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1. 3 different railway passes are allotted to 5 students. The number of ways this can be done is :
(A) 60 (B) 20 (C) 15 (D) 10
2. The number of natual numbers from 1000 to 9999 (both inclusive) that do not have all 4 different
digits is -
(A) 4048 (B) 4464 (C) 4518 (D) 4536
What can you say about the number of even numbers under the same constraints?
3. Number of odd integers between 1000 and 8000 which have none of their digits repeated, is
(A) 1014 (B) 810 (C) 690 (D) 1736
4. The number of 10-digit numbers such that the product of any two consecutive digits in the number is
a prime number, is
(A) 1024 (B) 2048 (C) 512 (D) 64
5. The 9 horizontal and 9 vertical lines on an 8 × 8 chessboard form 'r' rectangles and 's' squares. The
ratio in its lowest terms is -
1 17 4
(A) (B) (C) (D) none
6 108 27
6. Number of different natural numbers which are smaller than two hundred million & using only the
digits 1 or 2 is :
(A) (3) . 28  2 (B) (3) . 28  1 (C) 2(29  1) (D) none
7. All the five digits number in which each successive digit exceeds its predecessor are arranged in the
increasing order of their magnitude. The 97th number in the list does not contain the digit
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 8
8. A four digit number is called a doublet if any of its digit is the same as only one neighbour. For
example, 1221 is a doublet but 1222 is not. Number of such doublets are
(A) 2259 (B) 2268 (C) 2277 (D) 2349
9. There are 12 guests at a dinner party. Supposing that the master and mistress of the house have fixed
seats opposite one another, and that there are two specified guests who must always, be placed next
to one another ; the number of ways in which the company can be placed, is:
(A) 20 . 10! (B) 22 . 10! (C) 44 . 10! (D) none
10. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are to be seated at a circular table. The number of ways this can be
done if A must have either B or C on his right and B must have either C or D on his right is :
(A) 36 (B) 12 (C) 24 (D) 18

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Additional Exercise On Permutation & Combination
11. A 3 digit palindrome is a 3 digit number (not starting with zero) which reads the same backwards as
forwards. For example 171. The sum of all even 3 digit palindromes, is
(A) 22380 (B) 25700 (C) 22000 (D) 22400
12. A lift with 7 people stops at 10 floors. People varying from zero to seven go out at each floor. The
number of ways in which the lift can get emptied, assuming each way only differs by the
number of people leaving at each floor, is :
(A) 16C6 (B) 17C7 (C) 16C7 (D) none
13. You are given an unlimited supply of each of the digits 1, 2, 3 or 4. Using only these four digits, you
construct n digit numbers. Such n digit numbers will be called L E G I T I M A T E if it contains the
digit 1 either an even number times or not at all. Number of n digit legitimate numbers are
(A) 2n + 1 (B) 2n + 1 + 2 (C) 2n + 2 + 4 (D) 2n – 1(2n + 1)
14. Three digit numbers in which the middle one is a perfect square are formed using the digits 1 to 9 .
Their sum is :
(A) 134055 (B) 270540 (C) 170055 (D) none of these
15. How many ways are there to arrange the letters in the word 'GARDEN' with the vowels in alphabetical
order? [AIEEE 2004]
(A) 120 (B) 240 (C) 360 (D) 480
16. The number of ways of distributing 8 identical balls in 3 distinct boxes so that none of the boxes is
empty is [AIEEE 2004]
(A) 5 (B) 21 (C) 38 (D) 8 C3
17. If the letters of the word 'SACHIN' are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written
out as in dictionary, then the word 'SACHIN' appears at serial number [AIEEE 2005]
(A) 602 (B) 603 (C) 600 (D) 601
18. The value of 50
C 4   56  r C 3 is [AIEEE 2005]
r 1

