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Journal of Geophysics and Engineering

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663

Electromagnetic propagation logging while drilling

data acquisition method based on undersampling
Xinghan Li 1,2,3,4 , Wenxiu Zhang1,2,3,4,* , Wenxuan Chen1,2,3,4 , Yali Zhang1,2,3 , Jian Zheng1,2,3,4 ,

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Jianbao Fan1,2,3,4 , Hong Li1,2,3 and Zhenjun Ma1,2,3,4
CAS Engineering Laboratory for Deep Resources Equipment and Technology, Institute of Geology and
Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, China
Key Laboratory of Shale Gas and Geoengineering, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing, 100029, China
Innovation Academy for Earth Science, CAS, Beijing, 100029, China
College of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China
Corresponding author: Wenxiu Zhang. E-mail:

Received 24 April 2021, revised 26 June 2021

Accepted for publication 10 August 2021

With the development of complex and unconventional reservoirs, oil and gas exploration
becomes increasingly difficult. Highly deviated wells/horizontal wells are widely used. The
electromagnetic propagation logging while drilling (LWD) is more effective in complex
geological environment detection owing to geological orientation and real-time formation
evaluation. However, its operating frequency is generally at the MHz level. Traditional
acquisition techniques require an analogue to digital converter with high sampling rates, which
will introduce complex circuit structures and increase sampling costs. The undersampling
technology has overcome these disadvantages. The difficulties in the undersampling technology
include the selection of an undersampling frequency and the acquisition of a signal correction
coefficient. The range of undersampling frequencies and a correction coefficient has been
developed to process the electromagnetic propagation LWD measurements in this paper. The
range of undersampling frequency ensures the validity of the sampled data. The correction
coefficient ensures that different frequency signals use the same undersampling frequency to
obtain the same frequency recovery signal. The correctness of these parameters is verified by
simulation and field data examples. The range of undersampling frequency and a correction
coefficient has been applied, improving the data stability and providing reliable technical support
for the exploration and development of unconventional oil and gas.
Keywords: electromagnetic propagation LWD, sampling technology, undersampling, digital
phase sensitive detection, sampling frequency

1. Introduction resistivity information obtained can reflect correct electrical

characteristics of stratum (Wang et al. 2007), and combine
During drilling, the electromagnetic propagation logging
deep and shallow multi-scale geological and geophysical
while drilling (LWD) tool is used to measure the electrical
information to analyse the deep structures of the stratum
parameters of formation. At this time, as the formation
(Di et al. 2021). Teleco officially launched LWD tools in
has not been completely invaded by the drilling fluid, the
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sinopec Geophysical Research Institute. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of 653
the Creative Commons Attribution License ((, which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663 Li et al.

1978, marking the commercialisation of LWD technology results provide theoretical support for the application of the
(Spinnler & Stone 1978). With the introduction of phase undersampling technology.
shift and attenuation resistivity concepts (Clark et al. 1988),
the calculating theory of attenuation and phase shift to reflect
formation resistivity has gradually matured. The electromag- 2. Principle of data acquisition and signal correction
netic propagation measuring tool with multi-coil spacing The electromagnetic propagation LWD tool indicates the
and multifrequency (Rodney et al. 1991) and new azimuthal formation resistivity by the attenuation and phase shift of re-
electromagnetic propagation resistivity tool (Wang et al. ceived signals. The conventional superheterodyne technol-
2006) have been introduced successively. The electromag- ogy obtains the amplitude and phase information of the re-
netic propagation LWD technology has important practical ceived signal by frequency reduction. The circuit designed
value in directional drilling and formation boundary detec- with superheterodyne is featured by complex structure and
tion (Li et al. 2005; Bell et al. 2006; Meyer et al. 2008), and ease of introducing circuit noise interference. The under-
has gradually become an important part of LWD. At present, sampling technology can implement a simple circuit design,
Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker Hughes have launched which overcome the shortcomings of the superheterodyne

