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J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158

DOI 10.1007/s10950-014-9455-y


New magnitude scales ML and spectrum-based Mw for the area

around Shanxi Rift System, North China
Bin Li & Jens Havskov & Lars Ottemöller &
Mathilde Bøttger Sørensen

Received: 23 March 2014 / Accepted: 8 August 2014 / Published online: 28 August 2014
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract A new locally calibrated ML scale was de- Keywords Earthquake . Magnitude scale . Moment
rived for the area around the Shanxi rift system, North tensor inversion . Shanxi rift system . Shanxi Seismic
China, from 83 events recorded on 56 stations of the Network
Shanxi Seismic Network (SSN) resulting in 2,633 ob-
servations during the period of 2008–2012. It is
expressed as ML =log(A)+0.80log(R)+0.00187R−1.4,
1 Introduction
where A is the maximum amplitude of vertical compo-
nent in nanometer (nm) measured on a simulated
The Shanxi rift system (Fig. 1), also called the Shanxi
Wood–Anderson seismogram at a hypocentral distance
graben system, is one of the most pronounced Pliocene–
R. The new ML scale is valid for distances up to 600 km
Quaternary continental rift systems in China (Xu and
and is an improvement comparing to the currently used
Ma 1992). Its formation and development have been
SSN scale, with a reduction in variance of 39 % in
deeply affected by the interaction of the Indian, Eurasian
magnitude residuals. The moment magnitude Mw was
and Pacific plates (Xu et al. 1993). The Shanxi rift
also calculated for the whole data set based on spectral
system is bounded to the east and west by the Lvliang
analysis. To validate the Q-function used for spectral
and Taihang Mountains, respectively, which have an
Mw, we carried out moment tensor inversion for 17
average altitude of 1,400–2,000 m, and to the north
moderate size events and selected the regional attenua-
and south by the respective E–W-trending Yinshan–
tion model which gave spectral Mw on average closest to
Yanshan and Qinling Mountains. Within the rift, there
moment tensor Mw. The most appropriate Q-function
are series of en echelon left-stepping asymmetrical half-
was found to be Q(f)=299.4f0.563. The determination of
graben basins, extending for more than 1,200 km and
the Mw magnitudes makes it possible to derive a rela-
mainly related to the Datong, Xinding, Taiyuan, Linfen
tionship between the ML and Mw scales of this region,
and Yuncheng basins. These basins are separated by
which is expressed as Mw =0.85ML +0.58, similar to
highlands and form an S-shaped feature with a NNE-
relationships found elsewhere for similar tectonic
trending transtensional segment in the middle and NE–
ENE-trending extensional domains on both terminal
segments (Deng et al. 1973; Xu and Ma 1992; Xu
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s10950-014-9455-y) contains supplementary
et al. 1993). These basins are filled with over 3,000 m
material, which is available to authorized users. of Cenozoic fluvial–lacustrine deposits and eolian loess,
gradually decreasing in elevation from 1,010 m in the
B. Li (*) : J. Havskov : L. Ottemöller : M. B. Sørensen
north to 380 m in the south (Li et al. 1998). The bound-
Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen,
Allégaten 41, N-5007 Bergen, Norway aries between the basins and mountains are mainly
e-mail: defined and controlled by steeply dipping normal faults,
142 J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158

sometimes accompanied by a strike-slip component earthquakes with Ms ≥6.0 are related to these boundary
(Fig. 1) (Deng et al. 1973). These boundaries have been faults (Li 1989).
associated with strong earthquake activity and the oc- The Shanxi rift system is a seismically highly active
currence of all earthquakes with Ms ≥7.0, and 80 % of area. Since the first earthquake was documented in 231

Fig. 1 Topography map and active faults (black lines) of the Shanxi rift system and epicenter distribution of location results from this study
(blue circles) and SSNC (green circles). Red triangles stations of the SSN, black circles main cities
J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158 143

