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The Normal Vectoreardiogram and a System for the

Classification of Vectoreardiographic Abnormalities

The essentially 3-dimensional nature of the spatial vectorcardiogram (sVCG) requires that it be
studied as a vector sequence in space, and not merely in its projections on the arbitrary frontal,
sagittal, and transverse planes. One striking characteristic of the normal QRS st-loop is that it lies
approximately in a single "plane of predilection," which does not coincide with any of these 3
arbitrary planes. This paper describes the variations observed in the sVCG, recorded by a cubical
lead system, with particular reference to the "QRS plane," in a group of normal subjects and sug-
gests a system for classifying abnormalities of the sVCG, based on the QRS plane.

SPATIAL vectorcardiography and the more normal subjects and suggests a classification of
familiar scalar electrocardiography are 2 sVCG abnormalities based on the "QRS plane."
different methods of recording the same METHODS
phenomena. The essential difference between
them is that the spatial vectorcardiogram The panoramic vectoreardiograph used in this
(sVCG) gives a 3-dimensional synthesis of investigation has been described previously,'2 and
allows the observer to view or photograph any
information that is not readily obtainable by projection of the sVCG. This instrument is ideal
the methods of scalar electrocardiography. for the identification of the QRS plane of predilection
If the vectorcardiographic method is to add and departures from it, the only alternative method
any new information to the knowledge already being construction of wire models of the sVCG.
Figure 1 shows the lead system used for vector-
acquired from clinical electrocardiography, it is cardiography. Three electrodes lie in a transverse
reasonable to assume that it will be found in plane passing through the second costosternal
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the inherent 3-dimensional characteristics of junction: (1) on the right anterior thorax, just medial
the sVCG: the spatial orientation and the to the anterior axillary line, (2) on the right back,
contour of the sVCG loops. Definition of the on a sagittal axis passing through electrode 1, (3)
on the left back, just medial to the posterior axillary
normal vectorcardiogram and departures from line. A fourth electrode is placed on the right lower
normality should take this into account, and back, in such a position that its distance from elec-
should not be limited to the projection of the trode 2 equals the distance between electrodes 2
sVCG on the frontal, sagittal, or transverse and 3, and the axis of electrodes 2 and 4 is at right
planes, which are, after all, chosen quite angles to a line between 2 and 3. No correction fac-
tors are applied to the voltages obtained from these
arbitrarily as far as the heart is concerned. leads. This system has been in use in our laboratory
Vectorcardiographic study of a number of since 1950; it was chosen because it provided a
normal subjects and patients with various bipolar lead system in which the electrodes are
types of heart disease has led us to the conclu- roughly equidistant from the anatomic center of
sion that the "QRS plane" (Schellong's "plane the heart. The records obtained by this system are
of the QRS loop,"'7 Rochet and Vastesaeger's usually very similar to those obtained by other
cubical bipolar systems, such as Grishman's'0 but
"plane of predilection"") is a constant normal often differ in detail from records obtained in the
finding and provides a useful standard of same patient by the tetrahedral system.'9
reference for defining the normal sVCG. This It must be emphasized that the specific measure-
report describes our findings in a group of ments in this report apply only to vectoreardiograms
recorded by this lead system. Comparison with
From the Department of Medicine, The Johns different lead systems suggests that other generally
Hopkins University and Hospital, Baltimore, Md. used systems5' 10 19 give similar, although not
This investigation was supported by a grant identical, sVCG's. The principles on which this
(H-328) from the National Heart Institute, U. S. study is based could be applied to any lead system.
Public Health Service. Parts of this work were pre- The relative merit of different lead systems is a
sented at the Second World Congress of Cardiology, problem that is being investigated in a number of
Washington, D. C., in September 1954. laboratories, and no claim of superiority is made for
95 Circulation, Volume X VI, July 1957