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the PeriScope, ADR and AziTrak instruments, respectively. technology and obtain stable results.
(Omeragic et al. 2005; Bittar et al. 2009).
The sampling technology is one of the most important
links in the process of acquiring electromagnetic propaga- 2.1. Superheterodyne principle
tion LWD data. For high-frequency signal during logging (for The traditional data processing method based on the su-
example, 400 kHz or 2 MHz), the traditional method ob- perheterodyne technology is shown in the following. First,
tains the amplitude and phase information of the received sig- the received high-frequency signals are mixed with the os-
nals by combining the superheterodyne technology with the cillation signals generated by the local oscillator. Second, the
oversampling technology (Rodney & Wisler 1986; Zhang & mixed signal is then transmitted through a band-pass filter to
Pang 2014), and has several disadvantages such as complex obtain a low-frequency signal. Finally, the low-frequency sig-
design circuit, circuit noise and long processing time (Wu nals obtained are subjected to the DPSD to obtain the ampli-
1996; Peng 2017). Undersampling technology is proposed tude and phase information of the received signals.
for the processing of electromagnetic propagation LWD data The principle of the superheterodyne technology can be
in this study. It has several advantages, such as simpler circuit explained by equation calculation in detail. The received and
implementation and effective reduction of the noise gener- local oscillation signals are set as follows:
ated by a circuit.
A freely selected undersampling frequency cannot re-
cover the amplitude and phase information of the received x(t) = KU0 cos(2𝜋F0 t + 𝜃), (1)
signal. The determination of the undersampling frequency
is critical for the application of the undersampling technol- l (t) = cos (2𝜋Fc t) , (2)
ogy. In this study, the selection range of the undersampling
frequency is determined through equation derivation and in where, K, U0 , t, F0 , Fc and 𝜃 refer to magnification times, am-
combination with the principle of digital phase sensitive de- plitude of received signals, measuring time, natural frequency
tection (DPSD). To obtain the recovered signals at the same of the received signals, frequency of the oscillation signals,
frequency, the received signals at different frequencies must phase of received signals.
be undersampled. After analysing the physical meaning of The received signals are mixed with the oscillation signals,
the undersampling technology, the signal correction factor is and the high-frequency signals are filtered out by the band-
proposed. The corrected signals at different frequencies are pass filter to obtain the equation:
sampled at the same undersampling frequency to obtain the xoutput (t) = x(t)l(t)
recovered signals with the same frequency. To simplify the → B and-Pass Filter (3)
calculation and improve efficiency, the data are stored and KU0
cos(2𝜋(F0 − Fc )t + 𝜃).
calculated in a matrix. Finally, the processing effect of both 2
the traditional sampling technology and undersampling We see from equation (3) that the signals processed by the
technology are obtained through comparison simulated superheterodyne technology are reduced to low-frequency
or measured data, respectively. The processing result of signals through a band-pass filter, and then low-frequency
the undersampling technology is more stable in engineer- signals are oversampled and subjected to the DPSD to ob-
ing application. With the application of this technology, tain the amplitude and phase information of the received sig-
the reliability output of the electromagnetic propagation nals. The data processing based on superheterodyne involves
LWD tool will be improved. The simulated and measured cumbersome steps and complex implementation circuit.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663 Li et al.

Through investigation and analysis, data processing based on Let’s discuss equation (9) under different situations: when
the undersampling technology can effectively overcome the the equation F0 ∕Fs = k∕2(k > 1, k ∈ Z), the ratio of geo-
shortcomings of the superheterodyne technology and obtain metric progression in equation (9) is 1, and we obtain:
the amplitude and phase information of the received signals.
U01 = KU0 Ur cos (𝜃) . (10)
When the equation F0 ∕Fs ≠ k∕2(k > 1, k ∈ Z), we
2.2. Principle of undersampling technology and
undersampling frequency determination
⎧ ei4𝜋 F0s (1−ei4𝜋F0 T ) ⎫