B.C. in Shanxi, at least seven large earthquakes with characteristics of the seismometers used in China at
magnitudes greater than Ms =7.0 have occurred in this the time. The general form of the formula is
region. The Chinese historical earthquake catalogue is
likely to be complete for Ms ≥6.5 events since 1303 M L ¼ log10 Aμ þ RðΔÞ þ X ð1Þ
(Ming et al. 1995). Historical documents show that
before 1303, most documented historical earthquakes where
in North China occurred in the Shanxi rift system. After  
that, three Ms ≥7.5 earthquakes in the region were 1 AN AE
Aμ ¼ þ ð2Þ
documented again. In 1303, the Hongdong earth- 2 V ðT ÞN V ðT ÞE
quake (Ms 8.0) within the Shanxi rift system killed
more than 200,000 people (Wu and Jia 1981). AN and AE are the respective maximum amplitudes in
Then, in 1556, the Huaxian earthquake (Ms 8.3) microns of ground displacement as measured on the N–
occurred on the southern edge of the Shanxi rift S and E–W horizontal traces after simulating short-
system, around 300 km from the epicenter of the period seismometer DD-1 recordings (Liu and Liu
Hongdong earthquake. This earthquake killed 1996), V(T)N and V(T)E are the amplification factors to
about 830,000 people, making it one of the dead- convert to ground displacement in microns at period T
liest earthquakes in human history (Liu and Wang corresponding to AN and AE, respectively, R(Δ) is the
2012). In 1695, an Ms ∼7.8 earthquake occurred in distance correction function where Δ is the hypocentral
the Shanxi rift system again, close to the site of distance and X is station correction term. In practice, the
the 1303 Hongdong earthquake (Wu and Jia 1981), R(Δ) used currently is the general function for the local
but on a different fault. Since then, no earthquake magnitude scale used in China (Jia, personal communi-
with Ms >6.5 has occurred in this region, but cation 2013); the station corrections are not used (Dong
moderate to small earthquakes are still very fre- et al. 2007; Meng et al. 2008). No other magnitude is
quent. The latest earthquake causing casualties and currently calculated directly at the SSN (Jia, personal
serious damage to buildings was the Datong– communication 2013). Other magnitudes are computed
Yanggao Ms 6.1 earthquake in 1989 (Miao et al. by converting from the ML_SSN magnitudes based on
1990). general empirical formulae derived for a larger region,
Instrumental seismic monitoring with a local seismic i.e., China mainland (Yan and Xue 1987; Yang and
network in the Shanxi region commenced in 1970 (Wu Zhang 1998; Wang and Yu 2009). Further uncertainties
1982). Through gradual development during the past are introduced by not having an ML scale calibrated for
few decades, the Shanxi Seismic Network (SSN) oper- the region as well as not using an appropriate local
ated by the Shanxi Earthquake Administration has crustal model for hypocenter location.
grown into a network of 56 stations. All stations are ML tends to be affected by saturation for larger events
equipped with broadband seismometers and digital real- (ML >6.0), while for events smaller than 3, recent stud-
time data transmission using the Internet. The monitor- ies have shown that ML systematically underestimates
ing ability of the local network reaches down to the magnitude relative to M w due to attenuation
ML_SSN=1.5 (local magnitude derived by SSN) for (Edwards et al. 2010; Allmann et al. 2011), although
most areas within this region (Zhang et al. 2010). theoretically, it is expected that Mw =ML (Deichmann
Earthquakes are routinely located with the simplex al- 2006; Bethmann et al. 2011). In recent years, the mo-
gorithm method (Prugger and Gendzwill 1988) or ment magnitude Mw has become very popular for many
HYPOINVERSE2000 (Klein 2003), both using the seismological applications, also on the light that it does
Jeffreys–Bullen travel time model (Bullen 1963) for not saturate for large earthquakes (e.g., Kanamori 1983).
local and regional distances. It is based on the seismic moment and is routinely
The current practice of determining ML_SSN is de- determined by moment tensor inversion for events larg-
scribed by Dong et al. (2007) and Meng et al. (2008). er than 5.5 by international agencies using long-period
ML_SSN is calculated using a formula developed for waveforms. For smaller events, the seismic moment can
China (Yan and Xue 1987; Yan et al. 1994). It was be determined by moment tensor inversion (down to
established in 1959, based on the definition of magnitudes around 3) or by spectral analysis using a
Richter’s local magnitude (Richter 1935) and the regional attenuation model and regional data by local
144 J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158

agencies (currently not done for SSN). However, this Anderson seismograph, equivalent to 481-nm ground
requires knowledge of the local attenuation. displacement and Qd(100)=0.32. Regional variations in
The purpose of this study is to improve the attenuation must be accounted for deriving the local
magnitude scales for the Shanxi region. This will magnitude scale, and this has been done for numerous
be done by determining a locally calibrated ML regions (e.g., Alsaker et al. 1991; Kim 1998; Keir et al.
scale (ML_New) following the standard definition 2006; Saunders et al. 2012; Ottemöller and Sargeant
of ML except that the vertical channel is used 2013).
instead of horizontal channels (see later Sect. 2.1 To develop the ML scale for a specific region,
for explanation), finding the regional attenuation the parameters of a, b, and c in Eq. (4) must be
which gives the most accurate Mw based on spec- calculated based on a sufficient number of obser-
tral analysis, carrying out moment tensor inversion vations in different distance ranges in the region.
for the larger events, and analyzing the relation- The data can be inverted simultaneously for a
ship between Mw and ML_New using the whole number of events by solving the following system
data set. Since the crustal model currently used is of equations,
not appropriate for the region, this study also
includes a relocation of the events using a regional   
crustal structure from recent studies. log Aij ¼ M Li −a*log Rij −b* Rij −X j −c ð5Þ

