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To Investigate the Role of Public Speaking in Enhancing Communication Skills:

To explore how public speaking activities can improve various aspects of
communication skills among secondary-level students.
To Understand the Challenges and Opportunities in Public Speaking Education:
To identify the barriers students face in developing public speaking skills and the
potential benefits of integrating these activities into the curriculum.
To Provide Practical Activities for Students: To develop and propose effective
methods and strategies for incorporating public speaking activities into secondary
education to enhance overall communication proficiency.
Theoretical Objectives:
Review Communication Skills Concepts: Establish an understanding of
communication skills, including verbal and non-verbal communication.
Examine Relevant Theories: Study theories related to communication, education,
and psychology to understand how they support the development of communication
skills through public speaking.
Analyze Cognitive and Socio-emotional Aspects: Examine how public speaking
activities can enhance critical thinking, empathy, and emotional intelligence in
Identify Barriers and Challenges: Determine common obstacles students face in
developing effective communication skills and propose strategies to overcome these
through targeted public speaking activities.
Practical Objectives:
Collect Student Insights: Use questionnaires and interviews to gather students'
perspectives on public speaking and its role in their education.
Create questionnaires on public speech: In this way, it will create a better
understanding on the situation of the students with public speaking
Analyse the Different Results from questionnaires:
Develop activities using all types of public speech: These include mainly the Public
speech to inform, public speech to persuade, public speech to entertain, public speech
to actuate.
Use Playback Analysis Method to improve communication: This being a method
that we thought it would help students find their mistakes and learn from them,
correct them while watching a video of themselves speaking
Analyse public speaking from movies based on real life events: The chosen movie
was analysed before, so it can match the subject, inform and show students about
delivery, audience engagement, and the emotional impact of speeches.

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