Cost of optimization

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The CIO’s Handbook for

IT Cost Optimization
4 ways to trim costs and fund innovation The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization | 1

Cost savings in plain sight, yet out of reach

You’re probably already running a cost optimization initiative— does it ever really end?

You know there are opportunities to save, but your team struggles Liberty Mutual has made big bets in digital transformation,
to identify them and gain buy-in to make the necessary changes. migrating workloads to the cloud and executing on our $100
Attempts at optimization (such as infrastructure consolidation,
million cost optimization challenge. Changing our allocation
application rationalization, cloud adoption, vendor consolidation, or
offshoring) often over-promise and under-deliver because they lack model to be 100% consumption-based; understanding TCO and
hard data and rely too much on instinct. unit economics; and, more importantly, influencing cost with the

In this book, we walk you through the four ways to optimize your IT
business has been more critical now than ever before.

costs and offer up prescriptive questions to make your analysis crisp
and your conclusions actionable. Ronan Hughes
Principal Architect for Core Banking and Group Manufacturing,
Bank of Ireland

2 | The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization

Cost optimization opportunities
In our experience, there are 4 ways to optimize technology costs:

1 2 3 4
Scrutinize Economize Rationalize Commercialize
to tie up loose ends to eliminate waste to avoid duplication to curb demand
Accurately apply Use what you need Remove redundant Apply market forces to
ITFM principles. —and no more. business capabilities. influence consumption.

Some cost optimization opportunities yield quick wins because As you progress through these four vectors of cost optimization, it’s useful to
they are immediately obvious and easy to action. Other focus your efforts on each layer in the IT value chain: cost pools (i.e., the type of
opportunities require greater effort to find and action. The four technology asset or service purchased), IT resource towers (i.e., the technology
ways are generally ordered from easiest to hardest—getting your functions supported by IT spend), and applications and services (i.e., the products
IT financial management (ITFM) principles in order is a lower or output delivered by IT and consumed by business units).
lift than applying market forces to influence demand. Start with
Tailor your conversations to the specific stakeholders involved in each of these
the low-hanging fruit and progress through stages that require
layers in order to avoid a boil-the-ocean approach that quickly loses momentum.
involvement from more and broader stakeholders. The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization | 3

1 Scrutinize to tie up loose ends
For IT cost optimization purposes, financial loopholes are defined as inaccurate
applications of ITFM principles.

Common examples of financial loopholes include: Quick wins to tie-up loose ends include:
. Misaligned depreciation and amortization (D&A) schedules . Accelerating D&A schedules for underused assets
. Spend wrongly recorded as an asset rather than an expense . Retiring assets reaching end-of-life
. Account miscategorization . Replacing ITFM manual data entry with automation
. Excessive budget padding that locks up funds that could be used . Analyzing variance for an indicator of over- or under-
elsewhere provisioned IT

There are multiple causes for these financial loopholes, including asset
values that are either higher or lower than the standard depreciated value,
Run a training seminar for cost center owners using our Finance 101 kit.
alignment of assets to the wrong depreciation cycle, and inconsistent use
of capitalization accounts. In other cases, cost center owners undertake Finance 101: 7 principles every IT cost
optimization efforts without explaining their rationale to IT Finance—and center should know (eKit)
often lack the understanding of finance principles that would help them

better steward their budgets.

4 | The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization

Tracking to within Reduced budget padding by abcd Reduced annual operations and

1% 80%
maintenance (O&M) costs by

of CapEx annual budge

Questions that will help you uncover loose ends:

Cost Pools IT Resource Towers

. Are there assets that need to be written off? . Are D&A balances falling on the correct (aka. planned)
. Is excess padding locking out innovation? infrastructure elements?

. Is variance real or driven by miscategorization?

. Are we still paying for lease or maintenance of retired assets?

. Do we track discretionary expenses?

. Is equipment that is not needed decommissioned?
. Does monthly budget underspend indicate rising tech debt or
surplus capacity?
Applications and Services . Does monthly budget overspend indicate poor financial
. Do we know the depreciation tail for this service? controls or unforeseen market disruptions?
. Are decommissioned applications still being amortized?
. Are “change” investments being capitalized correctly? The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization | 5

2 Economize to eliminate waste
For IT cost optimization purposes, waste is defined as having more of something than is needed.

Common examples of waste include:

Quick wins to eliminate waste include:
High-powered servers provisioned for anticipated load that never . Retire over-provisioned virtual machines,
legacy infrastructure, excess storage, and
Virtual machines Orphaned VMs that never get de-provisioned after usage ends software licenses
. Right-size infrastructure choices by
Storage High-grade storage used when mid- or low-grade would suffice business need (e.g., reserve tier 0 storage
for Production environments)
Software licenses Costly app licenses never re-deployed after employees change roles
. Reevaluate excessive disaster and
Datacenter capacity Long-term leases renewed despite plans to migrate to cloud recovery (D&R) footprint
. Reassign unused or inaccurately
A common cause of waste comes from a disconnect between spend and use. Finance data provisioned SaaS licenses
reflects the actual spend in your organization— a “source of truth,” if you will—but it needs to
be assigned to the various IT functions, technology stacks, applications, and business units
that consume them. Leverage utilization data from IT management systems to juxtapose use of
resources against costs and highlight inefficiencies.