2 Methodology where i and j are the index of earthquakes and

stations, respectively. MLi is the average magnitude
2.1 Local magnitude scale (ML) for event i. The sum of all station corrections is
required to be 0, and a, b, MLi, and Xj are esti-
The local magnitude scale was defined by Richter mated by inverting this linear system using singu-
(1935) as lar value decomposition (Menke 1989; Press et al.
M L ¼ logðAÞ þ Qd ðΔÞ ð3Þ According to the original M L definition by
where A is the maximum amplitude in millimeter Richter (1935), the horizontal components are used
(mm) measured on a Wood–Anderson seismograph to measure the maximum amplitudes. However, in
at an epicentral distance Δ and Qd(Δ) is a dis- this study, we chose to use amplitude readings on
tance correction function, as originally defined for vertical components. The main consideration is
southern California. The scale is anchored such that seismic waves are generally influenced by
that an amplitude of 1 mm on the Wood– different local site conditions when propagating
Anderson seismograph recorded at a distance of from the focus to seismic recording stations, such
100 km corresponds to an earthquake of ML =3.0. as amplification by local topographic forms and
The more general form of the local magnitude scale changes in earth materials (e.g., sediments).
(e.g., Bakun and Joyner 1984) is given by However, we will investigate the systematic differ-
ence between amplitudes on vertical and horizontal
M L ¼ logðAÞ þ a*logðRÞ þ b*ðRÞ þ c þ X ð4Þ
The original anchoring of the ML scale has been
where A is the maximum ground displacement (nm) used in most studies that developed region-specific
measured on a Wood–Anderson filtered trace, a and b scales. However, another reference anchoring of
are constants representing geometrical spreading and 17 km, with an amplitude of 10 mm on the
attenuation, respectively, c is a constant for the scale to Wood–Anderson corresponding to ML = 3.0, was
give the same magnitude for the same amplitude at the also proposed for regions with different attenuation
reference distance, R is the hypocentral distance (km), than Southern California (Hutton and Boore 1987).
and X is a station correction term. Most scales are still This means that all scales would have the same
anchored to give ML =3 at 100 km distance for the correction term at 17 km but might be different at
equivalent of the 1-mm amplitude on the Wood– 100 km. Sufficient observations are required within
J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158 145

the anchoring distance to justify deviating from the 2.2 Moment magnitude scale (Mw)
original reference distance of 100 km. The epicen-
ter–station distance of most of our data falls into The IASPEI (2013) equation for computing the moment
the range of 0–400 km, but only 2–3 recordings magnitude Mw (Kanamori 1977; Hanks and Kanamori
within 0–17 km (see Fig. 2). We, therefore, select- 1979) reads as
ed the reference distance of 100 km.
M w ¼ 2=3ðlog10 M 0 −9:1Þ ð6Þ

where M0 is the seismic moment measured in newton

meters (Nm). The seismic moment can be determined
by moment tensor inversion for moderate to large events
or by spectral analysis for all events. In this study, M0 is
calculated based on source spectral analysis for all
events (3.0≤ ML_SSN ≤5.1) and by moment tensor
inversion for the relatively larger events (3.6≤
ML_SSN ≤5.1).

2.2.1 Spectral analysis

We assume the Brune source model (Brune 1970) S (f)

to be valid for the earthquakes studied here. The source
spectrum gets modified by geometrical spreading G(Δ,
h), attenuation D(f), and instrumental response. At an
epicentral distance Δ and hypocentral depth h, the ob-
served instrument corrected spectrum can be expressed

Að f Þ ¼ 0:6  2:0S ð f ÞDð f ÞGðΔ; hÞ ð7Þ

where the factors 0.6 and 2.0 account for average radi-
ation pattern effect and the effect of the free surface,
respectively, and f is the frequency.
The attenuation term D(f) consists of two parts,
Dð f Þ ¼ e Q0 f α ⋅e−πfk ð8Þ

where the first part accounts for losses along the travel
path, T is the travel time, Q0 and α are constants and the
quality factor Q=Q0 fα (Q-function). The second part
accounts for near surface losses, the near surface atten-
uation given by κ.
The geometrical spreading depends on the hypocen-
tral distance. In this region, most of the earthquakes are
shallow, and the spectral analysis of our data is per-
formed based on S/Lg waves. Therefore, we use the
geometrical spreading function proposed by Herrmann
and Kijko (1983) for S/Lg waves where body wave
Fig. 2 Magnitude and hypocenter distance distribution of obser-
spreading is assumed for an epicentral distance less than
vations. Magnitudes are computed using the scale developed in 100 km and surface wave spreading for an epicentral
this work distance larger than 100 km.
146 J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158

