim to leverage the opportunities in Ethanol manufacturing
which offers a sustainable source of income for farmers, entrepreneurs and workers who will be
employed in the Ethanol units.

3. Objective

This policy aims to achieve the following objectives for the overall growth and development of
green-field new 100% Ethanol manufacturing industries in the State with a goal of providing
remunerative returns to investors, farmers and all other stakeholders:

• To allow production of Ethanol from all feedstocks permitted under National Policy on
Biofuels, 2018 and by the National Biofuel Coordination Committee
• To promote, facilitate and financially incentivize investment in fuel-grade standalone
new/green-field Ethanol manufacturing units in Bihar through instituting an enabling
environment and offering fiscal incentive
• To increase incomes of farmers producing feed-stock! raw material which may be used for
Ethanol manufacturing
• To create local employment opportunities through promotion of new Ethanol industries

4. Coverage and Scope

4.1. Eligibility for type of Units

Only standalone distilleries (single feed or dual feed) producing 100% fuel-grade Ethanol
which will be developed as Greenfield project shall be eligible for incentive under this
4.2. Eligibility for type of feedstocks

Ethanol production from all feedstocks permitted under National Policy on Biofuels, 2018
and by the National Biofuel Coordination Committee shall be allowed in the State of Bihar.
Subsequent permission of any additional feedstock for Ethanol production by National
Biofuel Coordination Committee will be automatically allowed for Ethanol production in the
State of Bihar.

a) Other eligibility conditions and incentives mentioned under Bihar Industrial Investment
Promotion Policy, 2016 shall also be considered for eligibility under this policy.

b) Only those Green-field standalone Ethanol manufacturing units shall be eligible for financial
assistance under this Policy which are producing fuel-grade Ethanol and are supplying 100%
of their Ethanol to Oil Manufacturing Companies (OMCs) under Ethanol Blending Programme
(EBP) of Government of India. For this purpose, at the time of Financial Clearance, the Units
will submit either (i) a copy of Tripartite agreement entered into among the Unit, their Bankers
and Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), or (ii) purchase order from Oil Marketing Companies
(OMCs) for sourcing of Ethanol manufactured by the Unit.

5. Incentives to Ethanol Manufacturing Units

The Policy recognizes the need of additional incentive to eligible Units to further improve the
investment prospects in the Ethanol manufacturing sector in the state.

5.1 Guiding Principles

5.1.1 These provisions I principles shall be applicable to all eligible projects I units
under this policy.

5.1.2 This policy shall come into force from the date of its notification. The said date
shall be considered as effective date of this policy from which its provisions shall
come into force and will be applicabletill 31st March 2025.

5.1.3 Incentive under this Policy shall be offered after commencement of commercial
production by the Unit.

5.1.4 Incentive under this Policy to the eligible Units covered under the clause 4 will be
in addition to the wide range of benefits eligible under the Bihar Industrial
Investment Promotion Policy, 2016. However, the maximum limit of incentive
under this Policy shall be subject to capping as per Clause 5.2 of this Policy.

5.1.5 For the purpose of calculation of capital subsidy under this policy, the value of
Plant and Machinery shall be that considered as part of Approved project cost
under Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2016.
5.1.6 Only those green-field standalone Ethanol Units which are set-up on ZLD (Zero
Liquid Discharge) basis shall be considered under this Policy. The cost of setting-
up Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) shall be included within the Approved project
Cost as mentioned in Clause 6.1.(xxii) of Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion
Policy, 2016.

5.1.7 Cost incurred in setting-up Captive power plant by eligible green-field standalone
Ethanol units shall be included within the Approved project cost.

5.1.8 Special Class Investors: In case of Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes
(ST), Extremely Backward Castes (EBC), Women, Differently-abled, War-widows,
Acid attack victims and Third gender entrepreneurs, the maximum limit of
incentive under this Policy shall be increased by additional 5%.

5.2 Capping of incentives

5.2.1 The incentive under this Policy is in addition to the incentives under Bihar
Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2016. However, the capping of sum total
of Interest Subvention Incentive under Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion
Policy, 2016 and Capital subsidy under this Policy shall be at 50% of the
Approved project cost under Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2016.

5.2.2 For Special Class ,Investors as referred to in Clause 5.1.8 of this Policy, the
capping will be 52.5% of the Approved project cost under Bihar Industrial
Investment Promotion Policy, 2016

5.3 Incentives under this policy

The quantum of capital subsidy under this Policy shall be 15% of the Cost of Plant and
Machinery or Rs. 5.00 crs, whichever is lower.

