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Pre - Inter

LC3 (2)

What did you use

to be?

Where did you use to
work before joining
this company?



electrician /ɪlɛkˈtrɪʃən/ /ɪˈlɛktrɪk ˈkʌmpəni/

mechanic /mɪˈkænɪk/ service shop /ˈsɜrvɪs ʃɑp/

university lecturer /ˌjunəˈvɜrsəti ˈlɛkʧərər/ university /ˌjunəˈvɜrsəti/

architect /ˈɑrkəˌtɛkt/ /ˈɑrkəˌtɛkʧər fɜrm/

vet /vɛt/ animal hospital /ˈænəməl ˈhɑˌspɪtəl/

surgeon /ˈsɜrʤɪn/ surgery room /ˈsɜrʤəri rum/

soldier /ˈsoʊlʤər/ battlefield /ˈbætəlˌfild/

firefighter /ˈfaɪrˌfaɪtər/ fire station /faɪr ˈsteɪʃən/


Male voice

university lecturer

electric company
service shop
architecture firm
animal hospital
surgery room
fire station

What did they use to do? Where did they use to work?
electric architecture
company firm
mechanic Use “an” for words that begin
university with vowels (a, e, i, o, u)
university architect service shop

1 2

He used to be an _____ and he used to work at an _____ . He used to be a _____ and he used to work at a _____ .

3 4

She used to be a _____ and she used to work at a _____ . She used to be an _____ and she used to work at an _____ .

Answer Key:
1. electrician - electric company
2. mechanic - service shop
3. university lecturer - university
4. architecture firm - architect

What did they use to do? Where did they use to work?
vet surgery room surgeon
hospital Use “an” for words that begin
with vowels (a, e, i, o, u)
soldier battlefield firefighter fire station

5 6

He used to work at an _____ and he used to be a _____ . My mom used to be a _____ so she used to work at _____ .

7 8

My older brother used to be a _______ and he used to fight My grandfather used to be a _____ and he used to
on a _____ in Cambodia . work at a local _____ near my house.

Answer Key:
5. vet - animal hospital
6. surgeon - surgery room
7. soldier - battlefield
8. firefighter - fire station

Wow! You used to have great hair!

1 Wow! You used to have great hair!

I used to spend ages getting it just right. It’s much

quicker now.

3 Did you use to spend a lot of money on them?

11. 4 I didn’t use to have much money.

I used to share clothes with my brother. But he

doesn’t let me borrow them now!

Can you guess the usage of "used to"

structure? What do we use it for?

How to use “Used to”
To sum up, we use used to when we want to talk about
things which were true in the past, but are not true now.

- The dad used to spend ages getting his hair just right.
11. his hair just right
In the past he spent ages getting
In the present, he doesn't getting ages doing it, it's much quicker now.

- The girl used to share clothes with her sister.

In the past, the girl shared clothes with her sister
In the present, she doesn't share clothes with her sister anymore, her sister
doesn't let her borrow her clothes now.

The structure of used to

Pay attention to the spelling of used to

in the negative and question forms.

Form Grammatical Structure

S + used to + V
You used to have great hair!

S + didn't + use to + V
I didn't use to have much money.

Did + S + use to + V?
Did you use to spend a lot of money on them?

Complete the dialogue with the correct form of used to and the verbs below
be do go live not have not pay wait

Mum: I (1) _______ opposite the Wonder Theater when

I was nine.

Alice: (2) _____ you ______ there often?

Mum: Yes. But we (3) _______. It wasn't our fault - we (4)

________ any money for tickets.

Alice: So how did you get in?

Mum: We (5) _______ outside the fire exit and run in

when somebody opened it!

Alice: I can't believe you (6) ________ that! You're

always telling me how important it is to be honest!

Mum: Well, yes. I (7) ________ very naughty, but I

grew out of it.

Answer Key:
Mum: I (1) used to live opposite the Wonder Theater when I was nine.
Alice: (2) Did you use to go there often?
Mum: Yes. But we (3) didn't use to pay. It wasn't our fault - we (4) didn't use to have any
money for tickets.
Alice: So how did you get in?
Mum: We (5) used to wait outside the fire exit and run in when somebody opened it!
Alice: I can't believe you (6) used to do that! You're always telling me how important it is to be
Mum: Well, yes. I (7) used to be very naughty, but I grew out of it.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to / didn’t use to and the verbs in brackets

1 Peter ______ (be) a soldier fighting oversea, but he moved back to his homeland last year.

2 Carol _______ (work) as an architect, but she quitted that job 2 years ago.

3 Sarah ______ (eat) meat, but now she is a vet so she doesn’t eat meat anymore.

4 My dad _____ (talk) a lot, but working as a university

11. lecturer makes him quite talkative now.