Once the attenuation is known, the spectrum spectral analysis. The data processing is described in the
corrected for attenuation can be obtained, which is used next section, and an example of the moment tensor
to determine the corner frequency f0 and spectral flat inversion is given in the result part, see Fig. 10.
level Ω0. Then, the seismic moment M0 and consequent-
ly the Mw are calculated.
We first determined the spectral Mw for some events 3 Data and data processing
manually and compared them to the results based on the
automatic routine in SEISAN (Ottemöller and Havskov Waveform data used in this study were taken from the
2003). The difference was not significant, and the data recordings by the SSN. The data are from 2008–2012,
processing of spectral analysis and determination of for which time period there is a good coverage of digital
spectral Mw were carried out by using the automatic broad band stations (Zhang et al. 2010). For determining
routine of SEISAN. The work procedure of this auto- the ML_New scale, we set the maximum distance of
matic routine is described in the next data-processing recordings for each earthquake to 600 km. In order to
section. get sufficient observations with good quality (clear sig-
nal and high signal to noise ratio) for each earthquake,
we selected all events with ML_SSN ≥3.0 based on the
2.2.2 Moment tensor inversion preliminary catalogue from the Shanxi Seismic Network
Center (SSNC). Using these criteria, a total of 2,633
The moment tensor inversion in this study was per- observations from 83 events recorded on 56 stations
formed using the time-domain moment tensor inversion were used (see Table 1 in the Electronic supplements
method (TDMI_INV code), which has been integrated (ES) for catalogue parameters of the 83 selected events).
into SEISAN (Ottemöller et al. 2013). This method is The geographic distribution of selected events and sta-
described in detail in Dreger (2002) and briefly outlined tions is plotted in Fig. 1. The magnitude and hypocenter
in the following. distance distribution of observations are shown in Fig. 2,
By considering both a spatial and temporal point showing that most observations fall into the distance
source, the seismic source can be simplified to be range of 0–400 km.
Hypocenter locations were computed for this study
U n ðx; t Þ ¼ M ij *Gni; j ðx; z; t Þ ð9Þ
by reprocessing the data in SEISAN. The first onset of
where Un is the observed n component of displacement seismic waves on the vertical trace was read as the P
or velocity at a location x and time t due to a point phase manually if clearly determined and then S phases
source, Gni,j is the nth component Green’s function for on horizontal traces if possible. The maximum ampli-
specific force-couple orientations, and Mij is the seismic tudes for ML_New were read on the vertical component
moment tensor, which describes the strength of the of Wood–Anderson simulated traces. The Wadati dia-
force-couples. The indices i and j refer to geographical gram (Wadati 1933) was made for each event to make an
directions. The Mij can be resolved by inverting ob- independent check of the observed arrival times and the
served seismograms using the linear least squares meth- fitting of all data points. For a further check of the
od for a given source depth. The Mij is then decomposed quality of our readings, the travel time plot of P and S
into the scalar seismic moment, a double-couple mo- waves as a function of distance was also made for each
ment tensor (DC) and a compensated linear vector di- event to identify potential bad picks. This was important
pole moment tensor (CLVD). The double couple can be to have reliable hypocenters as the hypocentral distance
described by the strike, rake, and dip of the correspond- is used in the ML_New scale inversion.
ing two nodal planes. The isotropic component is For local earthquakes, the nearest stations usually
constrained to be zero. The best combination of focal provide the most accurate information due to the clarity
depth and moment tensor is found by a grid search for of the phases and less influence of uncertainty in the
minimum misfit and minimum CLVD component at local model on the results, especially for the estimation
different depths. of event depth. It is, therefore, desirable to put more
Here, we aim to use the Mw magnitudes from mo- weight on data from near stations than on those from
ment tensor inversion of seismic waves as reference distant stations provided that enough stations are avail-
events to further evaluate our Mw magnitudes based on able for a reliable location. In this study, observations
J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158 147

