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( T his admission is ' PROVISIONAL' subject to verification of all conditions of eligibility after the conduct
of Pre-interview Written T est )
Roll No. 435647

Post Name. Secondary School Teacher BS-16 (Male) Science Category in School
Education and Literacy Depar tment
Cat egory Science CNIC 4530224234527
Syllabus The paper will cont ain Mult iple Choice Quest ions (MCQ's) of Graduat ion
Level as per given breakup:
01. English....................20% 02. Physics...................20%
03. Chemist ry................20% 04. Mat hemat ics...........20%
05. Biology/Comput er Science........20%
NOTE The Candidat es may opt : Biology OR Comput er Science
Test Dat e & Time: Tuesday 07-05-2024 02:00 pm
Public School Sukkur Gate No 03 Old Airpor t Road at Khir thar Canal
Test Venue:
Near Basheerabad Sukkur
Name: Abdul Raheem
Fat her’s Name : Muhram khan
Domicile: NAUSHAHRO FEROZE Division Shaheed Benazirabad

Please Bring following documents for admission in Examination Hall:

(a) Downloaded Copy of Admission Slip (b) CNIC (Original) (c) Original Bank Challan
• Mobile Phones/Likewise Devices are strictly prohibited in the examination centre, SPSC will not
be responsible for their security or loss.

Instruc tions give n be low are for stric t c om plianc e .
Eligibility of the candidates in terms of Recruitment Rules and conditions mentioned in the advertisement shall be determined after the conduct of Professional/Screening
Test/Examination. O n detailed scrutiny of the applications as well as documents if they are found ineligible, their candidature will be cancelled irrespective of the fact whether
they have appeared in the examination/test or even qualified therein. O n rejection of the applicants’ candidatures on the basis of their ineligibility the applicant would be
informed by the Commission defining the reasons of their ineligibility. However if they feel aggrieved of rejection of their applications, they may file the appeal within seven
days from the date of issuance of REJECTIO N LETTER with the documentary evidence against rejection of their candidature. Their appeal should be supported with the original
treasury receipt of Rs. 250/= as appeal fee in the head of account “C02101 organ of state appeal fee Sindh Public service Commission, otherwise the same will not be
1. Ple ase bring blac k ball point pe n & writing pad for atte m pting OMR Answe r S he e t/De sc riptive answe r Book provide d by the invigilator.
2. You are advise d to arrive at the Exam ination / Te st Ce ntre at le ast 30 m inute s be fore the start tim e to e nable you to loc ate your hall and se at.
3. The gate s of the c e ntre shall be c lose d 10 m inute s afte r the start tim e . You will not be adm itte d to the Exam ination Hall afte r the
c om m e nc e m e nt of the pape r. Late arrival will not e ntitle you to any e xtra tim e .
4. Bring your own writing /drawing instrum e nts. No book, pape r, lite rature is allowe d in the e xam ination hall.
5. S m oking, disc ussion, c onsultation am ong c andidate s is not allowe d.
6. Write your Nam e , Roll Num be r and Pape r Type in the OMR Answe r S he e t provide d/le gibly only in the spare slip on de sc riptive Answe r Copy.
7. Any initials, notations, sym bols, re ligious ve rse s e tc writte n on the answe r she e t m ay le ad to re je c tion of pape r.
8. Follow the ve rbal instruc tions of the invigilator for starting / stopping of the te st.
9. You are not allowe d to le ave the Hall till the e nd of the pape r.
10. Mobile phone s, sc ie ntific c alc ulators, laptops e tc are not allowe d in the Exam ination Hall, the sam e would be c onfisc ate d, if brought in the
Exam Hall de spite our instruc tions.
11. No Re que st for c hange of Ce ntre will be e nte rtaine d
12. Any bre ac h of the ge ne ral instruc tions m ay re sult in your disqualific ation and de barm e nt from this or subse que nt e xam inations.
13. Any disc re panc y or m istake find in your c re de ntials ple ase c ontac t Inform ation S yste m Branc h, S PS C im m e diate ly.
14. During sc rutiny and ide ntific ation proc e ss, invigilating staff will ask c andidate s to lowe r m ask for ide ntific ation.
15. Answe r Copie s will be c olle c te d from the se ats. No c andidate will be allowe d to le ave till all the c opie s are c olle c te d.
16. Candidate s will be allowe d to le ave e xam ination hall row-wise while m aintaining distanc e (No m ix-up of c andidate s will be allowe d for de posit
of c opie s).
17. Candidate s will be e xpe c te d to bring the ir own wate r bottle .
( This Admission Slip is computer generated, needs no signature)
C o ntact Us: Email: info@,Website:,Phone: 022-9200694-246

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