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Redeploying Urban Infrastructure: The

Politics of Urban Socio-Technical

Futures 1st ed. 2020 Edition Jonathan
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Redeploying Urban Infrastructure
Jonathan Rutherford

Redeploying Urban
The Politics of Urban
Socio-Technical Futures
Jonathan Rutherford
Université Paris Est
Marne-la-Vallée, France

ISBN 978-3-030-17886-4 ISBN 978-3-030-17887-1 (eBook)

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Over the past twenty years, urban infrastructure has come to be seen
and studied as one of the key sites and vantage points of global urban
transformations. Cities are facing the ongoing challenge of reconciling
social inclusion, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability
in their socio-technical systems (energy, water, communications, trans-
port…). Scholars have responded by unpacking and critically investi-
gating the shifting capacities of diverse actors to shape these systems,
the various means they use to envision, enact and contest change, and
the wide-ranging implications of systemic urban transitions. There is a
meaningful politics of infrastructure which is and will continue to be a
crucial and productive arena of debate and conflict over the directions,
forms, modalities and outcomes of future urban change. This book
seeks to substantively develop and demonstrate, both conceptually and
empirically, this fertile politics of urban infrastructure.
While infrastructure is increasingly present in urban studies and
there is something of an ‘infrastructure turn’ in the wider social sciences
(see for example Harvey et al. 2017), much of this work remains quite
piecemeal and diffuse across disciplines, sectors or contexts. There is
still work to be done to bridge between technology scholars seeking

vi   Preface

efficiency and optimal solutions and social scientists concerned by con-

tingent ‘softer’ relations between actors, and a sense that generalizing or
theorizing across these various boundaries—moving towards “a com-
parative theory of urban infrastructure” (Graham and McFarlane 2015,
p. 13)—remains a difficult task as we seek broader understanding of
why and how infrastructure matters or comes to matter in and between
situated urban contexts. Paying more attention to the materiality of
infrastructure can help in this undertaking.
It is perhaps here that infrastructure demands what Jackson et al.
(2007) call a ‘sensibility’: “a way of thinking and acting in the world
capable of moving between the separate registers of technical and social
action”. Redeploying infrastructure in theory and in practice involves
a recognition that social and technical worlds are not carved off neatly
one from the other, but are always untidily intertwined. This calls
forth particular views and enactments of human–technology relations
which are highly contingent and consequential for shaping futures.
Infrastructure creates and maintains “the conditions of possibility for a
particular higher-order objective” (Carse 2012, p. 540), while its redis-
tributive nature means that particular configurations always work to the
advantage of some groups and entities and to the disadvantage of others
(Jackson et al. 2007). Not only do the material and physical qualities
of infrastructure make a difference to its functioning, to how it works
and is developed and taken up, but they also (increasingly?) have politi-
cal consequences and indeed constitute political (im)possibilities (Barry
2013; Mitchell 2011).
I use urban infrastructure as a window to explore shifting relation-
ships between cities, humans, technologies and ecologies, as imperatives
to sustainable urban futures continue to be promulgated, but for var-
ying, often contradictory, visions, rationales and interests. Continuing
exploration of the relationship between infrastructure change and urban
transitions is required to analyse how and why socio-technical systems
are put to work for wider sociopolitical projects and the implications
and contests this implies and draws out. To do this I develop a rela-
tional socio-technical perspective which sees urban infrastructure as an
emerging material political process or achievement in which technolog-
ical components and social relations are fully entwined and mutually
Preface   vii

constitutive. Here, the urban is at once the context, constituent and

consequence of infrastructural processes: simultaneously shaping of and
shaped by, but also, crucially, fully constitutive or actively formative of
actual and possible pathways. In other words, while cities are a milieu
of socio-technical change (with historical and territorial specificities)
and an outcome of change processes, they are also constantly emerging
material political configurations through which change actually comes
about. Understanding the urban as a socio-technical process through
which materiality becomes political, rather than as a pregiven state or a
set measure of density/centrality, helps to underscore that studying how
infrastructure becomes debated or disputed is to explore how urban
socio-technical change comes about.
There are three main objectives of the book. The first is to use orig-
inal empirical studies of urban infrastructure change processes in
European cities, and to show these to be at the heart of crucial, ongo-
ing debates over urban futures. The second is to straddle and inter-
face engagement between the latest theoretical advances and empirical
investigation of urban planning practice and socio-technical engineer-
ing of systems and flows, forging new reflections and perspectives
across distinctive worlds of infrastructure. The third is to open out our
understanding of urban infrastructure by tracking different rationales,
materials and flows through the urban arena as they are employed to
connect to, disconnect from, and contest wider urban political projects.
In so doing, it contributes to reflections around the role of urban infra-
structure and its multitude of actors in enacting more desirable, pro-
gressive and collective urban futures.
I begin in Chapter 1 by setting out a conceptual framework for
exploring the politics of urban infrastructure which draws on a vari-
ety of resources from across urban studies and science and technology
studies (STS). By engaging with, and bringing together, debates around
sustainability transition processes, urban materialities and ecological
urbanisms, I develop an overarching perspective on the material politics
of urban socio-technical change which situates theoretically the stories
of urban infrastructure of the following chapters.
Chapters 2–6 each start from and focus on a distinct pretext and
process of change (suburban planning, low carbon, energy transition,
viii   Preface