the system deseribed here. A "e'orieet("cl system were madel of the 'edge view, '' vie' (defined
such as that developed by- Frank6 is probably to below) and other projections.
be preferred. A spatial coor(linate system priesviously(describe(l'2
In each subject frontal (xy), sagittal (y-z), and was used to identify the orientation of axes. This
transverse (xz) projeutions of the sVCG we] e IC- coordinate s'stei is analogous to geographic lines
corded, as well as standard and "unipolai" limb of latitude and longitude, with azimutha 1 values being
lea(ds, standard precordial "V" leads, and additional equivalent to longitude, elevation e quivalent to
unipolar leads from the right chest and the back. latitude, and the null-point at the ecenter of the
In addition, the panoramic unit was used to rotate globe. Elevation is negative for "northern latitudes,"
the sVCG until the closest approximation to a and positive for "southern." In the hemisphere
QRS plane could be identified, (fig. 2) and records anterior to the null-point azimuth is positive; in
the posterior hemisphere, negative. The 0 coordinat(e
is the axis of intersection of the transverse and
frontal planes, extending from the null-point toward
the patient's left.
1. Axis. Any line passing through the hvpo-
thetical electric null-point. The more anterior end
2 of an axis is used to define its position.
2. Plane of Predilection of an sE-Loop. The plane
in which the ratio of major/minor amplitude is
smallest. In plractice the QRS plane is located by
rotating the sVCG on the oscilloscope screen wvith
the panoramic unit (fig. 2) at elevation = 0°,
until the proje('tion with the maximum major /minor
amplitude (edge projection) is found.
The term "plane" as applied to the QRS sf -loop)
( BACK ) "cannot be accorded a mathematical rigor."'f
FIG. 1. Vectorcardiographic lead system used in The normal QRS sE-loop lies approximately in a
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this investigation. plane, and the closeness of the approximation C(an



' \
*\\ 1

\0 1
+90 +75- +30-
FIG. 2. The 5 projections of the sVCG shown above, identified by the azimuth and elevation of
the observer, illustrate the method of locating the QRS plane with the panoramic vectorcardiograph.
In this normal subject (age 25 years) the intersection of QRS plane with transverse plane is at azi-
muth = +750. The projections shown were displayed on a cathode-ray tube by adjusting the eleva-
tion and azimuth controls of the instrument. The outlines of the thorax indicate the approximate
anatomic view corresponding to each sVCG projection.
8. Major Amplitude. Over-all length of the st-
loop projected on the major axis (fig. 5).
FEMALE 9. Minor Amplitude. Over-all width of the st-
loop projected on the minor axis (fig. 5).



H .1
10. The angle between an st-loop plane and an
axis not in the plane is defined as the angle subtended
by the axis and the line of intersection between
the st-loop plane and a plane perpendicular to it,
passing through the axis. The minimum angle
between the QRS plane and the maximal T vector
is an example.
A total of 103 subjects was studied, including
physicians and technicians of the hospital staff,
and hospital patients with no historic or clinical
z evidence of heart disease or other disease known to
affect the electrocardiogram. The age and sex
distribution in this "normal" group is shown in
10 figure 3. No effort was made to secure a statistical
cross-section of the populace, and the group is
heavily weighted in the third and fourth decades.

L V i
Complete panoramic study was carried out in 59
of these subjects, with an age and sex distribution
similar to that of the total group.
I . . A 1

70 Our observations on the abnormal sVCG are

0 I0 20 30 40 50
based on study of more than 600 patients with
AGE IN YEARS heart disease of various kinds. Detailed panoramic
FIG. 3. Age and sex distribution of 103 nornial investigation of the QRS plane was made in 92
subjects. of these cases.
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be defined by the maximum ratio of major to minor RESULTS