5 I _______ (enjoy) my job as a mechanic, but now I realize my job is more meaningful and rewarding.

6 Keneth _______ (speak) a foreign language , but now he speaks Japanese quite often.

7 We _______ (spend) a lot time together when working at a fire station, but now we hardly ever see each other.

8 My dad _______ (have) a lot of money, but he's quite rich now.


Answer keys:
1. used to be
2. used to work
3. used to eat
4. didn't use to talk
5. didn't use to enjoy
6. didn't use to speak
7. used to spend
8. didn't use to have

Be careful!

Do not confuse used to with the phrase be / get used to (doing) something.

I used to ride my bike to school. (= I don't ride it anymore)

These glasses feel strange, but I'll get used to them. (= I'll get familiar with them)

She hates losing. She isn't used to it! (= She is not familiar with it)


Chit-chat time

1. What - your previous job?

2. What - you use to - at that job?

3. Where - you use - work at?

4. Where - your parent - to live when

he/she - young?

5. What - he/she use to - for a living?

6. Where - he/she use - work at?


*Sample answer:
• I used to work as an English Teacher.
• I used to teach English to children and adult learners.
• I used to work at several English centers around the city.
• My parents used to live in a small village near the seashore.
• My dad used to be a mechanic
• He used to work at a small service shop near my house.

Listening Skill Up
Part 1: You will hear four statements about a picture. When you hear the statements, you must select the one
statement that best describes what you see in the picture. The statements will not be shown on the screen and will
be spoken only one time.


Answer key: C is correct because this is a picture of a firefighter.

Choices (B) and (D) are using the word "fire" and "firing" which have similar sound to the
word "firefighter" in order to distract listener.
Choice (A) is incorrectly describing the occupation of the man.

Male voice
A. He is a police officer.
B. He is making a fire.
C. He is a firefighter.
D. He is firing his employees.

Listening Skill Up
Part 2: You will hear a question or a statement about a picture. You will be given three responses spoken in English.
Select the best response to the question or statement. The question or statement will not be shown on the screen
and will be spoken only one time.


Answer key: B
Choices (A) and (C) are not the correct answer for the question asking about the past: "What
did she use to do?"

M = Male Voice

[M1] What did she use to be?

[M2] A. She is teaching how to make a bee hotel.
B. She used to work as a university lecturer.
C. She is an undergraduate student.

Listening Skill Up
Part 3: You will hear a conversation between two or more people. You will be asked to answer two questions about
what the speakers say in the conversation. Select the best response to each question. The conversation will not be
shown on the screen and will be spoken only one time.
1. What did the man use to be?
(A) An expert
(B) A university lecturer
(C) An electrician
(D) A public speaker

2. Where did the man use to work

(A) A small electric company
(B) A big electric company
(C) MIT University
(D) A local workshop

Answer key:
1-C because the man says that: "I used to be an electrician working for a small electric
company". Choice (A) and (B) mention the current job of the man, not the job that he used to
do in the past. Choice (D) is not mentioned.
2-A because the mansays: "I used to be an electrician working for a small electric company."
Choice (B) is contradict to the correct answer, Choice (C) is the current working place of the
man, Choices (D) is not mentioned.

* M = Male Voice, F = Female voice.

[M1]: Do you remember the first time I applied for a job? I had absolutely no confidence in
[F]: And look where you are now - a famous expert in Sales & Marketing.
[M1]: Isn't it interesting how we change and grow, I used to be an electrician working for a
small electric company but now I'm a university lecturer at MIT. You know, I didn't use to
enjoy public-speaking, but now I think I could talk about myself fairly well.
[F]: And now you're asked to speak at conferences all over the country. In fact, I'd like to ask
you to help me out with planning a workshop I have to give next week.

1. What did the man use to be? [4 seconds]
2. Where did the man use to work at? [4 seconds]
Listening Skill Up
Part 4: You will hear a talk given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer two questions. When you hear the
talk, you must select the best response to the questions. The talk will not be shown on the screen and will be spoken
only one time.
1. What did Jessica Whiteman use to be?
(A) Writer
(B) Worker
(C) Critic
(D) Architect

2. What will Jessica Whiteman do next?

(A) Design a new building
(B) Listen to a talk by a well-known critic
(C) Share her experience
(D) Receive a reward

Answer key:
1-D because the speaker says: "She (= Jessica Whiteman) used to be an architect at
Blackmore Architecture Firm". Choice (A) is her current job. Choices (B) and (C) were not her
past job.
2-C because the speaker asks: "Can you share your story with us?" which means the speaker
wants Jessica Whiteman answers a question about herself (= share her experience). Choices
(A),(B), and (D) are not the things that she will do next.

* M = Male Voice, F = Female voice.

[M1]: Hello everyone! I want to introduce Jessica Whiteman. She used to be an architect at
Blackmore Architecture Firm but now she is a full-time writer and the mother of two
beautiful daughters. She used to write a lot of children books when she first started her
writing career. After many years of hardworking, Mrs. Whiteman is finally becoming a
successful writer. People all over the world enjoy her books. So, Mrs. Whiteman, can you
share your story with us?

