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Student Credibility Interview Guidance – Video Recording and answer the questions that will appear

on the screen.

Show passport and confirm your identity.

CAS Shield Interview Update - A Student can record their interview as many times as they want
before the final submission. The student can come out of their interview once and continue from
where they left off. However, if they come out of it a second time, they must restart the interview
from Scratch. They can do this process as many times as they like until they submit the interview. So
please make sure students submit their final interview once they are 100% sure and prepared!

To move from one question to the next, the student does press submit but that doesn’t submit the

8 questions will be asked and appear on the screen, and you will get 60 seconds to answer every

Interview Questions Areas:

• UK Study Choice

In this area, questions can be asked around why UK and aspects of UK higher education / specific
events that have made you choose UK / how studying in UK will enhance your global perspective /
reputation of UK universities/ and so on

• Course Understanding

In this area, questions can be asked around why you have chosen this course / what you plan by
studying this course/ what skills you will develop/ specific modules that attracted you / plan to stay
engaged and motivated through duration of your course / and so on

• Trap Questions

In this area, questions can be asked around talk about your favorite book / and so on

• University Choice Reasoning

In this area, questions can be asked around university facilities / university’s location with study
experience / and so on

• Accommodation

In this area, questions can be asked around how you will commute between your accommodation
and campus / what safety and security measures will you follow while choosing it / cost of your
accommodation / and so on

• Funding

In this area, questions can be asked around plan to balance your financial responsibilities / plan to
cover any unexpected expenses / plan to save money and reduce expenses / what the overall cost of
is studying and living / and so on

• Academic History

In this area, questions can be asked around academic background / how you have utilized feedback
from past teachers / and so on
• Post Plan study and Networking.

In this area, questions can be asked around will you be interested in joining the alumni association /
benefits of taking a gap year after graduation / you will meet students from all nationalities how you
will keep a network after graduation / and so on

• Career Goals and Professional Development

In this area, questions can be asked around do you have any plans to do internship / talk about any
leader or mentor who inspired your career aspirations / and so on

• Motivation

In this area, questions can be asked around why you are interested in the course and so on

• Course Knowledge

In this area, questions can be asked around name 3 modules and explain it and so on

• Career Plans

In this area, questions can be asked around what your long-term plans are and so on

• Visa Refusal if any

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