amplitudes. Normal sVCG
The plane of an sE-loop can be considered to
have a cephalad and a caudad surface for descriptive Measurements on the sVCGs of normal
purposes, except when it is perpendicular to the subjects are summarized in table 1. In each
transverse plane. In the latter event the 2 surfaces case explored with the panoramic unit a QRS
may be identified as left or right.
Two measurements suffice to determine the po- plane could be identified, and the edge view of
sition of an st-loop plane: the axis of its intersection the QRS st-loop had a major/minor amplitude
with the transverse plane, and the minimum angle ratio of at least 8/1 (average, 14/1). The
between the caudad surface of the st-loop plane average orientation of the QRS plane and its
and the transverse plane. range of variation are illustrated in figure 4.
3. Edge Projection. sVCG projection on a plane The average intersection of QRS plane and
perpendicular to the st-loop plane. (The terms
"projection" and "view" are used synonymously.) transverse plane was azimuth + 650, with a
4. Open Projection. sVCG projection on the sX- range from +50 to 135°.
loop plane. When not otherwise specified, "open The acute angle between the cephalad
projection" and "edge projection" refer to the QRS surface of the transverse plane and the rela-
plane. tively caudad surface of the QRS plane always
5. Maximal Instantaneous Vector of an sE-Loop.
This term is self-explanatory, but it should be lay toward the patient's right, and ranged from
appreciated that it is not identical with the mean 220 to 800, with a mean of 510.
vector, e.g., A QRS, although it often approximates In the open projection on the caudad surface
it. of the QRS plane the direction of QRS rotation
6. Major Axis. The axis of the maximal in- was invariably clockwise. The contour of the
stantaneous vector. QRS loop in this projection was surprisingly
7. Minor Axis. An axis perpendicular to the
major axis. similar in all patients, although many indi-

TABLE 1.-Measurements of Normal Spatial Vectorcardiograms

Measurement 59 Cases 103 Cases
Open Frontal Right sagittal Transverse

Maximum QRS vec- +90* +51 (+6 to +95) +117 (+85 to +170) -33 (-106, 0, +10)
tor: direction (0)
Major QRS amplitude 1.18 (0.87 to 1.95) 1.15 (0.51 to 2.20) 1.01 (0.30 to 2.15) 0.86 (0.20 to 2.10)
Ratio: major/minor 3.37 (1.1 to 7.0) 4.8 (0.9 to >8.0) 4.0 (1.0 to >8.0) 1.8 (0.8 to 6.5)
QRS rotation: (% of
cases) t
Clockwise 100 67 95 0
Counterclockwise 0 8 0 98
Figure-8 0 18 3 2
Linear 0 7 2 0
10 msec. QRS vector: -24 (-55 to -10) -137 (-170, 0, +175) -26 (-70, 0, +88) +118 (+4 to +150)
direction (0)
P sE-loop: maximum +85 (+62 to +91) +42 (-2, 0, +90) +114 (-2, 0, 180) -23 (-71, 0, +30)
vector: direction (0)
T sE-loop: maximum +71 (+60 to +92) +45 (0 to +70) +88 (0 to +160) -2 (-40, 0, +38)
vector: direction (0)
Angle between maxi- 19 (0 to 30) 17 (0 to 94) 33 (2 to 170) 25 (0 to 122)
mum QRS and T
vectors (0)
Values given are means, with range of observed values in parentheses. Where the range includes
both positive and negative values, either 00 or 1800 is listed between the extremes, to indicate which
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segment of the coordinate system is included. For example, (-2, 0, 180) means that the range in-
cludes negative values between 00 and -2°, and positive values between 00 and 1800.
The open projection is viewed on the caudad or rightward surface of the QRS plane.
* In the open projection the coordinate system is determined by the maximum QRS vector, which
is arbitrarily placed at +90°.
t Rotation is termed "figure-8" only if both loops of the "8" have a major amplitude equal to at
least one-fourth the major amplitude of the whole QRS loop in the same projection. "linear" indi-
cates that the major/minor amplitude ratio is 8/1 or more.

vidual variations were present. As reported by As pointed out by Schellong (p. 42)17 and
others 5, 10, 16, 17 the normal QRS st-loop de- others, the direction of rotation of the QRS
scribes a fairly smooth elliptical curve. Small loop in the frontal plane is related to the
irregularities in the curve (Schellong's "ein- orientation of the QRS plane. When the QRS
und ausbuchtung") are not unusual in normal plane-transverse plane intersection was between
records when the frequency response of the + 50 and + 750, the frontal plane QRS loop
apparatus extends to 100 c.p.s. or more, but rotation was usually clockwise. When it lay
sharp reversals of direction were not seen. between + 750 and + 900, the frontal plane
Measurements of the major and minor ampli- QRS loop was narrow and often "figure-8" in
tudes, and other characteristics of the sVCG in contour. When it was + 900 to + 1350, the fron-
this projection, are summarized in table 1, and tal plane QRS rotation was usually counter-
shown diagrammatically in figure 5. A typical clockwise (fig. 7).
normal sVCG is shown in figure 6. Figure 8 The T st-loop usually lay in almost the same
shows an sVCG from a normal subject with plane as the QRS st-loop, with the maximal T
counterclockwise frontal QRS rotation, which vector slightly cephalad to the QRS plane.
is less frequently seen. The minimum angle between the maximal T
0.35 MV.

