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Republic of the Philippines

Don Honorio Ventura State University – Candaba Campus

Candaba, Pampanga
First Sem 2022-2023

Rizal 203- Life and Works of Rizal

Name: Ocampo, Shane S. Program &Section: BSIT 2-A

Multiple Choice: Read and answer each sentence carefully then write the letter of the correct
answer on the line before each number.

B 1. the following are the underlying objectives of RA 1425. Which of the following do not
belong to the purposes of RA 1425?
A. There is a need for a re dedication of the ideals of freedom and nationalism.
B. To remember with special fondness and emotion the life and works of the senators that
have shaped the national character.
C. Rizal’s works are constant and inspiring source of nationalism.
D. To develop the moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience and to teach the
duties of citizenship.

B 2. Due to the never-ending debate on the Rizal Bill, an amendment to the bill’s
original provisions was created. The amendments are as follows, except one;
A. To emphasize the original version of the novel without exemptions
B. To provide the exemptions without taking the course itself.
C. To use the revised versions of the novel as the basic texts in the collegiate level.
D. To provide exemptions from compulsory reading of the novels, a person’s faith and
religious belief.
D 3. Why did the Americans suggested Rizal to become the Philippine National hero?
A. He was a good example to the Filipino people will not consider rebelling against the
B. He was acknowledged because of his war exploits.
C. He had talents and skills in writing thus admired by them.
D. He gave the freedom of the Philippines from Spanish colonizers.
C 4. What was the social structure of the 19th century?
A. The indigenous people were integrated with the Spaniards during the 19th century,
and the indios became part of some of the most important government jobs.
B. Only the native inhabitants were called Filipinos and all others with mixed races
are called Mestizos.
C. The indios who are full blooded Filipinos belong to the lower class and
became slaves by the Spanish in their own land.
D. Filipinos belong to the lower class and became slaves by the Spanish in their
own land.

D 5. Which of the following is true about the educational system of the Philippines
during the 19th century?
A. The system was one with academic freedom where students were able to
choose their own specialization.
B. The students’ memory is mostly harnessed since knowledge was measured in
the ability of the students to memorize.
C. There were various school owned by rich indios
D. Science, Mathematica and Spanish language are subjects that are mostly
focused in most schools.
D 6. Rizal’s return to Manila for the second time was for the following reasons, except:
A. To confer personally with the Governor about his request on the Borneo
colonization Project.
B. To establish La Liga Filipina in Manila
C. To prove de Lete was wrong when he said that Rizal abandoned the country’s
cause by being safe and comfortable in Hongkong.
D. To operate his mother’s eyes.

B 7. What was Rizal’s reason for coming back home to the Philippines for the first time?
A. To operate on his mother’s eyes
B. To determine the source of Leonor Rivera’s silence
C. To serve his people who had long been oppressed by Spanish tyrants
D. All of the above.
A 8. Rizal’s impression for this country had him saying, “It is the land par excellence of
freedom but only for the whites”
A. America
B. Spain
C. London
D. Philippines
A 9. Who was the lady whom Rizal met while he was in London annotating the book of Dr.
A. Gertrude Beckett
B. Leonor Rivera
C. Nellie Bousted
D. O Sei San
C 10. Who was the compatriot of Rizal whom he gave way his love for C.O.Y.R because
A. Pedro Paterno
B. Juan Luna
C. Eduardo de Lete
D. Maximiano Cruz

A 11. Who was the Governor General who gave orders to arrest Rizal on his way back home
in June 1892?
A. Eulogio Despujo
B. George Taufer
C. Julio Laurente
D. Francisco Olivethe

B 12. Who was the lawyer and body guard of Rizal when he first came home to the country?
A. Eulogio Despujo
B. Luis Taviel de Andrade
C. Franciso Olivethe
D. Pio Valenzuela

B 13. When was Rizal executed?

A. December 30, 1868
B. December 30, 1896
C. December 30, 1698
D. December 30, 1986
A 14. What is “frailocracy?”
A. Rule of the friars
B. Rule of the weak
C. Rule of the Spaniards
D. Rule of the conquerors
B 15. What is this forced labor for forty days during 1800’s?
A. Indulto de comercio
B. Polo y servicio
C. Encomienda
D. Servicio y tribunal

II. Enumeration:
16- 21- Evils and unjust Colonial power during the Spanish regime (6)
 Corrupt Officialdom
 Instability of colonial administration
 Human rights denied to Filipinos
 Frailocracy
 No equality before the law
 Maladministration of Justice
22-24 The education curriculum during Spanish time (3)
 1855
 1861
 1863
25-27 Defects of Educational System during Spanish time (3)
 Emphasis of religion
 Absence of academic freedom
 Racial discrimination
28- 33 Siblings of Rizal (6)
 Saturnina Rizal
 Paciano Rizal
 Narcisa Rizal
 Lucia Rizal
 Soledad Rizal
 Conception Rizal
34-35 Complete name of the parents of Rizal (2)
 Francisco Mercado
 Teodora Alonso

III. Creating (5 pts each)

A. Discuss the experience and struggle of Rizal when he was annotating the book “Successos
de Las Islas Filipinas”.
- Rizal struggled while annotating the “Successos de Las Islas Filipinas” because he needs
to write all of his annotation page by page, and the struggle of correcting of all the
typographical errors of Morga in his book.
B. Give your insight to the character of Elias and his intentions and hopes to the country.
- Elias is a mysterious guy, a former boatman, a strong, and loyal man. He is naturally pleasant and
will give his all because he believes in or to that helps someone in need. Elias made a huge impact
to all the Filipinos who read the novel. He taught us to appreciate the people around us and the
people who motivates and support us even if they do not take part on our journey. They still add
importance in our life in he way they treat us with all kindness. It gave the country hopes because of
his character in the novel. He wants the future Philippines to have a fair justice system and peaceful
C. Describe the transformation of character of Crisostomo Ibarra to Simoun.
- Ibarra and Simoun is one. Ibarra changed his name into Simoun to conceal his true identity. He
seems to abandoned his own self and its vision of ending despotism of Spain with words and peace.
Simoun is more sinister, and became a rich jeweler.

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