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A Synopsis

“3 Layer Authentication”

B. Tech.

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Under the Supervision of


Anshika Singh (2101640310014)
Riddhima Gupta (2201640319004)
Shivansh Mishra (2101640310070)
Rohan Kumar (2101640310059)

Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Dr. A P J A K Technical University, Lucknow
PSIT-Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology
Kanpur-Delhi National Highway (NH-19), Bhauti, Kanpur-209305 (U.P.), India

In the current era of cybersecurity threats, robust and multi-faceted authentication systems
are essential for safeguarding sensitive data and systems. This paper introduces a three-
layer authentication system utilizing a fingerprint sensor, ESP32 microcontroller, RFID
technology, and other components to provide enhanced security.

The first layer employs RFID technology, where users present a valid RFID card or tag to
initiate the authentication process. This method ensures a quick and convenient initial

The second layer integrates biometric verification using a fingerprint sensor, adding a
significant level of security by requiring the user’s physical presence and matching their
biometric data against stored records.

The final layer involves OTP based authentication. After the first two layers are
successfully verified, users must enter a secure passwords, providing an additional layer of
defense against unauthorized access.

The ESP32 microcontroller serves as the central hub, managing communication and
processing between the different authentication layers. Knows for its versatility and
connectivity options, ESP32 efficiently integrates the RFID reader, Fingerprint sensor, and
OTP inputs.

This paper details the system’s implementation, including hardware setup, software
development, and communication protocols. Performance evaluation indicates that this
three-layer authentication system effectively balance security and user convenience,
offering a robust defense against unauthorized access.

In the quest for enhanced security, a three-layer authentication system stands out by
incorporating multiple verification methods to ensure only authorized access. This
sophisticated system employs RFID, Fingerprint recognition, and Password entry, managed
by the ESP32 microcontroller and supported by a GSM module for real time alerts and
notification. The solenoid lock, controlled via a relay, physically secures the access point.

The first layer of authentication utilizes RFID technology. Users must present an authorized
RFID card to gain initial access. This step ensures that only individuals with registered
cards can proceed further, filtering out unauthorized attempts right at the beginning.

The second layer adds a biometric dimension with a fingerprint sensor. After successful
RFID verification, users must provide a fingerprint that matches the stored biometric data.
This adds a highly secure, personalized verification step, making it difficult for
unauthorized users to bypass.


PSIT-Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology
Kanpur-Delhi National Highway (NH-19), Bhauti, Kanpur-209305 (U.P.), India

The third and final layer involves a password entered via a hex keypad. This layer ensures
that even if an RFID card is cloned and a fingerprint is replicated, the user must still know
the correct password to gain full access. This multi-factor approach ensures that even if two
layers are compromised, the third layer can still protect the system.

The ESP32 microcontroller orchestrates the interactions between these components,

processing the data ad controlling the solenoid lock through the relay. The GSM module
further enhance security by sending alerts and notifications to the user’s mobile device,
enabling real-time monitoring and immediate response to any security breaches or
unauthorized access attempts.

This layered authentication system offers a robust and comprehensive security solution,
ideal for safeguarding homes, offices, and other sensitive areas, ensuring that access is
granted only to those who pass all three authentication layers.

Objective and Scope

The primary objective of this three-layer authentication system is to provide a robust and
secure method for controlling access to restricted areas. By integrating RFID, fingerprint
recognition, and password authentication, the system aims to enhance security, ensuring
that only authorized individuals can gain entry. The use of the ESP32 microcontroller, GSM
module, solenoid lock, and relay further strengthens the system by providing real-time
alerts, efficient processing, and reliable physical locking mechanisms. The project seeks to
create a comprehensive security solution that is both user-friendly and highly effective in
preventing unauthorized access.

The scope of this project encompasses the design, development, and implementation of a
multi-factor authentication system incorporating the following components:

1: RFID Reader: The first layer of authentication involves the use of RFID technology.
Users must present an authorized RFID card to initiate the authentication process. This
layer ensures that only individuals with registered cards can proceed to the next step.