eco-city integration, smart urbanism) as implemented in Stockholm and

Paris, two European cities which have been at the forefront of sustain-
able urban development and where debates over the orientations and
outcomes of this development have been intense. This is not a compar-
ative study of the two cities, and the aim is not to provide a compre-
hensive overview of each city, but to delve into a handful of illustrative
examples of how infrastructure is implicated in realizing more sustain-
able urban futures. They are close to what Braun (2014, p. 52) calls
‘vignettes’ which “resist being read in totalizing terms as examples of an
overarching ‘plan’ of government, but nevertheless reveal in their details
particular ways in which urban life is ‘managed’ or ‘administered’…”.
These vignettes are thus not presented as emblematic of urban sustaina-
bility in practice but in order to explore and expose a material political
process in which particular socio-technical configurations, flows, sites
and visions are negotiated and disputed in specific urban contexts. As
mentioned above, the idea is that foregrounding the politics of infra-
structure can shed light on how urban socio-technical change takes
place. The research on which the chapters are based has been conducted
over a number of years across different projects. In each case, qualitative
methods were privileged involving in-depth semi-structured interviews
with stakeholders, site visits and participant observation, and analysis
of secondary material, reports and documentation. While the research
was done at different times and the focus and results are therefore nec-
essarily distinct and uneven, there was always a particular emphasis on
engaging a socio-technical methodology by trying to understand the
technical functioning and operations of infrastructure configurations,
the activities they support, as well as seeking out different viewpoints
and controversies concerning the wider social significance and political
implications of these configurations.
Chapter 2 focuses on water infrastructure systems which are cru-
cially important in extending and reworking socionatural suburban
spaces. These systems have always either accompanied and supported
or preceded and stimulated urban growth. Yet, paradoxically, the actual
ways and processes of making and remaking suburban infrastructure
configurations are largely ignored. Mixing insights from socio-technical
Preface   ix

studies and infrastructure situations and experiences in the South, the

chapter reflects on infrastructure planning and engagement as an ongo-
ing provisional socio-technical achievement in the Stockholm archipel-
ago area where particular hybrid configurations of water infrastructure
are at the heart of changing forms, modalities, and outcomes of local
development and modes of residence.
Chapter 3 is focused on the material politics of low carbon agendas
in Stockholm, the first Green Capital of Europe. There has been signif-
icant debate over proposed visions for Stockholm’s future ‘green’ devel-
opment. This debate was captured by the question of whether the city
was concretely aiming to be both or either ‘fossil fuel free’ by 2050 and/
or ‘world class’ in 2030, and by the different means and resources which
were attributed to working concretely and materially towards these
objectives. The chapter tracks ongoing struggles over urban energy–cli-
mate issues through a number of material settings of transition around
policy trajectories, resources for environmental work, district heating
infrastructure and mobility politics. This highlights how socio-techni-
cal change is understood, negotiated, experienced and practiced through
the multiple arrangements and mobilisations of urban materiality by
particular interests and groups.
Chapter 4 is an attempt to make sense of the nature, modalities,
outcomes and possibilities of urban energy transition in Paris. This
transition process is examined in the context of a variety of equally
meaningful stakes and strategic objectives around decarbonisation,
municipal control of infrastructure and the continuing role of nuclear
power. Each of these concerns emerges through debates and knowledge
controversies around the make-up, functioning and use of particular
objects or materials including resources, pipes, contracts, reports and
radiators. This captures a processual notion of transition as characterized
by work and activities at different sites and levels, and as constituted by
the effectivity of material circulations, flows and stabilities which reveal
and highlight key issues and contentions, become open to claims and
appropriations, and defy, resist and remain unruly.
Chapter 5 explores the complex and contested processes and prac-
tices involved in rebundling infrastructure systems as part of ecological
x   Preface

urbanism objectives in Stockholm. Focusing on the well-known eco-dis-

trict of Hammarby Sjöstad, I trace some of the important disjunctures
between vision, discourse, practice and material politics in and around
the reconfiguring and integration of energy, waste and water systems,
within the context of wider debates and tensions over future urban
planning in the city. Across model and conception, limits and devia-
tions in practice, and evaluation and transfer, eco-city integration and
circularity is exposed as a struggle to contain and control systems, flows
and engagements which are often intractable.
Chapter 6 examines the nature and implications of urban enhance-
ment propounded by recent smart urban initiatives. Using a short ana-
lytical vignette of the reconfiguration of energy system flows in a district
level smart grid project near Paris, it reflects on the implications of
smart logics and what these may say about the temporalities of urban
planning, the boundaries and scales of urban projects and experiments,
and the prospects of devolving agency and control of urban systems and
flows to technology.
Finally, a short conclusion offers summary reflections on the argu-
ments developed across the chapters, around why infrastructure mat-
ters, how infrastructure comes to matter and what can be gained from
pursuing explorations of urban infrastructure futures. It tenders some
thoughts on future concerns and priorities for research and practice in
this area.

Marne-la-Vallée, France Jonathan Rutherford

Barry, Andrew. 2013. Material Politics: Disputes Along the Pipeline. Chichester:
Braun, Bruce. 2014. A New Urban Dispositif? Governing Life in an Age of
Climate Change. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32:
Carse, Ashley. 2012. Nature as Infrastructure: Making and Managing the
Panama Canal Watershed. Social Studies of Science 42 (4): 539–563.
Preface   xi

Graham, Stephen, and Colin McFarlane (eds.). 2015. Infrastructural Lives:

Urban Infrastructure in Context. Abingdon: Routledge.
Harvey, Penny, Casper Bruun Jensen, and Atsuro Morita (eds.). 2017.
Infrastructures and Social Complexity: A Companion. Abingdon: Routledge.
Jackson, Steven, Paul Edwards, Geoffrey Bowker, and Cory Knobel. 2007.
Understanding Infrastructure: History, Heuristics, and Cyberinfrastructure
Policy. First Monday 12 (6), June 2007,
Mitchell, Timothy. 2011. Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil.
London: Verso.