Table 1 Parameters of crustal structure in this study selected, the flat level Ω0 and corner frequency were
Layer no. Layer name Depth (km) P-wave velocity (km/s) obtained by fitting the theoretical spectrum by grid
search (Ottemöller and Havskov 2003).
1 Sediments 4 4.8 For moment tensor inversion, the velocity
2 Upper crust I 7 6.0 seismograms were used in this study. The data prepara-
3 22 6.2 tion firstly includes removal of the instrument response
4 Upper crust II 25 6.3 from the data and selection of traces with good signals.
5 32 6.4 To limit the bandwidth within which range the useful
6 Lower crust 40 7.2 signal is present, a band-pass filter, with the bandwidth
7 Upper mantle 80 8.0 of 0.02–0.1 Hz for ML_SSN ≤4.0 and 0.02–0.06 Hz for
4.0< ML_SSN ≤5.1, was applied on both the observed
and synthetic data.
within 150 km from the epicenter were given full
weight, whereas observations at or farther than 200 km
were set to zero. Within this range, at least five stations 4 Crustal model
were used for location.
The S/Lg waves of our selected data are clear and not The currently used crustal model for hypocenter loca-
saturated, which were selected for the spectral analysis tion in the SSN is the Jeffreys–Bullen model (Bullen
in this study. The time domain signal of S/Lg waves was 1963) for local and regional distances (Jia, personal
firstly extracted from the vertical-component observa- communication, 2013) as shown in Fig. 3. As it is a
tions, with a time window for data extraction of 20 s global model, it is not necessarily appropriate for this
starting 2 s before the S-wave arrival time. The time region. In fact, the regional crustal structure of the area
domain data was then transformed into the frequency around Shanxi rift system has been studied intensively
domain using a standard FFT routine. Together with the in recent years, mainly using receiver function analysis,
computation of the spectrum corrected for attenuation, seismic imaging, and tomography (Chen, et al. 2009;
the noise spectrum prior to the first phase arrival was Huang et al. 2009, 2011; Tang et al. 2010; Li et al.
also computed, used to determine the frequency range 2010a, b; Bao et al. 2011; Yu et al. 2012; Lu et al.
over which the observed spectral levels are significantly 2011). These studies have improved the understanding
higher than the noise. Based on the frequency range of the details of the regional crustal structure, e.g., slight

Fig. 3 Left 1D velocity model of the Shanxi rift system used in this study, modified from Tang et al. (2010) and Yu et al. (2012) and the JB
model currently used by SSN; right travel time curves of the two models
148 J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158

Fig. 4 Q-functions of the Shanxi

rift system from recent studies of
Chuo et al. (2004), Song et al.
(2007), Dong et al. (2011), Liang
et al. (2012), and the nos.3–5 of
grid search in Table 2

variations of Moho depth in different areas, and their region (e.g., Li et al. 2010b; Huang et al. 2011). The P-
main conclusions about the structure are very similar. wave velocity for each layer is the mean velocity value
Our 1D P-wave velocity model (Table 1 and Fig. 3) is a of the corresponding layer in the model from Tang et al.
simplified version of the models from Tang et al. (2010) (2010), which gives a velocity range for each layer.
and Yu et al. (2012). These two regional studies use the Additionally, the Vp/Vs ratio used in this model is
largest amount of data and have been well tested. In our 1.77, which is the mean value of Vp/Vs ratios under
1D model, the depth of the Moho discontinuity is 40 km, 18 seismic stations in Shanxi obtained using receiver
which is consistent with most relevant studies in this function analysis by Li et al. (2010a).

Fig. 5 Comparison of (−log A0)

term between the new scale, some
of previous studies, and SSN
current calibration data, assuming
that amplitudes are ground
displacements in nanometers
J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158 149

Fig. 6 Comparison between

magnitudes from the new scale
and SSN report

Fig. 7 Comparison between Log

A(Vertical) and Log A(Horizontal) for
all recordings used in this study;
the Log A(Horizontal) is the
arithmetic mean value of the two
horizontal components, the same
as the SSN currently used
150 J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158

5 Q-function of the mid-northern part of the Shanxi rift area using the
direct P-waves of small earthquakes. Eleven Q-values
The first study on estimating the Q-values of Shanxi was were determined for different areas, varying from 87
done by Peng (1989), based on the Aki coda model near Datong to 214 closed to Fansi area (Fig. 1).
(Herrmann 1980) and using near-earthquake coda However, all these values are independent of frequency
waves. The results presented average Q-values of dif- and therefore were not used in this study, since all recent
ferent areas in the Shanxi Province. Most Q-values are studies give Q to be frequency dependent in this region
in the range of 100–300, and no frequency dependence (Chuo et al. 2004; Song et al. 2007; Dong et al. 2011;
was given. Chuo and Zhao (1992) studied the Q-values Liang et al. 2012).

