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“Your support makes things possible even amid of the crisis.” -

Louella Ledesma

It's a fact: Without help, children in poverty
become adults in poverty .
Their children are born into poverty…and the cycle continues. With your support,
Children in local communities aims to put an end to generational poverty with a long-
term, customized program that stays with children through the first two decades of their

Poverty negatively impacts brain development and

Children and youth growing up in poverty typically lack proper health care and nutrition.
They’re also more likely to be exposed to the stress of domestic violence, gangs and drugs. All
of this can impair brain development, negatively impacting long-term physical and mental well-

Therefore, if we had such a vessel that could end the food needs of today, there won’t be
hunger deaths in any corner of the earth. Everywhere there would be happy faces. there won’t
be greed, there won’t be wars, there won’t be enmity. Love will reign throughout the world.

When you feed a child, you are not only help them to grow, but also you are molding a happy
and contented future citizen of the world start in our small communities . There is a greater
eagerness in the child to learn and energy to give a better output.

This is the reason I ended up on this ideas & Inspiration of helping our children in the
community “CLASSROOM HUNGER” it reminds me on my young age, I was one of the
students who always selected to take free food in our school before the class about to start.
One day I asked my teacher why for all student in the classroom why she always choosing me?
She said I have potential and I am smart kid. However, sometimes it’s hard for me to focus on
her class because she knows that I didn’t take any food/ breakfast in the morning which the
most important for the young student to help the brain functioning properly.

I’m lucky to have an adviser who has believed in me since day one, and I can say myself now
that I’m a good product of what they do in our community before as I can say myself that I’m
successful on my career, life, a better people in the community in my own special way.

How can we end classroom hunger?

Classroom hunger will end when there is provision for a delicious mid-day meal in every school
and even in the children living in the street. Every kids no matter in which age group they
belong, eats well with their peers. They will compete with each other to finish their meal and
will stop being the fussy eater that they usually are in the confines of their home. When they
learn the happiness of eating the same food as everyone else in the class, there is a sense of
equality as well among the kids.

In a school I know that run by a charitable mission, they provide mid-day meal, and the meal is
cooked by the parents who volunteer each day in the kitchen along with the school kitchen
staff. This ensures cleanliness and efficiency in the system of the activity.

Therefore, I would like to ask a financial support/volunteers in our Local Government Unit/
people to help the Children to fight the hunger by giving what they can give in the charity
mission program. For the local business owner, they can donate bread, vegetables, meat, eggs,
used clothes, no longer needed appliances, furniture, so we can restore and sell it in on our
charity market. As well to be part of our fund raising, be our corporate partnership and be a
member with the registration fee.

Your small contributes invest in the lives of our children, helping by feeding them get the
education, life skills and confidence they need to break free from poverty. The force of our
combined efforts starts a powerful multiplier effect that empowers children and youth to
change their own lives and futures, transforming their families and in the communities too.

Our programs focus on four key outcomes

THE POVERTY TRAP –Living in poverty can mean inadequate health and dental care,
chronic malnutrition, poor hygiene and unsafe sanitation conditions, a lack of education about
reproductive health and mental health, and preventable diseases going untreated.

Solution: Your sponsorship helps children in our communities by providing health programs
that focus on two important outcomes:

1. Developing healthy habits

2. Connecting children with services when they need help.

THE POVERTY TRAP - In many impoverished communities, children don't have resources
like books or uniforms, causing them to fall behind without the support to catch up. Youth drop
out of school to support their families and never go back. And entire school systems are
understaffed, failing to provide adequate education to the children they serve.

Solution : Through your sponsorship, unsparing professional youth wants to become a
teacher volunteer to those unfortunate kids in the street. your help break down the barriers
that keep children from kindergarten through high school from getting a good education,
including tutoring programs, scholarships, learning spaces, computer training and more.

THE POVERTY TRAP -To truly end generational poverty, children must have hope for the
future and see possibilities for themselves beyond their circumstances. Without life skills or
coping mechanisms, they are unable to overcome their environment, thus continuing the cycle
of poverty for another generation.

Solution: We believe confidence grows as children develop leadership skills, understand

social responsibility, and take active roles in their communities. Your contribution supports

empowerment programs that are specifically designed to teach the value of teamwork and
encourage children to make an impact that lasts.

THE POVERTY TRAP -Opportunities and adequate employment can be hard to come by.
Many youths don’t have the basic skills needed to find work, like résumé writing, interview
prep or even understanding where to find a job. Unemployed youth often turn to gang
affiliation or drugs.