This book is the outcome of work and thinking which has developed
over many years. A number of people have helped me with my research
during that time, through shared projects and collaborations, by offer-
ing constructive feedback or friendly advice, and in various conversa-
tions and exchanges. I am very grateful to all and I acknowledge their
contribution in helping to shape the best parts of what follows. Any
shortcomings are of course strictly my own responsibility.
First, Olivier Coutard has been a permanent source of inspiration,
unwavering support and good advice across many projects, publica-
tions and wide-ranging discussions. Other colleagues at LATTS (Ecole
des Ponts ParisTech and Université Paris Est) have made the cen-
tre a stimulating and collegial environment for urban socio-technical
research. I have benefited enormously in particular from the presence
and encouragement of Sylvy Jaglin, Ludovic Halbert, Eric Verdeil (now
at Sciences Po), Gilles Jeannot, Valérie November, Valérie Bocquillion
and, more recently, Mustafa Dikeç and Martine Drozdz. LATTS has
also been lucky to have an incredible cohort of dynamic young Ph.D.
and postdoctoral researchers over the years working on infrastruc-
ture, energy and urban issues in a variety of contexts around the world

xiv   Acknowledgements

including Anastasia Touati, Lise Desvallées, Catalina Duque-Gomez,

Daniel Florentin, Pauline Gabillet, Sylvère Angot, Francesca Pilo,
Rémi Curien, Antoine Guironnet, Félix Adisson, Aida Nciri, Morgan
Mouton, Hélène Subrémon, Thomas Blanchet.
Simon Marvin has been a steadfast ally and inspiring company
through a number of adventures in urban technology, most recently in
arranging a visiting post at Sheffield’s Urban Institute. Tim Moss, Steve
Graham, Harriet Bulkeley, Simon Guy, Andy Karvonen and Jochen
Monstadt have been consistently supportive over the years as well as a
source of great work. I have also had stimulating and encouraging con-
versations and discussions with Andrés Luque-Ayala, Jonathan Silver,
Aidan While, Harald Rohracher, Pauline McGuirk, Roger Keil, Pierre
Filion, Janette Webb, Mike Hodson, Sabine Barles, Cyria Emelianoff,
Stefan Bouzarovski and Will Eadson among many others. I worked
with Frédérique Boucher-Hedenström on the study which forms the
basis of Chapter 2.
I thank Rachael Ballard and Joanna O’Neill at Palgrave Macmillan
for their support and great patience through various deadlines.
Finally, and most importantly, Christelle, Eloïse, Anthony and the
rest of my family are just wonderful and I love them all to bits.

1 Introduction: Redeploying Urban Infrastructure 1

2 Water Infrastructures, Suburban Living Spaces and

Remaking Socio-Technical Configurations in Outer
Stockholm 45

3 Engaging Urban Materialities of Low Carbon

Transformation in the Green Capital of Europe 71

4 Active Infrastructures and the Spirit of Energy

Transition in Paris 99

5 Infrastructure Integration and Eco-City Futures:

Permeability and Politics of the Closed Loop
of Hammarby Sjöstad 123

6 Smart Grids and Enhancing Urban Systems:

Reflections on Ordering and Disordering the City 157

xvi   Contents

7 Conclusion: Infrastructure Futures 173

Index 189
List of Figures

Fig. 2.1 Settlements along the coast in Norrtälje 54

Fig. 2.2 Summerhouse residence in Norrtälje 55
Fig. 2.3 Off-grid home in Norrtälje with well and septic tank 58
Fig. 2.4 ‘Community’ connection to municipal networks
(Source Redrawn from Norrtälje kommun, n.d., p. 5) 59
Fig. 3.1 The trajectory to ‘fossil fuel free’ (Source Based on City
of Stockholm [2010c, p. 9]) 79
Fig. 3.2 The rising price of district heating in Stockholm,
2000–2011 (Source Extracted by the author from Nils
Holgersson reports, 2000–2011 [Nils Holgersson gruppen,
n.d.]) 83
Fig. 5.1 Hammarby Sjöstad 128
Fig. 5.2 Infrastructure integration in miniature at Hammarby
Sjöstad, 2007 131
Fig. 5.3 Loop closing and systems integration: the Hammarby
model (final iteration) (Source Lena Wettrén, Bumling AB) 132
Fig. 5.4 Organic waste chute in Hammarby Sjöstad 139
Fig. 5.5 Waste inlets in a Hammarby Sjöstad courtyard
(visible from apartment buildings) 142
Fig. 5.6 Waterfront apartment buildings, Hammarby Sjöstad 148

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Percentage of population connected to centralized water

and wastewater systems in Stockholm county
municipalities 53
Table 3.1 Changes to the text of Stockholm’s Action Plan
for Climate and Energy 85
Table 5.1 Aims and operational goals set by the city in 1996
for the Hammarby Sjöstad project 130
Table 5.2 ‘Green technologies’ deployed or to be deployed within
Hammarby Sjöstad 134

Introduction: Redeploying Urban

Mirages and Materialisations

Frustration or fascination? Whenever we talk about transformative
change or transition, in its various guises and for distinctive reasons,
it is quite easy to be underwhelmed by what is actually happening on
the ground. While it is widely argued that the urban is a vital nexus for
implementing transitions to sustainability, there only ever appear to be
modest or piecemeal shifts toward sustainable cities (however defined)
and few concrete results. Dave Eggers captures both the persistent allure
of the vision and the constant dissatisfaction at the level of progress in
his novel A Hologram for the King, where an IT consultant waits around
to pitch for a technology contract for a new city under painstakingly
slow construction in the Gulf:

Alan saw no sign of a city-to-be.