(A) 56C4 (B) 56C3 (C) 55C3 (D) 55C4

19. Number of divisors of the form 4n + 2 (n  0) of the integer 240 is - [JEE 98, 2M]
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 10 (D) 3
20. An n–digit number is a positive number with exactly ’n’ digits. Nine hundred distinct n–digit numbers
are to be formed using only the three digits 2, 5 & 7. The smallest value of n for which this is possible
is : [JEE 98, 2M]
(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9
21. How many different nine digit numbers can be formed from the number 223355888 by rearranging
its digits so that the odd digits occupy even positions ? [JEE 2000, Screening 1M]
(A) 16 (B) 36 (C) 60 (D) 180
22. Let Tn denote the number of triangles which can be formed using the vertices of a regular polygan of
‘n’ sides. If Tn+1 – Tn = 21, then ‘n’ equals - [JEE 2001, Screening 1M]
(A) 5 (B) 7 (C) 6 (D) 4
23. Let E = {1, 2, 3, 4} and F = {1, 2}. Then the number of onto functions from E to F is -
[JEE 2001, Screening 1M]
(A) 14 (B) 16 (C) 12 (D) 8
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24. The number of arrangements of the letters of the word BANANA in which two N’s do not appear
adjacently is - [JEE 2002, Screening 3M]
(A) 40 (B) 60 (C) 80 (D) 100
25. Number of points with integral co-ordinates that lie inside a triangle whose co-ordinates are (0, 0),
(0, 21) and (21, 0) [JEE 2003, Screening 3M]
(A) 210 (B) 190 (C) 220 (D) none
26. A rectangle with sides 2m – 1 and 2n – 1 is divided into squares of unit
length by drawing parallel lines as shown in the diagram, then the number of
rectangles possible with odd side lengths is
(A) (m + n + 1)2 (B) 4m + n – 1
(C) m2n2 (D) mn(m + 1)(n + 1)
[JEE 2005 (Scr.), 3]
27. If r, s, t are prime numbers and p, q are the positive integers such that their LCM of p, q is is r2t4s2,
then the numbers of ordered pair of (p, q) is [JEE 2006, 3]
(A) 252 (B) 254 (C) 225 (D) 224
28. The letters of the word COCHIN are permuted and all the permutations are arranged in an alphabetical
order as in an English dictionary. The number of words that appear before the word COCHIN is
(A) 360 (B) 192 (C) 96 (D) 48 [JEE 2007, 3]
29. Consider all possible permutations of the letters of the word ENDEANOEL
Match the statements / Expression in Column-I with the statements / Expressions in Column-II.
Column-I Column-II
(A) The number of permutations containing the word ENDEA is (P) 5!
(B) The number of permutations in which the letter E occurs in the (Q) 2 × 5!
first and the last position is
(C) The number of permutations in which none of the letters D, L, N (R) 7 × 5!
occurs in the last five positions is
(D) The number of permutations in which the letters A, E, O occurs (S) 21 × 5!
only in odd positions is [JEE 2008, 6]
30. A crew of an eight oar boat has to be chosen out of 11 men five of whom can row on stroke side only,
four on the bow side only, and the remaining two on either side. How many different selections can be
31. 12 persons are to be seated at a square table, three on each side. 2 persons wish to sit on the north side
and two wish to sit on the east side. One other person insists on occupying the middle seat (which
may be on any side). Find the number of ways they can be seated.
32. A train going from Cambridge to London stops at nine intermediate stations. 6 persons enter the train
during the journey with 6 different tickets of the same class. How many different sets of ticket may
they have had?
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Additional Exercise On Permutation & Combination
33. (a) A flight of stairs has 10 steps. A person can go up the steps one at a time, two at a time, or any
combination of 1's and 2's. Find the total number of ways in which the person can go up the
(b) You walk up 12 steps, going up either 1 or 2 steps with each stride. There is a snake on the 8th
step, so you can not step there. Number of ways you can go up.
34. How many ten digit whole numbers satisfy the following property they have 2 and 5 as digits, and
there are no consecutive 2's in the number (i.e. any two 2's are separated by at least one 5).
35. There are n straight lines in a plane, no 2 of which parallel, & no 3 pass through the same point. Their
point of intersection are joined. Show that the number of maximum fresh lines thus introduced is
n ( n  1)(n  2)(n  3)
36. A man has 3 friends. In how many ways he can invite one friend everyday for dinner on 6 successive
nights so that no friend is invited more than 3 times.
37. Find the number of 7 lettered words each consisting of 3 vowels and 4 consonants which can be
formed using the letters of the word "DIFFERENTIATION".
38. There are 2n guests at a dinner party. Supposing that the master and mistress of the house have fixed
seats opposite one another, and that there are two specified guests who must not be placed next to one
another. Show that the number of ways in which the company can be placed is
(2n  2)!.(4n2  6n + 4).
39. In an election for the managing committee of a reputed club , the number of candidates contesting
elections exceeds the number of members to be elected by r (r > 0). If a voter can vote in 967 different
ways to elect the managing committee by voting atleast 1 of them & can vote in 55 different ways to
elect (r  1) candidates by voting in the same manner. Find the number of candidates contesting the
elections & the number of candidates losing the elections.
40. How many 15 letter arrangements of 5 A's, 5 B's and 5 C's have no A's in the first 5 letters, no B's in
the next 5 letters, and no C's in the last 5 letters.
41. Find the number of three digits numbers from 100 to 999 inclusive which have any one digit that is
the average of the other two.
42. There are 15 rowing clubs; two of the clubs have each 3 boats on the river; five others have each 2
and the remaining eight have each 1; find the number of ways in which a list can be formed of the
order of the 24 boats, observing that the second boat of a club cannot be above the first and the third
above the second. How many ways are there in which a boat of the club having single boat on the
river is at the third place in the list formed above?
43. Consider a 7 digit telephone number 336 - 7624 which has the property that the first three digit prefix,
336 equals the product of the last four digits. How many seven digit phone numbers beginning with
336 have this property, e.g. (336–7624)
44. The members of a chess club took part in a round robin competition in which each plays every one
else once. All members scored the same number of points, except four juniors whose total score were
17.5. How many members were there in the club? Assume that for each win a player scores 1 point,
for draw 1/2 point and zero for losing.