Data processing based on the undersampling technology ⎪ ( i4𝜋 F0 ) (cos (𝜃)+isin (𝜃)) ⎪
is shown next. First, signals are sampled. Then they are ⎪ 4 1−e Fs ⎪
1 ⎪ −i4𝜋 FF0 ⎪
subjected to DPSD to extract the amplitude and phase U01= KU0 Ur ⎬.
Fs T ⎨
e s (1−e−i4𝜋F0 T )
information of signals. Accurate received signals can be ⎪+ (
−i4𝜋 F
F0 ) (cos (𝜃)−isin (𝜃))⎪
obtained at a low sampling cost. Determining the undersam- ⎪ 4 1−e s

pling frequency is critical to the application of the undersam- ⎪+ Fs T cos (𝜃) ⎪
⎩ 2 ⎭

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pling technology. An effective sampling frequency provides (11)
a guarantee for accurately extracting amplitude and phase When the frequency of the logging signal is calculated by
information. F0 = 2 MHz or F0 = 400 kHz, F0 T ∈ Z, and equation (11)
The received signals after undersampling are obtained as is simplified, we obtain:
follows: 1
( ) U01 = KU0 Ur cos (𝜃) . (12)
F0 2
x(n) = KU0 cos 2𝜋 n + 𝜃 , (4)
Fs In summary,
⎧ ( )
where Fs refers to the undersampling frequency and n refers F0 k
⎪ KU0 Ur cos (𝜃) Fs = 2 , k > 1, k ∈ Z
to the sampling points. The selection range of Fs is deter- U01 = ⎨ 1 ( ) .
F0 k
mined using the DPSD process. The receiving time of the re- ⎪ 2 KU0 Ur cos (𝜃) Fs ≠ 2 , k > 1, k ∈ Z
ceiving coil is t (generally several hundred milliseconds), and ⎩
the number of sampling points is obtained from the equation (13)
M = Fs ∗ T. The reference signals are expressed as follows: Calculating U02 similarly, we obtain
⎧ ( )
( ) F0
= k
> ∈
F0 ⎪ 0 , k 1, k Z
r1 (n) = Ur cos 2𝜋 n , (5) U02 = ⎨ 1 Fs (2 ) .
F0 k
) −
⎪ 2 0 r
KU U sin (𝜃) ≠ , k > 1, k ∈ Z
F0 ⎩ Fs 2
r2 (n) = Ur sin 2𝜋 n . (6) (14)
According to equations (13) and (14) we obtain:
The amplitude of the received signals is calculated based
on the principle of DPSD, as shown next: ⎧ ( )
F0 k
⎪ no result = , k > 1, k ∈ Z
Us = ⎨ √ ( 2
) ,
1 ∑
2 F0 k
U01 = x (n) × r1 (n), (7) ⎪ UK U2
01 +U 2
02 ≠ , k > 1, k ∈ Z
M n=1 ⎩ r Fs 2

1 ∑
U02 = x (n) × r2 (n). (8) ( )
M n=1 ⎧ F0 k
⎪ no result Fs = 2 , k > 1, k ∈ Z
𝜃= ⎨ ( ) ( ) . (16)
First, calculating U01 , substituting equations (4) and (5) U02 F0 k
into (7), and converting the sine and cosine functions into ⎪ −arctg U01 ≠ , k > 1, k ∈ Z
⎩ Fs 2
exponential functions, we obtain:
From equations (15) and (16), we know that the under-
sampling frequency is related to the frequency of received sig-
U01 = KU0 Ur F1T nals, and should satisfy equation (17):
⎧ Fs T ( )⎫ F0 k
⎪ cos(𝜃) ∑ ei4𝜋 F0s n + 2 + e−i4𝜋 F0s n ⎪ ≠ (k > 1, k ∈ Z) .
⎪ 4 n=1 ⎪ (9) Fs 2
⎨ Fs T ( ) ⎬.
⎪− sin(𝜃) ∑ ei4𝜋 Fs n − e−i4𝜋 Fs n Equation (17) gives the selection range of the under-
F0 F0