6 | The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization

Uncovered Identified Better matching of server

$800K 40%
demand and capacity saved

in software contracts of unused storage capacity

representing $33M in capital
Questions that will help you eliminate waste:

Cost Pools Applications and Services

. Are labor costs per role consistent? . Does the service catalog include unused services?
. Are threshold rates for labor enforced (e.g., benefits, overtime pay)? . Is consumption reported to the app owner?
. Are variable costs increasing? . Are gold-level services limited to corner cases?
. Have vendor costs been reviewed for necessity? . Has service demand changed since BYOD?
. Have ticket volumes / complexity fallen over time?
. Are legacy apps becoming brittle, causing rising support costs?
IT Resource Towers
. Do we review / report consumption of IT resources?
. Are Dev environments cheaper than Prod?
. Is aging infrastructure leading to rising support costs?
. Is asset utilization improving?
. Are end-user compute (EUC) platforms yielding fewer devices / lower costs? The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization | 7

3 Rationalize to avoid duplication
For IT cost optimization purposes, duplication is defined as having two or more of something that does
the same job—without any justifiable reason for having duplication.

Common examples of waste include:

Quick wins to eliminate waste include:
Application Division- or region-specific ERP systems . Rationalize multiple apps by showing BUs TCO
of duplicate capabilities
Productivity & collaboration systems Multiple chat platforms used by various departments . Retire legacy infrastructure

IT operations & monitoring tools Overlapping tools covering various technology generations . Consolidate multiple contracts with a single
vendor for the same services or solutions
Costly app licenses never re-deployed after employees change
Vendor contracts or rates

Read the eBook:

Common reasons for duplication include systems inherited through mergers and acquisitions,
decentralized IT purchasing, and retention of incumbent tools and platforms when new ones are The Definitive Framework for
purchased. Many applications (GoToMeeting, WebEx) have a singular business capability. You can Application Rationalization
avoid duplication by pairing one application to one business capability.

8 | The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization

Rationalized service catalog from Reduced application and services Identified over

4000 to unit costs by

2000 services
80% applications to retire
in the first run

Questions that will help you avoid duplication:

IT Resource Towers Applications and Services

. Are we building ourselves a capability that’s available commercially in . Are there standard application platforms?
commoditized form? . Can we consolidate towards these standard platforms?
. Have toolset and processes been consolidated? . Is the level of technical debt increasing?
. Can we consolidate services, builds, products, and images? . What applications / services cost the most to maintain?
. Can we virtualize existing infrastructure platforms? . Are costs tracking business volumes?
. Can we outsource commodity elements? . Have strategic vendors been identified?
. Have negotiations standardized this? . Is the number of vendors declining? The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization | 9

4 Commercialize to curb demand
For IT cost optimization purposes, demand is defined as the business’s consumption of IT services.

Common examples of unrestrained demand include:

. App teams still applying old on-premises architectures to new cloud-hosted apps
Quick wins to curb demand:

. . Limit size of virtual machines available through self-service

Provisioning of larger-than-necessary infrastructure with no awareness of cost
impact . Enable cloud adoption and cloud cost management with a bill
. Virtual machines not powered off or deleted when no longer needed
of IT
. All employees in a department receiving high-powered laptops and specialty
Shape demand with showback by tying costs to consumption

software regardless of role Retaining legacy custom-built applications when

. Shape demand with chargeback by transferring IT budgets to
the business based on consumption
viable commercial alternatives exist

Often, the reason that IT’s spend or budget increases is because demand for or
consumption of IT services increases. IT struggles to prove and communicate this Get the free eBook:
correlation without robust ITFM software.
IT Showback & Chargeback

10 | The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization

Reduced physical servers by Shared accountability by tying IT cost to BU Discovered

35% $60
consumption—achieved cost reduction of

by showing BUs physical vs virtual costs

40% growth in app spend due
to rising resource demand

Questions that will help you curb demand:

Applications and Services IT Resource Towers

. Is the proportion of costs for unique applications increasing? . Have common purchases been standardized?
. Do generic services have market equivalents? . Are IT resource costs allocated to the apps, services, and
. Are prices of IT services set routinely? business units that consume them?

. Are we offering services that duplicate compelling market Business Units

equivalents? . Is the business funding their IT consumption?
. Have our unique/value adding services been identified? . Are business volumes tracked and reported?

Following these 4 steps is not a one-and-done activity—you need to make fast, credible, data-driven optimization decisions on an ongoing basis. Doing
this in manual spreadsheets is unsustainable, which is why you need purpose-built, automated IT cost analytics in order to continuously optimize. The CIO’s Handbook for IT Cost Optimization | 11

Get Started
Apptio’s products empower business leaders to drive optimal financial performance across their
organizations. More than 60 percent of Fortune 100 enterprises trust Apptio to manage spend
across the entire IT portfolio and beyond, so that they can focus on delivering innovation. Apptio
automatically ingests and intelligently structures vast amounts of enterprise and technology
specific spend and operational data and enables users across disciplines to report, analyze, plan,
and govern their investments collaboratively, efficiently and with confidence.

For more information, please visit

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