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45. There are n triangles of positive area that have one vertex A(0, 0) and the other two vertices whose
coordinates are drawn independently with replacement from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} e.g. (1, 2),
(0, 1), (2, 2) etc. Find the value of n.
46. The Indian cricket team with eleven players, the team manager, the physiotherapist and two umpires are to
travel from the hotel where they are staying to the stadium where the test match is to be played. Four of
them residing in the same town own cars, each a four seater which they will drive themselves. The bus
which was to pick them up failed to arrive in time after leaving the opposite team at the stadium. In how
many ways can they be seated in the cars ? In how many ways can they travel by these cars so as to reach
in time, if the seating arrangement in each car is immaterial and all the cars reach the stadium by the same
47. (i) How many car number plates can be made if each plate contains 2 different letters of English
alphabet, followed by 3 different digits.
(ii) Solve the problem, if the first digit cannot be 0.
48. How many four digit numbers are there which are divisible by 2 ?
49. Find the number of 7 lettered palindromes which can be formed using the letters from the English
50. How many 10 digit numbers can be made with odd digits so that no two consecutive digits are same.
51. In how many ways can clean & clouded (overcast) days occur in a week assuming that an entire day
is either clean or clouded.
52. How many natural numbers are their from 1 to 1000 which have none of their digits repeated.
53. Number of 9 digits numbers divisible by nine using the digits from 0 to 9 if each digit is used atmost
once is K · 8 ! , then K has the value equal to ______.
54. Number of natural numbers less than 1000 and divisible by 5 can be formed with the ten digits, each
digit not occuring more than once in each number is _____ .
55. There are 720 permutations of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Suppose these permutations are arranged from
smallest to largest numerical values, beginning from 1 2 3 4 5 6 and ending with 6 5 4 3 2 1.
(a) What number falls on the 124th position?
(b) What is the position of the number 321546?
56. Number of six digit numbers which have 3 digits even & 3 digits odd, if each digit is to be used atmost
once is ______ .
57. A women has 11 close friends. Find the number of ways in which she can invite 5 of them to dinner,
if two particular of them are not on speaking terms & will not attend together.
58. A forecast is to be made of the results of five cricket matches, each of which can be win, a draw or a
loss for Indian team. Find
(i) the number of different possible forecasts
(ii) the number of forecasts containing 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 errors respectively

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Additional Exercise On Permutation & Combination

59. Consider a determinant of order 3 all whose entries are either 0 or 1. Five of these entries are 1 and
four of them are '0'. Also aij = aji  1  i, j  3. Find the number of such determinants.
60. 10 identical ball are distributed in 5 different boxes kept in a row and labled A, B, C, D and E. Find
the number of ways in which the ball can be distributed in the boxes if no two adjacent boxes remain
(n 2 ) !
61. Using permutation or otherwise, prove that is an integer, where n is a positive integer.
(n!) n
[JEE 2004, 2 out of 60]

Additional Questions Answer key

1. A 2. B or 2204 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. B
8. B 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. C 13.D 14. A 15. C
16. B 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. B 21.C 22. B 23. A
24. A 25. B 26. C 27. C 28. C 29.(A) P; (B) S; (C) Q; (D) Q
30. 145 31. 2! 3! 8! 32. 45C 6 33. (a) 89, (b) 63 34.143 36. 510
24! 23!
37. 532770 39. 10, 3 40. 2252 41. 121 42. 8C . 43. 84
5 ;
(3!) (2!) 1 (3!) 2 (2!)5
11! . 4!
44. 27 45. 256 46. 12! ; 47. (i) 468000; (ii) 421200 48. 4500
(3!) 4 2!
49. 264 50. 5·49 51. 128 52. 738 53. K = 17 54. 154
55. (a) 213564, (b) 267th 56. 64800 57. 378 58. (i) 243 ; (ii) 1, 10, 40, 80, 80, 32
59. 12 60. 771 ways

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