2: Fingerprint Sensor: The second layer of authentication requires users to provide a

fingerprint that matches the stored biometric data. This biometric verification step adds a
high level of security by ensuring that the person presenting the RFID card is the rightful

3: Password Entry via Hex Keypad: The third layer involves entering a password using a
hex keypad. This final step ensures that even if the RFID card is cloned and the fingerprint
is replicated, the user must still know the correct password to gain access.


PSIT-Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology
Kanpur-Delhi National Highway (NH-19), Bhauti, Kanpur-209305 (U.P.), India

4: ESP32 Microcontroller: Acting as the central processing unit, the ESP32 manages
inputs from the RFID reader, fingerprint sensor, and hex keypad. It processes authentication
data and controls the solenoid lock via the relay.

5: GSM Module: Enhancing the system’s security, the GSM module sends real-time
notifications and alerts to the use’s mobile device. This feature allows for immediate
response to any security breaches or unauthorized access attempts.

6: Solenoid Lock and Relay: The solenoid lock, controlled by the relay, provides the
physical locking mechanism. The relay ensures that the lock operates reliably based on the
authentication results processed by the ESP32.

This project’s scope includes developing the firmware for the ESP32 to handle the
authentication processes, integrating the hardware components, and ensuring seamless
communication between the system and the user’s mobile device via the GSM module. The
final deliverable is a fully functional three-layer authentication system that enhances the
security of restricted areas, providing a reliable and efficient solution for access control.

Need of the Project

In an era where security threats are increasingly sophisticated, the need for robust access
control systems has never been more critical. Traditional security measures, such as single-
layer authentication systems, are often insufficient to protect against unauthorized access,
leading to potential breaches that can have severe consequences for both individuals and
organizations. This project addresses these vulnerabilities by implementing a three-layer
authentication system that significantly enhances security through the integration of RFID,
fingerprint recognition, and password authentication.

Enhanced Security

The primary need for this project stems from the necessity to provide a multi-faceted
security approach that can deter unauthorized access more effectively than single or dual-
layer systems. By incorporating RFID, fingerprint sensors, and password-based
authentication, this project ensures that even if one layer is compromised, the other layers
continue to provide a barrier against unauthorized entry. This multi-factor authentication
approach is critical for protecting sensitive areas such as office buildings, research labs,
data centers, and residential properties.

Technological Integration

With the rapid advancement of technology, there is a pressing need to integrate modern
security components into cohesive systems. The use of the ESP32 microcontroller allows
for efficient processing and management of inputs from various authentication devices,
ensuring that the system is both responsive and reliable. The GSM module adds an
additional layer of security by enabling real-time notifications and alerts, which are

essential for prompt responses to security breaches. This technological integration ensures
that the system is up-to-date and capable of meeting current security demands.


PSIT-Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology
Kanpur-Delhi National Highway (NH-19), Bhauti, Kanpur-209305 (U.P.), India

User Convenience and Reliability

Security systems must not only be effective but also user-friendly and reliable. The
inclusion of RFID for quick initial access, followed by the fingerprint sensor for biometric
verification, and finally a password entry, ensures that the system is both secure and
convenient for authorized users. This combination of methods reduces the likelihood of user
errors and enhances the overall user experience. The reliable operation of the solenoid lock,
controlled by the relay and managed by the ESP32, ensures that the physical security
component is dependable.

Adaptability and Scalability

The need for adaptable and scalable security solutions is another driving factor for this
project. The system can be easily adapted to different environments and scaled to
accommodate additional security layers or new technologies as they emerge. This flexibility
makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, from small residential setups to large
commercial or industrial installations.


The need for this three-layer authentication project is underscored by the increasing
complexity of security threats and the inadequacy of traditional single-layer systems. By
integrating advanced technologies and providing a multi-faceted approach to access control,
this project addresses critical security needs, offering a reliable, user-friendly, and scalable
solution that can significantly enhance the protection of sensitive areas.

The development of a three-layer authentication system incorporating RFID, fingerprint
recognition, and password-based entry involves a structured approach encompassing
design, hardware integration, software development, and testing. This methodology ensures
a systematic and efficient path to creating a reliable and secure access control solution.

1. Requirements Analysis

 Identify Requirements: Determine the specific security needs and operational

requirements for the system, including the desired security levels and integration
with existing infrastructure.
 Component Selection: Choose appropriate hardware components, including the
ESP32 microcontroller, RFID reader, fingerprint sensor, hex keypad, GSM module,
solenoid lock, and relay.