In case of Special class investors referred to under Clause 5.1.8, the

quantum of capital subsidy under this Policy shall be 15.75% of the Cost of Plant and
Machinery or Rs. 5.25 crs, whichever is lower.

5.4 Dovetailing with Central and State Government policies and schemes

(a) Dovetailing with Central Government policies and schemes would be allowed under
the Policy. Investors shall have to submit declaration of types and quantum of
incentives availed! to be availed by them under Central Government policies.

(b) Dovetailing with Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2016 would be
allowed under the policy. Dovetailing with State Government policies and schemes
other than Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2016 would be allowed
under the policy subject to the condition that the unit shall not avail subsidy against
the same asset under this policy and such other policy.

(c) In case Investors avail any subsidy under Central Government schemes, the
amount of subsidy so availed! to be availed by them will be deducted from
the corresponding subsidy admissible under Bihar Industrial Investment
Promotion Policy, 2016 or this Policy. For example - If an Investor avails 6%
interest subvention subsidy under a Central Government Scheme and the
applicable interest rate on term loan availed by them is 10%, then balance
4% would be admissible under Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Policy,
2016 subject to the upper limit specified in the Policy.

5.5 Special incentive package for Special class entrepreneurs

In order to promote Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Extremely

Backward Castes (EBC), Women, Differently-abled, War-widows, Acid attack victims
and Third gender entrepreneurs in the State, they shall be entitled for additional subsidy
under the policy subject to the condition that entrepreneurs under these categories shall
hold 100% stake in the Company! Firm promotingthe Unit.

5.6 Submission of application under this Policy

For availing incentive under this Policy, the eligible units would be required to submit
Stage-1 application latest by 30.06.2021. Every application for Stage-1 clearance
submitted by an Entrepreneur for setting up Ethanol manufacturing unit will be
processed in next seven (07) working days. Applications which are complete in all
respects will be accorded Stage-1 clearance and the same will be communicated to the
concerned Entrepreneur.

Eligible units which have availed Stage-1 clearance prior to the date of
notification of this Policy will also be covered under this Policy provided they have not
availed Financial Clearance.

5.7 Incentives on first-come-first-serve basis

Incentive under this scheme shall be offered on first-come-first-serve basis. All units
having applied for Stage-1 clearance latest by 30.06.2021 shall be eligible to avail
incentive under this Policy provided they also submit application for Financial Clearance
on or before 30.06.2022.

5.8 Total financial assistance to 100% green-field standalone Ethanol units

After the notification of this Policy, the eligible green-field standalone Ethanol
Manufacturing Units in Bihar will be entitled to avail Incentives under the following
policies of the Bihar Government-
1. Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2016
2. This Policy

Thus, eligible Ethanol units would be entitled to the following financial assistance:-

SN Type of Quantum of incentive Policy

1. Stamp duty 100% Exemption of Stamp duty and registration
and fees (100% Reimbursement in case of Priority
registration Sectors)
2. Land 100% Exemption of Land conversion fees (100%
conversion Reimbursement in case of Priority Sectors)
3. Interest Interest Subvention Incentive at 10% of Term
subvention loan for a period of five years, upper limit being
incentive 50% of Project Cost, maximum Rs. 20 crs (In
case of Priority Sectors, upper limit being 30% of
Project Cost, maximum Rs. 10 crs)
.4. Tax related Tax related incentives (100% SGST
incentives reimbursement and 100% Electricity Duty
reimbursement) for a period of five years, upper
limit being 100% of Project Cost {In case of
Priority Sectors, 80% SGST reimbursement and
100% Electricity Duty Reimbursement, upper
limit being 100% of Project Cost}
5. Employment 50% reimbursement (in case of male workers)
cost subsidy and 100% reimbursement (in case of female
workers) of expenditure on account of
contribution toward ESI and EPF scheme for a
period of 5 years for new units for those
employees who are domicile of Bihar.
Maximum limit for reimbursement will be
Rs. 1000/- per month for SC/ST and women
employee and Rs. 5001- per month for general
6. Skill Skill development subsidy of Rs 20,000 per
development employeel Bihar Skill Development Mission
subsidy (BSDM) rates whichever is lower. This incentive
will be applicable for training of employeesl
staffs who are domicile of Bihar
7. Capital Capital subsidy at 15% of the cost of Plant and This Policy
subsidy Machinery, maximum Rs. 5 crs
1. In case of Micro and Small units, following additional incentives are given- (i) Rate
of interest subvention is 12% instead of 10%; and (ii) The upper limit of Tax related
incentives is increased by additional 30% of the Approved project cost.