Fig. 8 Comparison of individual magnitude residuals for the whole data set for the current SSN scale without station correlations (in
practice) (top) and our new scale without station correlations (middle) and with station corrections (bottom)
J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158 151

Fig. 9 Residual distribution of

128 combinations of parameters
Q0, α, and κ by grid search.
Residual: average difference in
log observed, calculated
displacement spectrum (nm/Hz)

In 2004, Chuo et al. studied the attenuation of the SEISAN Hypocenter program (Lienert and Havskov
Shanxi region again, based on the analysis of S-waves 1995). The epicenter distribution of our locations and
from 156 ML_SSN ≥1.5 earthquakes using the method the locations from the SSNC is plotted together in
proposed by Atkinson and Mereu (1992), and a frequency- Fig. 1; the more detailed information is given in
dependent attenuation model was estimated as Q(f)= Table 1 (in ES). We first compared the results for each
323.3f0.506. The key point of this method is that it applies event and then calculated the mean values of changes in
repeat iterative inversions to search the best solutions for epicenters and depths for all events. The results show
the site effects and inelastic attenuation coefficient, which that the changes in locations are very small (on average
is then used to derive the attenuation model. Later, Song ∼2 km) and do not seem systematic except for depth,
et al. (2007) analyzed the S-waves of 58 ML_SSN ≥3.0 which increases around 3 km on average compared to
earthquakes and used a genetic algorithm (Moya et al. the previous results. Most events in our data set have a
2000) to invert the low-frequency spectral level, corner good azimuth distribution, so the depth changes are
frequency of earthquakes, and site responses of stations in mainly caused by using only the nearest stations in our
Shanxi. The attenuation model was then derived based the study (within 150 km). In addition, our local crustal
estimated site effects and source parameters, which is Q(f) model has slightly higher velocities on average than
=299.4f0.563. More recently, Dong et al. (2011) and Liang the SSN currently used JB crustal model (Fig. 3).
et al. (2012) determined the Q-function again, both based
on the analysis of S-waves and using the method of
Atkinson and Mereu (1992) and obtained the relationships Table 2 Top 5 results of grid search for attenuation
as Q(f)=469.5f0.3141 and Q(f)=420.7f0.369, respectively.
No. Q0 α κ Ns f0 Mw Res
These results from different studies since 2004 are plotted
in Fig. 4. We will evaluate the four models in the 1 150.0 0.700 0.040 2604 13.78 3.39 0.129
following. 2 150.0 0.700 0.030 2668 11.02 3.36 0.130
3 450.0 0.400 0.040 2583 11.78 3.17 0.130
4 250.0 0.600 0.040 2623 12.52 3.24 0.131
6 Results and discussion 5 350.0 0.500 0.040 2605 12.04 3.19 0.131

6.1 Relocation No. grid search number (ordered with residuals); Q0 and α are
constants in the frequency-dependent attenuation function (Eq. 8);
κ near surface attenuation, Ns number of spectra used; Mw, f0, and
The relocation was done for the selected data set apply- Res average Mw, corner frequency, and residuals of 83 events used
ing our local 1D velocity model (Fig. 3) and using the in grid search, respectively
152 J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158

6.2 The ML_New scale 100 km. For distances greater than 100 km, the correc-
tion term for the new scale falls into the middle of these
The ML_New scale obtained from the inversion of all scales. The distance correction data (Eq. 1) currently
recordings in the data set (10–600 km) is used by SSN (Jia, personal communication, 2013) is
also plotted in Fig. 5. It is seen that the SSN scale is
M L New ¼ logðAÞ þ 0:80logðRÞ not anchored at 100 km where it shows about 0.1
þ 0:00187R−1:47; ð10Þ magnitude units larger than the new scale. For a hypo-
central distance smaller than 50 km or larger than
with a standard deviation of 0.13 for individual magni- 420 km, the SSN distance correction data will give
tudes of all selected events for the new scale. The smaller magnitudes compared to the new scale. While
amplitude is measured in nanometers (nm). The com- for distances between 50 and 400 km, where more than
bined correction term as a function of distance for the 80 % recordings fall into this range (Fig. 2), the magni-
new scale is plotted in Fig. 5, together with the correc- tudes based on the SSN distance correction data will be
tion terms from different studies/areas (Hutton and larger than those from the new scale.
Boore 1987; Bakun and Joyner 1984; Alsaker et al. Figure 6 shows a comparison between magnitudes
1991). Anchoring the scale at the reference distance of from the ML_New and ML_SSN scales. Magnitudes
100 km, the correction term for the new scale is larger from the new scale are slightly smaller than the ones
than for Southern California (Hutton and Boore 1987), reported by SSN, with an average of 0.24 magnitude
Central California (Bakun and Joyner 1984), and units less for the whole data set. This difference can
Norway (Alsaker et al. 1991) for distances less than have several explanations. First, we read and used