‘Whatever it is, it’s there’, Youssef said, pointing in front of them.
The road was new, but it cut through absolutely nothing. They drove
a mile before they arrived at a modest gate, a pair of stone arches over
the road, a great dome atop it all. It was as if someone had built a road
through unrepentant desert, and then erected a gate somewhere in the

© The Author(s) 2020 1

J. Rutherford, Redeploying Urban Infrastructure,
J. Rutherford

middle, to imply the end of one thing and the beginning of another. It
was hopeful but unconvincing. (Eggers 2012, p. 40)

I have also long been unconvinced and discouraged at the disconnect

between the major stakes at hand and the apparent lack of material or
tangible progress on the ground, not in building brand new tabula rasa
settlements but in reworking existing cities. There is, of course, no end
of small urban projects and experiments claiming to offer responses to
big fundamental issues, but many of these seem to be only token initi-
atives with limited potential for leading on to something more mean-
ingful. Clearly, this is an inescapable normative question about the
forms, the degrees and the sources of required change and desirable
futures that we all have in mind. We can agree on the one hand about
the scale of response that is needed to confront the social and ecolog-
ical issues of the times, while disagreeing or holding different views of
where, how and by whom such a response might be constituted and
built up. Eggers’ protagonist steadily abandons his preconceived ideas
and expectations of the new city in the desert as he waits for the King
to turn up to make the contract decision. Similarly, I suspect that my
frustration derives, at least in part and for several reasons, from think-
ing overly in terms of immediate and rigid scales, linear trajectories
and grand results, which leads to standing outside of the processes
being studied and endeavouring to understand only inertias, blockages
and obstacles—what and who is preventing a preconceived notion of
change from happening. I have come to recognize that becoming more
open to the multiplicity and incrementality of initiatives in the making,
their emergent processes and outcomes, and continuous reshaping of
relations and associations may help to perceive possibilities in even the
most localized and contingent encounter.
This is a book about urban futures in the making, as seen through the
lens of urban infrastructure. Over the past ten years or so, I have studied
the systems, networks and components of infrastructures as they have
developed, been maintained, modified and put to work in the context of
north European cities. These cities have been facing a set of challenges
(inequalities, austerity, ecological crisis, political legitimacy…) which
broadly call into question the existing capacities of authorities to ensure
1 Introduction: Redeploying Urban Infrastructure    

urban reproduction. Infrastructure offers a pertinent window through

which to view how urban actors respond to these challenges, because it
constitutes the socio-technical1 arrangements through which urban life
and urban functions take place. While often longstanding and gener-
ally quite stable, even to the point of invisibility, these arrangements are
being recast (and thus made visible again) in various strategic ways as
actors seek to address challenges and to govern and shape infrastructures
to guarantee future urbanity. I suggest that exploring shifting socio-
technical arrangements of urban infrastructure necessitates holding
together two stances. The first is that urban change must be seen as
inherently political (there is no simple and singular way to address chal-
lenges and ensure urban futures), and infrastructure constitutes a key
political site through which urban futures are negotiated and forged. In
other words, given the stakes at hand, we need to be concerned with
how struggles over infrastructure come to manifest/materialize diverse,
often discordant, views of sustainable urban transitions. At the same
time, there is likely to be only so much that can be done in organizing
and governing urban futures, until we account for and take into account
the vitality of materials, flows and entities of infrastructures in constitut-
ing emerging socio-technical change. This means uncovering the often
hidden and unnoticed material processes of urban functioning, paying
attention to small scale and situated yet dynamic interactions between
the pipes, paper and people of infrastructure arrangements which may
be constitutive of and effective in urban transitions. I argue that this
dual stance can account for urban vitality in/of socio-technical change
processes and contribute to exploring the material politics of always
emerging, potentially transformative, urban futures.
The focus here is on shifts or reconfigurations in infrastruc-
ture which are at once envisioned, made and contested to bring