; :

FIG. 4. Average orientation of the normal QRS 2
plane, and its range of variability. m a

vector and the QRS plane* averaged 30
cephalad of the QRS plane, and ranged from
170 cephalad to 130 caudad.
The angle between the maximal QRS and T
vectors in the open projection averaged 190,
with the maximal T vector anterior to the
maximal QRS vector. The variations in posi-
tion of the maximal T vector observed in this '7

projection ranged from 20 on the posterior side

of the maximal QRS vector to 300 anterior to it.
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The orientation of the P st-loop showed
relatively little variation in all projections. The FIG. 5. Diagrammatic representation of normal
minimum angle between the maximal P vector open projection sVCG, with average measurements
and the QRS plane was usually less than 50, from 59 normal subjects.
caudad or cephalad.
The plane of predilection of the P and T open projection of the sVCG in the QRS plane
st-loops was not studied in detail. is the relatively narrow range of normal varia-
tion in this projection, in comparison with the
DIscUSSION usual frontal, sagittal, or transverse projection.
Variations in the 10-msec. QRS vector in the
Schellong17 first reported the observation open projection, for example, were limited to a
that the normal QRS st-loop lies approx- range of 450 (- 10° to - 550) while in the
imately in a single plane, and Rochet and frontal plane projection its normal range
Vastesaeger later described the normal QRS covers almost 3600. The angle between maxi-
plane and its physiologic variations in some mal QRS and T vectors is another example; its
detail."6 Our observations confirm in general range in the open projection is considerably less
the descriptions of these investigators, and give than that reported for the frontal planes or for
them a quantitative expression. the spatial QRS-T angle.'8
The most valuable characteristic of the There is a systematic difference between our
* This minimum angle is not necessarily the angle
findings in normal subjects and those of Burch,
between maximal QRS and T vectors observed in an Abildskov, and Cronvich,4 in that their maxi-
edge projection of elevation = 00. Exploration of the mal QRS vectors in the sagittal projection
edge projection at other elevations is necessary to
determine the true minimum angle (see definitions, generally lie more anterior than ours. Compari-
item 10). son of different lead systems indicates that this

1' "')


1;:1*11 RO

i.. i.
,. l1t
.- \ -.,

EL.m 0 AZ.l +'50
FIG. 6. Normal male, age 30 years. In this and subsequent figures, the VCG timing dashes are
2.5 milliseconds apart, and the mounting of frontal, sagittal, and transverse projections follows the
recommendations of the American Heart Association.3
system has shown more uniformity among
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+150 + 120 +90 +60 +40Q 0. normal subjects with the latter.2

Significance of the QRS Plane

0 - +30* I_1_i The existence of a QRS plane in the sVCG of

0 0 X~0. X S 0
normal subjects is in itself somewhat surpris-
X * *~ 0
ing. Considering the diverse paths along which
0 00

** *
0 0 +A60
the ventricular muscle is activated, and the
0 (K widely separated muscle fibers that are acti-

- +90
vated simultaneously, one would hardly expect
1 ~~~~~~0 a priori that the successive vector sums of
FIG. 7. Relation between orientation of QRS plane, these separate events would lie in the same
frontal plane major QRS axis (or maximal QRS plane. The possibility that this apparent plane
vector), and frontal plane QRS rotation. (0) = is an artifact imposed by the conducting
clockwise QRS rotation in frontal plane; (X) =
"figure-8"; (0) = counterclockwise. materials between the heart and our electrodes
should not be ignored, but observations on the
is an essential difference between cubical and isolated rabbit heart in a homogeneous fluid
tetrahedral lead systems. The division of medium in our laboratory show that the QRS
normal records into "Type 1" (elliptical) and plane is still present under these conditions.
"Type 2" (more circular and more posterior) The normal orientation of the QRS plane
described by the New Orleans group' 4 has not roughly parallels that of the interventricular
been apparent in our series. It is of interest that septum, and it is tempting to assume that
comparison of records from the equilateral individual differences in orientation of the plane
tetrahedron and from a "corrected" lead reflect individual differences in the anatomic
I_. _ ._ .