1. What did Jessica Whiteman use to be? [4 seconds]

2. What will Jessica Whiteman do next? [4 seconds]
Reading Skill Up

Part 5: A word or a phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Select the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Peter Paker used to ______ as a surgeon but

now he's retired.
(A) working
(B) worked
(C) work 2. Generally speaking, I used to be an _______
(D) works working for a large company in New York and I
used to design buildings or bridges.
(A) university lecturer
(B) electrician
(C) engineer
(D) architect


Answer key:
1. C is correct
B, C & D are incorrect because a verb in bare form is used after used to.

2. D is correct - based on the context, we have a clue: design buildings or bridges is a work
task of an architect.
A, B & D don't fit the context.

Reading Skill Up
Part 6: Read the text below. A word, phrase, or sentence is missing in parts of the text. Select the best answer to
complete the text.

Did you use 1. ______ make art & craft as kids?
(A) to
Creative Junior is looking for a senior 2. ________ who is (B) at
(C) for
responsible for designing a colorful kindergarten. 3.
(D) On
(A) e-commerce
The headteacher wants us to decorate his school with
(B) designing
hand-made arts and crafts. Experience in making (C) e-learning
(D) architecture
do-it-yourself projects is a plus. (A) artist
(B) actor
Don't hesitate to join our team if you love to work at an
(C) architect
3. _______ firm in downtown area. (D) acrobat


Answer key:
1. A
2. C
3. D

Reading Skill Up
Part 7: You will read a text message chain. The text has three questions. Select the best answer for each question.
Harry (6:00 P.M.) Marry (6:14 P.M.)
Hi Marry! We have a newcomer, Steve, he used to be an Sure. What can I do?
English Teacher before joining our Marketing team.
Harry (6:16 P.M)
Marry (6:02 P.M.)
Please spell-check the training content before making
Oh, it's awesome! I think we can assign him the task
some hard copies of it..
writing content for our customer, Skill Up, an online
learning platform. What do you think?
Harry (6:04 P.M.) OK. I'll do that.
I don't think that will be a good idea. We should give
him some training beforehand. Can you take charge 1. What did the new employee 3. What does Harry ask
of training him tomorrow? use to do for a living? Marry to do?
Marry (6:06 P.M.) (A) He used to be a copywriter. (A) Tutor his nephew
I think I can handle it. I used to tutor my nephew at (B) He used to be a content (B) Check the spellings of
home, so I think it's not a big deal. creator. the training material
(C) He used to be an educator. (C) Write the learning
Harry (6:08 P.M.) (D) He used to be a marketer. content for a customer
Are you sure? (D) Look for some new
2. What is the Skill Up? employees
Marry (6:10 P.M.)
(A) It's a marketing company.
Just count on me. Please send me the training material
(B) It's a content-writing
so I can have a look at it.
Harry (6:12 P.M) (C) It's an e-learning platform.
OK, I will send them right away. Could you do me a favor? (D) It's an architecture firm. 19

Answer key:
1 - C - 'he used to be an English Teacher (= educator). '
2 - C - 'SkilUp, an online learning platform (= e-learning platform).'
3 - B - 'Please spell-check the training content (= check the spellings of the training material)
before making some hard copies of it. '

Speaking Skill Up
In this part of the test, you will answer three questions. Begin responding as soon as your hear each question of the
speaker. No additional preparation time is provided. You will have 15 seconds to respond to questions 1 and 2, and 30
seconds to respond to question 3.

Imagine that a human resources manager is interviewing

you. He is asking you about your work experience.

1. What kinds of work you used to do?

2. What a challenging problem did you

use to solve?

3. Describe your main responsibilities at

your previous job?


*Model answers:
1. I used to work as an mechanic at a shop service. Then I used to be an electrician at a small
electric company. So I think I get used to doing manual work.
2. I used to solve a complaint from a rude customer. Honestly, I think that was a hardest
challenge for me at that time. I used to be a grumpy person, you know, but after listening to
that customer's problem, I've learned to be more patient and polite, especially, when you're
working in service industry.
3. I used to be in charge of inspecting and repairing customer's cars, machinery, and light
trucks. More specifically, I used to work in a small garage near a highway, so I used to sell gas
and oil to the drivers besides my repairing tasks. To sum up, as a mechanic, also known as a
service technician, I used to oversee maintenance inspections, monitor inventory, assemble
mechanical components, and perform repareing tasks.


In this lesson, I have

☐ learnt different jobs
☐ learnt different workplaces
☐ learnt how to talk about things that I used to do in the past
☐ practised some parts in a TOEIC test

I need to have more practice on …



Please remember to do

Speaking Practice 3B.


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