1I understand socio-technical as a move beyond an artificial distinction between social and techni-
cal aspects, components and actors of systemic change processes and thus to speak constantly and
symmetrically across the two to underscore their always already intertwined and co-evolutionary
formation. This ‘seamless web’ allows analysis of relations between actors, their interests, ration-
alities and purposes, and to take seriously the make-up and materiality of the technologies and
instruments deployed, in a perspective which stresses that these are mutually (and indissociably)
shaping of potentials and limits.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Los adereços de los capitanes
solamente contaremos los de los
cauallos de armas e los de sus
personas para las armas, de los
quales el primero que aqui se
cuenta es el duque de Termens,
el qual entre otros cauallos
muchos que lleuaua vimos quatro
atauiados señaladamente, los dos
con dos pares de sobreuardas de
brocado e sus sayones de lo
mismo, otro con vnas
sobreuardas de terciopelo
carmesi e sayon con faxas de
raso carmesi, el principal con
vnas sobreuardas de terciopelo
morado y el sayon de lo mismo,
con vnos troncos bordados de oro
de martillo muy releuados con
vnos fuegos que salian por los
concauos dellos, de manera que
los troncos e las flamas henchian
el campo de los paramentos e del
sayon, con vnas cortapisas en lo
uno y en lo otro de letras grandes
del mismo oro bordadas en que
blasonaua la fantesia de la
El señor Prospero Colona hizo
seys atavios aunque entonces no
partio. El vno era de carmesi
vellutado, los dos eran el vno de
brocado rico, el otro de brocado
raso; los tres eran bordados, vno
de terciopelo negro con vnos
toros de oro en cada pieça o en
cada quarto del sayo muy
releuados; estaua el toro puesto
sobre vn fuego de troncos del
mismo oro de manera que se
henchia todo el campo. Era el toro
que dizen de Nero. En las
cortapisas hauia bordada vna
letra de letras de oro que dezia:
Non es questo simil al nuestro.
El otro atauio de raso azul con
vnos soles en cada canton de las
pieças en lo alto y en lo baxo,
vnos espejos en que dauan los
rayos del sol de do salian flamas
que sembrauan los campos de las
pieças. En las cortapisas estauan
como en lo otro, las letras de la
inuencion. El otro atauio e mas
rico, era de raso carmesi con vna
viña bordada por todas las pieças,
con sus sarmientos e hojas e
razimos maduros e por madurar,
hecho todo de oro tirado e plata e
matizes de seda de relieue, de
manera que la obra allende de ser
muy galana era muy rica.
El señor Fabricio lleuó cinco
cauallos de su persona; los dos
con atauios de sedas de colores,
el vno con vnas sobreuardas de
sayo carmesi e brocado hecho a
quartos, otro de brocado raso,
otro de brocado rico.
El marques de la Padula no hizo
alli ningun atauio por el luto que
lleuaua de su cuñada, pero lleuó
oro de martillo texido escacado
para vn sayo e sobre cubiertas e
brocados para otros atauios; su
hijo don Juan no lleuó otra cosa
sino paño negro por el luto de su
El conde de Populo lleuó sus
cauallos atauiados de brocados e
sedas, pero su persona no
llevaua mas que vna jornea a la
usanza antigua; mas lleuó su
sobrino don Antonio Cantelmo
que yua por su lugar teniente, tres
cauallos con tres atauios, uno de
brocado, otro de raso azul e
brocado a puntas, otro de raso
azul chapado de vnas matas de
siempre viuas muy releuadas.
El conde de Potencia lleuó dos
cauallos con sobre cubiertas e
sayones de sedas de colores e vn
otro atauio de brocado, y el
principal de raso azul con vnas
estrellas, en cada campo vna, que
los rayos della henchian toda la
pieça, eran de oro texido
bordadas muy releuadas, en las
cortapisas yua bordada la letra de
la inuencion.
El prior de Mesina hizo quatro
atauios para quatro cauallos; el
vno era de brocadelo e de
brocado rico a mitades; otro de
raso pardillo e terciopelo leonado
a puntas; otro de terciopelo
leonado e raso encarnado a
centellas con vnas tiras de tafetan
blanco sueltas por encima las
costuras como vnas lazadas de lo
mismo que las atauan a las juntas
de los centelles. El principal
atauio era de raso carmesi e
brocado rico de pelo hecho a
ondas a puntas. Hauia por medio
de la tira del raso vnos fresos de
oro que hazian la misma onda a
puntas, e de la vna parte e de la
otra dos tiras de margaritas de
perlas. Estauan juntado el
brocado e el raso con pestañas
Antonio de Leyua lleuó quatro
cauallos de su persona,
atauiados, vno de raso naranjado
e raso blanco á puntas; otro con
vnas sobrecaidas e sazon de
brocado e damasco blanco hecho
a escaques, assentadas vnas
tiras angostas en torno del
escaque del brocado en el de la
seda, e de la seda en el brocado
e dos cees encanadas de lo vno
en lo otro, bordado todo de
cordon de oro. El principal cauallo
con vnas sobre cubiertas de
brocado blanco e terciopelo
carmesi hecho assimesmo a
escaques, e dos barras
travessadas en cada escaque de
lo vno en lo otro sentadas sobre
raso blanco, e en las barras de
brocado hauia en cada vna tres
candeleros de plata estampados y
en las de carmesi otros tres
Don Jeronimo Lloriz lleuó quatro
cauallos de su persona; vno con
vnas cubiertas de azero, otro con
sobre cubiertas e sayo de azeituni
negro e de brocado hecho a
puntas. Otro con sobre cubiertas
e sayo de raso blanco e terciopelo
carmesi hecho a centelles con
vnas tiras de brocado de otro
tirado, assentadas encima las
costuras como vna reja, e vnos
lazos dentro en cada centelle del
mismo brocado, bordado todo de
cordon de oro. El otro cauallo
lleuó con vnas cubiertas de
carmesi raso de la manera de las
ricas del visrey.
Aluarado lleuó tres cauallos de su
persona; el vno con vnas sobre
cubiertas de terciopelo negro con
vnas tiras de raso amarillo; el otro
con vnas sobre cubiertas e sayo
de terciopelo morado e raso
amarillo a meatades, cubierto de
escaques de tres en tres tiras de
la vna seda en la otra, sentadas
sobre raso blanco. El otro con
vnas sobre cubiertas e sayo la
mitad de brocado rico e raso
carmesi, la mitad de brocado raso
e terciopelo carmesi, hecho todo
a escaques con vnas cruzes de
Jerusalen, de lo vno en lo otro,
bordadas de cordon de plata.
El capitan Pomar lleuó tres
cauallos de su persona; vno con
vnas sobre cubiertas e sayo de
raso carmesi con vnos entornos
de puntas de raso blanco; otro
con vnas sobre cubiertas e sayo
de raso blanco e terciopelo
carmesi e brocado hecho a
puntas de manera de vna venera;
el otro con vnas sobre cubiertas
de raso azul con vna reja de tiras
de brocado con vnas pieças de
plata estampadas, en cada
quadro eran vnas aes goticas.
Diego de Quiñones lleuó tres
cauallos de su persona; el vno
con vnas sobre cubiertas e sayo
de terciopelo negro e raso
amarillo hecho a puntas; otro de
terciopelo morado con vnas faxas
de brocado entorno; otro con vnas
sobre cubiertas e sayon de
Carauajal lleuó cinco cauallos de
su persona adereçados los dos
de brocado con sus sayones, dos
de sedas de colores con sus
sayos, vno con vnas sobreuardas
e sayos de terciopelo carmesi
guarnecido de fresos de oro, con
vnas rosas de plata sembradas
por encima.
Los capitanes que nueuamente
con Carauajal yuan fueron bien
en orden; no los contamos porque
en nuestro tratado no estan
nombrados e no queremos turbar
los nombres para los que querran
sacar por los vnos nombres los
Rafael de Pacis se partió ante
deste porque se fue a viuir con el
papa e houo una conducta de
setenta lanças, pero lleuó tres
adereços fechos de Napoles para
su persona e tres cauallos. El vno
era vnas ricas cubiertas pintadas
con vn braço en cada pieça que
tenia vna palma en la mano, con
vn retulo reuuelto en ella con vna
letra que dezia:

La primera letra desta

tengo yo en las otras puesta.

Para este atauio lleuó vn sayo de

brocado negro; lleuó otro atauio
de brocado con vnas cruzes
coloradas de sant Jorge
sembradas por encima; otro
atauio lleuó de terciopelo negro
cubierto de lazos de brocado
sentados sobre raso blanco e
todos los vazios llenos de vnas
palmas pequeñas de plata a
manera de batientes.
El marques de Pescara lleuó
quatro cauallos con cuatro
adereços; los tres con
sobreuardas e sayos de brocado;
los dos de rico, el vno de raso. El
principal era de raso carmesi con
vnos fresos de oro entorneados,
vna mano vno de otro e de freso a
freso estaua cubierto el carmesi
de hilo de oro que cubria la seda,
saluo que de tres a tres dedos se
ataua el oro con vn cordoncico
pequeño fecha vna lazada e
quedaua entre vno e otro hecho
vn centelle de la seda y el oro
hecho dos medio centelles.
El conde Atorran Farramosca
entre otros atauios que lleuó, el
principal fue vnas sobreuardas e
vn sayon de raso carmesi con
vnas agudas de oro bordadas en
las pieças, de las quales salian
vnos fuegos que ocupauan todos
los vazíos. Era tan rico que se
cree que fuesse el atauio que
más avía costado vno por vno.
Su hermano Guidon Farramosca
lleuó el principal atauio de su
persona de brocado e terciopelo
carmesi hecho a triangulos, con
vnos triangulos del brocado en el
carmesi; del carmesi en el
brocado pequeños, con pestañas
de raso blanco.
Don Luys de Hiscar hizo dos
atauios de su persona; vno de
brocado de oro tirado,
sobreuardas e sayos, otras
sobreuardas e sayo de raso
amarillo e raso blanco a
meatades; el raso amarillo
cubierto de una red de plata con
vnos batientes de plata en los
nudos, y en lo vazio sobre el raso
vna cifra de plata estampada;
sobre el raso blanco la misma red
de oro con los batientes e pieças
doradas. Pero este murio ante de
la partida de Napoles.
Mossen Torel hauia hecho sin otro
atauio vnas sobreuardas e sayo
de terciopelo carmesi e raso
carmesi a meatades cubierto todo
de vnas tortugas de plata, saluo
que en las uardas eran grandes y
en el sayo pequeñas; pero este
tambien murio antes del partir e
llevólo su hijo.
El marques de Bitonto sin otros
atauios de brocado que lleuó hizo
vnas sobrecubiertas e vn sayo de
terciopelo negro con vnas
epigramas de oro bordadas por
él, muy ricas.
El prior de Roma hizo vn atauio
de brocado azul e terciopelo
carmesi hecho a triangulos con
pestañas de raso blanco, sobre
los triangulos de carmesi hauia
vnas pieças de oro estampadas
tan espessas que a penas se
descubria la seda.
Don Jeronimo Fenollet lleuó dos
atauios vno de terciopelo morado
e raso encarnado hecho a
centellas con tiras e lazadas de
tafetan blanco, como el del prior
de Mesina; lleuó otras uardas de
terciopelo negro con vna reja de
fresos de oro sobre tafetan
encarnado hecho a centelles; en
las juntas de los fresos hauia
vnas puntas de plata bien
releuadas e vn batiente en cada
punta; en los vazios del terciopelo
hauia vn centelle de plata
estampado tan grande que de
terciopelo se descubria tanto
como era el freso de ancho. Lleuó
con ellas vn sayo de raso blanco
e raso encarnado a meatades,
con vnos lazos de brocado por
medio de los girones e cortapisa
sentados sobre lo encarnado con
pestañas blancas, sobre lo blanco
con pestañas encarnadas Hauia
en los vazios de los lazos vnas
villetas de plata estampadas, en
lo blanco doradas, en lo
encarnado blancas, con muchos
batientes de la misma manera. El
cuerpo del sayo estaua forrado de
brocado muy rico acuchillado el
raso de encima e muy
Mossen Coruaran fue por alferez
real; lleuó vn rico atauio bordado.
El duque de Grauina, el duque de
Trayeto, el marques de la Tela, el
marques Gaspar de Toralto, el
conde de Montelion destos no
especifica la escriptura
particularmente lo que lleuauan,
porque segun estos otros quien
quiera lo puede considerar e
porque sus atauios eran de
brocados e de sedas, sin manera
de deuisas ni inuenciones.
De Cicilia vinieron algunos
caualleros; aqui no se nombra
sino el conde de Golisano y el
lugar teniente de Cicilia que se
llamaua Don Juan de Veyntemilla.
Cualquier destos caualleros
napolitanos e cecilianos que no
tenian cargos, fueron tan
complidamente en orden, que
ninguno lleuó menos de veynte
gentiles hombres de cadenas de
oro de su nacion. De manera que
se estima que sin las mill e
dozientas lanças de ordenança e
capitanes, lleuó el visrey con los
cincuenta continos del rey y estos
señores e los italianos que con
ellos yuan e muchos otros
caualleros Españoles que viuian
con el rey, e otros que de nueuo
alli se llegaron delos otros
campos de Francia e venecianos
e del papa e de Ferrara,
trezientos caualleros de cadenas
de oro entre hombres de titulo e
varones e caualleros.
Agora hablaremos del dia qu'el
virrey partió; las damas que en
tres o quatro partes se juntaron,
porque por su nombre propio las
nombraremos, mas como
hauemos hecho los caualleros,
para quien quiera especular o
escaruar por los vnos nombres
los otros, pues que se podran
hallar vnos por el principio de los
nombres o titulos fengidos, otros
por las deuisas e colores; assi
que mire bien cada vno que no es
esto nada falso ni fengido.