J .8

_ ..



2 !::;e

I '-'

- -


,1d *-'~.




-* -I - I.


FIG. 8. Normal subject, male, age 34 years, showing counterclockwise QRS rotation in the frontal
projection, a relatively rare finding. The edge projection was found at azimuth +1350. In this and
subsequent illustrations the heavy vertical time lines of the electrocardiogram represent intervals
of 0.1 second.

position of the heart, but there is no direct porting anatomic evidence. We are in complete
evidence for this assumption. accord with his views on this point, and believe
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It is easy to demonstrate by wire models or they are amply confirmed by routine roentgen-
diagrams that rotation of the QRS plane can ography and angiocardiography. It seems much
explain much of the variability of the conven- more likely that the position of the QRS plane
tional scalar electrocardiographic leads in varies in normal subjects principally because of
normal subjects, as Gardberg and Ashman,7 normal variations in the structure of the ventri-
Jouve (p. 104),11 Wolff,20 and others have done. cles and the sequence of myocardial activation.
This demonstration by no means proves, how-
ever, that such rotations in the QRS plane are Relation between Orientation of the QRS Plane
related to corresponding variations in the and the Maximal QRS Vector
anatomic position of the heart. In the present Our results do not show a close correlation
study, the normal variations in orientation of between the orientation of the QRS plane and
the QRS plane seem to be considerably greater the frontal plane maximal QRS vector. Rochet
than could be explained by variation in heart
position. and Vastesaegerl5' 16 reported that a mean
The autopsy studies of Grant9 provide frontal QRS axis of 00 to about + 300 was
strong evidence that the rotation of the heart usually accompanied by a QRS plane very near
about an anterior-posterior axis varies less the frontal plane, and counterclockwise QRS
than 450 in different subjects, and that very rotation in the frontal projection. Mean QRS
little rotation around the longitudinal axis of axes more rightward than + 600, according to
the heart occurs. He pointed out that the these authors, were correlated with a nearly
extreme longitudinal axis rotations described sagittal QRS plane, and clockwise QRS rota-
in electrocardiography have simply been as- tion in the frontal plane, while mean QRS axes
sumed as convenient explanations of certain in the neighborhood of + 450 were associated
electrocardiographic findings, without sup- with narrow or figure-8 frontal plane QRS

loops. Gardberg and Ashman7 reached similar

Figure 7 shows that our data do not support
this generalization. The direction of rotation of
the QRS sf-loop in the frontal projection is
definitely related to the orientation of the
QRS plane: clockwise rotation is found only
when the QRS plane falls between 0° and + 90',
counterclockwise rotation when it lies beyond
+900°, and figure-S contours when it is in the
neighborhood of +900. There is only a slight
relationship, however, between the orientation
of the QRS plane and the maximal QRS vector
in the frontal projection: clockwise, counter-
clockwise, and figure-S rotations are found
throughout the range of maximal frontal QRS
It is of interest that attempts to reconstruct

-no., _

the spatial QRS loop from routine electro-

cardiograms led Gardberg and Ashmani,7 and
more recently Pefialoza and Tranichesil4 to
conclude that frontal QRS rotation is usually
counterclockwise ill the normal subject, while in
our investigations, as well as those of Grishmani
and Scherlis,10 and Burch, Adildsko-, and
Cronvich,4 it, was clockwise in the imajority of
Abnormal sVCG
The relative constancy of the QRS loop
contour within its own plane, in spite of varia-
tions in QRS plane orientation, is a conveiiieiit
basis for classifying abnormalities of the
sVCG. The following classification lists the
possible departures from normality: (1) the
QRS plane may be displaced beyond its normal

,; REV
| ,

, y.
/ ,{. -
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* v --



ISt P. 1.