2. In case of Special Class Entrepreneurs referred to in Clause 5.1.8 of this Policy,

following additional incentives are given- (i) Rate of interest subvention and upper
limit of interest subvention incentive both is raised by additional 15% of the limit; (ii)
The upper limit of Tax related incentives is raised by additional 15% of the limit. (iii)
The upper limit of capital subsidy is raised by additional 5% of the limit.

3. This Clause 5.8. is merely for presentation purposes. For terms and conditions
related to incentives under Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2016, the
policy document should be referred to. In case of any inconsistency between the
information presented in this Clause and provisions of the said policy, the latter will
apply and prevail.

5.9 Timeline to be followed by Entrepreneurs and Department of Industries

• 5tage-1 Clearance: Entrepreneurs should submit application for Stage-1

clearance latest by 30'" June, 2021 on Single Window Clearance portal
( of Department of Industries. Department of Industries will
issue Stage-1 clearance within next seven (07) working days to applications
which are complete in all respects.

• Land allotment by BIADA: Entrepreneurs should submit application for land

allotment on BIADA portal which will be disposed by BIADA within next seven
(07) working days.

• Financial Clearance: Entrepreneurs should submit application for Financial

Clearance latest by 30'" June, 2022 on Single Window Clearance portal
( of Department of Industries.

6. Policy implementation, monitoring and grievance redressal

6.1. Policy Implementation

(i). Department of Industries, Government of Bihar shall be the nodal agency

responsible for implementation of this policy in the State. Director of Industries
shall be the nodal officer for this policy.

(ii). Incentives under this policy shall be processed as per the provisions of Bihar
Industrial Investment Promotion Act, 2016 and Bihar Industrial Investment
Promotion Rules, 2016.
(iii). Units applying for incentive under this policy shall apply on the Single Window
Clearance (SWC) portal (https:/ of the Department of Industries,
Government of Bihar.

(iv). Government of Bihar will promote fuel-grade Ethanol manufacturing in the State.
For this purpose, the State Investment Promotion Board (SIPB) constituted as per
Section 4 of the Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Act, 2016 shall be
empowered to issue directions to concerned Departments/ Agencies of the State
Government. All NOCs, permissions and clearances required by Ethanol
Manufacturing units from Prohibition Excise & Registration Department and other
Departments/ Agencies of Bihar Government will be provided through Single
Window Clearance (SWC) portal (https:/ of the Department of
Industries, Governmentof Bihar.

(v). Department of Industries shall extend hand-holding support to the Investors

setting up Ethanol manufacturingunits in land allotment from Bihar Industrial Area
Development Authority (BIADA), land registration for private land and land use
conversion and other applicableclearances/licences! NOCs.

(vi). BIADA land shall be allotted to standalone Ethanol manufacturing units on priority.
Every application for land allotment submitted by an Entrepreneur for setting up
Ethanol manufacturing unit will be processed in next seven (07) working days. For
this purpose, a weekly meeting of the Project Clearance Committee (PCC) of
BIADA will be held to clear all applications for High-priority sector units received
within a week. Units proposingto set-up standalone Ethanol manufacturing plant
shall be given preference in land allotment over other high-priority sector

6.2. Policy monitoring and grievance redressal

(i). The implementation of the policy will be reviewed from time to time and necessary
facilitation and course correction shall be undertaken as found necessary to
achieve the objectives of this policy.

(ii). Department of Industries will develop web-based interaction mechanism where

suggestions and complaints can be directly addressed to the Department of

6.3 Program awareness and Capacity Building

(i). Programs for creation of various levels of awareness /capacity building for self-
reliance in the field of domestic energy will be run. With this. the rural economy
will be strengthened as well as the role and importance of the bio-fuels sector will
be established for self employment opportunities.
(ii). Emphasis will be given on human resource development, training and capacity
building. For this, government and other institutions will be encouraged for various
level training, to ensure the availability of trained manpower at all levels in the bio-
energy sector.

7. General conditions

(i). As per the National Policy on Biofuels, 2018, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has
already evolved standards for bio-ethanol, biodiesel for standalone and blended form
applications. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has developed a standard (E.S.
15607) for Bio-diesel, which has been taken from the American standard ASTM-D-6751
and the European standard E.N. 14-14214. Apart from this, the Bureau of Indian
Standards has developed standard I.S. -2796: 2001, including 5% and 10% Bio-ethanol
Blend. Compliance will be ensured in each condition of standards set by the Bureau of
Indian Standards in the production of bio-ethanol, biodiesel, drop-in-fuel, methanol and
other bio-fuels.