El señor visrey partio de Napoles,
domingo a medio dia, ocho de
nouiembre, acompañado de todos
estos caualleros e otros muchos
principales e perlados e señores
que en la tierra quedaron, entre
los quales, fue el cardenal de
Sorrento, el arzobispo de
Napoles, el principe de Visiñano,
el príncipe de Melfa, el duque de
Ferrandino, el señor Prospero, el
duque de Bisella, el duque de
Atria, el conde de Soriano, el
conde de Matera, el conde de
Chariata, el conde de Trauento, el
almirante Villamarin, el marques
de Layno, el conde de Marco e
muchos otros caualleros. En
estos que aqui se nombran que
quedaron hay muchos de los que
en el tratado hallemos continuado
en las fiestas nombradas; los
quales son el marques de
Nochito, el duque de Bisella, el
duque de Ferrandina, el conde de
Marco, el conde de Sarno, el
conde de Trauento, el almirante,
el cardenal don Carlos de Aragon.
En las casas del principe de
Salerno estauan las señoras
reynas de Napoles con sus
damas, doña Juana Castriote, la
duquesa de Grauina, doña Maria
Enriquez, doña Maria Cantelmo,
doña Porfida, doña Angela
Villaragut, doña Juana Carroz,
doña Violante Celles, la señora
Diana Gambacorta, la señora
Maruxa, la marquesa de Layno, la
marquesa de Toralto e otras
muchas damas.
En Castel Novo estaua la
visreyna e su hermana, la
condesa de Capacho muger del
almirante, su hermana la muger
de don Alonso de Aragon, e otras
muchas señoras.
En casa del conde de Trauento
estaua la condessa e su hermana
la condessa de Terranoua e sus
hijas, la marquesa de Nochito, la
condessa de Soriano, la
condessa de Matera e otras
muchas señoras.
En casa de la señora duquesa de
Milan la señora su hija doña
Bona, la duquesa de Trayeto, la
señora Isabel, la señora doña
Maria de Aragon, la Griega e las
otras damas de la señora
duquesa e la condessa de Marco.
En casa de la marquessa de
Pescara estaua la marquesa, e la
marquesa del Guasto, la
marquesa de la Padula, la
condessa de Benafra, doña
Castellana muger de Antonio de
Leyua, la marquesa de Vitonto, la
duquesa de Franca Vila.
En casa de madame Andriana
estaua ella e su hija e doña Maria
Dalise e las hijas de Cario de


Las otras damas que en aquel dia
houo no se nombran aunque
fueron muchas, mas no hazen al
proposito de nuestro tratado
porque en él no se han hallado.
Partido el visrey quedaron alli
algunos caualleros por algunos
negocios que les cumplian o
satisfazian, entre los quales
quedó Flamiano por poderse
despedir de Vasquiran más a su
plazer, él queriéndose partir
començo a hablar con Vasquiran
desta manera:
Agora, Vasquiran, conozco que mi
vida es poco o durará poco,
porque dos cosas que viua la
sostenian agora la acaben; la vna
era tener yo esperança de ver a
mi señora Belisena que della era
señora, la otra era tu compañia e
conuersacion que a los males
della ponia consuelo. Pues agora
el ausencia apartandome dos
bienes tan grandes no puede sino
encausarme dos mill males
mayores, por donde conozco en
mi que me acerco a la muerte,
apartandome de ti. Una cosa te
suplico, que no te enojes de
escriuirme, por que yo sé que
poco te durará tal fatiga. E si de
mi fuere lo que pienso que será,
ruegote que este amor tan grande
que agora nos sostiene e
conserua en tanto estremo de
bien querer, que de tus entrañas
no lo dexes amenguar ni venir a
menos, como muchas vezes
acontece, segun yo te lo he
escripto contradiciendote; mas
ante te suplico que en el pligo de
tus lastimas lo envueluas, para
que con aquellas, de mi te duelas
como dellas hazes. Esto te pido
no por darte a ti fatiga como dello
recibiras, mas por el consuelo que
mi alma recebira de ver la
memoria que de mi tienes, e
plega a nuestro Señor que en ti
dé tanto consuelo e alegria
quanto yo desseo e tú has
menester. No me cuentes esto a
pobreza de animo, porque
parecen palabras en algo
mugeriles, ante lo atribuye a lo
qu'es razon, porque lo mucho que
tu ausencia me lastima, la poca
esperança que de vida tengo me
lo haze dezir. Suplicote que en
tanto que aqui estaras no dexes
de visitar a mi señora Belisena,
porque sola esta esperança me
dara esfuerço para lo que me
quitará la vida, que será poder
caminar donde de su presencia
me alexase. No quiero más
enojarte con mis fatigas, pues que
siempre desseé complazerte con
mis seruicios, sino que me
encomiendo a ti, e te encomiendo
a Dios.