RT.* A*\'*
/ /

-25- QRS-


FIG. 9. Female, age 37 years, with rheumatic mitral stenosis. An example of the second class of
sVCG abnormality, with the QRS sE-loop in a plane, but a distorted QRS contour within the plane.
QRS duration = 0.09 second. The P-R interval is prolonged.

range, (2) the QRS contour may become abnor- In the third type, where the QRS loop is
mal within its plane, or (3) the plane itself may distorted so that it no longer lies in a plane, any
be bent or otherwise distorted. P and T loop degree of distortion may occur from simple
abnormalities could be classified in the same bending of the original plane to very complex
way, and a final category added to include ab- patterns in which no semblance of a plane can
normal relations between P, QRS, and T loops, be found.
e.g., abnormalities of the angle between QRS The example in figure 10 shows a relatively
major axis and T major axis. simple longitudinal folding of the plane. One
The first type is frequently seen in the early cannot really speak of an "edge" or "open"
stages of left or right ventricular hypertrophy, projection in this situation but if we view the
and is the spatial analog of right and left axis loop from a position a little anterior to the
deviation in the standard electrocardiogram. transverse view (azimuth = + 900, elevation =
With early right ventricular hypertrophy, for -70°) it can be seen that at least the first half
example, the QRS plane tilts to bring the of the QRS complex lies in a plane, while its
maximal QRS vector rightward and anteriorly. later portions have been bent forward. An ap-
With mild degrees of hypertrophy the QRS proximate open projection is found at azi-
contour may be normal and continue to lie in a muth = + 1050, elevation = 500, in which the
plane, but in later stages bending of the QRS terminal appendage is foreshortened. The
plane appears. electrocardiogram shows the pattern of right
An example of the second type, in which the bundle-branch block, and the late portion of
QRS contour is abnormal within its plane, is the QRS loop, which is bent forward, corre-
shown in figure 9. In this instance the QRS sponds to the slow S, and R-V, of the scalar
contour is radically distorted, as seen in the electrocardiogram.
frontal and sagittal projections, but in spite of A similar case, but with the early QRS loop
the meandering contour in these projections displaced to the left and upward, has been
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the whole QRS loop lies approximately in a published elsewhere.?3

single plane, which happens to present an edge Longitudinal twisting of the QRS plane is
projection in the standard transverse projec- another variety of distortion, as illustrated in
tion. figure 11. This case, with the electrocardio-

I I 0.5 my..

A L--
0 L
. .

.TRANSVERSE AZ.a-+9009 EL. a 70*

TS, ,
- -AL.- hes// - .

' I....A"
iRS 'p
1 %..- 1...
'1 1R 0.2 mmC
' ,

.% 9. qwrnw. . FRONTAL
. -- AZ."+106, EL.-+50
0 .

FIG. 10. Female, age 67 years, with arteriosclerotic heart disease. An example of relatively simple
distortion of the QRS plane, with folding along the major axis. QRS duration = 0.14 second and
electrocardiographic pattern of right bundle-branch block.

. t-
.I- '

1 1


LETSGTA AZ. a + 90' 9 EL'. a -28*
Z.+0 L*2

FIG. 11. Male, age 55 years, with angina pectoris and arteriosclerotic heart disease. Somewhat
more distortion of the QRS plane with twisting around the major axis, and abnormal contour. The
projection at azimuth = +900, elevation = -28°, is the closest approximation to an edge projection.
QRS duration = 0.130 second, with electrocardiographic pattern of left bundle-branch block.

standard frontal position (azimuth = +90°,

S.D. 648023
elevation = -28°). The closest approximation
T. ,, to an open view shows a distorted triangular
Downloaded from by on May 10, 2024