⎪ 4i n=1 ⎪ sampling frequency to ensure accurate extraction the ampli-
⎩ ⎭ tude and phase information. The superposition calculation
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663 Li et al.

can eliminate the noise unrelated to the reference signals. derivation, we provide a processing method where the same
The simulation results show that the recovery effect can be sampling frequency Fs and sampling point p are applied for
achieved under noise conditions. signals at different frequencies.
Equation (17) provides the selection range of the under- Under the conditions a = 1 and p = 8, we select
sampling frequency. Combined with the characteristics of sampling frequency Fs that the low-frequency signals
multifrequency transmission of electromagnetic propagation meet eight sampling points per unit cycle. According to
LWD instrument. To obtain the same frequency recovery sig- equation (18), we can obtain F01 ∕Fs = q1 ∕8 = n+1∕8,
nal, different undersampling frequencies should be set for dif- F02 ∕Fs = q2 ∕8 = 5 × q2 ∕8 = 5n + 1 − 3∕8 and the sampling
ferent frequency transmission signals according to equation frequency Fs =8F01 ∕(8n + 1). The frequency is different
(17), which increases the difficulty of firmware writing. In the after undersampling, which can be expressed as follows:
next section, the correction coefficient is proposed through
analysis, such that signals at different frequencies obtain the ( )
recovered signals with the same frequency and use the same x1 (k) = KU0 cos k𝜋 + 𝜃 , (21)
undersampling frequency. ( )
x2 (k) = KU0 cos − k𝜋 + 𝜃 .

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2.3. Correction coefficient of received signal Equations (21) and (22) are the results of low- and high-
In this section, the undersampling frequency of the received frequency signals. As mentioned above, only low-frequency
signal 1 (F01 = 400 kHz) is determined according to the signals meet the given requirements. The high-frequency sig-
number of sampling points in a single cycle of the recovered nals can meet the given requirements by analysing the given
signal. The received signal 2 (F02 = 2 MHz) is collected by correction method. Equation (22) can be written as:
the above undersampling frequency. However, the sampling ( )
x2 (k) = (−1)k KU0 cos k𝜋 + 𝜃 . (23)
signal dose not satisfy the number of sampling points in a sin- 4
gle cycle of the recovered signal. Therefore, the correction co- Comparing equations (23) and (21), when k is consid-
efficient is determined by analysis. ered an odd number we can obtain the equation x2 = −x1 .
When the conditions in equation (17) are met, the fre- When k is considered an even number, we obtain the equa-
quency of the received signals and the undersampling fre- tion x2 = x1 . A correction coefficient A is then introduced for
quency can be expressed by p × F0 = q × Fs , where p and collecting the high-frequency signals, and the corrected high-
q are positive integers and q > p. The lowest spectral com- frequency signals meet the requirement that the number of
ponent of the undersampling result meets the equation Fx = sampling points per cycle is 8.
F0 − n × Fs , where Fx is the frequency of the recovered sig- {
nals and n is rounded to the nearest integer of q∕p. Thus, x(k) = −x(k) k = odd
A= . (24)
q∕p = n + a∕p(|a| < p∕2). Therefore, we obtain: x(k) = x(k) k = even
FX = ||F0 − n × Fs || = × Fs . (18) The introduction of the correction coefficient ensures
p that the same undersampling frequency is applied for high-
The physical meaning of undersampling can be taken from and low-frequency signals to obtain sampling results with
equation (18), and the number of sampling points of recov- the same frequency. The correction coefficient simplifies the
ered signals in the |a| cycle is p. After undersampling, the fre- firmware writing and fixes the reference signals during DPSD.
quency of the recovered signals decrease. The amplitude and Matrix storage can also simplify the subsequent calculation
phase information of the received signals are still preserved. when the number of sampling points per cycle is known.
The relationship among frequency of the undersampled, fre- As the number of sampling points per unit cycle is known,
quency of recovered and received signals is as follows: the process of simplifying the calculation through matrix
storage is shown next. There are m cycles for undersampled
(p ) signals. Data from each cycle are added to the sampling posi-
Fs = × F0 , (19)
np + a tion in the first cycle sequentially, and we obtain:
( |a| )
FX = × F0 . (20) ⎛x(1) + x(p + 1)+ ⋯ +x((m − 1)p + 1)⎞
np + a 1 ⎜ x(2) + x(p + 2)+ ⋯ x((m − 1)p + 2) ⎟
X= ⎟ .
To simplify the calculation of DPSD and firmware writ- Fs T ⎜⎜ ⋮