Fig. 10 An example showing the result of moment tensor inversion for 20100605 event with Mw =4.6
J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158 153

the maximum amplitudes on vertical components 1987; Yan et al. 1994; Li et al. 2004; Liu et al.
after simulating on a Wood–Anderson seismogram, 2007; Meng et al. 2008). This should be the second
while the SSN scale used the arithmetic mean value reason for the difference. The last reason comes
of the amplitudes of two horizontal components after from the station correction which plays an important
simulating the DD-1 short-period displacement role in magnitude determination. As mentioned in
seismograms. To give an indication of the magnitude the introduction part, the SSN scale does not include
difference due to different amplitudes used, the the station correction while the new scale takes it
log(A)-vertical and the mean of the log(A)-horizontal into account. The station corrections of individual
terms (Eq. 4) were computed, and their relationship stations are shown in Table 2 (in ES). The absolute
is shown in Fig. 7. It is shown that the log(A)- station corrections found in this study are all less
horizontal is larger than the log (A)-vertical, and than 0.5.
the mean difference between log(A)-vertical and To evaluate the new scale, we computed the
log(A)-horizontal is around 0.1. This means that 0.1 magnitude residuals for all observations in the data
magnitude units should be added to the new scale to set for the new scale with station corrections and
compare to the old scale. As mentioned above, the without station, as well as the residuals for the
new scale is calibrated for the region, while the SSN SSN currently used scale without station correc-
scale used the general distance correction data tions. The results are shown in Fig. 8. The station
(Fig. 5; Eq. 1) for the whole China (Yan and Xue correction improves the magnitude results, and

Table 3 Magnitude comparison for relatively large events in the data set

Date Time Lat. Log. Depth ML Mw

(yyyy/mm/dd) (GMT) (°N) (°E) (km)
SSN New Spectrala Spectralb Spectralc Spectrald MTI* Quality

2009/03/28 1111 38.904 112.934 10.0 4.5 4.3 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.2 3
2009/12/20 1421 35.219 113.475 6.2 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 3
2010/02/08 1342 39.075 111.703 18.8 3.8 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 2
2010/04/04 1346 39.990 113.852 10.1 4.7 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.4 3
2010/04/07 0730 36.299 111.711 5.0 4.1 3.9 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.7 3
2010/06/05 1258 38.199 112.640 7.1 5.1 4.9 4.5 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.6 4
2010/06/10 1308 37.818 111.481 14.4 3.6 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 3
2010/12/14 0345 35.307 111.108 16.6 3.8 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 2
2011/01/15 0402 35.517 110.736 15.9 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.6 2
2011/03/06 1751 39.020 111.717 6.0 4.5 4.2 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 4
2011/04/20 1615 36..030 112.976 12.0 3.7 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.2 2
2011/04/26 0315 39.382 113.052 19.0 3.7 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3
2011/08/02 1157 36.504 112.039 19.0 4.2 3.9 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 3
2011/12/24 0620 39.503 112.790 6.0 3.9 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.6 3
2012/09/17 0243 37.589 112.357 14.1 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.6 2
2012/11/01 1609 35.951 111.734 5.0 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.5 2
2012/11/29 0047 39.917 113.190 9.1 3.6 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.4 2
Mean 4.05 3.78 3.65 3.67 3.62 3.62 3.70

MTI moment tensor inversion; Quality four different levels of MTI results in total, the best is 4 and the poorest is 1 (Havskov and Ottemöller
Spectrum Mw based on the Q(f)=323.3f0.506 (Chuo et al. 2004)
Spectrum Mw based on the Q(f)=299.34f0.563 (Song et al. 2007)
Spectrum Mw based on the Q(f)=469.5f0.3141 (Dong et al. 2011)
Spectrum Mw based on the Q(f)=420.7f0.369 (Liang et al. 2012)
154 J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158

