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fffirc q;ffir Ufhq ul ftq"q .rSq. .re=n I

Oltltl'r1'11 <iust- sy . rr.1-;11, ll,tr,r; / q . 6. L\ .


.t'dl"r qnq"T ft-qeq q'fd, q{ fe*fr 6aqr rTrr;ftq r1l*q rftn ?dtrixrt fltr
*tJ.q 'ffBTr-86/20rs (gim q-f,rn @ uq, ftrr EqlI ?Trtn lr{?r;I{ q.r ;ru) +}
qtq*i rJ 1?ry?, 18.01.?01e *j qrf?.r siltqr ?fr slrrk d -rjl i*d qlrr ,f,\
{s.1p1;,y1 ilg .ijl rltj 3l;4 t;r;,i\,lA {-i1;,1qlr1i 11 ii.{fkr qtiql'llt1;1 i}J"{rt .r,{ $-trq';

lil,qr;lq'r &t ql.,fi ft"riuwrr;j ;r,i ifiki .ri] ,i{1 d t

irl?it l,tllru,{'rt, ,:t,"t{ ii,q riI{t ;x '1 {t{g]i 13t\ / 20?t)
("rr rrr1s ) ,i l\rti*; t:t.12 ?{}?t .id qrfto asril<t ,r; ;rroio ,i *ii*r rrtq ,i;
qr{rrqlrf qq lgtreffir$ 6-g l-l*q qr#Tr liqa"r q{q g1 HEqfA i;Trii E,{q ,iq
i;l.iqr itqr {fi d lr.r-l}ri tr{'lu rJ?n ;u{*o{ul lirut qqite'i ;rd"ar ;b1 q'r'j 6s
(iii) A (iv) ri{r .t,t,lt i}:
Para-69 (iii): The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) as well
as the State Pollution Control Boards are directed to issue direction
under Seclion 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and Seclion
1B of the Water (Prevention and Control r:f Pollution) Acl, 1974 and Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 to make it mandatory lo
obtain Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate for new petroleum
outlets to be established in future and even to those which are under the
preparation of establishment, bul not statted constructir:n as has been
done by the Slate Pollution Control Board, Kerala and such a direction
should be issued within a perlod of 3 (Three) months and till then, aii the
new Retail Petroleum Outlets are directed to apply for Consent to
Establish and Consent to Operate before its eslablishment.
Para-69 (iv): We also direct all the existinq Retail Petroleum
Outlets irrespective of its turnover lo obtarn Consent to Operate for the
existing outiets within a period of 6 (Six) Months. IF il is nol obtained,
then lhe concerned $tate Pollution Control Board is drrected to lake
appropriate aclion against Euch petrol pumps in accordance with iaw.
ryy;1;'1yr1 (,1d,.,t .11J.ltt"t?l dlq {l'j&ll $'f};i.t;1'iq,l .i,'itri'1.i.?I,,t l.}lllr:S q.rFl

;tdlo qc<rT-203s aiiw 2a2z & elp;) ri 1t1<r,y-t40l2023 q;I qill.r .tndrr
Page 1" of 3

lqriT-48(d).)l snT qE{I{T yrqlq r{?n ai€r.npr eJi1"l iq d ailq?r [qrfl_6e

(iii) & (iv)l .,irl re,e orrl g'1 d',jl?r f,{f"r Frq"-,1'u1 ,i1'q, ,rg fti,.ti *t l;ti;qt

j?{?ior qfi &r;l:41'dri g[1l?Ea ,ixtl .r,r lti]rr (

a;'t l'-]Tri.r ,tt I u,l.t,irt ,ff,1,.:,illrr;r
fiI !tk;iq.r Lit {rq&g {[iq qci,r{"u1 f\q-44 rrrf( ,*rfi ,}(jl&r.rri anEt:.A;,:. ti}
ftw6 firtqr:eii srtqd zh'fii I ryq*{T ;qrrn6"r slpr \lr{{-ii1 ;:,i,j,la d
qrlt'r ;rr(vr 4;t lql$ an (.11)1 f.kifi1 ii: -
Para 48(b): We sel aside lhe directions issued by the NGT in the
impugned order as contained in para 69(i,i) and (iv). Instead, we direcr
the CPCB to instruct all the State Pollution Control Boards to ensure that
the guidelines issued by it vide the office Memorandum dated
07.a1.2a2a are strictly adhered to. If there is breach of any of the
guidelines issued by the cpcB vide office Memorandum dated
A7 .0I '2A2c, lhen the concerned State Pollution Control Board
proceed against the erring outlet in accordance with law at lhe earliest.
rlll'{".I(i $f.}qt ;l; ;t;fril;n ii qtiii r1.gq4 ,fi li1;11.,y,- 10.t}$.?{}?a ,il;ltrjtl.lirt
tm$i itrr;*, it [Ad .rri ffir]rfryr , -