2. System Design

 Architecture Design: Create a system architecture that outlines how the

components will interact. This includes designing the workflow for the three-layer
authentication process.
 Circuit Design: Develop the circuit diagram, detailing how the components will be
connected to the ESP32 microcontroller and each other.


PSIT-Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology
Kanpur-Delhi National Highway (NH-19), Bhauti, Kanpur-209305 (U.P.), India

 Software Design: Plan the software architecture, including the development of

firmware for the ESP32, handling RFID, fingerprint, and password inputs, and
controlling the solenoid lock and GSM module.

3. Hardware Integration

 Component Assembly: Assemble the components according to the circuit design.

Connect the RFID reader, fingerprint sensor, hex keypad, solenoid lock, and relay to
the ESP32 microcontroller.
 Power Supply: Ensure a stable power supply for all components, using voltage
regulators if necessary.

4. Software Development

 Firmware Development: Write the firmware for the ESP32 microcontroller. The
firmware should handle:
o Reading RFID tags and verifying them against stored data.
o Capturing and matching fingerprint data with stored templates.
o Processing password inputs from the hex keypad.
o Managing the control logic for the solenoid lock via the relay.
o Communicating with the GSM module to send notifications and alerts.

5. Integration and Testing

 Component Testing: Test each component individually to ensure proper

 System Integration: Integrate all components and conduct system-level testing to
verify that the three-layer authentication process works seamlessly.
 Stress Testing: Perform stress tests to evaluate the system’s performance under
various conditions and potential security threats.

This methodology ensures a comprehensive and organized approach to developing a secure,

reliable, and user-friendly three-layer authentication system.

Tools & Technologies

The development of a three-layer authentication system using RFID, fingerprint
recognition, and password-based entry involves a variety of tools and technologies. These
ensure efficient hardware integration, software development, testing, and deployment.
Below is a detailed overview of the key tools and technologies used in this project.

Hardware Components

1: ESP32 Microcontroller

 Description: A powerful and versatile microcontroller with built-in Wi-Fi and

Bluetooth capabilities.


PSIT-Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology
Kanpur-Delhi National Highway (NH-19), Bhauti, Kanpur-209305 (U.P.), India

 Role: Acts as the central processing unit, managing inputs from the RFID reader,
fingerprint sensor, and hex keypad, as well as controlling the solenoid lock and
GSM module.

2: RFID Reader and Tags

 Description: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for reading and

verifying RFID cards.
 Role: Provides the first layer of authentication by verifying authorized RFID cards.

3: Fingerprint Sensor

 Description: A biometric sensor capable of capturing and matching fingerprint data.

 Role: Serves as the second layer of authentication by verifying the user's fingerprint
against stored biometric data.

4: Hex Keypad

 Description: A 4x4 matrix keypad for password input.

 Role: Used for entering the password in the third layer of authentication.

5: GSM Module

 Description: A module for GSM communication, capable of sending SMS

 Role: Sends real-time alerts and notifications to the user’s mobile device for
enhanced security and monitoring.

6: Solenoid Lock

 Description: An electromechanical locking device.

 Role: Provides physical security by locking and unlocking based on successful

7: Relay

 Description: An electrically operated switch.

 Role: Controls the solenoid lock based on commands from the ESP32

Software Tools

1: Arduino IDE

 Description: An integrated development environment for writing and uploading

code to microcontrollers.
 Role: Used for developing and uploading the firmware to the ESP32


PSIT-Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology
Kanpur-Delhi National Highway (NH-19), Bhauti, Kanpur-209305 (U.P.), India

2: PlatformIO

 Description: A cross-platform, open-source IDE for embedded development.

 Role: An alternative to the Arduino IDE, offering advanced features for developing
the ESP32 firmware.

3: Libraries

 Description: Pre-written code libraries for interfacing with hardware components.

 Role: Simplify the development process by providing easy-to-use functions for
RFID, fingerprint sensor, keypad, and GSM module.

By leveraging these tools and technologies, the project ensures a comprehensive, efficient,
and secure approach to developing a three-layer authentication system.

Cost Analysis


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