compared to the SSN current scale, the new scale best fit to the Brune spectrum. For each combination of
performs much better, with a reduction in variance Q0, α, and κ, the corner frequency f0 and spectral flat
of 39 %. level Ω0 are determined, and the misfit to the spectrum
Based on these results, we consider that the ML_New and the mean misfit for all the event–station combina-
scale will give more accurate results compared to the old tions are then calculated. It is assumed that the combi-
scale for ML_SSN determination in this region. nation with the lowest mean misfit gives the most cor-
rect attenuation function. Therefore, a grid search can
6.3 The Mw magnitude give us a good indication of the possible range of Q. Our
input data cover the variation range of parameters in the
As discussed in the method part, the Q-function plays a four existing Q-functions, including the Q0 starting from
significant role for determining Mw magnitude based on the value of 100, with a step length of 50 and 8 steps in
spectral analysis, as the observed recordings can be total; α with a start point of 0.4, a step length of 0.1 and
seriously modified by regional attenuation. For this 4 steps; and κ with a start point of 0.02, a step length of
region, as shown in Fig. 4, there are four existing Q- 0.01 and 4 steps. Totally, 128 combinations of Q0, α,
functions from different studies in recent years. To esti- and κ with different residuals were obtained. The distri-
mate and select the best one for this study, a grid search bution of residuals for all grid searches is plotted in
and a moment tensor inversion of 17 relatively large Fig. 9. The residuals vary in the range 0.1–0.8, while
events (3.6≤ ML_SSN ≤5.1) were performed. most have a residual less than 0.3. The top 5 combina-
The grid search here is based on the assumption that tions, with lowest residuals, are shown in Table 2. We
the Brune spectrum (Brune 1970) is exactly correct and compared the four existing Q-functions with the top 5
searches for the parameters of Q0, α, and κ that give the results of the grid search and found that the four Q-

Fig. 11 Examples of typical source spectra from two events. The top for the Mw 4.6 event of 5 June 2010, the blue lines the observed source
two ANZ (Δ=51 km) and HZH (Δ=38 km) for the Mw 3.7 event of 7 spectra, the black solid lines the theoretical spectra based on the results
April 2010, the bottom two SZZ (Δ=229 km) and TIY (Δ=41 km) of modeling, the dashed lines the noise spectra
J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158 155

functions are comparable to the results of nos. 3–5 in hard to tell immediately which one is better. We there-
Table 2. The Q-functions from Song et al. (2007) and fore compared the mean spectrum Mw magnitudes of
Chuo et al. (2004) are close to the result of no.4 and these events with the mean value of Mw from moment
no.5, respectively, and the Q-functions from Liang et al. tensor inversion and found that the spectrum Mw based
(2012) and Dong et al. (2011) seem close to the result of on the Q-function from Song et al. (2007) is slightly
no.3 (Fig. 4). However, the Q-function from Liang et al. closer to the moment tensor inversion Mw, which is also
(2012) has both smaller Q0 and α compared to the close to the no.4 Q-combination within the top 5 in the
parameters of result no.3, which will result in higher grid search result (Fig. 4). Therefore, we selected this Q
attenuation. While for the Q-function from Dong et al. for this study.
(2011), the slightly larger Q0 cannot compensate the The spectrum-based Mw magnitudes of 83 events
much smaller index parameter α comparing to the result were obtained from this study. Examples of typical
of no.3 in Table 2. However, the residuals from the top 5 source spectra from two events are shown in Fig. 11.
combinations of these parameters are similarly small,
but different parameters for determining Mw from the
spectrum may result in different Mw. 6.4 ML_New–Mw relationship
For a further test of which Q gives the best solution of
spectral-based Mw, the moment tensor inversion of 17 The derivation of the ML_New and Mw scales allows us
relatively large events with good quality of data, which to develop the ML_New–Mw relationship for this region.
is believed to give the most reliable Mw magnitude, was All the 83 events were used for this revision, and the
then performed. A representative example of this work relationship obtained by applying the orthogonal regres-
for event 20100605 is shown in Fig. 10. The results, sion (Ericson 1971) is
together with the spectrum Mw magnitudes using the
M w ¼ 0:85M L New þ 0:58 ð11Þ
four different Q-functions, are shown in Table 3. All the
four Q-functions give similar Mw, and all are close to the The data points used and the regression results are
Mw from moment tensor inversion (Table 3). So, it is shown in Fig. 12. Our selected events fall into the local

Fig. 12 Comparison and

relationship of new ML scale and
spectrum-based Mw from 83
earthquakes. The solid line is the
fitting line of all data points, and
the dashed line indicates the 1:1
156 J Seismol (2015) 19:141–158

magnitude range of 2.4≤ ML_New ≤4.9 and 2.6≤ Mw their providing the whole data set used in this study, which makes
this study possible. We also express our appreciation to the deputy
≤4.6 for moment magnitudes. As shown in Fig. 12,
director, senior engineer Jianxi Jia, for his detailed explanation of
ML_New is close to the Mw for the data in the range of current practice in the seismic network and providing the SSN
ML_New 3–4. For the ML_New ≤3.0 data, ML magni- currently used JB table and ML_SSN calibration table. We are
tudes seem to be underestimated compared to the Mw grateful to the editor Thomas Braun and two anonymous reviewers
for their constructive comments and suggestions, which signifi-
magnitudes, while for ML_New ≥4.0 data, ML_New cantly improved the manuscript.
scale gives relatively larger magnitudes. This result
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