(,ifi.'i {lr{J, q'11 iil} ,r.;i EI?I1J'[,J fi ufi-tk::.(k"] *t {t1{4 {t;:tyltts i;J.41qr1 t),il,
1-fua"r) ;ttil'ft i*r, ist4 1:4 ,1t (q.iorrr fqrnq,rj ryo l?uzor; aitift+a rt rcat ,F,

3;1';1'1:sl4 7't11t1;11t,1 rlq Erz{ra,i;itsi (]srrii E

1411 l?,rr ttrir t t

2. {-q5n qrfriT gftw ?ri fi ir-m (sEFrT Frffiq 13' jtq- .,r) at*1tari, 1s74
I?.{ .fry (Uqi-,'r t.}rrrqnt rrq l;lti,qu1) g{ftjJtr.ff rcffi W\ i)f<rkj {.ryt;11,ti ryj
rrq nrul (ilqfiT ri 3;i6 l.*,rl r*il tr t

3. ;i''dh qtE T l?ryxq aI$ frEr ;r* tl(Ta vq {t $r{rq;n fr ,,rrrfalai ?iirrrry;-
0'/.fi1.202a ;+l l4zlo {[$igriTi;{j $ :ttr<it'E, ri {p1i flrT mrq{} alu.i L'{tfkrq
3il.orjtlr.r q\ (!.r.r{ri'ri f}uff?tr irfisdidrlt q} 3r{t.rrr tp;tii}r1 ;},i{ ;tt;t
Vapour Recovery System (VRS) tttT <ot,lltl';lj rl.,t ${l.i.,l {{jl {{il,1 rii.)t?,t,t
zrw I S116-r ffrqr;Ezl{ Eilfi tl.a qrnr{]
Si-}kn 6tt I d'd}r rdlrr lliaor
ql,g aT\,i ii.i r trrtltt{!1,*,t tw at;{trr$'j q{iftqd q*1 .i,*i ,{e i1t;'};f,i4tyt1

i11,),r +,i,ll I

+. "}{i t()"lill,i ildY q,{ ?0 KVA ir?.rqi ${lrJ :ttl*'* &ltt(l't ilit,{'l
(k {rn{r}11 7 ti'ist'f&tt ;lr$i 4t lf1,1;1 g, l?*ix {r,,rl V"rryut l}yt17r1 t;tlr;

?age 2 ot 3
Elt (rr{.qnT tt{R"T qq it-<zrr) *f*Fl-qq leal d iftt,itr qernrrrrj Tq
{1,1iri'jpj {fiIq'ft m-w 4,{{T J{r.t?zl.F rTIIn t

$1 lla $s$J, fa-sx rt"q IrW.,r i*;7nT udq ;nr 311Ffiiiq T nn iX t

rltqlE;;- qt;11", l*rff*;,-
tr[irf.]l'il'-{Tt4,t( E} (f?q, 1111i4srr. tr'.1 tl.ti tj1t4,lt\ 11f}r1{;1,t, f}6t{ {l{cl,id,
111,.;1'1 ;y t:lttr;1yl ryi :.tl1:tlQtl*; ;1;;{t11$ i( *lt( f

u(qrl- iJf?)q t

vtYtT4; - t 38 ZLB t1"i.:)'11, kq'kr;, / ?.6. Lg.

i116i or rp;r rrJ Tir aiTqrq?.b ;r,rff fiq *f&_f, t

$igned by
S. Chandrasekar
tj*ale: 1 3-O6*?O24 14:18:53
rrq{q-rrraq t

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