ing, we consider a =1. The same sampling frequency Fs and ⎝ x(p) + x(2p)+ ⋯ +x(mp) ⎠
sampling points p are applied for different signal frequen- (25)
cies (F01 = 400 kHz, F02 = 2 MHz) in the logging process. According to the number of sampling points, we set the
These conditions are difficult to meet. Through analysis and reference signal matrix as follows:

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663 Li et al.
Table 1. Related parameters in the simulation process
⎛ cos(0) ⎞
⎜ ( ) ⎟ Data type Value
⎜ cos p ⎟
R1= ⎜ frequency of received signal 2 MHz
⋮ ⎟, (26)
⎜ ( ) ⎟ amplitude of received signal 1V
⎜cos 2(p−1)𝜋 ⎟ phase of received signal 30°
⎝ p ⎠ frequency of undersampling 110 kHz, 160 kHz
⎛ sin(0) ⎞
⎜ ( ) ⎟
⎜ sin ⎟ 3.1. Undersampling frequency verification
R2= ⎜ (27)

⎜ ( 2(p−1)𝜋 )⎟ The setting of related parameters is shown in table 1.
⎜sin ⎟ Fs = 160 kHz and Fs = 110 kHz, respectively, represent two
⎝ p ⎠
cases: unsatisfying and satisfying equation (17). When no
noise is introduced, we ensure that there is a cycle signal after
We can obtain the equations U01 = XR1 and U02 =

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undersampling. Here, we set the receiving time of signals to
XR2. The amplitude and phase information of the received
1 ms. When Fs = 160 kHz, the received and undersampled
signals can be calculated based on the DPSD principle. The
signals are shown in figure 1. The comparison between pro-
correction coefficient and matrix storage can simplify the ap-
cessing results and original data is shown in figure 2.
plication of the undersampling technology, reduce the com-
When the equation Fs = 110 kHz, the original signals and
plexity of data processing and provide theoretical support for
undersampled signals are shown in figure 3. The comparison
instrument application.
between recovered signals and original signals is shown in
figure 4.
It can be seen from the processing result diagrams of dif-
3. Simulation results
ferent undersampling frequencies that the equation F0 ∕Fs =
To verify the correctness of the equations shown and the ef- k∕2(k > 1, k ∈ Z) is true. This indicates that it can accu-
fectiveness of the undersampling technology. The simulation rately recover the amplitude and phase information of the re-
is divided into two parts: verification of the correctness of ceived signals. To show the results more clearly and precisely,
equation (17) and testing the processing effect of the under- the data related to the simulation process are presented in
sampling technology. In the first part of the simulation, at- table 2, where ’Y’ denotes recovery and ‘N’ no recovery.
tention is paid to the recovery of signal amplitude and phase Table 2 presents the processing results of different un-
information at different undersampling frequencies. Noise is dersampling frequencies in detail. The processing results of
not introduced during simulation. In the second part of simu- different undersampling frequencies are consistent with the
lation, the effects of the undersampling processing and tradi- analysis of processing diagrams. The simulation results ver-
tional processing are compared. In the second part, the Gaus- ify that the proposed method for deriving the range of a
sian white noise is introduced to the received signals during given undersampling frequency is correct. The attenuation
simulation. and phase shift are used to reflect formation information

Figure 1. (a) Received signals (local amplification) and (b) undersampled signals (local amplification, 160 kHz).