Solution : Your support employment programs that help youth by:

1. Giving them a training for the livelihood program that can develop their skills.

2. Learn the life skills necessary to be a good employee.

3. Connect with local employers.
This assistance paves the way to a future filled with opportunities they never thought possible.

How to support the charitable mission program and ensure to help the
children& youth in the long run?

They are three ways to diversify for the charitable mission’s program income using the design
thinking techniques.

The Platforms such as Social technology, Web creating, flyers, advertisement and many more.


Corporate donations, in the form of one-off gifts or ongoing relationships, can provide
an invaluable revenue boost.

To work successfully with a business, the charity needs to put on its corporate hat.
Approach potential sponsors with a clear plan and a confident pitch to present,
emphasizing what can be achieved and the success story they’ll be part of if they invest.

As with any relationship, compatibility is important. We know charity partnerships that

have lasted decades, as both parties have similar values, activities, and priorities.
Whether you’re in the same sector, have a customer demographic in common, or just
believe in the same things, look for a meaningful connection.

Like mine, I can consider my program as small charity mission that aiming to help the
children in my community. Therefore, I will embrace existing ties and local community
connections. for example, I will focusing on the people that I have traded within the
past, or local organization’s whose customers will recognize your name. Whatever the
size of sponsor I will get, I will look for a natural opportunity for collaboration, so that
the relationship makes sense to donors and is in line with my mission.


By using the power of free digital platforms to promote the charity online, spreading the
word widely without spending a lot of money.

The social, conversational nature of online communication means you can build
personal connections quickly via comments, emails, Tweets and likes, and feed back to
individual donors on what their support means to your cause. This gives them a sense of
ownership and involvement, creating potential long-term donor relationships.

Social spaces like these give us the chance to turn acquaintances into friends – changing

one-off donors into regular donors. Capture email addresses on the website and mail
everyone who has given the permission regularly.

By informing them what I’m doing in the charity mission and what needed additional
money for. I will Make it simple to sign up to regular giving by showing them what even
small regular donations they can do for my mission.

Using digital also gives us the chance to experiment and see what works for your
organization. Send different messages to different groups and find out which raises the
most money. For example, prompting donors to encourage their friends to give. In an
experiment by the Behavioral Insights Team (sometimes dubbed the Nudge team) just
adding a message on the bottom of an email from an investment bank encouraging staff
to donate to a charity increased the number of people donating from 6.1% to 38.8%.

The additional message simply said:

"Please reach out and email your friends and colleagues and let them know about the
huge contribution their donation can make – all they have to do is click this link – it's as
easy as that."

Running a business that supports the charity not only creates a stream of revenue that’s
within your control, but it can also help the charity’s mission. Offering products and
services (rather than just asking for donations) is a great idea, as they increase
awareness and fundraise. It also creates a two-way relationship that's based on more
than giving money.

The social sector with collaborative workspaces and cafes, bars and shops can be run
using a social enterprise model. They generate their income through trading but
reinvest profits to fund their social or environmental activities.

But for me these projects aren’t just sources of funding. They can also provide work or
volunteering experience for service users, and a point of access for people new to the

Offering training courses is a popular commercial approach, and a course run by a

charity is an appealing idea for many people. I can use knowledge to raise funds and
spread the word about the charitable activities at the same time.

Delivering training courses harnesses the expertise and insights of the charity’s staff
members and volunteers, tapping into a resource that already have. Attendees gain
knowledge and skills, and they’ll also come away much more informed about what you
do and why. For example, organizations like St John's Ambulance and the Red Cross run

first aid courses so businesses can get their first aiders trained.

Running a business can also help to get more in tune with potential corporate sponsors,
as we have been facing some of the same challenges and may have business
relationships in common. Social enterprises can partner together too. You can benefit
from the support of a growing network of social businesses.


This program it helps to our young inspiring kids & teenagers to become a good citizen
in our country by starting in our small community.

By helping this mission, we can change the lives of each kids in the street, schools,
families who has lack of to providing good meal to their children’s as well, helping to
breaking the poverty. Through our life-changing community mission, education and
health program, life-skills, and empowerment workshops, we are giving the children the
opportunity to envision a future they have never seen before.

I believed that children are our key to have a good future, if we will help them from the
beginning, we can create a good leader in the community, health providers, literate

Therefore, your contributions money and efforts will be a big value on this mission
specially thru the eyes of innocent young children’s.

We will fight as one to stop the hunger and the poverty cycle.

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