Todo el bien que la muerte me
pudo quitar me quitó; todo el
consuelo e descanso que la
fortuna me podia apartar para mis
trabajos, me apartó en tu partida,
y esta lastima te deue bastar,
Flamiano, viendo con tu ausencia
quál me dexas, sin que con tal
pronostico más triste me dexes
como hazes. No son tus virtudes,
siendo tantas, para que tus dias
sean tan breues, porque muy
fuera andaria la razon e la justicia
de sus quicios si tal consintiesse.
Tu viuiras e plega a Dios que tan
contento e alegre como yo agora
triste e descontento viuo. Lo que
a mi memoria encomiendas, por
dos cosas es escusado; la una
por lo que he dicho, la otra porque
si otro fuesse lo que no será,
quien a tus dias daria fin a los
mios daria cabo, por muchas
razones que escusar no lo
podrian; mas en esto no se hable
más porque parece feo. Mandas
me que a la señora Belisena
visite; tambien es escusado
mandarmelo, porque quando tu
amistad no me obligara a hazerlo,
su merecimiento me forçara. Lo
que me pides que te escriua, te
suplico que hagas como es razon.
Yo me partire lo mas presto que
pudiere para Felernisa, negociado
que alli haya algunas cosas que
me conuienen, trabajaré de ser
muy presto contigo si algun graue
impedimento no me lo estorua, lo
que Dios no quiera. Entre tanto
viue alegre como es razon, pues
que vas en tal camino que por
muchas causas a ello te obliga.
La una yr en seruicio de la yglesia
como todos ys. La otra en el de tu
rey como todos deuen. La otra
por que vas a usar de aquello
para que Dios te hizo, qu'es el
habito militar donde los que tales
son como tú, ganan lo que tú
mereces e ganarás. La otra e
principal que lleuas en tu
pensamiento a la señora Belisena
e dexas tu coraçon en su poder,
qu'esto solo basta para fazerte
ganar quantas vitorias alcançar se
podrian. Una cosa temo, que la
gloria de verte su seruidor e las
fuerças que su seruicio te
ofreceran, no te pongan en mas
peligro de lo que haurias
menester. Yo te ruego que pues la
honrra es la prenda deste juego,
que dexes donde menester fuere
la voluntad e te gouiernes con la
discrecion. E assi te encomiendo
a Dios hasta que nos veamos e

Acauados sus razonamientos
hablaron en otras muchas cosas
todo aquel dia, hasta la tarde que
Flamiano fue a besar las manos a
la señora duquesa e despedirse
della e de su señora con la vista.
A la qual embió estas coplas que
hizo por la partida, despues de
haberse despedido.

Poco es el mal que

estando en vuestra presencia
en respecto del que ausencia
dentro en el alma me dexa
y en la vida,
porque siento en la partida
tanta pena e tal tormento
que no hallo a lo que siento
ya medida
ni me basta el suffrimiento.
E siendo mi pena tal,
no me quexo ni hay de quién
que quien nunca tuvo bien
no se ha de quexar de mal,
ni yo lo hago
porque con la pena pago
aunque me sea cruel
mi pensamiento, pues dél
me satisfago
con que no hay remedio en él.
Callo porque siempre crece
mi dolor que nunca mengua
pues ha callado mi lengua
lo que mi alma padece,
con tal pena,
mas agora me condena
este mal deste partir
para que os ose dezir:
aun no suena
que se acaba mi viuir.
Acabase porque veros
me mata con dessear
y el desseo con pesar
de verme no mereceros,
pues presente
de tal bien tan mal se siente
el triste que no os verá,
dezidme qué sentirá
siendo ausente,
claro esta que morirá.
Assi que, señora mia,
lo que siempre desseé
fue morir en vuestra fee
como agora se me guia,
si mi suerte
alcançasse con la muerte
tanto bien en pago della
qu'os pesasse a vos con ella,
menos fuerte
me seria padecella.
Mas nunca vos hareys tal
porque vuestro merecer
no lo consiente hazer
viendo que es pequeño mal
morir por ello,
assi que si me querello
será, señora, de mi,
porque nunca os mereci
e sin merecello
tantos males padeci.
E podeys ser cierta desto
qu'en veros supe juzgar
que no se podia pagar
tanto bien con menos qu'esto,
de manera,
que conocera quien quiera
pues que se muestra tan claro
que a muy poco mal me paro
aunque muera
e que no me cuesta caro.

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