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663 Li et al.

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Figure 4. Comparison between the recovered signals and the original
Figure 2. Comparison between the recovered signals and the original sig- signals (local amplification).
nals (local amplification).

in electromagnetic propagation LWD. The attenuation and

phase shift obtained through the undersampling technology 3.2. Analysis of undersampling effect
are compared with the calculation results obtained through According to the introduction in section 2.3, the number of
the traditional methods to verify the calculation effect of the sampling points per cycle for the recovered signal is set at
undersampling technology. The attenuation and phase shift eight. The undersampling frequency is selected as 128 kHz
are defined as: through analysis. The attenuation and phase shift calculated
through the undersampling technology are compared with
|V | those calculated using traditional methods. The setting of re-
ATT = 20 lg( |
Rx1 |
), (28) lated parameters is shown in table 3.
|V |
| Rx2 | The two signals represent the near receiving coil and far re-
PS = arg(VRx2 ) − arg(VRx1 ). (29) ceiving coil (marked as Rx1 and Rx2, respectively). The am-
plitude and phase of the received signals for the near receiving
Here, ATT represents attenuation and PS represents phase coil are 1 V and 30°, respectively. The amplitude and phase
shift. VRx1 represents the received signals from the near re- of the received signals for the far receiving coil are 0.5 V and
ceiving antenna and VRx2 represents the received signals from 45°, respectively. The received, undersampled and recovered
the far receiving antenna. signals after processing are shown in figure 5.

Figure 3. (a) Received signals (local amplification) and (b) undersampled signals (local amplification, 110 kHz).

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663 Li et al.
Table 2. Comparison of different sampling frequency processing result

Initial amplitude (V) Initial phase (°) Recovery amplitude (V) Recovery phase (°) Amplitude recovery effect Phase recovery effect

100 kHz 1 30 1 30 Y Y
160 kHz 1 30 1.7321 0 N N

Table 3. Related parameters in the simulation process tion, the simple circuit under the undersampling processing
Data type Value method can provide cleaner test data. The next section pro-
vides the comparison of actual application effects of the un-
frequency of received signal 2 MHz dersampling and superheterodyne technologies through the
amplitude of received signal 1 V, 0.5 V
measured data.
phase of received signal 30°, 45°
frequency of undersampling 128 kHz
frequency after superheteodyne 6 kHz