(ii). If any false declaration is given for the purpose of availing incentives or if incentives are
availed for a unit that was not eligible or any violation of the condition of this policy, the
amount of incentive is liable to be recovered from the date of availing such benefit along
with the interest compounded annually @ 18% per annum. In case of non-paymentwithin
the stipulated time, the State Government may recover such amounts including interest
as arrears of land revenue.

(iii). If a Unit after availing incentive under this Policy diverts the production facility to produce
any product other than fuel-grade Ethanol to be supplied to Oil Marketing Companies
under Ethanol Blending Programme of Government of India, the amount of incentive is
liable to be recovered from the date of availing such benefit along with the interest
compounded annually @ 18% per annum. In case of non-payment within the stipulated
time, the State Government may recover such amounts including interest as arrears of
land revenue.

8. Words used in this Policy shall have the same meaning as assigned to them under Bihar
Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2016 or National Policy on Biofuels, 2018, as the
context may require. All matters of interpretation/disputes shall be decided by the Industrial
Development Commissioner/ Principal Secretary, Department of Industries. Such
interpretation/decision shall be final.

9. Industries mentioned in the negative list of Bihar Industrial Investment Promotion Policy, 2016
would not be eligible for any incentive under this policy.

10, In case of any discrepancy in the meaning and interpretation of the translated version of this
policy, the English language version shall be binding in all respect and shall prevail.
11. This policy will come into effect from the date of issue of this notification and will remain in
operation till 31st March 2025.

By the order of the Governor of Bihar

Additional Chief Secretary,
Departmentof Industries, Bihar, Patna.

Memo No- l-S 1- IPatna, Dated- \ l-h)0\ ~IJ~,

File No- 4ITech.lEthanoi Policy 109/2021
Copy to: The Superintendent, State Printing Press, Gulzarbagh, Patna to publish in the
special edition of Bihar Gazette. It is requested to print 1000 copies of the published gazette
and make it available to the Department. ~

Department of Industries, Bihar, Patna.

MemoNo-"1-5i- IPatna, Dflled- 1l-1()~\~1J.}_'

File No- 4ITech.lEthanoi Policy 109/2021
Copy to: The Accountant General (Accounts & Title), Bihar, Patnal Treasury Officer,
Secretariat Treasury,Vikas Bhawan, Patna for information.

Department of Industries, Bihar, Patna.

Memo No- "1-51- IPatna,

File No- 4ITech.lEthanoi Policy 109/2021
Copy to: All Heads of Departmentsl All Corporations! Authorities of the Department of
Industriesl P.S. to Minister, Department of Industries! P.S. to Secretary, Department of
Industries, Bihar, Patnal Director of Industries, Bihar, Patnal Director, Technical Development,
Bihar, Patnai Director, Food Processing! Director, Handloom & Sericulturel All General
Managers, District Industries Centres for information and necessary action.

Department of Industries, Bihar, Patna.
Memo No- 1-51- IPatna, Dated- \ 1-, ~~~ ~<1_'
File No- 4fTech./Ethanol Policy109 I 2021
Copy to: All Divisional Commissionersl All District officers/Ail Deputy Development
Commissioners! Resident Commissioner, Bihar Bhawan, New Delhil Director, M.S.M.E.D.I,
Patliputra, PatnalMuzaffarpur I Secretary to the Chief Minister, Biharl Chairman-Cum-
Managing Director, Bihar State Power Holding Company Limited, Patna for information and
necessary action.

iJ;,. WI: -''1I'SI~
Additional Chief Secretary,
Departmentof Industries, Bihar, Patna.

Memo No- i- S 4- IPatna, Dated- 11-\ D '0 \~ <l~ '\

File No- 4fTech'/Ethanol Policy 109I 2021
Copy to: O.S.D to Chief Secretary, Bihar, Patnal Principal P.S. to the Development
Commissioner, Bihar, Patna for information.

~ Nl~~1'"31vi
Additio~al Chief secre~ry~l
Department of Industries, Bihar, Patna.

Memo No- "i- S"\- IPatna,

File No- 4fTech'/Ethanol Policy 109I 2021
Copy to: IT Manager, Departmentof Industries, Bihar, Patna for uploadingthe copy of the
resolution on the DepartmentalWebsite.

b.tvt~JvII(~-I Jf
Additional Chief Secretary,
Department of Industries, Bihar, Patna.

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