contour, with a curious bow-inig of the distal
/0 limb of the triangle.
Finally, the QRS contour may be radically
1.11 .. distorted, with multiple bends and twists, as in
figure 12. In this instance, there was a clear
history of previous myocardial infarction, and
TRANSVERSE the scalar electrocardiogram showed signs of
an old anterior myocardial infarction.
-,, _ QRS This proposed classification cuts across the
conventional categories of clinical electro-
cardiographic diagnosis, as well as the etiologic
p~~~~~ --P types of heart disease. Myocardial infarction,
.\/ W . p ./ for example, may destroy the QRS plane as in
figure 12, but it may also produce simple dis-
placement of the plane, changes in contour
RT. SAGITTAL FRONTAL only, or no chronic abnormality at all. Cases
with the electrocardiographic pattern of right
FIG. 12. Complex distortion of the QRS plane, in
a patient aged 48 years, with a history of myocardial ventricular hypertrophy may have vector-
infarction and electrocardiographic signs of old an- cardiograms of any one of the 3 major types
terior myocardial infarction. The QRS voltage is described.
reduced, so that the P sE-loop looks relatively big. This is not necessarily a disadvantage, and
graphic pattern of left bundle-branch block, might be expected if the classification reflects
shows displacement of the QRS loop to the underlying abnormalities of structure and
left, and longitudinal twisting of the loop best function not yet clearly recognized. It is
seen from a viewpoint slightly above the impossible to evaluate the significance of these
different types of abnormality until the signif- esseva effectuate super le base de observationes
icance of the normal QRS plane and its relation in 103 individuos. Le limites del manifesta-
to the detailed spread of activation in the tiones normal que esseva assi determinate es
myocardium is clarified. applicabile solmente al systema de derivation
For the present, this concept at least offers a cubical (i.e. le systema usate in iste studio),
way of thinking about the normal spatial sed le principios es equalmente applicabile a
vectorcardiogram and departures from normal- non importa qual altere systema de derivation.
ity that is based on the vectorcardiogram itself In 59 del 103 subjectos normal le vecto-
and not on preconceived ideas borrowed from cardiographo panoramic esseva usate pro le
scalar electrocardiography. exploration systematic del VCGs. In omne
casos le spira st de QRS jaceva approxima-
SUMMARY tivemente in un plano de maniera que un
A quantitative study of the characteristics projection angular poteva esser trovate con un
of the normal spatial vectorcardiogram (sVCG) proportion de al minus 8 a 1 inter major e
was carried out on 103 normal subjects. The minor amplitude axial.
normal limits so determined apply only to the Le orientation del plano QRS variava con-
specific cubical lead system employed, but the siderabilemente, sed le contorno del spira st
principles can be applied to any lead system. de QRS intra le plano esseva relativemente
In 59 of these normal subjects the panoramic constante. Le limites normal del YCGs proji-
vectorcardiograph was used for systematic cite super le plano QRS esseva minus late que
exploration of the sVCG. In each case the in le projectiones conventional frontal, sagittal,
QRS st-loop lay approximately in a plane, so e transverse.
that an edge projection with a major/minor Es proponite un classification de anormali-
axis amplitude ratio of 8/1 or more could be tates vectocardiographic, basate super le plano
found. QRS normal. Iste classification sublinea le
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The orientation of the QRS plane varied natura tridimensional del VCGs sin referentia
considerably, but the contour of the QRS al electrocardiographia scalar conventional.
se-loop within the plane was relatively con- REFERENCES
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Johnson, S. R., and Svanborg, A.: Investigations with Regard to the Pathogenesis of So-called
Fat Embolism. Serum Lipids and Tissue Esterase Activity and the Frequency of So-called Fat
Embolism In Soft Tissue Trauma and Fractures. Ann. Surg. 144: 145 (Aug.), 1956.
The authors presented various observations in the literature to refute the view that in fat em-
bolism the emboli consist of mechanically released particles of fat, usually marrow fat from frac-
tured bones. They also presented experimental evidence against such a hypothesis. In one series
of rabbits a hind leg was crushed by means of a blunt instrument without perforation of the skin,
while in another the hind limb was ligated for 1 to 2 hours. In most of the animals in both series
an increase of the lipid content in serum was noted, which was considered to be the result of the
injuries. However, no definite change in esterase activity could be observed. Fat droplets were
demonstrated in the capillaries using Sudan III. The authors concluded that accumulations of
droplets of fat in the tissue capillaries, of the type commonly considered pathognomonic of so-
called fat embolism, occur as frequently in connection with injuries to soft tissue as in the case
of fractures with injuries of the marrow. They were unable to cast any light on the cause for the
increase in content of lipid of the serum after trauma.

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