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4. Measured data process
From figure 5, the undersampling technology can effec- To demonstrate some advantages of the undersampling tech-
tively recover the amplitude and phase information of the nology such as simple design circuit, the electromagnetic
received signals under noise conditions. The feasibility of propagation LWD tool, which was developed by the Institute
applying the undersampling technology in actual environ- of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences is
ment is verified, thus providing a reliable basis for applying applied to write different data processing programs into the
the undersampling technology to instruments. Table 4 de- instrument firmware for testing. The whole test is conducted
scribes the attenuation, phase shift and corresponding re- in a stable environment. The results stability of the under-
covery degree obtained by the undersampling technology in sampling technology and traditional measurement method
detail. are compared and analysed. The test process was conducted
The received signals are also processed through the su- in the suburbs, where the electromagnetic interference is rel-
perheterodyne technology. In the superheterodyne process, atively small.
the high-frequency signals are reduced to 6 kHz. We set Fc = The test instrument is suspended in the air 10 m away
1.994 MHz, the processing results obtained through the tra- from the ground, ensuring that there is no ferromagnetic sub-
ditional technology are shown in figure 6. stance within 6 m from around it. The test diagram is shown
It can be seen from the comparison between the result in figure 7, where the instrument is suspended to the air for
of figures 5 and 6 that both the undersampling and super- measurement for approximately 7 min.
heterodyne processing results are similar, indicating that the Long source distance signals of 2 MHz frequency are used
undersampling technology can be as effective as or even bet- for analysis and comparison, and approximately 100 sets of
ter than the traditional superheterodyne processing. To bet- test data are adopted for testing. The original measured data
ter analyse and compare the effects of the two methods, the are shown in the figure 8.
relevant data applied in the simulation process are shown in The data are processed into attenuation and phase shift
table 4. data, which are corrected by the suspending correction (Yang
Compared the data in table 4, the attenuation can be re- et al. 2012). The standard deviation of the test data is then
covered to 5.9965 dB and the phase shift can be recovered calculated to reflect the stability of the data.
to 15.0555° using undersampling technology. The recovery We can see from figures 9 and 10 that the data process-
effect of undersampling technology is similar to that of super- ing based on the undersampling technology is more stable
heterodyne technology. The simulation shows that the recov- than that based on the traditional technology. Comparing
ery accuracy of undersampling technology reaches that of the the data in table 5, the standard deviation of attenuation
traditional method. and phase shift obtained through the undersampling tech-
In summary, the simulation verifies that equation (17) nology are of order of magnitude 10−3 , while the standard
is correct. The effect of undersampling processing is simi- deviation of the processing result obtained through tradi-
lar to that of the traditional processing, meeting the accu- tional processing method are of an order of magnitude 10−2 .
racy requirements. It provides a solid theoretical basis for the Owing to the simple circuit structure of the undersampling
application of the undersampling technology, and ensures technology, where the circuit noise interference is reduced,
that more stable measuring data is obtained. In the simula- in a stable operating environment the instrument main-
tion process, the same signal-to-noise ratio data is used for tained at all times improved measurement accuracy of the
both processing methods. In the process of practical applica- instrument.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663 Li et al.

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Figure 5. (a) Rx1 received signal; (b) Rx1 undersampled signal; (c) Rx1 processing results; (d) Rx2 received signal; (e) Rx2 undersampled signal and
(f) Rx2 processing results.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663 Li et al.
Table 4. Comparison of different sampling frequency processing result.

Initial amplitude (V) Initial phase (°) Recovery amplitude (V) Recovery phase (°)

undersampling Rx1 1 30 0.9967 30.0066

Rx2 0.5 45 0.4997 45.0621
ATT or PS 6.0206 dB 15 5.9965 dB 15.0555
superheterodyne Rx1 1 30 1.0001 30.0641
Rx2 0.5 45 0.5002 44.9958
ATT or PS 6.0206 dB 15 6.0179 dB 14.9317

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Figure 6. (a) Rx1 received signal; (b) Rx1 post-lower-frequency signal; (c) Rx1 processing results; (d) Rx2 received signal; (e) Rx2 post-lower-frequency
signal and (f) Rx2 processing results.

The design of the undersampling circuit is relatively sim- 5. Conclusion

ple and because of this it can effectively avoid the interference
This study proposes a data acquisition and processing
of circuit noise. We can apply this to processing data, which
method based on undersampling technology. This method
are measured by electromagnetic propagation LWD. We also
can reduce the measurement error of data, enhancing sta-
can apply this technology to other fields according to the ac-
bility of data and providing support for accurate formation
tual situation.

Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (2021) 18, 653–663 Li et al.

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Figure 7. Diagram of instrument test environment.

Figure 9. Comparison of attenuation stability from undersampling and

superheterodyne processing.
evaluation and reservoir identification. Simple processing
flow can reduce the difficulty of firmware writing, which will
facilitate instrument research and development.
In this paper, we postulate the undersampling frequency
satisfy F0 ∕Fs = k∕2(k > 1, k ∈ Z) according to equation
derivation. To simplify the firmware writing and reduce the
difficulty in subsequent calculations, the signal correction co-
efficients are developed from analysing the physical meaning
of the undersampling technology. The correction coefficients
ensure the received signals at different frequencies are under-
sampled at the same frequency and the recovered signals are
same frequency.
In this study, the selection range of the undersampling fre-
quency is verified corrected by simulation. The undersam-
pling technology is proven as feasible according to the com-
parison of the processing effect of the undersampling with
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