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1. Ardent: very enthusiastic.

2. Sphere: an area of interest or a large group of people who share certain

3. Lateral thinking: consideration of a large range of ideas, not only the most
4. Allocation: a certain amount given to each person when resources are
5. Concede: to give up; to admit that someone is right or that you have lost a
6. Minivan: a vehicle that is shaped like a small bus and used as a family car.
7. En masse: as a large group (/ahn mahs/)
8. Autobiographical: related to the story of a person’s life, as told by that
9. Episodic: occurring as a series of separate events; not continuous.
10. Generic: showing characteristics common to a large group.
11. In terms of: related to; when we consider.
12. Fluid: shifting and changing overtime, like the flow of water.
13. Buoy: to support or raise something (such as profits, prices, someone’s
14. Anthem: a formal or religious song.
15. Foster: to help to develop a skill, feeling, idea, etc., over a period of time.
16. Reinforcement: the act of making something stronger.
17. Disparate: very different and not related to each other.
18. Infuse: to fill someone or something with a particular feeling or quality.
19. Antiquity: old times.
20. Corporate activity: teamwork.
21. By and large: for the most part.
22. Imbue [the culture] with X: put X into the culture.
23.the cradles (of Western civilization): the places where Western
civilization began
24. Á la modern brass knuckles: similar to modern brass knuckles
25. Exposition: a public statement or explanation
26. Tackle: to deal with (a complicated or difficult task)
27. Subtleties: small details or hard-to-see aspects
28. Counterintuitive: hard to believe because it seems to be illogical
29. Prove useful: to eventually be important in accomplishing a task
30. Idealized: shown in a way that makes it seem unnaturally good
31. Exploit: to use something to one’s advantage
32. Rebound: to get better; to come back to a good position after bad
33. Go awry: to turn out worse than was planned
34. Pin hopes on: to see something as a potential solution to a
35. Coupled with: together with
36. Set off: to start; to put in motion.
37. Unprecedented: never having happened before, or never having
happened so much
38. Mainstream: characteristic of ideas, methods, or people that are
considered the most usual or normal in a society
39. Steadfastly: with certainty or firm belief, refusing to change
position or opinion.
40. Safeguard: a rule or action that is intended to protect someone or
something from possible dangers or problems
41. Retaliatory: done against someone because he or she has harmed
42. Rally: to come together or bring people together to support an
43. Incur: if you incur something unpleasant, you are in a situation in
which you have to deal with it
44. Better suited: more suitable, advantageous, attractive, etc.
45. Fruitful: producing many useful results
46. Calculus: the type of mathematics that deals with rates of change,
for example in the slope of a curve or the speed of a falling object
47. Savvy: practical knowledge or understanding of something.
48. Postulate: to suggest or accept that something is true so that it
can be used as the basis for a theory, etc.
49. Stand above the crowd: To be very noticeable and different among
a group of people or things that are all very similar.
50. Mimic: to act like; imitate
51. A wide array of: many types of
52. Run through: to practice
53. Bona fide: actual
54. In effect: when you get to the basic nature of something
55. Ward off: to keep away
56. Rising tide: increasing number
57. Slanted: diagonal
58. Tubular: long and hollow
59. Hold still: not move
60. Trauma: sudden injury
61. Flagging: decreasing
62. Gastrointestinal tract: the body system involving the stomach and
intestines to digest food
63. Endemic: present in a particular place or among a particular group
of people
64. Paralysis: the loss of ability to move all or part of your body
65. Eradication efforts: attempts to completely get rid of or destroy
66. Mucous membrane: the thin surface that covers some inner part
of the body, such as the inside of the nose, and produces mucus
67. Infiltrate: to secretly enter a place or organization to find out
information or do harm
68. Proximately: closely
69. Dissected: taken apart for analysis
70. Hone: to sharpen
71. Avenues: pathways
72. Of increasingly less consequence: less and less important
73. Play out: to take place
74. Mentorship: the guidance provided by a mentor, especially an
experienced person in a company or educational institution
75. Usher in: to cause or mark the start of something new
76. Hubristic: excessively proud or self-confident
77. Extant: still existing in spite of being very old
78. Blatantly: in an open and unashamed manner
79. Ethnocentric: thinking about things in a way that is based only on
your own culture and race, and not considering or including the
culture, traditions, etc., of other groups
80. Secular: related to worldly matters, not religious
81. Metaphysics: the study of things beyond observable reality
82. Make manifest: reveal
83. Intelligible: understandable
84. A play on: a clever or unusual use of words related to
85. Thread: a consistent theme or recurring idea
86. Film buff: a connoisseur of or expert on cinema and films.
87. Had the misfortune of: had the bad luck of something.
88. To great effect: in a way that produces good results
89. Eponymous: has the same name as the title.
90. Evil twin: The evil twin is an antagonist found in many different
fictional genres.
91. Carries a negative connotation: carried a bad feeling.
92. Continually: over and over again through the course of time
93. Land: to come to rest after travelling through air or over water
94. Impaction: the process of striking a surface and becoming stuck
in it
95. Asbestos: a gray mineral composed mostly of silicon formed into
long, threadlike crystal
96. Sedimentation: the formation of layers as material comes to rest
on a surface
97. Buoyancy: the characteristic of being able to float
98. Degradation: the process by which something changes to a worse
99. Respiratory: relating to breathing
100. Retrofit: to improve a machine, piece of equipment, etc., by
putting new and better parts in it after it is made
101. Pressing: very important and needing to be dealt with
102. Stationary: not moving
103. Plethora: a very large number [of something]
104. Advent: arrival
105. Boast: to claim to have a good thing
106. Scrap: to throw away
107. Blanketed in: covered by
108. Marathon: a long race
109: outcry: a loud, public objection

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